

1. 口头沟通任务1

Task 1——建立联系

1.1 任务说明



1.2 样题

You will hear eight short conversations between Speaker A and Speaker B. Each conversation will be played only ONCE. You will then hear Speaker A again. After that, please reproduce Speaker B's reply exactly as you have just heard it.

You must respond within 15 seconds after you hear a tone. Note-taking is allowed while you listen.


1. A: Where was your company founded?

B: In the City of London, UK.

2. A: Hi, Tom. How was your flight

B: Good. I enjoyed the food and drink very much.

3. A: Excuse me. Let me check your car license plate number.

B: Of course. It's V-I-C-4-6-7-8.

4. A: How many days will you stay here?

B: Five, three on business and two days sightseeing.

5. A: Welcome to the Science and Technology Show. What can I do for you?

B: Thank you. I need to check the show schedule.

6. A: Is this your first time in Beijing

B: Oh, no. I have been here three times before on business.

7. A: Which city do you prefer, Beijing or Shanghai?

B: I prefer Beijing for its historical and cultural attractions.

8. A: I've had a wonderful time today working with you.

B: Me too. I'm looking forward to seeing you again in New York.

1.3 答题思路




样题对话2中,A说的句子“Hi, Tom. How was your flight?”是个特殊疑问句,问的是飞行过程中的个人感受;B说的句子“Good. I enjoyed the food and drink very much.”则先以形容词good给出总体感受,再具体给出感受细节。需要注意的是,该对话句子时态为一般过去时,考生在复述说话人B的句子时应加以留意。

样题对话8中,A说的句子“I've had a wonderful time today working with you.”是个陈述句,时态为现在完成时,并包含一个现在分词短语;B说的句子“Me too. I'm looking forward to seeing you again in New York.”的核心是短语look forward to,考生对于该短语的掌握有利于准确复述出原句。



样题对话1中,说话人A的“Where was your company founded?”所提问信息为具体的地点,其关键词为where和founded;说话人B的“In the City of London, UK.”则简要给出地点,其关键词为London。

样题3中,说话人A的“Excuse me. Let me check your car license plate number.”是就关键信息license plate number所提出的祈使句,说话人B以拼读方式回应出号牌内容,此处需记录的关键点即为号牌VIC4678。

1.4 作答建议



2. 口头沟通任务2

Task 2——交谈记录

2.1 任务说明


2.2 样题

You will hear a conversation between a customer and a customer service representative. The conversation will be played TWICE.

Complete the telephone message by filling in the blanks. Write only ONE word or number in each blank.

Telephone Message

Caller's company:        1 ________________________

Issues complained:        No user 2 _________ included in the packages

Date received:          3 __________13th

Total number of packages:     4 ________________

Solution:  The customer will provide the 5 __________ of the sales reps, and we will send the guides to them

The customer's telephone number:  6 _____ (only available from 9:00 a.m. to 7 ______ Monday to Friday)


Representative: Hello! Alistair & Young Telephone Company. How may I help you?

Customer: Good morning. I'm George Clark from Durbrough Company.

Representative: Sorry, what's the company's name again?

Customer: Durbrough, D-U-R-B-R-O-U-G-H. I'm calling because, unfortunately, there's a problem with the order we received from you on March 13th. It seems we haven't received the user guides for the telephone systems we bought from you. We sent the supplies to our sales reps, but several of them have called to say that there are no user guides enclosed.

Representative: Oh, dear. That's bad news. I'm very sorry. Do you know how many packages are without a guide?

Customer: Yes, all 267 packages.

Representative: I'm very sorry about this inconvenience. Can I suggest the quickest solution?

Customer: Right, what do you suggest?

Representative: Well, if you send us the addresses of all the sales reps you have distributed the phones to, we'll send out the guides this afternoon, entirely at our own cost and the guides should arrive tomorrow.

Customer: All of them?

Representative: Yes.

Customer: I see. Thank you. That would be quick. OK, I'll email you the list of all the agents we've sent the packages to and you'll arrange to send them the manuals today.

Representative: Yes, thank you. And please accept our apologies. Could you give me your direct number so that I can keep you informed of what's happening?

Customer: OK, the direct landline for my office is 81573299. But email is better, since I only work in the office from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

2.3 答题思路


首先,尽早捕捉题目已给信息,以便就对话内容进行预判。样题中的长对话是顾客与客服人员之间关于产品包装中缺少使用指南问题的投诉并针对其解决方案的一次电话沟通。考生答题时,除了迅速理解题目要求外,还可根据已给出的电话记录标题“Telephone Message”和各分项信息点,尤其是complained和solution等词,大致预判出该对话内容可能与客服和顾客之间的投诉沟通有关。

其次,利用两遍播音,跟踪关键信息点并及时做笔记。考生答题时可利用已给出的笔记信息,力争在第一遍播放完毕后大致把握内容脉络,并在听第二遍播音时跟踪和检验关键信息。具体而言,“Caller's company”一栏提示考生听对话时应关注公司名称,这一条目仅考查一个具体信息点,考生如果在提前进行浏览后或者在第一遍结束后已经产生了对内容的预期,在听第二遍播音时就比较容易抓住该信息点。“Issues complained”对电话沟通内容进行了一定程度的归纳,尽管需填写的仅是其中的个别信息点,考生仍需对该条目进行总体的理解。总之,考生在听播音时应高度集中精力,紧盯该卡片所给出的信息,对


2.4 作答建议



3. 口头沟通任务3

Task 3——联络业务

3.1 任务说明


3.2 样题

You are Simon Wang, a Human Resources representative at Public Advertising. Joe Xu, a job applicant, has applied for the position of Project Manager. You are going to leave a message to inform him of the interview details.

You will have 30 seconds to read the prompts below and 90 seconds to prepare. Then leave the message within 60 seconds. You should cover all the information listed below.

1. Self-introduction

2. Job vacancy: Project Manager

3. Interview time and date: 2:00 p.m., July 20th

4. Interview place: Room 1505, Future Building

5. Ask for a return call

3.3 答题思路






提示卡所给出的仅为关键信息点,而口头电话留言时需要给出完整的话语,因此,考生应迅速将已匹配的关键信息代入相关的电话沟通句型之中。比如,在“My name”一项,可用“This is Simon Wang.”这样的句子;在“Job vacancy”一项,可用“There is a job vacancy for the position of Project Manager.”这种句子。需要注意的是,题目给出了应试者姓名,而提示卡并未作为关键信息列出。尽管如此,作为正常的电话沟通,在留言开始时,考生应加入必要的寒暄用语,比如“Hello, Mr. Joe Xu.”以体现该留言的完整性。

3.4 作答建议




4. 口头沟通任务4

Task 4——产品说明

4.1 任务说明


4.2 样题

You are a salesperson in the Sales Department at Four Stars Computers. Give a presentation to a group of buyers from different companies. Your purpose is to introduce and promote the latest version of your notebook computers. You should cover all the following points.

Why choose our notebook computers?


- new system

- new battery


- faster and safer

- longer battery life


- improving the efficiency

- working the whole day

You will have 90 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.

4.3 答题思路


样题要求考生以销售人员身份,向来自各公司的客户宣讲本公司最新款的笔记本电脑产品。提示卡给出了发言的提纲,其大标题“Why choose our notebook computers?”表明本题目的口头发言类似一个简答题。提示卡内容列出了Features、Advantages和Benefits三项。第一项介绍产品的总体特色为“新系统”和“新电池”两个方面,第二项对第一项进行了细化,第三项则可以视为效果,三项之间有一定递进关系。


样题提示卡内容仅包括三项要点,为了更好地完成发言任务,考生可为三项要点提供必要的细节,而正因为三项内容之间存在一定逻辑联系,考生所提供细节也应与之关联。例如,第一项提到new system,而第二项提到faster and safer,考虑到二者的技术关联,考生可酌情增加类似upgrade our CPU等细节。当然,本题考查要点是语言运用能力而非电脑知识,故考生增加此类细节时应根据自身知识储备量力而为,切不可本末倒置,否则过于细化相关技术问题,易导致术语表达困难以及发言超时等问题。


为体现发言的完整性,考生可添加必要的简短开场白,比如,“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce our latest version of notebook computers.”或“It's a great honor for me to introduce our…”等句型。因发言时间仅为一分钟,考生在接下来分项介绍内容时,应紧扣提纲,既不能遗漏项目,也不可随意增加太多细节,否则会影响任务的完成度。在具体造句时,除了选择合适的句型之外,考生还应注意时态、语态和主谓一致等基本语法要求,尽量避免低级语法错误。

4.4 作答建议



◆组织语言。 bi4KdCD9G30TkWX4/FQstkzVESsxYb/bvfBoIwupfDVWWfAUhvjpzWM7bQK5HuvQ
