在电影《美国队长》中,当鹰眼(Hawkeye)被反派角色洛基(Loki)收服的时候,英语说的是:He has been compromised. 中文意思是“他被制服了”,即他放弃抵抗了。在电影中,我们经常会听到:The building has been compromised. 中文意思是“大楼被损毁了”。
1 工作
英语可以表述为:It is inevitable that some workers have to compromise their desires and needs to secure a position in this fierce job market.
2 科技
英语可以表述为:On the other hand, medical developments also pose dilemmas, including compromising our standard of living because of a dependent elderly population, potentially causing harmful mental and physical side effects, and undermining our ethical values.
3 艺术
Perhaps a compromise could be reached by which those keen to maintain the arts could raise the percentage of their own funds and the government could reduce its level of sponsorship.
或者 A possible compromise would be for those keen to maintain the arts to raise the percentage of their own funds, and for the government to reduce its level of sponsorship.
Please translate the following Chinese into English based on key words, collocations or sentence structures provided.
(1) compromise sth.
现在人才市场竞争 激烈(fierce) ,为了 找(secure) 一份工作,很多人 不可避免的(inevitable) 要降低自己的需求和欲望。
他们每次比赛都要面临 巨大压力(tremendous pressure) ,同时还要牺牲个人生活隐私。
另一方面医疗进步也会带来很多 问题(dilemma) ,比如赡养 老人(a dependent elderly population) 会导致生活水平降低,医疗手段在精神和身体上产生的 副作用(side effect) 以及破坏 道德价值观(ethical values) 等。
(2) compromise on/with...
那些 背叛(betray) 国家、以国家自由换取敌人妥协的人应被绞死,或因 罪大恶极的罪行(heinous act) 而被处以死刑。
很多人为了 分配(allocate) 更多时间陪伴家人和朋友,愿意在事业、工资、福利等方面做出牺牲。
(3) a compromise could be reached by which...; a compromise would be for...to...
或许我们可以考虑折中方案,那些艺术支持者可以增加个人资金的比例,而政府则可以降低 资助(sponsorship) 的比例。