



Task 1

You will hear eight short conversations between Speaker A and Speaker B. Each conversation will be played only ONCE. You will then hear Speaker A again. After that, please reproduce Speaker B's reply exactly as you have just heard it.

You must respond within 15 seconds after you hear a tone. Note-taking is allowed while you listen.


  1. A: Where was your company founded?
    B: In the City of London, U. K.
  2. A: Hi, Tom. How was your flight?
    B: Good, I enjoyed the food and drink very much.
  3. A: Excuse me. Let me check your car license plate number.
    B: Of course. It's V-I-C-4-6-7-8.
  4. A: How many days will you stay here?
    B: Five, three on business and two days sightseeing.
  5. A:Welcome to the Science and Technology Show. What can I do for you?
    B: Thank you. I need to check the Show schedule.
  6. A: Is this your first time in Beijing?
    B: Oh, no. I have been here three times before on business.
  7. A:Which city do you prefer, Beijing or Shanghai?
    B: I prefer Beijing for its historical and cultural attractions.
  8. A: I've had a wonderful time today working with you.
    B: Me too. I'm looking forward to seeing you again in New York.

Task 2

You will hear a conversation between a customer and a customer service representative. The conversation will be played TWICE.

Complete the telephone message by filling in the blanks. Write only ONE word or number in each blank.

Telephone Message

Caller's company: 1 _____
Issues complained: No user 2 _____ included in the packages
Date received: 3 _____ 13th
Total number of packages: 4 _____
Solution: The customer will provide the 5 _____ of the sales reps, and we will send the guides to them.
The customer's telephone number: 6 _____ (only available from 9:00 a.m. to 7 _____ Monday to Friday)


Representative: Hello,Alistair &Young Telephone Company. How may I help you?

Customer: Good morning, I'm George Clark from Durbrough Company.

Representative: Sorry, what's the company's name again?

Customer: Durbrough, D-U-R-B-R-O-U-G-H. I'm calling because, unfortunately, there's a problem with the order we received from you on March 13th. It seems we haven't received the user guides for the telephone systems we bought from you. We sent the supplies to our sales reps, but several of them have called to say that there are no user guides enclosed.

Representative: Oh, dear. That's bad news. I'm very sorry. Do you know how many packages are without a guide?

Customer: Yes, all 267 packages.

Representative: I'm very sorry about this inconvenience. Can I suggest the quickest solution?

Customer: Right, what do you suggest?

Representative: Well, if you send us the addresses of all the sales reps you have distributed the phones to, we'll send out the guides this afternoon, entirely at our own cost and the guides should arrive tomorrow.

Customer: All of them?

Representative: Yes.

Customer: I see. Thank you. That would be quick. OK, I'll email you the list of all the agents we've sent the packages to and you'll arrange to send them the manuals today.

Representative: Yes, thank you. And please accept our apologies. Could you give me your direct number so that I can keep you informed of what's happening.

Customer: OK, the direct landline for my office is 81573299. But email is better, since I only work in the office from 9:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Task 3

You are Simon Wang, a Human Resources representative at Public Advertising. Joe Xu, a job applicant, has applied for the position of Project Manager. You are going to leave a voice message to inform him of the interview details.

You will have 30 seconds to read the prompts below and 90 seconds to prepare. Then leave the message within 60 seconds. You should cover all the information listed below:

1. Self-introduction

2. Job vacancy: Project Manager

3. Interview time and date: 2:00 p.m., July 20th

4. Interview place: Room 1505, Future Building

5. Ask for a return call

Task 4

You are a salesperson in the Sales Department at Four Stars Computers. Give a presentation to a group of buyers from different companies. Your purpose is to introduce and promote the latest version of your notebook computers. You should cover all the following points:

Why choose our notebook computers?

  • Features
    • new system
    • new battery
  • Advantages
    • faster and safer
    • longer battery life
  • Benefits
    • improving the efficiency
    • working the whole day

You will have 90 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.


Task 1

Read the following passage about disposable cameras. Choose the best heading for each paragraph from the list in the box. There is one heading you do NOT need.

1. Paragraph 1 _____
2. Paragraph 2 _____
3. Paragraph 3 _____
4. Paragraph 4 _____
5. Paragraph 5 _____

A. Photos and the social media
B. Old and new ways with photos
C. My solution to the problem
D. Prevalence of cameras
E. Disadvantages of the new way of photo-taking
F. Advantages of using disposable cameras

Disposable Cameras Are the Future

Paragraph 1

Taking and sharing photographs is easier than ever. Cameras built into our phones, computers, tablets, and iPads allow us to send our photographs to each other. There was a time when you'd print your photos and file them away into photo albums.

Paragraph 2

Not only do we have what seems like an endless amount of space to store photos on our devices, but we also have the Internet, and specifically, social media. Social networks such as WeChat allow us to post our pictures and albums to share with friends and family. People can now even become famous solely based on the photos that they post to these social networks.

Paragraph 3

While you could argue this easy ability to store, share and enjoy photos is fantastic, it also could be said that photographs have lost some of their meaning. I have over 1,000 pictures on my smartphone and several thousand stored on my computer. Sometimes, however, I'll be in the middle of taking or posting a photo and think: is this really something worth doing?

Paragraph 4

Even though I'm guilty of occasionally taking meaningless and boring pictures, a couple of years ago I decided to find a way to make my photographs more meaningful. How did I do this? Disposable cameras! When I go on a trip, I always try to take a disposable camera. As you can only take 27 pictures, you really think about the photographs you're taking. It's also exciting that you can't see the photographs straight away. And finally, it's so much fun to get the pictures developed and look through them again.

Paragraph 5

I'll admit that I couldn't live without social media or taking photographs on my smartphone, but I do think taking photographs has become less meaningful. That's why I'll continue using disposable cameras. It's a great way to capture real memories and make our photographs more meaningful.

Task 2

Read Questions 1–8 and Texts A, B, and C below. Decide which text answers each question. For each blank, choose A, B, or C that stands for the text.

Which text

1. shows what to do before a job interview? _____

2. talks about what to do and not to do during a job interview? _____

3. is an example of what to do after a job interview? _____

4. mentions a specific job position? _____

5. contains information about dressing? _____

6. suggests voice control? _____

7. does NOT directly involve the interviewer? _____

8. does NOT directly involve the job position? _____

Text A

Tips for Good Behavior at Job Interviews

In many cases, how to listen and how to speak is no less important than what to say. Below are some tips for good behavior at a job interview.

√ Make eye contact for a few seconds at a time.

√ Smile and nod as you see fit while listening but don't overdo it.

√ Don't laugh unless the interviewer does first.

√ Be polite and keep an even tone when speaking.

√ Avoid being too loud or too quiet.

√ Don't slouch.

√ Relax and lean forward a little to appear interested.

√ Don't put a hand in any pocket.

√ Keep your feet on the floor.

√ Take notes if necessary.

√ Listen attentively.

√ Don't interrupt.

√ Stay calm.

√ Don't let your arms fly around when making a point.

Text B

Dear Mr. Roberts,

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to me about the Senior Programmer Analyst position.

I appreciate your time and consideration in interviewing me for this position.

After speaking with you and the group, I believe that I would be a perfect candidate for this position, offering the quick learning and adaptability that is needed for a diversified position.

In addition to my enthusiasm for performing well, I would bring the technical and analytical skills necessary to get the job done.

I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you once the final decisions are made regarding the position. Please feel free to contact me at any time if further information is needed. My cell phone number is 773-338-2406.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.


Jack Jorden

Text C

Task 3

Read the two texts below about two science museums. Complete the form with key information from the texts. Use the EXACT words, phrases or numbers from the texts.

Text A

Since its opening in April 1991, the Hong Kong Science Museum has proven itself to be an ideal and unique place for learning science. Through presenting quality exhibitions and fun science programs, the Museum serves to popularize science to the public and support science education in schools. In contrast to traditional museums, nearly 70 percent of the exhibits are interactive. Visitors at the Science Museum are encouraged to explore exhibits in their own way and thus experience the fun of discovery learning. Among them, the most prominent exhibit is the largest device of its kind in the world: the Energy Machine. Besides, the Museum also has a Special Exhibition Hall, a 295-seat Lecture Hall, a Computer Classroom, a Laboratory and a Resource Center.

Text B

The National Science Museum of South Korea is a scientific culture facility which studies and exhibits various scientific materials. It was first established in 1945 and it is now best known for the only world-class space theater in South Korea. The 242 seats are available on a first-come first-serve basis. It can re-create the appearance of a night sky. What separates it from traditional museums is its high-tech special devices, which enable the Museum to offer a virtual reality experience in space development. There are exhibits featuring about 4,000 items based on nature and natural science at the Permanent Exhibit Hall. The exhibits help visitors of all ages to easily understand the theories of science and the wonders of nature.

Task 4

You are Jones Cooper, secretary in the Customer Service Department of an international hotel. You are informed that construction work will begin near the hotel and may cause some noises. Write an email to all the guests:

Write about 50 words within 20 minutes.



Task 1





1. 理解题目说明

题目说明You will hear eight short conversations between Speaker A and Speaker B. Each conversation will be played only ONCE. 提示考生注意:每段对话中有两个说话人,第一个说话人是Speaker A,第二个话人是Speaker B(即考生要扮演的身份);每段对话只播放一遍。

题目说明You will then hear Speaker A again. After that, please reproduce Speaker B's reply exactly as you have just heard it. 提示考生注意:考试系统会重新播放Speaker A的话语,考生需要准确复述Speaker B的话语作为回应;考生的作答应与 Speaker B的应答完全一致。

题目说明 You must respond within 15 seconds after you hear a tone. Note-taking is allowed while you listen. 提示考生注意:考生须在15秒之内完成应答;在听每段对话的过程中,考生可以记笔记。

2. 听与记

在听每段对话时,考生应首先判别交际情境,从整体上把握交谈信息。如样题中第一小题,对话谈论的话题是 Speaker B所属公司的成立地点。 Speaker B的应答中包含了城市名和国家名。题目要求考生准确无误地按照Speaker B的原话回应,这对考生的短时记忆能力也是一种考查。在职场交流中,短时记忆能力发挥着重要作用,有效记忆对方的话语信息才能保证交流的顺畅进行。

Speaker B的应答可以是短语,也可以是较长的句子。对于后者,考生可以在听的过程中记录Speaker B应答中的关键信息。如样题中第六小题,Speaker A询问Speaker B是否第一次来北京,Speaker B做了否定回答,随后补充了信息:之前出差来过北京三次。考生可以记录如下关键信息:no; 3 times; on business。实际上,这段对话也反映了职场交流的实际情况:不仅解答问题,而且还进行了适当的信息补充。

3. 记与说

在作答阶段,考生在清楚自己要表达的语义的基础上,借助记录的关键信息进行回答。如样题中第八小题,双方谈论对合作的评价,Speaker B在赞同Speaker A的积极评价之后,表示期待与对方在纽约再次会面。这里的关键信息有:look forward to; New York等。考生应答时,可借助英语语言的基本结构知识(例如,陈述句式:主语+谓语+宾语)以及词汇的用法知识(例如,look forward to + doing),准确复述Speaker B的话语。




Task 2







第三小题考查这批货物收货日期中的月份。根据顾客的陈述可知收货日期是March 13th,因此空白处填入March(三月)。







Task 3





作答此题,考生首先要明确语音留言的目的,其次要考虑留言的整个流程(如何开始?需确认的信息有哪些?如何收尾?)。留言开始时,应有对客户的问候和称呼(例如:Hello, Mr. Green),并介绍自己的身份。展开部分要说明留言的目的,陈述提示所列各项内容。收尾部分可根据情况要求回电,并表示感谢。关于留言提示,一般涉及既定情境下的身份信息、事件内容、关键时间和地点、重要数据等。


以样题为例,该留言的目的即为确认(项目经理一职)面试安排。提示所列内容包括:留言者自我介绍(姓名:Simon Wang,公司名称:Public Advertising)、职位信息(Project Manager)、面试时间(2:00 p.m., July 20th)、面试地点(Room 1505, Future Building)和回电请求。考生作答时要记得在留言开始时加上问候和称呼,在沟通完各项内容后表示感谢,结束留言。



Task 4





另外,说明的内容要结构合理。首先,问候听众,并以一两句话作引,开门见山,概述本次推介的产品或服务。其次,具体阐述产品或服务的特点(features)、优势(advantages)和益处(bene ts)三点核心内容,并就各点内容适当展开,可使用rstly, secondly, the top feature, furthermore, in addition, therefore, accordingly等词汇突出说明内容的条理性和逻辑性,并使用恰当的句式将产品或服务与其特点连接起来。最后,应以一两句话总结收尾,加强听众对产品或服务的印象。

现以样题为例进行分析。根据背景和场景描述,说明者为一家电脑公司的销售人员(a salesperson in the Sales Department at Four Stars Computers),听众为来自不同公司的采购员(a group of buyers from di erent companies),推介的产品为这家电脑公司最新推出的一款笔记本电脑(the latest version of your notebook computers),说明的目的是介绍和推销(to introduce and promote)这款产品。

在明确了身份、听众和目的之后,接下来需要明确产品的特点。通过阅读提示的要点可以知道,该产品的特点(features)、优势(advantages)和益处(bene ts)是一一对应的。该产品的第一个特点是采用了新的操作系统(new system),优势是运行更快更安全(faster and safer),给客户带来的益处是提高效率(improving the e ciency)。该产品的第二个特点是采用了新型电池(new battery),优势是续航时间更长(longer battery life),给客户带来的益处是电脑可以运行一整天(working the whole day),省去了时常充电的烦恼。考生在说明时,可以充分利用提示中所提供的信息和词汇,使用恰当的句式将产品与其特点或优势连接起来(例如:the notebook computer has two features;there are two advantages of the notebook computer)。由于产品说明的目的是推介,可适当将该产品与同类竞争产品进行比较,使用比较级来说明产品优势(例如:our notebook computers have longer battery life than most of the notebook computers in the market)。

最后,虽然考生可以根据所给要点进行适当的发挥,但应尽量避免对产品进行夸大其词地推销(例如:our notebook computers have the longest battery life in history),应注意使用表示限定范围的短语(例如:as far as I know, compared with the same type of other brands, our notebook computers have a much faster and safer system)。整个产品说明应力求要点清晰、态度诚恳、对客户有吸引力。




Task 1




样题是一篇说明性材料,标题是Disposable Cameras Are the Future,根据标题可以判定,作者认为一次性照相机代表着未来的发展方向,由此可以确定文章的基调,同时能够预测文章会以“为什么一次性照相机代表未来的发展方向”为主题,对电子照片与传统照片的优劣进行比较。


第二段进一步延伸,讨论照片在社交媒体时代的作用。六个选项中只有选项A包含关键词social media,故选项A是正确答案。

第三段话锋一转,开始讨论电子照片的劣势。如果能够理解该段第一个词while引导的是让步状语从句,我们就能够判断这一段是在与第二段进行对比。此外该段还有诸如lost some of their meaning, is this really something worth doing之类的关键表达,可以判断选项E是正确答案。





Task 2




“分析材料”任务主要考查考生对纯文字文本和图形文本的理解能力、对核心信息的短时记忆能力、快速浏览文本并在文本中搜索和筛查目标信息的能力,以及简单的信息对比、转换和分析能力。考生应按顺序快速粗略阅读所给三篇材料,阅读过程中不要纠结于具体的词句,尤其是不认识的单词或不太理解的句子,而要注重领会和总结材料大意、结构、思想等,借以对核心信息形成一定印象,为完成各小题任务打好基础。例如,考生在完成初步阅读之时,应对样题中的三篇材料形成以下基本印象:Text A就受试者在求职面试中应表现出的恰当行为举止给出了一系列建议,包括肢体、表情、语气、仪态、心态等各个方面;Text B是求职者Jack Jorden在完成求职面试之后给面试官之一Mr. Roberts所写的一封感谢信(a follow-up letter of thanks),一则出于礼貌对面试官表示感谢,二则借感谢之机加深面试官对自己的印象并试探口风,信中自然提到应聘职位及应聘者的基本个人信息;Text C为图像文本,寥寥数词,配以形象的图片,简洁直观,一眼扫过便可看出这是为应对求职面试应该准备的方方面面,如着装、资料、对应聘职位和公司的调研、薪酬预期等,有梗概,无细节。有了以上基本认识,再来处理具体的八个小题,便有两种基本思路可选。对于比较擅长短时记忆并能同时处理多条信息的考生而言,可先通览所有题目,基本记住各题关键信息点,之后再仔细复读三篇材料,通过查找和比对细节完成所有题目;对于在紧张考试环境下不太擅长短时记忆且不习惯于同时处理多条信息的考生而言,则应逐题解答,读完第一小题并抓住题旨后,仔细复读三篇材料,通过细节比对寻找答案,之后再用同样方式解答第二小题,直至答完所有题目。显然,虽然第二种答题方法比较费时费力,但是适合多数考生。另外,由于八个小题所考查的信息点在三篇材料中一般会按照从前至后的顺序采集,而且随着解题的进行,考生对三篇材料的内容必然愈发熟悉,所以15分钟足以完成所有题目。

就样题中的八个小题而言,第一小题要求考生判断哪篇材料关注求职面试前的准备活动,考生在前期大略浏览三篇材料时应已形成一定印象:Text A说的是面试时的行为举止,关注what (not) to do DURING the interview;Text B是求职者面试后写给面试官的感谢信,关注what to do AFTER the interview;而Text C则是面试前的准备项目,关注what to do BEFORE the interview,由此可知答案,再快速浏览Text C加以确认,便完全可以确定选填C。第二小题要求考生判断哪篇材料关注面试过程中的注意事项,同第一小题一样,基于前期浏览印象,基本足以判断出答案,再速览Text A,由标题中的at Job Interviews以及第一段可以确定选填A无疑。第三小题要求考生判断哪篇材料关注面试后的活动,同样基于前期浏览印象基本可以确定答案,再浏览Text B,读到正文第三段开头A er speaking with you and the group等文字,便足以确认选填B无疑。第四小题要求考生判断哪篇材料直接提及了具体工作职位,根据大概印象,考生应该很快能够在Text B正文第一段末尾找到the Senior Programmer Analyst position这几个词语,显然应该选填B。第五小题要求考生判断哪篇材料提及着装,考生对Text C中右上角的服装图标应该有印象,简单扫视Text C便可确认选填C。第六小题要求考生判断哪篇材料提及语音控制,根据大概印象,考生应该能够在Text A所列第五条Avoid being too loud or too quiet找到确切依据选填A,当然这里需要考生在题干所用词语voice control和Text A文中所用词语Avoid being too loud or too quiet之间做简单的信息关联和转换。第七小题要求考生判断哪篇材料中不直接涉及面试官(the interviewer),根据印象,浏览Text C后便可快速得出结论,Text C中找不到直接涉及有关the interviewer的信息,而Text A所列第三条里提到the interviewer,Text B正文第二段有interviewing me,显然都直接涉及the interviewer,由此确认答案为C无疑。第八小题要求考生判断哪篇材料不直接涉及工作职位,前面的第四小题已经确认Text B直接提及工作职位,而Text C左上角的文字ANALYZE THE JOB明显涉及工作职位,答案基本确定为A,再浏览Text A,则可确认Text A的确不涉及工作职位,选填A无疑。



Task 3









Task 4










(1)称呼。称呼是发件人对收件人的称谓用语。在正式的职场沟通中(特别是与机构外部人士进行的第一次邮件交流),一般要使用敬语。常见的称呼形式有:Dear Sir/Madam或Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss+姓氏。称呼顶格写,后面的标点符号可以用逗号或冒号。

如果与收件人有较密切的私人关系,可在Dear之后直接加上其名,例如:Dear Sue。如果不确定收件人的性别,也可称呼其全名,例如:Dear Kris Smith。如果不清楚收件人的姓名,可使用称呼:Dear Sir or Madam或Dear Sir/Madam。如果收件人是某一群体(例如,客户),可使用称呼:Dear valued customers等。


(3)信尾敬语。在比较正式的职场邮件中,常见的信尾敬语有Yours faithfully或Yours sincerely等。其他的信尾敬语还包括Best wishes, Best regards等。信尾敬语后面加逗号。



对考生完成“撰写邮件”任务的一些建议: ywjugyk9y8rm2DP8DIGw64Zuf8kgQ/MRyj71cA9nR4Q988hlPOpv+/x6iFzVr4Ib
