
Part 4


Write paragraphs on the basis of the following topics, logic flows and key words listed below.

[段落模仿] 重复犯罪

The recidivism rate among criminals in modern society is extremely high. What can we do to alleviate this problem?

Paragraph 1

罪犯缺乏正确且有效的改造 无适当培训确保他们找到稳定的工作,没有为他们树立正确的道德行为榜样

与其他罪犯混在一起 其同龄人群体是由交往多年的罪犯组成 结果不难预测

缺乏工作机会 难以重新融入社会 合法选择少,非法的选择就更具吸引力

Key words

high recidivism rate; convicted criminals; lack of; proper and effective rehabilitation; proper training; suitable role models; correct moral behaviour; mix with; a peer group; be comprised of; socialise; predictable results; available employment; the average convicted criminal; few options; reintegrate into modern society; legitimate options; illegitimate; more attractive






Paragraph 2

通过适当的教育、职业培训和改造的方式,让罪犯有机会重新回归社会 通过消除犯罪的主要动机从而减少再次犯罪的可能性

对罪犯严密监控 知道自己受到监视,所有举动受到监督,不太可能出现违法举动


Key words

proper education; rehabilitation; reintegrate and succeed in society; resort to criminal behaviour; remove the main motivation; drastically; reoccur; close supervision; be released into society; be watched; be supervised; illegal






[话题扩展] 司机违法驾驶行为

Many people believe that the best way to prevent unsafe driving actions is to impose severe penalties. Others, however, believe that severe penalties would not be effective and other methods should be used to dissuade reckless drivers. Please discuss both of these views and state your own opinion.

Paragraph 1

对违规驾驶者的严厉惩罚可以遏制其危险行为 (有各种惩罚违法驾驶员的方法 轻微罚款、吊销执照、参加学习、监狱服刑 让违法驾驶成为不当行为 对他们的日程安排、履历以及财务造成难以承受的负担 司机在高速路上谨慎驾驶,避免造成严重的后果)


Key words

limit unsafe practices; severe penalties; offending drivers; act as a deterrent; indulge in risky behaviours; impose; law-breaking drivers; small fines; license suspension; driver awareness courses; prison sentence; breaking the law; unsuitable; more of a burden on…; schedule; record; wallet; be diligent and respectful; on the motorway; negative consequences






Paragraph 2

有许多积极的方法激励人们成为安全驾驶的司机 教育:驾驶前接受适当安全教育 驾驶员标准化课程、驾驶考试(增加难度,旨在考查基本驾驶技术,倡导好的驾驶行为)

更加注重使用有效的道路安全标志 增加标志,使用减速带和弯道减缓车辆速度,在显著位置合理安装摄像头用来威慑和抓住违法者

投资改善公共交通 减少交通拥堵,鼓励人们把车留在家里


Key words

education; start to drive; as a curriculum-based classroom exercise; be standardised for all target drivers; as a driving test; be increased in difficulty; be modeled; show basic skills; promote good behaviour; more attention; more efficient and safer road signs; more signs; speed bumps; road bends; slow traffic; well-paced; visible; speed cameras; deter offenders; as much as; catch offenders; national governments and local councils alike; invest; more and better public transportation; decrease congestion; provide an incentive; leave their cars at home





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