
Lesson 2
Saying Goodbye(道别)



1 .申明要道别的理由

I didn’t realize the time passed so quickly. 没想到时间过得这么快。

It is getting dark. I must be off now. 天越来越黑,我得走了。

I had no idea it was so late. I’ve got to be moving along. 没想到已这么晚了。我得走了。

Excuse me, but I must be running along. 对不起,我得赶快走。

Excuse me, xx. I must go now. 对不起 / 不好意思,××?我现在就得走。

Sorry, I’ll have to be going. 抱歉,我得走了。

Excuse me, but I won’t be able to stay any longer. 请见谅,我不得不先告辞了。

Well, I’ll really have to get on my way. 我真的要走了。

It’s about time I was going. Thank you for your time. 是我该走的时候了,谢谢您花时间陪我。

Since you are quite busy, I had better be off now. 既然你那么忙,我现在就告辞了。

Now, I mustn’t keep you any longer. 对了,我再也不能留你了。

I’d better not take up any of your time. I suppose I’d better be going. Shall we say good-bye here? 最好别再占用您的时间了。我想我最好现在就走。我们就此告别吧?

It is going to rain. I am afraid I must be going now. 天要下雨了,我想我该走了。

I’ve come to say good-bye to you. 我是来跟您道别的。

You see, we’ll have to leave the hotel at six. 瞧,我们得六点钟离开旅馆。

The train starts at 8:00. I’m afraid I have to hurry now. 火车八点开,我恐怕现在得快点走。

It’s been a pleasure to be with you. I think I’ve got to catch No. 2 bus. 和您在一起真令人高兴,我想 我得赶 2 路公共汽车了。

I’ve got to catch the last bus to town. 我得赶末班车回城。

Well, it’s time to board the plane now! Then, I’ll have to say good-bye now.好了,该登机了。我得说再见了。

2 .评价会面的效果或者表示感谢

It’s been nice talking to you. 与你这次谈话非常愉快。

Oh, I’ll be going now. I enjoy our chats very much. 噢,我得现在就走,我很喜欢和您聊天。

I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me, and now I must go. 很感谢您费时和我畅谈,我 该告辞了。

Well, I don’t think all this has got us far. 我想我们这样也谈不出什么名堂来了。

Thanks for a nice day. See you. 今天过得真愉快,谢谢您,再见。

Thank you for spending the afternoon with us. 谢谢你陪了我们一个下午。

My friends are leaving. I haven’t said good-bye to all my friends yet. 我的朋友正准备走。还有一些朋友我还没去告别呢。

3 .在交谈双方都准备正式告别时,便可利用以下这些道别用语




(4)So long!

(5)Good Night! (晚安!)

(6)Good luck! (祝你好运!)

(7)Bon Voyage! (借自法语,意为“祝一路顺风!”)

(8)See you!

(9)Well, bye for now. 好了,下次见。

(10)Good-bye till we meet again. 下次再见。

(11)See you later, alligator. In a while, crocodile.


(1)See you later, alligator. 再见。

有一首歌就叫“ See you later, alligator”.Alligator 是产在美国东南部一种很像鳄鱼但嘴巴较短的动 物,在这句话里 alligator 完全没有意义,是为了让整句话听起来比较押韵而已,所以这句话就只有 seeyou later 的意思。

(2)In a while, crocodile. 再见了。

如果人家说 See you later, alligator ,那你要怎么接话?答案就是 In a while, crocodile. Crocodile 这里指的就是鳄鱼。这两句话对仗和押韵兼而有之,大家赶紧学起来吧!

4 .表示对对方分别后情况的关心

Take care. 请多保重。

Mind how you go. 路上当心。

Mind your steps. 请当心脚下 / 注意走好 / 走路留神。

5 .提及将来可能的会面

In any case, we’ll keep in touch. 保持联系。

See you next week then. 那我们就下周再见吧。

Can we fix a date for next time? 我们定一下下次见面的时间吧?

I’m not sure when I’ll be coming back, but I’ll let you know when my chance comes. 我无法肯定何时再来,但有机会我一定事先通知您。

I’m already looking forward to my coming back. 我很想再来这儿。

I think we shall have to get together again sometime. 我想我们不久一定会再相聚的。

6 .问候双方都熟悉但与听话者关系更密切的人

Give my regards to Mary. 代问 Mary 好。

Say hello to the kids. 请向小家伙们问好。

7 .表达想念

You have no idea how much we are going to miss you both. 我们会很想念您们的。 WAxxs07ESFbkuw6mkfhb+X55yeODZi5OAgHSSDHKQFVNLrlaqt5Ee75nzS2oBgT2
