
Lesson 3
Making Introduction(介绍)


1.Making introductions 给人作介绍

(1)Jane, Tom. Tom, Jane.

(2)Jane, this is Tom. Tom, this is Jane.

(3)Jane, I’d like you to meet my friend Tom.

(4)Jane, have you met Tom?

(5)Jane, do you know Tom?

(6)Look, Tom’s here. Tom, come and meet Jane.

(7)Jane, this is Tom. He’s a friend from college.

(8)Jane, Tom is the guy I was telling you about.

(9)Do you know each other?

(10)Have you two met?

(11)Have you two been introduced?

(12)Allow me to introduce Professor Linda Ferguson of Harvard University.

(13)Let me introduce our guest of honor, Mr. David Morris.

(14)If you want to be introduced to the author, I think I can arrange it.

2.Making a self-introduction 作自我介绍

(1)May I introduce myself?

(2)Hello, I’m Hanson Smith.

(3)Excuse me, I don’t think we’ve met. My name’s Hanson Smith.

(4)How do you do? I’m Hanson Smith.

(5)I’m David Anderson. I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.

(6)First let me introduce myself. I’m Peter White, production manager.

(7)My name is David. I work in the marketing department.

3.After being introduced 被介绍与对方认识后

(1)I’m glad to meet you. 很高兴认识你。

(2)Nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你(要分别时说)。

(3)How nice to meet you. 认识你真高兴。

(4)I’ve heard so much about you. 我知道很多关于你的事儿 / 久仰大名。

(5)Helen has told me all about you. 海伦对我讲了好多你的事儿。

(6)I’ve wanted to meet you for some time. 很久以来我一直想见你。

(7)I’m delighted to make your acquaintance. 认识你我觉得非常高兴。

(8)It’s a privilege to know you. 认识您是我的荣幸。

(9)I have heard so much about you. 久仰大名。


1.I’m … 我是…… / My name is … 我的名字叫……

I’m … My name is … 这两个句式用于介绍自己。另外,也可以用 May I introduce myself? 开场白表示。

2.This is … 这是……

介绍他人应用 This is … 这个句式,不可以用 He / She is … 。另外,也可以用 May I introduce sb. to you? 表示。

3.What’s your name? / May (Can) I have your name? / Your name, please? 你叫什么 名字? / Excuse me, are you …? 请问你是……吗?询问对方的名字身份时,可用这两个句式。


Conversation 1

M: Excuse me, are you Miss Green?

W: Yes. May I help you?

M: May I introduce myself?

W: Yes.

M: I’m a new student in the school. My name’s John.

W: Nice to meet you, John.

M: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Green.

Conversation 2

W: Simon, may I introduce you to Linda? You don’t know each other, do you?

M: No. I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting her yet.

W: How do you do? I’m pleased to meet you.

M: How do you do?

W: Please sit down. Help yourself just like you are at home.

W: What would you like to drink?

M: A cup of coffee, please.

Conversation 3

M: Good afternoon, Mrs. Smith. I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Sally.

W: Hello, Sally, I’m glad to meet you.

M: It’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Mrs. Smith. I’ve heard so much about you.

W: Oh, thank you. John has often talked about you, too.


My name is William Chen. I’m American. I’m from Los Angeles.

My name is Mrs. Lawrance. My phone number is 549-2376.

My name is Ms. Martinez. My telephone number is 01202 309662. My Fax number is 01202 397721.

My name is Peter Black. My address is 78 Phoenix Street, Charminster, Bournemouth. My license number is 921DCG.

My name is Susan Miller. My apartment number is 4-B.

My name is Mr.Santini. My e-mail address is TeacherJohn@yahoo.com.

My name is William Lee. My address is 294 Main Street, Brooklyn, New York. My telephone number is 469-7750.My social security number is 044-35-9862.

四、Class Activity

Go around the class and find this information.

Find Someone who…

…lives in the centre of the city.


…wants to go travelling.


…eats in a noisy way.


…was born in the city.


…has been abroad.


…has long and straight hair.


…likes eating burgers.


…has lived in the country.


…speaks more than one other language.


…lives in a big city.


…goes to school on foot.


…likes eating Jiaozi.


…likes wearing a red dress.


…has a brother or a sister.


…is interested in pop music.


…prefers cartoons.


…lives with his or her grandparents.


…goes to KFC once a week.


…is good at maths.


…is good at playing basketball.


…can swim.


…is left-handed.


…is good at playing the piano.


…likes drawing and painting.


…likes red.


…likes drinking.


…is the only child in your family.


…is over 15 years old.


五、Interview:Spelling Names

Practice the conversation.

A: What’s your last name?

B: Keller.

A: How do you spell that?

B: K-E-L-L-E-R.

A: What’s your first name?

B: Helen.

A: How do you spell that?

B: H-E-L-E-N.

Now interview students in your class.

六、Role Play

Interview a famous person. Make up addresses, phone numbers, and cities. Use your imagination!Practice with another student. Then present your role play to the class.

What’s your name? My name is _________.

What’s your address? My address is ______________.

What’s your phone number? My phone number is __________.

Where are you from? I’m from _________. 4O0rNN8sO7XV4/K6yQ84gvnb2wPmP4NXRVlbmFTGNP8ZbWRbyABHx6MkP1mj13tt
