
Lesson 9

一、Vocabulary Preview


horse :马 mare :母马

buffalo :水牛 bull :公牛

pig/swine :猪 sheep :绵羊

zebra :斑马 antilope :羚羊

giraffe :长颈鹿 camel :骆驼

cat :猫 kitten/kitty :小猫

leopard :豹 tiger :虎

donkey :驴

cow :母牛

goat :山羊

deer :鹿

elephant :象

lion :狮

dog :狗

ox :牛

calf 小:牛犊

lamb :羊羔

reindeer :驯鹿

hippo :河马

puma :美洲豹

fox :狐狸

wolf :狼

hare :野兔

monkey :猴子

bat :蝙蝠

eagle/hawk :鹰

turkey :火鸡

swan :天鹅

gull/seagull :海鸥

magpie :喜鹊

canary :金丝雀

tortoise/turtle :龟

fish :鱼

squirrel :松鼠

bunny :小兔子

gorilla :大猩猩

whale :鲸

cock/rooster :公鸡

peacock :孔雀

dove :和平鸽,野鸽

woodpecker :啄木鸟

swallow :燕子

penguin :企鹅

frog :青蛙

bird :鸟

bear :熊

rat :鼠

kangaroo :袋鼠

dolphin :海豚

hen :母鸡

duck :鸭

pigeon :家鸽

parrot :鹦鹉

sparrow :麻雀

snake :蛇

crocodile :鳄鱼

panda :熊猫

rabbit :兔子

mouse :家鼠

koala :考拉,树袋熊

seal :海豹

chicken :鸡,雏鸡

goose :鹅

ostrich :鸵鸟

crow/raven :乌鸦

nightingale :夜莺

lizard :蜥蜴

puppy :小狗

bee :蜜峰

二、Write and Read

1.Write farm animals and zoo animals.

Farm animals:

Zoo animals:

2.Read and tick.

( )1. A fish lives in a river.

( )2. A panda lives in a tree.

( )3. A snake lives in a hole.

( )4. A zebra has stripes.

( )5. A giraffe has two legs.


Conversation 1

Coco: What is your favorite animal?

Costa: I like big animals.

Costa: I like elephants.

Coco: I like fast animals.

Coco: I like horses.

Costa: What is your favorite animal?

Mimi: I like turtles.

Mimi: Turtles are not big.

Mimi: They are not fast.

Mimi: But they run and run until they reach the goal!

Coco: Really?

Coco: Then I like turtles, too.

Costa: Yeah, me too.

Conversation 2

Coco: Shelly, what small animals do you like?

Shelly: I like dogs very much.

Coco: Why do you like dogs? Do you like cats?

Shelly: No, I don’t think cats are friendly.

Coco: Did you have a dog?

Shelly: No, Dad doesn’t let me have one.

Coco: That’s a shame.


Reading 1

Mr. Rabbit gets three carrots in a garden. “I will make carrot soup,” he says. He meets Miss Pig. “May I have a carrot, please?” Miss Pig asks. “Yes, here’s a carrot for you,” Mr. Rabbit answers.

Then Mr. Rabbit meets Mr. Goat. “May I have a carrot, please?” Mr. Goat asks. “Yes, here’s a carrot for you,” Mr. Rabbit says.

At last Mr. Rabbit meets Mr. Mouse. “May I have a carrot, please?” Mr. Mouse asks. “Yes, here’s a carrot for you.” Mr. Rabbit gives the carrot to Mr. Mouse. Mr. Rabbit goes home without any carrots.

After a few moments ( 瞬间 ), the doorbell rings. “Who is it?” Mr. Rabbit asks. “Hello!” answers Miss Pig, with Mr. Goat and Mr. Mouse. “You share your carrots with us, so we will share our food with you.”“Haha! The carrot soup! Let’s eat and drink!” So they all have a delicious meal.

True or False?

( )1. Mr. Rabbit wants to make carrot soup at first.

( )2. Mr. Rabbit gives all his carrots to Miss Pig.

( )3. Mr. Goat gets a carrot from Mr. Rabbit.

( )4. Mr. Rabbit doesn’t have a delicious meal.

( )5. From the story, we know Mr. Rabbit is very kind.

Reading 2

There are lots of stories about long lives of animals. Some people say snakes can live for hundreds of years. Some say birds can sleep for years. After they wake up, they are living! These stories are very interesting for us to read.

But do you think they are true ( 真实的 )? No! Most animals don’t live as long as people do.Of course, it’s hard to know an animal’s age. Because animals can’t say, “I’m…years old.” But here are some animals.

An elephant is very old at 60. A horse is old at 50. Bears can live to be about 35. Monkeys can live to be 25.The oldest birds are parrots and eagles. They can live to be about 50.

There’s one animal that lives longer than people. That’s the tortoise. One tortoise is said to have lived

to be 200 years. Maybe it’s true, because it doesn’t like to move ( 移动 ).

True or False?

( )1. Snakes are the oldest animals.

( )2. All the animals live longer than people.

( )3. Tortoises live longer than people.

( )4. An animal can’t tell people how old it is.

( )5. People can live to be 300.

Reading 3

A Super Cat

Cat is a kind of lovely animal. Many people like to play with a cat at home. However ( 然而 ), do you know cat is also a kind of super animal. They are not easy to die.

I have a cat, his name is Leo. My family love him very much, but he doesn’t love himself at all. He always likes to play outside and jumps out of the building. So far, my little cat has jumped out of the window for 4 times. He broke ( 折断 ) his legs for 3 times. But he is still very strong now. Everyday, he still eats a lot and plays a lot. We call it a super cat.

1.True or False?

( )1. Cat is a kind of lovely animal.

( )2. Many people don’t like the cat at all because they are easy to die.

( )3. The author ( 作者 ) has a super cat at home.

( )4. His cat’s name is Leo.

( )5. Leo always jumps out of the window.

( )6. Leo is a very strong cat.

2.Read and draw.

3.Read and tick or cross.

4.Sing and chant.

Old Mcdonald Had a Farm

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

And on his farm he had a cat, Ee I Ee I Oh!

With a meow, meow here, and a meow, meow there.

Here a meow, there a meow, everywhere a meow, meow.

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

And on his farm he had a dog, Ee I Ee I Oh!

With a woof, woof here, and a woof, woof there.

Here a woof, there a woof, everywhere a woof, woof.

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

And on his farm he had a duck, Ee I Ee I Oh!

With a quack, quack here, and a quack, quack there.

Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack, quack.

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

And on his farm he had a cow, Ee I Ee I Oh!

With a moo, moo here, and a moo, moo there.

Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo, moo.

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

And on his farm he had a pig, Ee I Ee I Oh!

With a oink, oink here, and a oink, oink there.

Here a oink, there a oink, everywhere an oink, oink.

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

And on his farm he had a sheep, Ee I Ee I Oh!

With a baa, baa here, and a baa, baa there,

Here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa, baa.

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

And on his farm he had a chicken, Ee I Ee I Oh!

With a cluck, cluck here, and a cluck, cluck there,

Here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck, cluck.

Old Macdonald had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!

5.Let’s sing.


There was a farmer had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O!

B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O,

And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a farmer had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O!

B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O,

And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a farmer had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O!

B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O,

And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a farmer had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O!

B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O,

And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a farmer had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O!

B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O,

And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a farmer had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O!

B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O,

And Bingo was his name-O. 1yFh/25xxXYVYthqf2sSnFQr2qGBjPnmEBhXQV863DBMjcmmQvL4YM1QS4Y6Y1H0
