
Lesson 25


1 .口语用法

表示祝贺或恭喜,意为:祝贺你 ( ) ;恭喜恭喜。如:

Congratulations on your new job! 祝贺你有了新的工作。

Congratulations on your marriage. 祝贺你们喜结良缘。

It’s your birthday today? Congratulations. 今天是你的生日 ? 祝贺祝贺 !

A: Did you win? 你赢了吗 ?

B: Yes. I did. 是的,我赢了。

A: Really? Congratulations. 真的 ? 祝贺你 !

2 .用法说明

congratulations 通常用复形式,其后常用介词 on ,如:

Congratulations! 恭喜恭喜!

Please accept my congratulations on your success marriage. 请接受我们对你成功新婚的祝贺。

如果 congratulation 表示的是抽象意义的祝贺,则不用复数形式。如:

It’s a matter for congratulation. 那是件可喜可贺的事。

另外, congratulations 可用于成功、生日、结婚、毕业等场合的祝贺,但一般不用于节日的致词。

二、Useful Expressions

(1)Fantastic! 太好了!(较随便)

A: I defeated Ted in chess. 我下象棋打败了泰德!

B: Fantastic! I’ve been trying to do the same but I never seem to succeed. 太好了!我一直想赢他,可 每次都失利。

A: Maybe it’s only my luck. 也许是我走运吧。

(2)Well done!

干得好 ! (较随便)

A: Tom, my mum agreed! 汤姆,我妈妈同意了!

B: Well done, Peter! So we can go to the beach fight now. 太好了,彼得!我们现在就去海滩。

A: Yeah, let’s go. 好,咱们走吧。

(3)Super! 好极了!(较随便)

A: My father really believed I would have lessons on Sunday. 我爸爸真的以为我星期日有课。

B: Super! I’ll wait for you at nine. Don’t be late. 好极了!我九点等你,别晚了。

A: You bet it. 没问题。

(4)Good old … 好样的!(较随便)

A: I managed to put the frog in Miss Smith’s handbag. 我把青蛙放到了史密斯小姐的手提包里了。 B: Good old Mike! Nobody saw you? 迈克,好样的!没人看见吗?

A: There was not a soul in the room. 房间里一个人也没有。

(5)It’s great to hear about your… 听说你……这太好了。(较随便)

A: It’s great to hear about the opening of your store. 听说你的店开张,太好了。

B: Thank you. do come and have a look at it. 谢谢,一定来看看哟。

A: I sure will. 我会去的。

(6)That’s marvelous! 太好了!(较随便)

A: I passed the history test! 我历史考及格了!

B: Really? That’s marvelous! 真的?太好了。

A: And then your old man won’t beat you this time. 那么这次你老爸就不会打你了。

B: I’ve made up my mind not to get beaten again. 我决心再也不让他打我了。

(7)That’s great! 真棒!(较随便)

A: I have got the first prize in the contest. 我比赛得了一等奖。

B: That’s great! Congratulations! 真棒!祝贺你!

A: Thanks. 谢谢。

(8)I’m very happy for you. 太为你高兴了。(较随便)

A: I got admitted to Harvard University. 我被哈佛大学录取了。

B: I’m very happy for you. Have you told it to Mr. Jones? 太为你高兴了。告诉理论琼斯先生了吗?

A: Not yet. I’ll give him a pleasant surprise. 还没有。我想给他一个惊喜。

(9)Congratulations! 祝贺!(通用)

A: Bob, I hear your team won the match. 鲍伯,听说你们队赢了比赛。

B: Yeah, all of us tried our best. 是的,我们都尽了最大努力。

A: Congratulations. 祝贺你们!

B: Thanks. 谢谢。

(10)Congratulations on… 祝贺你们……(通用)

A: Liza, I am told you did very well in your exam. 里兹,听说你考得不错。

B: I was the only one who got a straight A in my class. 我是班里唯一得“优”的。 A: Congratulations on your success. 祝贺你的好成绩。

B: Thank you. 谢谢。

(11)Please send him my congratulations. 请代我向他表示祝贺。(通用)

A: Your brother is going to be sent to Britain to study, really? 你弟弟要被派去英国留学,是真的吗?

B: Yes, he’s already got the passport and visa. 是的,他已经拿到了护照和签证。

A: Please send him my congratulations. 请代我向他表示祝贺。

B: Thank you. He’s very lucky indeed. 谢谢,他的确很幸运。

(12)Many, many congratulations on … 祝贺,恭喜你……(通用)

A: I’m going to get married next Sunday. Come to my wedding, will you? 我下周日就要结婚了,一定 要参加我们的结婚典礼呀 !

B: Many, many congratulations on your wedding. 祝贺你们喜结良缘!

A: Many thanks. 多谢。

(13)Let me congratulate you. 祝贺你!(较正式)

A: My advisor praised my research paper. 我的导师对我的论文很赞赏。

B: Let me congratulate you. 祝贺你!

A: Thank you very much. 谢谢。

(14)Allow me to express my heartiest congratulations on … 请允许我对……表示我最衷心的祝愿。 (较正式)

A: I finally got my novel published. Good news, isn’t it? 我的小说终于出版了。

B: That’s great! Allow me to express my heartiest congratulations on your success. 太好了。请允许我对您的成功表示的祝贺。

A: It’s very nice of you to say so. 非常感谢。

(15)Please accept my sincere congratulations. 请接受我最真诚的祝愿!(较正式)

A: I’ve finally passed the entrance examination. 终于通过了入学考试。

B: Please accept my sincere congratulations. 请接受我最真诚的祝愿!

A: How very nice of you to say so! 谢谢。

(16)Allow me to offer my warmest congratulations on… 请允许我对……表示最热烈的祝贺 ! (较 正式)

A: Your troupe is so favorably received by the people here. 你们的剧团在这个城市很受欢迎。

Allow me to offer my warmest congratulations on your success! 请允许我对你们的成功表示最热烈 的祝贺!

B: I really appreciate your remarks. 你这么说太感谢了。

A: Next time you’re sure to get a much more satisfying result. 下次你们肯定会取得更令人满意的 成绩。

B: Thank you so much. 非常感谢。

(17)I must congratulate you on … 我得祝贺你……(较正式)

A: I’m told you’ve finished a very difficult operation, Dr. Johnson. 约翰逊大夫,听说你完成了一次 很难的手术。

B: Yeah. This operation is really a challenge to us. 是的,这次手术的确是个挑战。

A: I must congratulate you on the success! 我得对你的成功表示祝贺!

B: It’s very good of you to say so. 谢谢。

(18)I’d like to be the first to congratulate you. 我想第一个向你祝贺!(较正式)

A: General Manager said you would be head of the Sales Department. 总经理说你将被选为销售部 经理。

B: Yes, but it hasn’t been announced yet. 是的,但是还没有正式公布。

A: So I’d like to be the first to congratulate you. 那我想第一个向你表示祝贺。

B: It’s very kind of you to say so. 谢谢。

(19)May I offer my congratulations on… 请允许我为……表示祝贺 ! (较正式)

A: I’m going to take charge of the engineering department next. 下个月我开始负责工程部。 B: You’ve been working hard for it. 你一直在努力。

May I offer you my congratulations on your promotion? 请允许我为你的提升表示祝贺!

A: Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。


A Congratulation

Dear Friend,

I’m writing this letter to express my congratulations that you are going to get married. You can’t imagine how excited I am when I hear the news. I’m just as happy as you, so I’d like to send my hearty congratulations to you.

Please accept my warmest regards, “ I hope your future will be glorious. I hope your love will be sweet.I hope your happiness will be eternal. I hope your dream will come true”.

Yours Sincerely,
Mike 1qSCljbS2ugMGj0wLmXr+EED559LBnrxKu0h7FdtEjlaGR4qWvgCyK77bY/gJREP
