
Rotating Neutron Stars as the Origin of the Pulsating Radio Sources

T. Gold

Editor’s Note

Three months after the publication above, Thomas Gold published his explanation of how pulsars function. The essential ingredients of his scheme are that pulsars are indeed neutron stars, that there must be intense magnetic fields associated with such structures and that the magnetic fields would generate intense radiation in the microwave (ultra-short radio waves) region of the spectrum. In Gold’s view, the pulsation of these stars arose not from some kind of internal vibration as suggested by Hewish, but because the magnetic field generates “directional beams rotating like a lighthouse beacon”. He made two predictions: the rate of rotation of a pulsar would decrease slowly but steadily with time and pulsars with a period of 1 second would be found to represent “the slow end of the distribution”. Both predictions have been proved correct. 中文

THE case that neutron stars are responsible for the recently discovered pulsating radio sources 1-6 appears to be a strong one. No other theoretically known astronomical object would possess such short and accurate periodicities as those observed, ranging from 1.33 to 0.25 s. Higher harmonics of a lower fundamental frequency that may be possessed by a white dwarf have been mentioned; but the detailed fine structure of several short pulses repeating in each repetition cycle makes any such explanation very unlikely. Since the distances are known approximately from interstellar dispersion of the different radio frequencies, it is clear that the emission per unit emitting volume must be very high; the size of the region emitting any one pulse can, after all, not be much larger than the distance light travels in the few milliseconds that represent the lengths of the individual pulses. No such concentrations of energy can be visualized except in the presence of an intense gravitational field. 中文

The great precision of the constancy of the intrinsic period also suggests that we are dealing with a massive object, rather than merely with some plasma physical configuration. Accuracies of one part in 10 8 belong to the realm of celestial mechanics of massive objects, rather than to that of plasma physics. 中文

It is a consequence of the virial theorem that the lowest mode of oscillation of a star must always have a period which is of the same order of magnitude as the period of the fastest rotation it may possess without rupture. The range of 1.5 s to 0.25 s represents periods that are all longer than the periods of the lowest modes of neutron stars. They would all be periods in which a neutron star could rotate without excessive flattening. It is doubtful that the fundamental frequency of pulsation of a neutron star could ever be so long (ref. 7 and unpublished work of A. G. W. Cameron). If the rotation period dictates the repetition rate, the fine structure of the observed pulses would represent directional beams rotating like a lighthouse beacon. The different types of fine structure observed in the different sources would then have to be attributed to the particular asymmetries of each star (the “sunspots”, perhaps). In such a model, time variations in the intensity of emission will have no effect on the precise phase in the repetition period where each pulse appears; and this is indeed a striking observational fact. A fine structure of pulses could be generated within the repetition period, depending only on the distribution of emission regions around the circumference of the star. Similarly, a fine structure in polarization may be generated, for each region may produce a different polarization or be overlaid by a different Faraday-rotating medium. A single pulsating region, on the other hand, could scarcely generate a repetitive fine structure in polarization as seems to have been observed now 8 . 中文

There are as yet not really enough clues to identify the mechanism of radio emission. It could be a process deriving its energy from some source of internal energy of the star, and thus as difficult to analyse as solar activity. But there is another possibility, namely, that the emission derives its energy from the rotational energy of the star (very likely the principal remaining energy source), and is a result of relativistic effects in a co-rotating magnetosphere. 中文

In the vicinity of a rotating star possessing a magnetic field there would normally be a co-rotating magnetosphere. Beyond some distance, external influences would dominate, and co-rotation would cease. In the case of a fast rotating neutron star with strong surface fields, the distance out to which co-rotation would be enforced may well be close to that at which co-rotation would imply motion at the speed of light. The mechanism by which the plasma will be restrained from reaching the velocity of light will be that of radiation of the relativistically moving plasma, creating a radiation reaction adequate to overcome the magnetic force. The properties of such a relativistic magnetosphere have not yet been explored, and indeed our understanding of relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics is very limited. In the present case the coupling to the electromagnetic radiation field would assume a major role in the bulk dynamical behaviour of the magnetosphere. 中文

The evidence so far shows that pulses occupy about 1/30 of the time of each repetition period. This limits the region responsible to dimensions of the order of 1/30 of the circumference of the “velocity of light circle”. In the radial direction equally, dimensions must be small; one would suspect small enough to make the pulse rise-times comparable with or larger than the flight time of light across the region that is responsible. This would imply that the radiation emanates from the plasma that is moving within 1 percent of the velocity of light. That is the region of velocity where radiation effects would in any case be expected to become important. 中文

The axial asymmetry that is implied needs further comment. A magnetic field of a neutron star may well have a strength of 10 12 gauss at the surface of the 10 km object. At the “velocity of light circle”, the circumference of which for the observed periods would range from 4×10 10 to 0.75×10 10 cm, such a field will be down to values of the order of 10 3 –10 4 gauss (decreasing with distance slower than the inverse cube law of an undisturbed dipole field. A field pulled out radially by the stress of the centrifugal force of a whirling plasma would decay as an inverse square law with radius). Asymmetries in the radiation could arise either through the field or the plasma content being non-axially symmetric. A skew and non-dipole field may well result from the explosive event that gave rise to the neutron star; and the access to plasma of certain tubes of force may be dependent on surface inhomogeneities of the star where sufficiently hot or energetic plasma can be produced to lift itself away from the intense gravitational field (10–100 MeV for protons; much less for space charge neutralized electron-positron beams). 中文

The observed distribution of amplitudes of pulses makes it very unlikely that a modulation mechanism can be responsible for the variability (unpublished results of P. A. G. Scheuer and observations made at Cornell’s Arecibo Ionospheric Observatory) but rather the effect has to be understood in a variability of the emission mechanism. In that case the observed very sharp dependence of the instantaneous intensity on frequency (1 MHz change in the observation band gives a substantially different pulse amplitude) represents a very narrow-band emission mechanism, much narrower than synchrotron emission, for example. A coherent mechanism is then indicated, as is also necessary to account for the intensity of the emission per unit area that can be estimated from the lengths of the sub-pulses. Such a coherent mechanism would represent non-uniform static configurations of charges in the relativistically rotating region. Non-uniform distributions at rest in a magnetic field are more readily set up and maintained than in the case of high individual speeds of charges, and thus the configuration discussed here may be particularly favourable for the generation of a coherent radiation mechanism. 中文

If this basic picture is the correct one it may be possible to find a slight, but steady, slowing down of the observed repetition frequencies. Also, one would then suspect that more sources exist with higher rather than lower repetition frequency, because the rotation rates of neutron stars are capable of going up to more than 100/s, and the observed periods would seem to represent the slow end of the distribution. 中文

Work in this subject at Cornell is supported by a contract from the US Office of Naval Research. 中文

( 218 , 731-732; 1968)

T. Gold: Center for Radiophysics and Space Research, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

Received May 20, 1968.

References: omz3Ugcd3LxhahaB4MrL+lzt7rHELWzh5I+aEnu1YF/qsk9NKBI5VriGRw9TYRmK

  1. Hewish, A., Bell, S. J., Pilkington, J. D. H., Scott, P. F., and Collins, R. A., Nature , 217 , 709 (1968).
  2. Pilkington, J. D. H., Hewish, A., Bell, S. J., and Cole, T. W., Nature , 218 , 126 (1968).
  3. Drake, F. D., Gundermann, E. J., Jauncey, D. L., Comella, J. M., Zeissig, G. A., and Craft, jun., H. D., Science , 160 , 503 (1968).
  4. Drake, F. D., Science (in the press).
  5. Drake, F. D., and Craft, jun., H. D., Science , 160 , 758 (1968).
  6. Tanenbaum, B. S., Zeissig, G. A., and Drake, F. D., Science (in the press).
  7. Thorne, K. S., and Ipser, J. R., Ap. J . (in the press).
  8. Lyne, A. G., and Smith, F. G., Nature , 218, 124 (1968).