
1.1.2 引导名词从句的常用连接词


从上面的表格中我们有以下重要发现,要求读者认真理解和掌握:第一,对于陈述句,连接词that是后来添加上去的,此时的that自然不充当从句里的任何成分,而且也没有任何意义,只起连接主句和从句的作用。 第二,对于一般疑问句,连接词whether/if也是后来添加上去的,目的是为了保留句子的疑问意义,有“是否”的含义,即whether/if是有意义的,这不同于that。与that相同的是,whether/if也不充当任何句子成分。 第三,对于特殊疑问句,我们不需要添加任何连接词,因为特殊疑问词就充当了连词,从而变成了相应的连接词。但关键是,我们需要把倒装语序还原成陈述语序。这些特殊疑问词都是在句中充当各种成分的,比如连接代词可以充当主语、宾语或表语,而连接副词则充当状语。 需要提醒读者注意的是,我们要特别关注这些连词是否在句中充当句子成分。比如:that不作任何句子成分,只起连接作用,后面要接陈述句; what一定充当从句的主语或宾语等成分; which和whose后面都要接名词等等。这些都是考试重点,比如下面这道考研真题:

Concerns were raised ______ witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to ensure guilty verdicts.

A. what

B. when

C. which

D. that

正确答案 D。

妙语点睛 本题考查的是名词从句中连词的使用。我们看到从句witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to ensure guilty verdicts是一个完整的陈述句,不缺任何成分,因此空格中需要填入的连词也应该不充当任何成分。显然只有选项D满足这一要求。这里的that引导一个同位语从句,其先行词是concerns,所以这句话本来的结构应该是“Concerns (that witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to ensure guilty verdicts)were raised.”。这里由于that从句比谓语were raised结构复杂而长,所以将谓语部分were raised提前,从而造成同位语从句与其先行词concerns被分隔开的现象。此外还要提醒读者注意的是,名词从句中的连词that不充当从句成分,但是定语从句中的关系代词that是充当从句成分的。

精品译文 人们日益担心,证人可能会受到鼓励,在法庭上夸大其词以确保陪审团对被告做出有罪的判决。



思维训练1.1 Key


1. There is a popular saying ______. (Family instability causes social instability.)

2. No one knows exactly ______. (Is there life on other planets?)

3. No one knew ______. (Would interest rates rise?)

4. I am interested in the question ______. (Will people live on the moon someday?)

5. No one knows for sure _______. (Will the gains be greater than the losses?)

6. My question is ______. (Do we have enough time to go to the movie?)

7. September 11, 2001 started out as an ordinary day, but ______ will be forever etched (铭刻)in our memories. (What happened that morning?)

8. ______ is wholly new kind of police force. (What do we need?)

9. Children often ask ______. (How do bears survive winter?)

10. ______ is true. (What did he tell you?)

11. ______ has not yet been decided. (Who will chair the meeting?)

12. ______ has not yet been decided. (When is the meeting to be held?)

13. ______ is still a mystery. (Why did he refuse to cooperate with us?)

14. ______ is more important than what his fate is. (How does a person master his fate?)

15. Could you tell me ______?(Where is the post office?)

16. We don't know ______. (Why didn't he come yesterday?)

17. This is ______. (Where does our basic interest lie?)

18. My question is ______. (Where are we going to have our holidays?)


19. He didn't live up to ______ had been expected of him.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. all what

20. I realized ______ ______ I said was not exactly ______ I meant to say.

A. what, that, what

B. that, what, what

C. that, which, which

D. that, that, what

21. Although Anne is happy with her success, she wonders ______ will happen to her private life.

A. that

B. what

C. it

D. which

22. The mere fact ______ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. why

23. One of the qualities ______ (that/what/who/why)separate us two-legged animals from the four-legged ones is compassion. It is ______ (which/that/what)makes us stand up tall instead of crawling about on all fours. And standing up tall is ______ (which/that/what)frees our arms to reach out to a fellow being and say, “Let me help you.”

24. Change is ______(which/that/what)keeps us fresh and innovative. Change is _______(which/that/what)keeps us from getting stale. Change is ______(which/that/what)keeps us young. 18wRRRUMOqnTD9ZcQ+CftpS2rhf546TVvXZ98vPc5+LR+vhViqx2Ku5O0ebSVXfo
