
Part 4


Please write paragraphs on the basis of the following topics, logic flows and key words listed below.

[段落模仿] 现代社会中的人际关系

In today's modern society, many people believe that we have become more dependent on each other, while others believe that those same societal changes have made us more independent. Please discuss each view and support your opinion.

Paragraph 1

生活复杂艰辛( 生活成本太高) 依赖父母的存款购房;没有家人帮助无法支付按揭贷款

社会使人更加雄心勃勃,奋发向上 全职工作促进人们事业发展、确保孩子成功 依赖祖父母、保姆、托儿所照看孩子


Key words

more complex and difficult; the cost of living; exponentially greater; generations past; savings; enter the property market; afford; mortgage; ambitious; driven; strive upward; work full-time; advance in one's careers; ensure success; daycare






Paragraph 2

家庭成员因为职业或教育机会而离开并搬到别处 无法像以前那样依赖家人的情感支持、指导或照顾孩子

国外旅行、出国留学或工作 远离家庭,适应新的文化和思维方式

很多人在家工作 因特网的普及和家庭办公室的兴起


Key words

valid; disperse; career or educational opportunities; emotional support or guidance; in the same way as before; see more of the world; travel overseas; employment; take sb. away from; adjust to; cultures and thought processes; from the comfort of; one's own home; unbiquitousness; the rise of home office






[话题扩展] 科技对交流方式的影响

The ways in which people interact have drastically changed in the last twenty years thanks to the rise of the Internet. In what ways has this changed the way we communicate as people? Do you feel that this has been a positive or negative development?

Paragraph 1

现代通讯和互联网的兴起 不同国家的商人可以方便、有效地沟通,无须面对面交流

视频会议(Skype, WeChat video等)的应用 老师和学生可以在家里上课,有时甚至在不同的国家



Key words

change ( v. ); approach; modern life; personal relationships; business colleagues; school routines; modern telecommunications; interact; meet face-to-face; video conferencing services; conduct entire classes; from the comfort of one's own home; different continents; social networks; find and interact with; new friends; meet…in person






Paragraph 2

积极:现代通讯让国家之间的交流变得非常容易,就像看手机或电脑屏幕一样轻松 过去,远距离交流极其困难,尤其是远距离协调大型业务和个人关系 今天,同地球另一端的人交流非常容易,就像在大街上与人交流 各种选择—电子邮件、视频或语音聊天(限制因素:时区和时间安排)

消极:年轻人实际上正在变得更加与同龄人疏离( 社交网络和网络聊天的普及) 年轻人选择在网上聊天而不是在现实生活中交流 缺乏人际交往被证明在心理上是有害的;网上的友情不像传统友情那样令人感到满足或有成就感

Key words

developments; in extremely positive manner; modern telecommunications; com-munication between countries and continents; look at your phone or laptop monitor; coordinate large operations or even personal relationships over long distances; down the street; on the opposite side of the planet; myriad options; time zones; scheduling; become isolated from peers; prevalence; social networking online chatting; socialize with peers; interact with sb.; in real world; actual human communication; psychologically harmful; satisfying or fulfilling





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