
2.3 如何判断先行词

在2.1节里,我们弄清了先行词的“全部真面目”,揭示了先行词本身的结构特点; 在2.2节里我们探讨了先行词与关系词“骨肉分离”的三种情形,揭示了先行词在句中的位置特点。上面这两点是从英语句法结构特点的角度协助我们快速、正确地找到先行词。不过,因为先行词毕竟是与它的修饰语即定语从句关系密切,所以,要想正确地找到先行词,首先应该正确地理解定语从句本身的意思,然后根据从句的意思来找能与其构成逻辑语义联系的先行名词,在找这个名词的同时,可以结合上面讨论过的先行词的结构特点和位置特点。因此,找先行词的步骤如下:1. 先翻译定语从句,正确地理解定语从句本身的意思; 2. 结合先行词的结构特点和位置特点,在关系词之前寻找与定语从句的意思有逻辑语义联系的名词、短语或从句,这即为先行词。其实,这样一个寻找先行词的过程,在考研的完形填空题中多次出现。比如:

1 Even when homeless individuals manage to find a ______ that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good number still spend the bulk of each day wandering the street.

A. lodging

B. shelter

C. dwelling

D. house

正确答案 B。

妙语点睛 这是考研完形填空真题。我们看到,该题的空格后面是一个由that引导的定语从句that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night,而上文说过,定语从句与其前面的先行词构成一种解释关系。所以,我们要先正确理解定语从句的意思,然后看它的意思能够解释四个选项中的哪个名词。这个定语从句的意思是:“为那些无家可归者提供一日三餐和住处”。知道了定语从句的意思,我们再来看四个名词的意思,看哪一个能表达“吃住的地方”这个意思:

lodging: a place to live in, esp. temporarily 寄宿,临时居住的地方。

shelter: an establishment that provides temporary housing for homeless people 收容所,专门收留无家可归者。

dwelling: a place to live in 住处。

house: a structure serving as a dwelling for one or more persons, esp. for a family 房屋住宅,尤指作为一家人的住处的建筑物。

我们看到,lodging, dwelling, house都主要是强调a place to live in,没有提到吃的问题,而只有shelter是一个收容无家可归者的机构(establishment),即收容所。虽然没有直接提到吃的问题,但既然是专门的收容所,必然会解决吃住的问题。而且homeless people也正是本文的中心话题。故B为正确答案。

精品译文 即使个别无家可归者设法找到了可为其提供一日三餐和栖身之处的收容所,但仍有大量无家可归者每天的大部分时间流浪街头。

2 For workers it can mean an end to the security, benefits and sense of ______ that came from being a loyal employee.

A. excitement

B. conviction

C. enthusiasm

D. importance

正确答案 D。

妙语点睛 这是考研完形填空真题。同上一题一样,解此题的关键还是在于理解定语从句that came from being a loyal employee的意思,即“作为一名忠实雇员所带来的……”。注意这里定语从句的先行词是the security, benefits and sense of _____。我们来看四个选项:excitement“激动,兴奋”,conviction“坚信,信念”,enthusiasm“热衷,热情”,importance“重要,价值”。这里sense of importance是表示认为自己对于公司的发展很重要,很有一种自豪感,就相当于我们汉语里常说的“主人翁精神”,而这种精神是作为一名“忠实雇员”所能感受到的。故importance正确。

精品译文 对于雇员来说,这(雇用临时工的趋势)意味着失去作为一名忠实雇员所带来的安全感、福利待遇以及自豪感。


3 Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists used for the study of natural phenomena.

精品译文 社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它力图像自然科学家研究自然现象那样,用理性的、有序的、系统的和冷静的方式研究人类及其行为。

这里定语从句中的关键概念natural scientists(自然科学家)与关系词前面的social science(社会科学)是反义对照关系,这也有助于我们判断先行词是social science。


4 The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they can be taken into the root.

妙语点睛 这里的定语从句that are usable by the plant的谓语是are,就告诉我们:先行词只可能是复数名词elements,而不是单数名词soil。

精品译文 土壤中可供植物利用的矿物成分,只有先溶解在土壤中然后才能被植物的根部吸收。

5 Changes in the social structure may indirectly affect juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain.

妙语点睛 这里的定语从句that lead to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general的谓语是lead,就告诉我们:先行词只可能是复数名词changes,而不是单数名词economy。

精品译文 社会结构方面的变化也许在间接地影响青少年犯罪率。比如,经济方面的变化使得青年的就业机会更少、失业率上升,这就会使得赚钱的工作越来越难找。

此外,有时我们也可以根据关系词来判断先行词。比如关系词是who,那么先行词一定是指人的; 若关系词是which,那么先行词一定是指物的。请看例句:

6 The words used by the speaker may stir up unfavorable reactions in the listener which interfere with his comprehension.

妙语点睛 这里的关系词是指物的which,因此先行词不可能是表示人的listener。于是,我们继续往左边看,找到表示物的名词reactions,可以初步判断它即是先行词。又看到从句的谓语动词interfere是复数形式,正好与复数名词reactions构成主谓一致。故可确定reactions即为先行词。

精品译文 说话人的用词可能会引起听者的不良反应,这就会影响听者的理解。




1. 结合定从句的意思: 定语从句的内容必然是与先行词密切相关的。比如,第2.3节的例句1中的定语从句that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night对先行词shelter的解释说明关系。

2. 结合定语从句中的关键词: 比如,第2.2.3小节的例句2中,natural scientist与social science构成的反义对照关系。

3. 结合定语从句的谓语单复数: 比如,第2.3节的例句4中的are表明elements是先行词。

4. 结合定语从句的关系词: 比如,第2.3节的例句6中,which的先行词不可能是listener。


5. 结合先行词的结构特点: 先行词可能是一个词、短语、分句或完整的句子等。

6. 结合先行词的位置特点: 先行词通常与定语从句是“手拉手”在一起的,但也可能被分隔两处。被分隔的情况有三种,即被定语、状语或谓语分隔。对于这一点,读者一定要真正弄懂我们前面讲过的内容,不能有丝毫含糊,因为这正是构成难句结构的一个方面。


思维训练2.2-2.3 Key


1. As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive—there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas.

2. More and more frequently, magazines are being published that are outside of the mainstream press. These are called ‘fringe’ publications and deal with the multitude of issues that are ignored by industry, the governments and the established professions.

3. Very little architecture is created that does not have a practical function. In that sense, it is hard to distinguish between it being a ‘Fine Art’ and an ‘Applied Art’.

4. Smart cars have already been built which can monitor one's driving and the driving conditions nearby.

5. A ceasefire was arranged which allowed the Iraq government to remain in control.

6. No plan should ever be so rigid that it is unable to adapt to changing circumstances. As your career develops, opportunities will arise, and you will have choices to make that may lead you down quite different paths from those which you originally envisaged.


7. Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the ______ that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are admired by others.

A. assistance

B. guidance

C. confidence

D. tolerance PyTOv7qkNc4kBOKovMiCtA/cXbcl+OfUQq8pzF7sYWpKTOaddKiDy82cwBRpZoVS
