
1.2.3 because引导的主语从句

在英语中,还有一种较为特殊的主语从句,即是由because引导的主语从句。这种主语从句的结构一般是“because+陈述句”,置于主语位置,后面直接加谓语,而且这个谓语往往都是does not mean。在because前面往往会有just一词,起强调语气的作用。请看例句:

1 Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

妙语点睛 该句的主语是just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to这个从句,谓语是doesn't mean。

精品译文 如果有人没有以你希望的方式去爱你,并不意味着他们没有全身心地爱你。

2 Something which seems valuable at first may turn out to be worthless. Example: “All that glitters is not gold!” Just because something appears valuable does not mean that it really is valuable.

妙语点睛 该句的主语是just because something appears valuable这个从句,谓语是does not mean。

精品译文 有些东西乍看起来很值钱,但后来却证明一文不值。比如,人们常说“闪闪发光的并不都是金子”。只是看起来很值钱的东西并不意味着真的很值钱。 再看下面这个比较好的例句,也许能引起读者的一些思考:

3 There is a big difference between activity and accomplishment. Just because you are doing something doesn't mean you are getting anywhere. One must evaluate one's activity in order to have accomplishment.

妙语点睛 该句的主语是just because you are doing something这个从句,谓语是doesn't mean。

精品译文 工作与成就这两者之间是有很大差距的,仅仅是不停地工作并不意味着你就取得了成就。因此,人们必须认真审视自己眼下的工作,看是否真的能够取得成就。



思维训练1.2 Key


1. It is obvious ______ on more important things.

A. which the money should we spend

B. what the money should we spend

C. that the money should we spend

D. that we should spend the money

2. ______ hard water does not mix well with soap.

A. That is a well-known fact

B. That is a well-known fact in which

C. It is a well-known fact that

D. It is a well-known that

3. ______ every magnet is surrounded by a magnetic field.

A. It believes that

B. It believed that

C. It is believed that

D. It's believing that

4. ______ was to return to school.

A. That really interested him

B. What really interested him

C. Which really interested him

D. That interested him really

5. ______ your men have been on my land without permission.

A. It seems that

B. There seems to be

C. That seems

D. It seems for

6. ______ I have made no arrangements to deal with such cases.

A. It appear that

B. That appears

C. They appear that

D. It appears that

7. ______ that the first cheese was probably made more than 4, 000 years ago by nomadic tribes in Asia.

A. The belief

B. Although they believe

C. It is believed

D. Believing

8. ______ to space travelers is high acceleration or deceleration forces.

A. That can be dangerous

B. What can be dangerous

C. They can be dangerous

D. It can be dangerous

9. ______ unstable and explodes as a supernova(起新星)is not known.

A. For a star to become

B. How a star becomes

C. A star becomes

D. That a star is becoming

10. ______ composed traditionally has been a subject of debate among scholars.

A. Where ballads how

B. Ballads were how they

C. How ballads that were

D. How ballads were

11. ______ that the professor's strictness with him is not to punish a careless student but to teach him how to be precise.

A. Joseph was dawned

B. It was dawned on Joseph

C. It dawned on Joseph

D. Joseph dawned it on

12. ______ was not our concern.

A. No matter how he might pass the examination

B. Whether he passed the examination or not

C. Though he might pass the examination

D. While he passed the examination ABgPe7hn5nzybTYWNZJcv0xZCEMaDDPyyDEP6e+jwEC/ne3srEbvE1T41LnCDjj8
