阐述理由时,我们可以使用ground这个单词。ground原指“底部”,后来引申为“根据,理由”。常见搭配有:There are good grounds for arguing that...; The grounds for saying this are that...; on...grounds; There are good grounds to argue that...。
1 医疗健康
英语可以说: There are good grounds for arguing that the state should decide on the form of medical provision for children.
2 科技
英语可以表述为:In conclusion, politicians should not fund space research. The grounds for saying this are that it is very costly and provides few real benefits. Furthermore, there are several more urgent issues that need to be funded.
3 人口问题
英语可以表述为:Another option would be to improve levels of sex education by explaining the difficulties caused by having too many children. Promoting contraception though may be problematic in many regions on cultural and religious grounds .
Please translate the following Chinese into English based on key words, collocations or sentence structures provided.
(1) ...be the grounds for...
(2) ...on the grounds that...; ...on the grounds of...; on...grounds
解决人口过度膨胀的另一个选项是可以通过解释过度生育所造成的困难来提高性教育水平。不过,基于文化宗教原因,在很多地区倡导 避孕措施(contraception) 可能会存在 问题(problematic) 。
(3) There are good grounds for arguing that...; there are grounds to argue that...
人们认为应由 国家(state) 决定给孩子 提供 什么样的 医疗服务(medical provision) 。
虽然人们认为强制青少年为社区 义务工作(unpaid work) 有利于社会和年轻人本身,但同时也 侵犯(infringe) 了他们的权利。
(4) The grounds for saying this are that...
总而言之,政府不应该资助太空研究,因为它 耗费巨大(costly) ,无太多实际好处。同时,其他 紧急的(urgent) 项目更需资金支持。