
Lesson 7

一、Vocabulary Preview

水果类( fruits )英语单词大全如下:

apple :苹果

pear :梨子

peach :桃子

banana :香蕉

lemon :柠檬

grape :葡萄

raisin :葡萄干

honeydew (melon) :哈密瓜

coconut :椰子

blueberry :蓝莓


kiwi fruit :奇异果( 猴桃)

grapefruit :柚子

lychee/litchi :荔枝

durian :榴

plum :李子

orange :橙子

nut :坚果

cranberry :蔓越莓

fig :无花果

cherry :樱桃

lime :酸橙

haw :山楂

dragon fruit/pitaya :火龙果

apricot :杏子

tangerine :橘子

strawberry :草莓

raspberry :木莓,树莓

pineapple :菠萝

watermelon :西瓜

date :枣子

coconut :椰子

pomegranate :石榴

二、Draw and Write

Draw and complete this table of fruit.

三、Let’s Play “Bingo”

Choose nine words and write them in the grid. Match the teacher’s words!


Conversation 1

A: I need to buy some fruit.

B: All the fruit are pretty fresh here.

A: How much are the pears?

B: They’re four yuan per kilo.

A: Give me one kilo of those, please. Do you have any fresh plums?

B: Yes, we do. They are eight yuan per kilo.

A: It’s a bit too expensive. We can get it for six yuan in the shop next here.

B: Take much and you can have them six yuan per kilo.

A: Sounds reasonable. I’ll take three kilos.

B: OK. It’s 22 yuan.

A: Here you are.

Conversation 2

A: I like eating fruit very much.

B: Me, too. I like mangoes most. Mangoes smell very nice, and they are sweet. How about you?

A: I don’t like mangoes. But I like apples very much. They are crispy ( 酥脆的 , 清脆的 ) and juicy.

B: Yeah, apples are delicious. Oranges, I don’t like them. Eating oranges can be very “troublesome”;

you have to peel ( 剥皮 , 削皮 ) the skin.

A: Yeah. I don’t like oranges either. Sometimes oranges are very sour. I’d rather eat mandarins/tangerines.

B: I agree. Mandarins ( 柑橘 ) are usually sweet and juicy. They peel easily.

A: Well, do you like durians?

B: Durians! Sure.

A: I like durians too. But many people say durians stink ( 发出臭味 ).

B: Well, they are quite smelly ( 有臭味的 , 发臭的 ).

Conversation 3

A: Why are you eating another apple?

B: You know what they say about apples!

A: No, I’m afraid I don’t know.

B: An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

A: Especially if you throw it at him.

B: You should eat fruit, it’s good for you.

A: I do eat fruit, just not as often as you do.

B: Eating healthy is wonderful!

A: I don’t doubt it, but I still want pizza for lunch.

B: Only if you eat an apple, too.

A: Alright, I’ll also eat an apple.

B: That’s the spirit! You’re healthier already.

五、Reading the Passages

Reading 1

Hello, welcome to our school. I’m Sally. I’m a student. I’m an English girl. I’m nine years old. I have a brother. His name is Mike. He is a student, too. Mike and I like fruit very much. But we like different ( 不同 ) fruits. I like pears but he likes bananas. I like peaches but he likes pineapples. I like green apples but he likes red ones.

Look! There are so many fruits: apples, mangoes, bananas, coconuts ( 椰子 ), cherries ( 樱桃 ) oranges,watermelons and so on ( 等等 ). There are red apples and green apples. The oranges and bananas are yellow. They’re so nice. Look at the watermelons. They are so big. Who’s the man in the blue shirt? Oh, he is Mr. Li. He is buying fruit. He buys some red apples and mangoes. They’re nice.

Reading 2

My Favourite Fruit

Of all the fruits, I like apples best. First it is very beautiful. It is red and round. You can’t help eating it when you see it. Second, it is very sweet. It is really a kind of enjoyment when you taste it. Third, it is said that apples are very good for our health. There is a saying: “One apple a day, keeps a doctor away.” It means that if you have one apple every day, you won’t get any disease. The apple is not only an ordinary kind of fruit, it can also keep you away from disease, so there is no reason to refuse it. Try it and enjoy it! RmeXga35VSX+/YdshyH2ldw76CiKo+g4GXP8rYNnChkt0yN5xQMFP73umbyt6KJ8
