
Lesson 24

一、Useful Expressions

1.Making an Invitation ( 发出邀请 )

(1)I would like to in vite you to a party next Sunday. 我想邀请你参加下星期天的聚会。

(2)Would you like to have lunch with me? 你愿意跟我一起用午餐吗?

(3)I’ll stand for your lunch. 我请你吃午饭。

(4)We’re going to have a cocktail party on Friday afternoon. 我们星期五下午要举行鸡尾酒会。

(5)I hope you can join us. 我希望你能加入我们。

(6)How about coming to my home tomorrow? 明天到我家来如何?

(7)Will you be here tonight? 你今晚会在这里吗?

(8)Could you come over and see me? 你能来看我吗?

(9)Would you like to visit our office sometime? 你要不要找个时间来我们的办公室?

(10)Would you care to be my guest? 你愿意接受我的款待好吗?

(11)She put on a gala reception party. 她开了一个欢迎会。

(12)I’m going to throw a party for all of you. 我要为你们全体举行宴会。

(13)We’ll give a party for her on her birthday. 我们要在她的生日为她举行宴会。

(14)Don’t forget to bring your wife. 别忘了带你太太来。

(15)Just come in your casuals. 只要穿便服来就行了。

(16)What time can I expect you? 你什么时候能来?

2.Responding Positively ( 肯定的回答 )

(1)Thank you for your invitation. I’d be glad to come. 谢谢你的邀请,我很高兴能参加。

(2)I’d be delighted. 我很荣幸。

(3)I’d like that very much. 我非常高兴参加。

(4)Of course I’ll come. 我当然会来。

(5)Sounds wonderful. 太好了。

(6)It’s very nice of you to ask me. 你能邀请我真好。

(7)It’s nice of you to invite me. 你能邀请我真好。

(8)I’ll come around later tonight. 我今晚迟一点会过来。

(9)I will call on you in a week. 我一周之内会去拜访你。

3.Responding Negatively ( 否定的回答 )

(1)I’m sorry, but I have a class at that time. 很抱歉,那个时间我有课。 (2)I’m awfully sorry, but I have to go to Shanghai on business next week.


(3)I really like to go, but I have a dental appointment tomorrow afternoon.


(4)I’d love to come, but I’m afraid I have to go to a meeting Tuesday night.


(5)Oh, I’m sorry. We’d love to come, but we’ve already made plans for that evening.


(6)Thank you. I’d like to, but I already have a date for Saturday night.


(7)I’m sorry, but I have another engagement. 抱歉,我另外已经有约会了。

(8)I’m awfully sorry. We have previous plans. 实在很对不起,我们事先已有计划了。

(9)I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have a previous engagement. 我很愿意去,但恐怕我已跟别人事先有约。

(10)I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it that day. 抱歉,我那一天不能去。

4.At the Invitation ( 赴邀 )

(1)It’s lovely party. I’m glad I came. 这是个很棒的宴会,我很高兴我来了。

(2)How many are there in your party? 有多少人来参加你们的宴会?

(3)Well, it’s been so long since we’ve done this together. 哦,自从我们一起做这事到现在已经很久了。

(4)You’ve come at the right time. 你来得正是时候。

(5)I’m glad you’ve made it. 我很高兴你做到了。

(6)You couldn’t have come at a more convenient time. 你来得再合时不过了。

(7)Did you have any trouble getting here? 这里难不难找?

(8)May I take your coat? 我帮你拿外套好吗?

(9)I hope you feel at home here. 我希望你在这儿觉得自在。

(10)Please sit down and make yourself at home. 请坐,不要拘束。

(11)Let’s have fun tonight. 今晚让我们乐一乐。

(12)I’ll get you something to eat. 我给你弄点吃的。

(13)We have a small gift for you. It isn’t much but we hope you like it. 我们有一个小礼物给你。不算什么,但是我们希望你喜欢。

(14)Please help yourself to whatever you’d like. 请自己取用喜欢吃的。

(15)Please try some of this homemade bread. 请尝尝这自制的面包。

(16)I’ll probably pig out. 我快撑死了。

(17)Please be my guest. I am at your service. 请不要客气。我随时为你效劳。


Conversation 1

A: Have you got any plans for this evening, Rosie?

B: No, I haven’t. Why?

A: Would you like to come to dinner?

B: I’d like to. Thanks.

Conversation 2

A: Ellen…would you like to go out for a meal this evening?

B: Sorry, Maria, I’m busy tonight.

A: Oh, well. Another time perhaps.

B: Yes. How about tomorrow?

Conversation 3

A: Would you like to go see a movie tomorrow night?

B: I am busy tomorrow night, but I am free the night after.

A: That’s great! What time should I pick you up?

B: 8 pm would be great.

A: Well, 8 pm What movie would you like to see?

B: I’m not sure. Which movies are out right now?

A: I actually don’t know. How about we choose when we get there?

B: Sure thing, that sounds great.

A: Okay, should I pick you up at your house? Or do you want to meet somewhere?

B: I live by school; if you want, we could meet there.

A: Sure. I drive a white Nissan Sentra. I’ll text you later on, okay?

B: That sounds great. I’ll be waiting for your text ( 短信 ).

Conversation 4

A: Are you free tomorrow night?

B: Yes, I am.

A: Shall we have dinner together?

B: Do you have a special restaurant in mind?

A: Yes, I do. I know a place that has excellent food.

B: OK. I’ll be happy to join you.


Reading 1

Here’s Ann’s invitation ( 请柬 ).

It’s my birthday.

Ann Read hopes you can come to my party.

Time: 4:30

Date: Sunday, February 16th

Place: Flat 15A, Donglan Building

Telephone: 890621

Choose the best answer.

( )1. Ann Read is going to have __________ party.

A. a Teachers’ Day B. an English C. a birthday

( )2. The party is on __________.

A. Sunday, February 16th B. Sunday, February 6th C. Monday, February 16th

( )3. It’s going to start at __________.

A. half past five B. half past four C. a quarter to five

( )4. She’s going to have her party at __________.

A. Flat 5A B. Flat 15A C. Flat 15B

( )5. Ann’s telephone number is read as __________.

A. eight o nine, two one six B. eight nine o, two six one C. eight nine o, six two one

Reading 2

In Canada and the United States, people enjoy entertaining ( 请客 ) at home. They often invite friends over for a meal, a party or just for coffee and conversation.

Here are the kinds of things people say when they invite someone to their homes:

“Would you like to come over for dinner this Saturday night?” “Hey, we’re having a party on Friday.Can you come?”

To reply to an invitation, either say thank you and accept, or say you’re sorry and give an excuse.“Thanks, I’d love to. What time would you like me to come?” or “Oh, sorry. I’ve tickets for a movie.”

Sometimes, however, people say something like invitations but which are not real invitations. For example: “Please come over for a drink sometime.” “Why not get together for a party sometime?” “Why don’t you come over and see us sometime soon?”

They are really just polite ways of ending their talk. They are not real invitations because they don’t mention a certain time or date. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly. To reply to expressions like these, people just say “Sure, that would be great!” or “OK. Yes, thanks.”

So next time when you hear what sounds like an invitation, listen carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?

Fill the following chart according to the passage

Reading 3

Dear Ms Green,

I’m writing to invite you to our party. We will have a party on the night before the Spring Festival.Would you like to come and join us? We will be very glad if you can come. The party will start at 6:00. I will wait for you at the school gate. I think the party will last for three hours.

It will be very cold at night. Please wear more clothes.

Yours sincerely,
Liu Ying /HWhLtk0q7bX/HVkNWNQO0vp67AM0i8o/UoWToOYZsNuJENPdtqoyxEwVTiI4xwK
