
Lesson 21
School Things(学习用品)

一、Vocabulary Preview

ruler :尺子

schoolbag :书包

glue :胶水

ballpen :圆珠笔

ink :墨水

wall :墙

globe :地球仪

magazine :杂志

postcard :明信片

story-book :故事书

tape :胶带

picture book :图画书

ink-brush :毛笔

calculator :计算器

compasses :圆规

dictionary :词典

comic book :漫画书

notebook :笔记本

pen :钢笔

crayon :蜡笔

marker :记号笔

cover pape :包书纸

chalk :粉笔

calendar :日历

newspaper :报纸

math book :数学书

pencil :铅笔

exercise book :练习本

map :地图

file folder :文件夹

text book :课本

board :黑板

Tipp-ex/white-out :涂改液

pencil case/ pencil box :文具盒

water colored pen :水彩笔

correction tape :修正带

triangle ruler :三角尺

二、Crossword Puzzle


















What’s in the bag?

What’s in the bag?

Rulers, pens, books and pencils.

What’s in the bag?

What’s in the bag?

Flowers, socks, birds and cars.


Conversation 1

A: I’d like to see that pen, please.

B: You mean this one?

A: No, the other one in the brown case.

B: Oh, this one…Here.

A: May I try it?

B: Sure.

A: It’s very smooth. I’ll take it.

B: Cash or charge?A: Charge, please.

Conversation 2

Linda: Hello, Paul, is this your pencil?

Paul: Yes, it is. Thank you.

Linda: Is this your book?

Paul: No, it isn’t. Maybe it’s Mary’s.

Linda: Mary, is this your book?

Mary: No, it isn’t. My book is here. Ask Bill. Maybe it’s his.

Linda: Bill, is this your book?

Bill: Yes, it is.

Linda: Here you are.

Bill: Thank you very much. But where is my bag?

True or False?

( )1. This is Linda’s pencil.

( )2. Bill is a student.

( )3. The book is Bill’s.

( )4. Mary can’t find ( 找到 ) her book.

( )5. Paul knows ( 认识 ) Linda and Mary.

Conversation 3

A: We need to do a group report tomorrow. I need to go to the stationer to buy something for the posters.

B: You need to make posters?

A: Absolutely. Every time when we do the reports, we love making some beautiful posters to emphasize our theme ideas.

B: I see. Then let’s make a shopping list first before we go there. Otherwise, it may take us a whole day to search for the things you need.

A: No problem. I need some markers, some color pencils, a pair of scissors, some highlighters ( 荧光笔 ) and rulers.

Conversation 4

Lady: I want some envelopes, please.

Shop assistant: Do you want the large size or the small size?

Lady: The large size, please.

Lady: Do you have any writing paper?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do.

Shop assistant: I don’t have any small pads. I only have large one. Do you want a pad?

Lady: Yes, please.

Lady: And I want some glue.

Shop assistant: A bottle of glue.

Lady: And I want a large box of chalk, too.

Shop assistant: I only have small boxes. Do you want one?

Lady: No, thank you.

Shop assistant: Is that all?

Lady: That’s all, thank you.

Shop assistant: What else do you want?

Lady: I want my change.


Reading 1

Seller: The total is $10.50. How will you pay?

Mrs. Green: Do you take credit cards ( 信用卡 )?

Seller: Sorry, I don’t. Cash only ( 只有现金 ).

Mrs. Green: OK, here’s $20.

Seller: Thanks. Here’s your change ( 零钱 ). Do you need a bag?

Mrs. Green: Yes, please.

Seller: Here you go.

Mrs. Green: Thank you. Have a nice day.

Seller: You, too.

Choose the best answer according to the chart and dialogue above.

( )1. Mrs. Green wants __________.

A. to use a credit card

B. to pay with a check ( 支票 )

C. to get a discount ( 折扣 )

D. one bag for each item

( )2. The seller gives Mrs. Green __________.

A. $9.50 B. $10.00 C. 10.50 D. 20.00

( )3. The tax is _________.

A. fifty dollars B. less than a dollar ( 不到 1 美元 )

C. 10% of the total D. more than ( 多于 ) the price of a notebook

( )4. “Here you go” is the same as “__________”.

A. This is for me B. Please leave C. This is your bag D. The door is over there

( )5. Which of these sentences is true?

A. A pen costs more than a tape.B. The seller doesn’t take credit cards.

C. Mrs. Green buys five things.D. The seller doesn’t have any bags.

Reading 2

There is a big shop near my home. It sells a lot of things. From the shop I can buy ( ) many school things, like pens, pencils, rulers, erasers and exercise-books. I can also buy some food and drink, like cakes,apples, bananas and oranges.

The shop is open from 9:00 in the morning to 20:00 in the evening every day. People in the shop are very friendly. I can buy things on my way home. I often help my father and mother buy things in the shop.

My father wants to buy a fridge. I find a very good fridge. It is very big, but it is not dear. It’s 1800 yuan. We like it very much.

Choose the best answer.

( )1. The shop is .


A. near my home B. near my school

C. very far D. near the park

( )2. The shop doesn’t sell .


A. rulers B. meat C. pens D. oranges

( )3. The shop is open .


A. only on weekdays B. only in the morning

C. every day D. only in the evening

( )4. I often buy things .


A. with my father B. with my mother

C. on my way home D. with my friend

( )5. What does the word “dear” mean ( 意思是 )?

A. Cheap ( 便宜的 ).B. Expensive ( 昂贵的 ).

C. Good.D. Bad.

Reading 3

Dear Mom,

I need some things for school. Can you bring them to my school? I need a notebook, two pencils, an eraser and a ruler. I need my CDs and video tape, too. The CDs are on the desk and the video tape is in the bookcase.


Dear Jane,

Your brother needs some things for school. They’re in the red bag. He needs his CDs and video tape,too. The CDs are on the desk. The video tape is in the drawer of his bed. It isn’t in the bookcase. Please take them to his school.


Choose the best answer.

( )1. Jane is Jim’s ______.

A. cousin B. daughterC. sister

( )2. Jim needs ______.

A. a notebook and a red bag

B. an eraser, a ruler and a bag

C. two pencils and an eraser

( )3. _________are mentioned ( 提到 ) in the notes.

A. Two boys B. A boy and a girlC. Two girls

( )4. ______takes the things to school.

A. Jane B. Jim C. Jane’s friend

( )5. The video tape is_______.

A. on the desk B. in the bookcase C. in the drawer PVS3UmoXlalJnRXQhntXuZX1H6h1HFrLxuqDc/Ny3MfHDMxvKN+gNBXb2D6LVRO8
