
Lesson 27
Making Appointments(约会)


Conversation 1

— Are you free next Wednesday evening? I want to go to the cinema with you?

— Yes, I’d like to.

Conversation 2

— When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening?

— I don’t mind. Either time is OK.

Conversation 3

— Are you free later today?

— Sorry, I’m free every day except today.

Conversation 4

— Are you able to come tomorrow morning?

— I think so.

Conversation 5

— Are you free this afternoon?

— Oh no. Will this evening be all right?

Conversation 6

— I’m busy today. What about tomorrow afternoon?

— That would be fine. Shall we make it nine o’clock?

Conversation 7

(Miss Wu is answering the call from Mr. Black to make an appointment.)

(A: Miss Wu; B: Mr. Black)

A: (The telephone is ringing.) Good morning. Managing Director’s Office. Can I help you?

B: Yes. Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?

A: Who shall I say is calling, please?

B: This is David Black from Canton.

A: I’m sorry. Mr. Smith is in conference now, Mr. Black. Would you like to speak to someone else in the office?

B: Well, I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr. Smith next week while I’m in Beijing.

A: I’ll check Mr. Smith’s calendar ( 日程表 ) and see if I can arrange an appointment for you. Just a moment… Yes, Mr. Smith seems to have some time on Monday afternoon and Friday morning.

B: Could I make an appointment for Friday morning, please?

A: Let’s make it nine o’clock Friday morning. Would that be convenient for you?

B: Yes, that suits me perfectly?

A: I’ll make a note of that. Would you like me to confirm the appointment?

B: Yes, please. You can contact me any day at Canton 020-85268888 extension 706.

A: Canton, 020-85268888 extension 706. I’ll confirm your appointment as soon as possible, Mr. Black.

B: Thank you very much. Good-bye.

A: Good-bye.

Conversation 8

A: Marketing Manager’s Office. Can I help you?

B: This is David Smith speaking. I’d like to speak to Mr. Johnson, please.

A: Sorry, he’s out.

B: What time do you expect him back?

A: I’m sorry, I’ve no idea. Would you like to leave a message?

B: I’d like to make an appointment with him. I wonder if he could see me early tomorrow morning. It’s about the order of equipment.

A: Hold on, please. Let me check the diary.

B: All right.

A: Sorry, Mr. Smith, but he is fully booked up tomorrow morning.

B: Could I possibly make it in the afternoon?

A: Well, let me see… Oh, yes, I think I can manage that. How about two o’clock?

B: That would suit me better. Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.

二、Additional Useful Expressions

(1)I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr. Cooper. 我想同库伯先生事先预约。

注释: I’d like to do sth. 我想做某事,是固定用法。 make an appointment :预约。

(2)Would you like to arrange for a personal interview? 你能安排一个单独会谈吗?

注释: Would you like to do sth. 烦请你做某事,正式客气的说法。 arrange for :安排。 a personal interview :个人约见,单独会谈。

(3)Your appointment will be next Monday at 8 o’clock. 你约见的时间是下星期一 8 点。

(4)He wants to change his appointment from Monday to Thursday. 他想把他的约见时间从星期一改


(5)What time will be convenient /right for her? 她何时方便?

(6)Yes, Ms. Lu is available on Friday. 可以,陆小姐周五有空。

注释:用 Ms. Lu ,表示此位陆小姐婚否还不清楚, Miss 表示未婚。

(7)I wonder if you could spare me half an hour tomorrow morning. 不知明天上午您是否可以抽出半小时。

注释: spare me half an hour ,抽出半小时,这是很委婉的说法。 spare 在此为动词,意思是 提供 给某人 ”。 QBZDiT1T8+1Sh0i0OmY1P6D9RtBcqZ1B8nKhOHy62OUD3BK4NbDzQB/wljc3oLvN
