
Part 1



A large number of first time offenders leave prison only to commit another crime and return to incarceration. Personally, I believe that this is caused mainly by a lack of rehabilitation while in prison and a lack of employment opportunities when they are released back into society. There are a number of solutions that I believe we as a society must implement to fix this problem.

First, one of the main reasons for today's high recidivism rate among convicted criminals is the lack of proper and effective rehabilitation. To summarize, offenders are not provided with proper training to ensure that they can find steady employment and they are not being given suitable role models that would show them correct moral behaviour. Instead, offenders seem to mix with other criminals and when your peer group becomes entirely other criminals, the results are fairly predictable. Secondly, the lack of available employment for the average convicted criminal leaves very few options to allow them to reintegrate into modern society. When they are provided with few legitimate options, the illegitimate ones become much more attractive.

There are two effective solutions to the problem of high recidivism. >One is to ensure that, through proper education, job training and rehabilitation, the prisoner is given a chance to reintegrate and succeed in society without resorting to criminal behaviour. By removing the main motivation for that crime to occur, you can drastically lower the chance that it will reoccur. Another method involves close supervision of that prisoner once he is released into society. If the criminals know that they are being watched and their every move is being supervised, it is much less likely that one of those moves will be an illegal one.

In conclusion, a combination of rehabilitation, job training, moral support and close and effective supervision would show a quick and sharp decline in the recidivism rate of today's prison population.





总之,如果将改造、职业培训、道德支持以及严密有效的监督结合起来,那么监狱里罪犯的重复犯罪率就会急剧地下降。 N2t2+RzgVgEl2fHlxMxfqSYMpnVwvejY2jOCTivi946dosjcQADCcAjCDj5A3Q8j
