
Lesson 23
Time and Dates(时间和日期)


Conversation 1

A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the time?

B: It’s seven thirty.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You’re welcome.

Conversation 2

A: Can you tell me when is the next train to Jinan?

B: It’ll be five minutes later.

A: By the way, what’s the time for the last train back?

B: It’s about nine fifteen.

Conversation 3

Lin Fang: Can I make an appointment with the doctor, please?

Receptionist: Yes, Thursday, 16th June at 4 o’clock?

Lin Fang: Yes, that’s fine.

Receptionist: What’s your name, please?

Lin Fang: Fang F.A.N.G. Lin L.I.N.

Receptionist: And your date of birth?

Lin Fang: May 14th 1975.

Receptionist: Thank you.

Conversation 4

Ming: When are you going on holiday?

Sam: The 10th of July.

Ming: What’s the date today?

Sam: The 5th.

Ming: Oh, very soon then.



所有的时间都可以用“小时 + 分钟”直接读,

6:10: six ten

8:30: eight thirty

2:40: two forty

如果所表述的时间在半小时之内,可以用“分钟 +past+ 小时”,

6:10: ten past six

4:20: twenty past four

10:25: twenty-five past ten

如果所表述的时间在半小时之外,可以用“(相差的)分钟 +to+ (下一)小时”,

10:35: twenty-five to eleven

5:50: ten to six

9:49: eleven to ten

如果所表述的时间恰好为半小时,可以用“ half+past+ 小时”,

11:30: half past eleven

2:30: half past two

如果所表述的分钟和 15 有关,就有三种表达法:

(15 分钟又叫一刻钟: a quarter)

9:15: nine fifteen; fifteen past nine; a quarter past nine

3:45: three forty-five; fifteen to four; a quarter to four



It’s two.

It’s two o’clock.

It’s two o’clock sharp.

It’s two o’clock on the dot.

It’s two o’clock on the nose.

It’s exactly two o’clock.

另外英语中的 noon midnight 可分别直接表示白天和夜晚的 12 点:

It’s (twelve) noon. 现在是中午十二点。

It’s (twelve) midnight. 现在是半夜零点。


It’s almost two. 马上到两点了。

It’s not quite two. 还不到两点。

It’s just after two. 刚过两点。

若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上 am ,如: thirteen past six am (上午六点十三分)。若想表明是 下午,可在时间后加上 pm ,如: four o’clock pm (下午四点)。


注意英语叙述词的用法: fourteenth = 14th;first = 1st;twenty-second = 22nd。

在英式英语中,人们表达日期时的顺序是 “日—月—年”。例如, 2014 6 22 = 22/06/2014; 而在美式英语中,日期表达顺序则是“月—日—年”。

在表达日期时, 0 常被读为“ oh ”, 而不是 “ zero”。

在口语表达中,我们需要把日期之间的介词和定冠词读出来。例如: 5 10 =“the 10th of May”。 不过在书面英语中,定冠词 the 和介词 of 则可以省略不写: 10th May。



Tickets Information for Beauty and Beast

Dates: Mon. – Fri. 10 am, 7 pm

Sat. – Sun. 10 am, 2 pm, 7 pm

Place: Star Theatre

Time Period: 1.5 hours

Ticket Prices: $ 15 per child, $ 35 per adult

Attentions: Please arrive early. People who are late for the show will not be allowed to enter until a proper break.

Choose the best answer.

( )1. What time can we see the film?

A. At 12 am on Tuesday.B. At 10 am on Thursday.

C. At 2 pm on Friday.D. At 9 pm on Saturday.

( )2. How many shows are given each week?

A.13.B. 14.C.15.D.16.

( )3. Lucy is 7 years old and she sees the film with her parents. How much should they pay for the tickets?

A. $45.B. $70.C.$ 85.D. $ 105.


A. Complete this chart with information about yourself.


I usually get up at…

I have breakfast at…

I leave for school at…

I have dinner at…

I go to bed during the week at…

I go to bed on weekends at…

B. Class activity.

Take a survey. Ask five classmates for this information.

C. Class activity.

Compare the times you do things with the times your classmates do things. Whose schedule like yours most? Tell the class.

“Lucy and I have a similar schedule. We both get up at six and have breakfast at seven a.m….”

四、Useful Expressions

We both …at…

We …at different times.

My schedule isn’t like anyone else’s. KuDouJCDOfbpjJox6NviSPAYt5Lx17rYO8xxpFphAnUamApI3QX9NreQky0gEeGM
