

The Puzzle Writers in Egypt

People Who Lived in Caves
The Tomb Builders

The Kings of the Jews

The People Who Made Our ABC's

Hard as Nails

The Crown of Leaves

A Bad Beginning

Fighting Mad

Kings with corkscrew curls

A Surprise Party

A City of Wonders and Wickedness

The Other Side ofthe World:India

Greece vs. Persia

All the Way Around the World in China

Rich Man, Poor Man

Rome Kicks out Her Kings

One Against a Thosand

The Golden Age
When Greek Meets Greek

Wise Men and Otherwise

The New Champion of the World

An Emperor Who Was Made a God

Blood and Thunder

Barbarian Invaders

Being Good

Two Emprires, Two Emperors

The End of the World

A Great Adventure

A Great Story Teller

The Age of Miracles

This page is not for you, boys and girls. It is for that old man or woman—twenty, thirty, or forty years old, who may peek into this book; and is what they would call the nN4Z9lzdAA2R8Nsa1cITUoHHkgejUTTSAQkoyyrrwyP7AYw+7YNnpzyKutZ8rLJ6


To give the child some idea of what has gone on in the world before he arrived;

To take him out of his little self-centered, shut-in life, which looms so large because it is so close to his eyes;

To extend his horizon, broaden his view, and open up the vists down the ages past;

To acquaint him with some of the big events and great names and fix these in time and space as a basis for detailed study in the future;

To give him a chronological file with main guides, into which he can fit in its proper place all his further historical study —

Is the purpose of this first SURVEY OF THE WORLD’S HISTORY.

This part is not for you, either. It is for your father, mother, or teacher, and is what they would call the—— nN4Z9lzdAA2R8Nsa1cITUoHHkgejUTTSAQkoyyrrwyP7AYw+7YNnpzyKutZ8rLJ6
