



Task 1

A company plans to introduce a new eBook reader to the market and five employees from the Marketing Department are invited to use the product and give feedback. You will hear five short extracts from their feedback. After that, five questions will be asked on what each speaker has mainly talked about. Give oral answers, summarizing each speaker's message in ONE sentence only. Answer each question within 15 seconds after you hear a tone. Note-taking is allowed while you listen.

Q1: What did the first speaker mainly talk about?

Q2: What did the second speaker mainly talk about?

Q3: What did the third speaker mainly talk about?

Q4: What did the fourth speaker mainly talk about?

Q5: What did the fifth speaker mainly talk about?


Speaker 1: The touch screen is a delightful surprise. Tapping the edge of the screen to turn the page is incredibly easy and less intrusive than pushing a button, which was always a little jarring reminder that I wasn't, in fact, reading a paperback. The small, quick tap of my thumb on the edge of the screen has become almost like a reflex and I don't notice it anymore; it feels natural.

Speaker 2: Although our eBook reader is cheaper, our competitor has a better display resolution. They look just about the same, and at first glance you don't notice a big difference. But close-up words and pictures are not as clear or as sharp on ours. If a buyer is very particular about the quality of the screen, he probably would not choose our product.

Speaker 3: I don't like the touch screen. If you are reading and want to go into another room, by the time you have carried it there the touch screen will have changed so much you'd spend a good amount of time trying to get back to the page you were on. Same problem if your cat jumps up on you and you need to put the eBook down in a hurry to get the claws out of your chest.

Speaker 4: In brief, why purchase this eBook reader instead of our main competitor, Kindle? Because it is less expensive and can do everything that the more expensive Kindle models do – it runs the same e-reader software, it has the same processor as the more expensive models, and it downloads books via Wi-Fi. It has exactly as much storage for books as any other current Kindle model, 4 GB, enough for “thousands” of books.

Speaker 5: I don't think this product should be positioned as a Kindle for less. It has its own unique features. For instance it is thinner and lighter, and it has Bluetooth! It also offers way more color options than black and white. I know buyers are going to compare,but we need to stress those features.

Task 2

You are going to read a bar chart about the major expenses of a company based in Beijing. After that, you will be asked eight questions. You should give oral answers and each of your answers should be brief. You will have 90 seconds to read the chart and you must answer each question within 15 seconds after you hear a tone.


Q1. How much did the company pay in rent in 2014?

Q2. For rent costs, which was the fastest growth year?

Q3. Which expense sector has had steady growth over the past three years?

Q4. What was the biggest expense in the year 2016?

Q5. Which expense was second highest in 2016?

Q6. For salary, which year saw sharp growth?

Q7. Which expense sector has decreased over these three years?

Q8. In which year did other expenses decline sharply?

Task 3

Read the following passage about an IT company, Weihua. Introduce the business to your client by summarizing the main features of the company. You will have 3 minutes to read the passage, 90 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.

Together with telecom carriers, Weihua has built over 1,500 networks, helping over one-third of the world's population to connect to the Internet. Together with our enterprise customers, we employ flexible enterprise networks, including open cloud networks, to drive efficient operations and agile innovation across domains like Safe City, finance, transportation, and energy. With our smart devices and smartphones, we are improving people's digital experience in work, life, and entertainment.

Weihua advocates openness, collaboration, and shared success. Through joint innovation with our partners and peers we are expanding the value of information and communications technology (ICT) to establish a robust and symbiotic industry ecosystem. Weihua actively participates in over 300 standards organizations, industry associations, and open source communities, having submitted over 43,000 proposals to drive standardization and pave the way for more effective collaboration. We have joined forces with industry partners to innovate in emerging domains like cloud computing, software-defined networking (SDN), network functions virtualization (NFV), and 5G. Together, we are promoting ongoing, collaborative industry development.

As a responsible corporate citizen, Weihua has made a significant contribution to bridging the digital divide. We are keenly aware of the importance of telecommunications in emergency response situations: facing Ebola-affected areas in West Africa, nuclear contamination after the Japanese tsunami, and the massive earthquake that struck Sichuan, China, we hold fast in disaster zones to help restore communications networks and ensure the reliable operation of critical telecom equipment. To further promote sustainability, we develop the next generation of ICT talent with our global Seeds for the Future program, in which we give university students the opportunity to visit China, receive training, and gain frst-hand experience in the ICT industry.

Task 4

You are a training coordinator at the Human Resources Department at D-Toys International. Give a presentation to employees in the Marketing Department. Your purpose is to encourage them to join a cross-cultural communication training program. You should cover the following points:

You will have 90 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.


Task 1

Read the following passage on planning business research and use NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS to fill in each blank in the outline below.

Planning Business Research

A report about a complex business problem begins with a research plan, which becomes a guide for collecting data, analyzing data, and reporting the results of the analysis.

When a project requires extensive research, you must be sure that you are authorized to spend time or money on the project. In some situations, your job description will require that you prepare specific reports; then you need no additional authorization to initiate a research plan for that report. But you may also discover the need to analyze a unique problem related to your work; then part of your plan is to be sure you are authorized to do the research. In addition, your supervisor may ask you to work on a special project; then your research plan must include a review of the request to demonstrate that you understand what the supervisor wants.

As when preparing a simple report, you must have a clear understanding of your audience, both primary and secondary. The authorization facts may tell you who the receivers are, or you may need to determine who they will be. When you initiate a research plan, decide whom you want to influence with the report. Sometimes you cannot determine the full audience until you have clearly defined the problem. The definition of the problem may provide a clearer view of potential audience for the report.

As the problem is the central focus of the research, a clear, concise statement of the problem keeps the researcher on target. To conduct business research, you must distinguish between the managerial problem and the research problem. The observable phenomena about which a decision must be made comprise the managerial problem. Such phenomena are also called the symptoms of the problem. But a manager who looks at several symptoms may decide that a deeper problem exists. That question would become the research problem or research question.

Whereas the problem defines what is to be investigated, the purpose identifies why the research should be conducted. When the research is completed, the purpose guides the formulation of recommendations. In some situations, the problem and purpose are nearly identical. If so, they may be stated as the objective of the study, the overall outcome or goal of a report. In other cases, the problem and purpose must be differentiated from one another.

Having defined the problem and purpose, the next step is to identify the scope of the investigation. You will identify the specific factors or elements to be analyzed. A perfect study would investigate all the possible aspects of the research question. But time and money constraints require that you focus your study on the factors most likely to yield relevant data. Preliminary research often leads to the identification of those elements. After identifying the factors, you will concentrate the remainder of your research on those items.

Two concepts, delimitations and limitations, relate to narrowing the project's scope. Delimitations are the additional boundaries or restrictions that you place on the study, while limitations are the potential shortcomings or inadequacies of the study. Some limitations arise from circumstances beyond your control; others derive from the way you define the scope and delimitations. Stating delimitations tends to clarify and refine the scope; stating limitations demonstrates that the researcher understands and is willing to acknowledge the weaknesses of the proposed study.

Having done all these, you are now ready to plan how you will collect relevant data.

Planning Business Research: An Outline

I. Obtain or review authorization

  • Need no additional authorization if 1 _____;
  • Seek additional authorization when mandated by the situation;
  • Review 2 _____.

II. 3 _____

  • Refer to 4 _____;
  • Define the problem clearly.

III. Define the problem

  • Identify managerial problems which are 5 _____;
  • Specify the research question which lies behind managerial problems.

IV. Clarify the purpose

  • 6 _____ when the problem and purpose are identical;
  • State the purpose and problem independently when different.

V. 7 _____

  • Identify specific factors or elements for analysis;
  • Conduct 8 _____ for this purpose.

VI. State delimitations and limitations

  • State delimitations to set 9 _____;
  • State limitations to recognize 10 _____.

VII. Prepare to collect relevant data

Task 2

Read the passage about Uber, the on-demand car service, and answer the questions by choosing the correct option.

The Wrong Reasons to Fear Uber

I. (1) Recently there has been a lot of negative reports about Uber. (2) A few cities are stepping up their efforts to regulate Uber's business, and a tiny but growing “DeleteUber” sentiment has been stirred up. (3) But the accusations against Uber are misguided in two profound ways. (4) First, none of the reported violations have proved to be real threats or concerns; second, Uber does present a potential risk, but it is going completely unnoticed.

Cheating authorities?

II. (1) Uber was using a program known as Grayball to disable its ridesharing APP when riders are suspected to be violating its terms of service. (2) Designed initially to block banned users, the program was latter adapted to avoid government inspections. (3) Being out of the government's control, Uber is viewed as a threat in some cities such as Portland and Austin. As a result, in some European countries Uber has been temporarily or permanently banned. (4) It's true that there is something furtive in using such “cheats” to escape law enforcement but I regard the government's banning operation against Uber as more disturbing, at least from a customer's point of view. (5) I happened to visit Portland on the day the city lifted a three-month suspension of Uber's service. Unable to get an Uber ride from the airport hotel that morning, I paid $42 for a regular cab ride (taking an unnecessarily long route with a driver chatting on his phone the entire time). Later that day, when the regulatory ban on Uber ended, my UberX return trip – in a clean car with a polite driver – cost less than $20. (6) This might help explain why consumers are switching away from the regulated taxi sector.

Cheating drivers?

III. (1) Another accusation against Uber is that in its poor welfare system its drivers are treated badly. (2) Indeed, Uber treats its drivers as contractors, not employees, which means that they are not provided with workplace protections and benefits. However, unlike ordinary employees, Uber drivers are free to work as much or as little as they want. They provide their own “tools” (cars) and bear their own expenses. (3) Eighty percent of Uber drivers work less than 34 hours per week, whereas only 20% of taxi drivers enjoy such freedom and Uber drivers also earn more per hour. (4) A research done by a group from New York University suggests that the Uber drivers' satisfaction levels are relatively high, tampered only by recent declines in fares passengers pay.

Cheating society?

IV. (1) Uber fought with California over the requirement to get permits to test its autonomous vehicles. (2) California should applaud rather than tax Uber-the-experimenter for pushing the driverless technology rapidly into markets. (3) Famously, Uber does not conduct drivers’ background checks. (4) New York's Mayor wanted to limit Uber's operations, citing safety concerns. (5) But are Uber's drivers more dangerous? (6) No, data shows that ridesharing services lower the rate of DUIs and fatal accidents, potentially saving up to 500 lives annually.

V. (1) There are also episodic complaints about Uber's internal culture and management – claims of sexual harassment, chauvinism and intimidation of critics. (2) Evidenced by the company's periodic “profound apology”, these are nasty incidents that ought to be punished, but they have zero bearing on the quality or value of the consumer experience and the income opportunities Uber provides.

Uber's real threat…

VI. … is market power. Traditional taxi prices – even when regulated – are not much above cost. But Uber is increasingly displacing the old taxi model. And the ridesharing network is a platform, which, like social networks, the larger it is, the more valuable it will be. Riders prefer a network with many cars roaming the neighborhood, and drivers prefer a network with more rider-subscribers. Uber, in economic terms, is building a natural monopoly.

VII. (1) Once it achieves transportation dominance, what would stop Uber from raising prices? (2) It already uses “surge pricing” at intervals with excess demand. (3) And will it service the remote locations that taxi companies are currently required by law to reach? (4) It is hard to imagine that Uber's pace of innovation would slow down, but the market power it secures would eventually erode its most desirable feature: low fares.


1. Which sentence in Para. I best summarizes the main idea of the whole passage? _____

2. Which sentence in Para. II states an opinion?_____

3. Which sentence in Para. II provides evidence to explain Uber's popularity?

4. Which sentence in Para. III represents the opposing opinion?_____

5. Which sentence in Para. III is a factual source?_____

6. Which sentence in Para. III is an experts' opinion? _____

7. Which sentence in Para. IV is an opinion? _____

8. Which sentence in Para. IV indicates the research result? _____

9. Which sentence in Para. V is the author's opinion? _____

10. Which sentence in Para. VII makes a prediction? _____

Task 3

Read part of an email below from Anna Brown, an account executive of Buzz Advertising.

I wanted to let you know that we had a staff meeting in the morning even though you were unable to attend. Bob informed everyone about the progress made by our department in reaching out to the Tianjin market.

We also discussed some issues related to confidentiality of data filings and the budget update. You will find the detailed description on your desk.

Please get back to me with any questions or concerns that you may have.

Write an email to Ms. Brown:

Write about 70 words within 20 minutes.

Task 4

You work for a well-known fashion magazine. Despite best efforts, its circulation has dropped recently and employee morale is low. You and some of your colleagues have been asked to conduct an anonymous survey among employees to suggest ideas to motivate staff and improve morale. The comments on the following list are those most frequently mentioned by the employees in the survey (in order of their frequency):

  • voice not heard
  • unreasonable deadlines
  • no clear company vision
  • stress
  • poor communication
  • no team spirit
  • rumors of lay-offs
  • few development opportunities

Write a proposal for the manager which includes:

Write 150–200 words within 30 minutes.



Task 1





1. 正确理解题目

题目说明 You will hear five short extracts from their feedback . After that, five questions will be asked on what each speaker has mainly talked about .提示考生注意:第一,笔记需要记录五段发言,不能记错发言顺序;第二,要理解每位发言人所做的反馈;第三,要关注发言的主旨大意,而不是细节。题目说明 Give oral answers, summarizing each speaker's message in ONE sentence only .提示考生注意:考试时间有限,只能用一句话做简短回答;记笔记时,应着重记录相关内容。题目说明 Answer each question within 15 seconds after you hear a tone.提示考生需要根据自身情况,安排好15秒以内的发言内容。

2. 边听边记笔记


Speaker 1: The touch screen is a delightful surprise . Tapping the edge of the screen to turn the page is incredibly easy and less intrusive than pushing a button, which was always a little jarring reminder that I wasn't, in fact, reading a paperback. The small, quick tap of my thumb on the edge of the screen has become almost like a reflex and I don't notice it anymore; it feels natural .

发言1第一句话中就表明了主题: the touch screen, a delightful surprise, 后面几句话也都包含了 screen这一主题词,因此考生应该把 screen记录下来。同时,后面的句子也具体说明了触屏的特点,给用户带来什么样的 delightful surprise,发言人用了 incredibly easy和 feels natural这样的词语进行具体描述。从这些词语看,发言人的发言大意是关于用户的感受,而非产品使用说明,更不是同类产品功能比较。


例如:在第一位发言人的评论 The touch screen is a delightful surprise中,考生可以记录下来 the touch screen和 delightful surprise等词,然后在 surprise后面记录使用感受,以备之后总结用。

3. 准备总结发言

除了标注关键词语(比如第一个发言中的 the touch screen)之外,考生应对每个发言有一个总体的认识,并概括性地表述出来。例如:

发言1强调了用户体验,因此可以用 experience一词,通过表述所用词语可以直接判断出这个触屏很好用。

发言2通过比较本产品和同类产品在价格、分辨率方面的优劣,得出的结论是画面质量略逊一筹,关键词语是 the quality of the screen。

发言3抱怨触屏页面会发生变化:the touch screen will have changed。

发言4自问自答,总结了这款电子书阅读器如何物美价廉: less expensive and can do everything that the more expensive Kindle models do。

发言5表达如何定位这款电子书阅读器:It has its own unique features。

4. 注意口语表达




Task 2






样题所给的数据图是关于一家公司的主要费用开支情况。Q1. How much did the company pay in rent in 2014? 就是典型的单个数据描述问题,考生只要看一下2014年rent对应的数值,就可以直接回答问题。答案可以是一个短语,也可以是一个简短的句子,只要信息正确都得分。所以,对于 Q1,考生可以这样回答:Two million (yuan)/They paid two million (yuan)/It paid two million (yuan).

样题的 Q2、Q4和 Q5要求考生对两个或两个以上的数据进行比较,然后回答问题。 Q2. For rent costs, which was the fastest growth year?需要考生比较一下2014—2015年和2015—2016年 rent的增长幅度。显然, 2015年的增长幅度比2016年的增长幅度大,所以,考生应回答说: 2015/It's 2015. Q4. What was the biggest expense in the year 2016?是比较2016年所有费用开支的多少,结果发现是 salary开支最多,所以,答案是 Salary/The biggest expense in 2016 was salary. Q5. Which expense was second highest in 2016? 仍然是比较2016年所有费用的多少,找出费用开支第二多的项目,答案是 Rent/Rent was second highest in 2016.

Q3、Q6、Q7和 Q8是对数据增长或减少进行描述方面的问题。 Q3. Which expense sector has had steady growth over the past three years?要求考生回答哪一块开支呈现平稳增长; Q6. For salary, which year saw sharp growth?是问哪一年工资开支急剧增长;Q7. Which expense sector has decreased over these three years?需要考生找出哪一块开支呈现减少的趋势;Q8. In which year did other expenses decline sharply?是问其他开支在哪一年呈现大幅度减少。同理,考生可以用短语或者完整的句子对这些问题进行问答。答案如下:

Q3. Transport/Transport has grown steadily over the past three years.

Q6. 2015/2015 saw sharp growth in salary.

Q7. Other Expenses/Other expenses have decreased over these three years.

Q8. In 2015/Other expenses declined sharply in 2015.



Task 3






第一段的重要信息有: helping over one-third of the world's population to connect to the Internet和improving people's digital experience in work, life, and entertainment。

第二段的重要信息有:advocate openness, collaboration, and shared success和promoting ongoing, collaborative industry development。

第三段的重要信息有:bridging the digital divide和further promote sustainability。

考生应根据文中的这些重要信息,在90秒内进行快速梳理并组织语言,介绍的内容要点应该包括 : help over one-third of the world's population to connect to the Internet and improve people's life experience; advocate openness, collaboration and shared success and promote industry development; bridge the digital divide and drive sustainable development等。



Task 4




考生应仔细阅读和体会场景信息,透彻领会演讲者身份、听众身份、演讲内容以及演讲目的,然后通过场景想象将自己充分代入虚拟演讲者身份,完成演讲任务。演讲内容要结构合理:首先,问候听众,并以一两句话作引,开门见山,概述本次演讲的主题和主要内容;其次,具体阐述三点核心内容,并就各点内容适当展开,可使用firstly, secondly, furthermore, in addition, on the contrary, lastly等词汇突出演讲内容的条理性和逻辑性;最后,应以一两句话总结收尾,加强听众对演讲核心内容的印象。现以样题为例进行分析:

根据背景和场景描述,演讲者为一家国际玩具公司人力资源部门的员工培训协调员(a training coordinator at the Human Resources Department at D-Toys International),听众为市场营销部门员工(employees in the Marketing Department),演讲内容为阐释跨文化交际培训项目对市场营销部门员工的三点益处(a cross-cultural communication training program),演讲目的为让听众充分领会培训项目对他们个人的意义并说服他们主动参加培训项目(to encourage them to join)。

综合分析以上信息后,考生应该领会以下要点:(1)这是一次公司内部演讲,演讲者和听众不存在上下级关系,演讲场景氛围相对较为轻松,语气不应太过刻板和强硬,比如避免使用祈使句以及类似must, should等语气较为强硬的情态动词,尽量使用could, would, maybe等语气较为柔和的词语,否则难以达到劝说效果;(2)公司有国际背景,市场营销部门的工作人员应该具有一定的跨文化交际意识和需求,应该有参加此类培训的意愿,所以,让他们领会到培训的回报会大于他们将需要因此而投入的时间和精力,比单纯跟他们讲培训的益处更重要,例如,建议听众consider it as an investment以及look into the future等;(3)对三点演讲要点的阐述要紧贴听众“市场营销部门员工”的身份展开,充分说明跨文化交际培训对他们个人的受益点,而非大而化之的抽象理论和大道理,例如,比起说Cross-cultural communication skills are important for understanding other cultures这样的抽象道理,不如说You are in the Marketing Department and you may need to work with people from another culture. Joining the training program will help you work with them better.





Task 1




1. 快速通读全文,了解文章的主旨和大致结构


由样题的文章题目Planning Business Research可以推断文章将围绕介绍如何计划开展研究这一主题展开,所以,考生阅读的重点要放在针对这一主题作者提出了哪些方法和建议。很明显,样题第一段是主题段落,在这一段作者把开展研究这一话题具体到了研究报告撰写这一具体方面,并对如何撰写报告给出具体的方法和建议。之后的几段都是具体陈述段落,为达到提出具体方法和建议这一目的,作者使用了比较明显的句型或短语,如祈使句、the next step等。最后一段为总结段落,作者使用了Having done all these这样承上启下的信息,提示考生应把之前提到的“所有步骤”在文章中进行区分和提炼。

2. 对文章结构进行划分和具体分析


在样题中,作者通过六个段落从六个角度对如何撰写研究报告进行了阐述,每个段落的第一句为该段的主题句,之后在每个段落中针对每个主题又进行了具体陈述。考生在进行分析和提炼时,要特别注意主要信息和关键词的提炼,以及利用关联词对层次进行更好的划分。以样题第二段为例。从第一句主题句中可以发现最核心的关键词是 authorized,即核心思想是需要获得授权。而在该段中,针对授权作者从三个方面进行了具体阐述。作者首先通过短语 In some situations给出了第一种情况,即针对 specific reports的要求是need no additional authorization;然后通过 But, also提示第二种情况,即与第一种情况相反的情况和做法;最后通过In addition引出第三种情况,即针对 a special project的要求是a review of the request。

3. 着手进行题目解答


样题是一篇针对如何撰写报告给出具体的方法和建议的文章,针对该文体特点,在进行结构分析时采用了相应的“ v.+n. ”形式,所以,考生答题时也应采取同样形式。例如样题第三空,主题句的关键信息是 a clear understanding of your audience,如果直接使用这个信息既与整个文体不相符,也不符合字数要求,通过分析可知此处作者是指在撰写报告时要分清报告所面对的对象是谁,因此通过改写可以将答案写成: clarify the audience。再如第七空,主题句的关键信息是 identify the scope,与文体相符,也符合字数要求,因此可以直接用作答案。另外,从后文的具体描述可以看出,作者强调的是由于time and money constraints,需要focus your study on the factors most likely to yield relevant data,因此,该题答案也可以提炼成:narrow the scope。



Task 2






第二题:第二段哪一句陈述了一个观点?甄别事实和观点是研读材料所要具备的基本能力之一。事实性的信息是独立于主观意志存在的,但是观点性的信息会带有主观印记,经常出现在 think, should, believe等词后面。第二段中提到优步在很多欧洲国家被禁,这些都是事实性的信息,但是作者在第四句中指出“虽然优步使用带有欺骗性的软件规避法律管理有失德之处,但是从消费者的角度出发,我认为政府全盘禁掉优步的做法更令人担忧。”句中出现了 I regard这种主观色彩明确的表达,因此第四句是观点性的。











Task 3




1. 在动笔撰写回信之前,考生应认真阅读题目要求,明确下列三个问题:

首先,明确身份。样题的题目说明中交代了电子邮件来自一家广告公司的客户代表(Anna Brown, an account executive of Buzz Advertising);根据电子邮件的第一句话we had a staff meeting in the morning even though you were unable to attend可推断出考生的身份是这家广告公司的雇员。此外,由电子邮件的语气可以推测,发件人可能是收件人的上级,二者也可能是平级关系。





I apologize for not being able to attend the staff meeting this morning.


The reason for my absence was that my flight from Shanghai yesterday was delayed due to a severe thunderstorm. I did not arrive in Beijing until 3 a.m. this morning.


Thank you for keeping me informed of your discussions earlier. Upon reading the budget update, however, I do have some doubts and questions. Could you perhaps explain the rationale for the change for me?

2. 在作答过程中,考生还要注意把握商务信函、电子邮件的内容和格式。






(1)日期。商务信函中日期书写应该严谨、正规。日期的标注格式可采取“月日年”形式 (May 25, 2017),也可采取“日月年”形式(25 May, 2017)。

(2)称呼。可以用Dear Mr.或Dear Ms.开头,后面加上收件人的姓或全名。以样题为例,考生在称呼部分可以写Dear Ms. Brown或Dear Ms. Anna Brown。称呼后面的标点符号一般使用逗号,也可以使用冒号。请注意在英语中很少用“职务”称呼收件人。


(4)信尾敬语。考生可选择使用Sincerely yours, Yours respectfully等;在电子邮件中,还可以使用Regards, Best regards, Best wishes等。




Task 4







Following the recent decline in the circulation of the magazine and employee morale, our team was asked by the HR manager to conduct an investigation and present suggestions for boosting staff motivation and morale. This proposal outlines the findings of the investigation and offers several recommendations.


The employee survey reveals that the most widespread dissatisfaction is with communication, both upward and downward. Employees find it difficult for their opinions to reach the management and feel generally in the dark about our company vision and policies.

Another common complaint has to do with workload. Our staff report considerable work-related stress and frustration over tight deadlines.

Lastly, uncertainty about personal and corporate future is also prevalent. This may have been partly caused by the absence of a well communicated company vision. But the pessimistic outlook results also from insufficient development opportunities and lack of team spirit.

In conclusion, the main issues that have negatively impacted staff morale are poor communication, work-related stress and unclear future development.


Employees should be encouraged to give ideas and suggestions through small-group meetings and company newsletters and rewards should be provided for the best ideas.

It is also recommended that team-building activities be organized, such as participating in events like the Color Run or inter-company competitions.



对考生完成“撰写提案”任务的一些建议: Qaf9OlFeD93UB5EupvruhUNXfgP54oeba3Bt2th3C/SLd69HXtit2N9BxvVpQ7fr
