
Lesson 10
Food and Drink(食物和饮料)

一、Vocabulary Preview

米饭: rice

炸薯条: French fries/chips

鱼: fish

猪肉: pork

面包: bread

水: water

豆腐: tofu

汉堡包: hamburger

牛肉: beef

蛋: egg

热狗: hot dog

牛奶: milk

曲奇: cookie

面条: noodle

羊肉: mutton

汤: soup

可乐: Coke

咖啡: coffee

牛肉: beef

意大利面: pasta/spaghetti

早餐: breakfast

雪碧: Sprite

黄油: butter

汽水: soda

豆奶: bean milk

饼干: biscuit

肉: meat

蔬菜: vegetable

冰: ice

果汁: juice

火腿: ham

奶酪: cheese

啤酒: beer

午餐: lunch

三明治: sandwich

番茄酱: ketchup

甜点: dessert

包子: steamed stuffed bun

果酱: jam

鸡肉: chicken

沙拉: salad

冰激凌: ice-cream

茶: tea

饺子: dumplings/Jiaozi

蛋糕: cake

香肠: sausage

晚餐: dinner/supper

肉丸: meat balls

柠檬水: lemonade

百事可乐: Pepsi

油条: fried bread stick

二、Chant and Sing

1.Let’s chant and sing.

Apples, pears, lemons and mangoes,

peaches, grapes, oranges and coconuts.

They are all fruits. They are all fruits.

Chicken, rice, cakes and bread,

burgers, potatoes, pizzas and sausages.

They are all food. They are all food.

2.Sing the song.

How often, how often do you go to school?

How often, how often do you go to the zoo?

How often, how often do you have sports?

How often, how often do you buy dolls?

How often, how often do you have a sandwich?

How often, how often do you eat a sausage?

How often, how often do you have a burger?

How often, how often do you eat pasta?

三、Look, Read and Talk

How often should you eat these foods? Fill in the boxes.


Conversation 1

—What’s your favourite food/drink?

—My favourite food is dumplings. /My favourite drink is orange juice.

Conversation 2

—What would you like to eat/drink?

—I would like to eat some cakes. /I would like to drink some coffee.

Conversation 3

—What would you like for breakfast?—I’d like two eggs and a glass of milk.

Conversation 4

—Would you like some bread?

—Yes, please. /No, thanks. I am full.

Conversation 5

—What about some more cakes?

—Thank you. Just a little, please. /No more. Thank you.

Conversation 6

M: What can I get you?

W: A cheeseburger and an order of French fries would be great.

M: Would you like anything to drink?

W: I feel like having a Coke. That’s my favorite.

M: That’s a good idea. Nothing more?

W: No more, thanks.

M: I think I’ll join you.

W: Thanks.

Conversation 7

A: What’s your favourite food?

B: My favourite food is candy.

A: Is it healthy food?

B: No, it isn’t. It is unhealthy food.

A: What’s your favourite drink?

B: My favourite drink is juice.

A: That’s good. It is a healthy drink.

B: Yes. It is good for our health.

A: Have you got any juice here?

B: Sorry, I haven’t got any juice here.

Conversation 8

Zip: What’s your favourite food, Zoom?

Zoom: I like beef, but I’m heavy now. I have to eat vegetables. What about you, Zip?

Zip: I like chicken. It’s tasty. Do you like fruits, Zoom.

Zoom: Yes, carrot juice is my favourite It’s fresh and healthy.

Zip: I like fruits. But I don’t like strawberries. They’re sour.

True or False?

1. Beef is Zoom’s favorite food. ( )

2. Zoom can eat a let of meat. ( )

3. Zoom likes carrot juice because it’s fresh and healthy. ( )

4. Zip likes strawberries because they’re sour. ( )

5. Zip’s favourite food is chicken. ( )


Reading 1

Hello. My name is Millie. I’m thirteen years old. I’m a good boy. I often play volleyball so I’m fit and healthy. For breakfast, I always have some bread and an egg and I drink a glass of orange juice. I sometimes have rice with fish and an apple for lunch. I really love apples, because “An apple a day keeps the doctor away ( 离开 )”. In the evening, I sometimes have a glass of milk or a cup of green tea and some biscuits. For dinner, I often have soup, meat and vegetables. I like vegetables because they are fresh and healthy. They are good for me. Look at me! How tall and strong I am now!

True or False?

( )Millie is 14 this year.

( )Millie likes football very much.

( )Millie often drinks orange juice for breakfast.

( )Millie likes apples because they’re healthy.

( )Millie often have vegetables for dinner.

Reading 2


Sally likes French fries. In fact, she eats them all the time. Her friends often tell her that she eats too many French fries, but Sally doesn’t think so. She thinks they’re delicious.

Jonathan likes ice cream. In fact, he eats it all the time. His doctor often tells him that she eats too much ice cream, but Jonathan doesn’t think so. He thinks it’s delicious.


Henry doesn’t like vegetables. In fact, he never eats them. His parents often tell him that vegetables are good for him, but Henry doesn’t care. He thinks they taste terrible.

Lucy doesn’t like yogurt. In fact, she never eats it. Her children often tell her that yogurt is good for her,but Lucy doesn’t care. She thinks it tastes terrible.

六、Role Play

Some of your friends are having dinner at your home. How do they like the food? Ask them.

A: How do you like the _____________?

B: I think (it’s /they’re) delicious.

A: I’m glad you like (it/them). Would you care for some more?

B: Yes, please. But not (too much/too many). Just (a little/ a few). My doctor says that (too much/ too many) ____________ (is/are) bad for my health.

chocolate cake


ice cream

七、Question and Discussion

1.Tell about foods you like. Ask yourself following questions.

(1)What foods do you think are delicious?

(2)How often do you eat them?

(3)Are they good for you, or are they bad for you?

2.Tell about foods you don’t like.

(1)What foods do you think taste terrible?

(2)How often do you eat them?

(3)Are they good for you, or are they bad for you?

3.Group discussion.

(1)What is your favourite food?

(2)What do you often have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

(3)Do you often have your dinner in a restaurant? How do you think of it?

(4)What do you think is the most popular fast food in the city where you live?

(5)Do you like hot or sweet food? Why? xzKsQBULQaTiHqPX7JxJ4HVMtr3qic4xr4XX30wU+ZBpiMC3hsGjBd5BGPOwUJf0
