
2.1 引言:Story-telling



美国宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)于1969年7月20日登上月球,成为有史以来第一个登上月球的人。相信读者还记得他的那句登月后的名言——“这对于我个人来说只是一小步,但对于人类来说却是一大步。”他的英文原话是:

1 That’s one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind.

就这样简单的一句话,现在引起了人们尤其是语法专家们的广泛争议。他们质疑的是:Is Neil Armstrong’s moon landing quote grammatically incorrect?(尼尔·阿姆斯特朗登月时的感言从语法角度来说是不正确的吗?)

这是为什么呢?原来是一个小小的不定冠词a惹的祸!这还得从man这个词说起。在英语中,man如果表示“成年男子(an adult male human being)”时,一般要加冠词a来修饰,比如说a man。如果表示“全人类(the human race,mankind)”,则不需要用冠词a修饰。

有一位澳大利亚的电脑程序员(an Australian computer programmer)在分析阿姆斯特朗的那句登月名言时,发现在他的原话中没有这个冠词a(He found the missing“a”from Armstrong’s famous first words from the moon in 1969.)。也就是说,阿姆斯特朗说的是“That’s one small step for man ,one giant leap for mankind.”而没有这个小小的冠词a,这就意味着,这里的man是表示“人类”的意思,也就相当于mankind。因此,阿姆斯特朗说的意思实际上是One small step for mankind ,one giant leap for mankind .(Without the missing“a”,Armstrong essentially said,“One small step for mankind,one giant leap for mankind.”)这就成了“这对于人类来说只是一小步,但对于人类来说却是一大步”。这显然是有矛盾的。他本来应该说“That’s one small step for a man ,one giant leap for mankind.”才正确。

由此可见,一个小冠词a在这里意义重大(What a difference an“a”makes!)。说与不说冠词a对于阿姆斯特朗来说是个小问题,但对于那些深究英语语法的人来说却是个大问题(That’s one small word for astronaut Neil Armstrong,one giant revision for grammar sticklers everywhere.)。

那么阿姆斯特朗当年到底有没有说出这个冠词a呢?现在连他自己也记不清了。他只是坚持说,他“当时是打算正确地说这句话的,而且相信的确说了(这个冠词a)”(The famous astronaut has maintained he intended to say it properly and believes he did.)。不过幸好,后来另外一位电脑程序员彼得·山·福特(Peter Shann Ford)利用最新的高科技声音剪辑技术,证明了当时阿姆斯特朗的确说的是one small step for a man 。这位程序员从美国宇航局(NASA)的官方网站上下载了阿姆斯特朗的原话录音,然后利用该技术分析出了原话中有冠词a的音频证据。对于福特的分析,阿姆斯特朗本人评论说:I have reviewed the data and Peter Ford’s analysis of it,and I find the technology interesting and useful.I also find his conclusion persuasive.Persuasive is the appropriate word.(我查看了彼得·福特的分析数据,觉得这项技术很有趣而且很有用。我也觉得他的结论很有说服力。对,就是很有说服力。)



2 The U.S.party should completely accept the blame for it.It is out of the question!

这里问题就出在out of the question这个短语上。上面这句话英文的真正意思是“责任完全在美方。这不可能!”,这样一来,该句的意思显然是在为美方开脱责任!这并非演讲者本来的意思。

原来,在英语中,out of the question 表示“不可能”,而out of question 才表示“毫无疑问”。有和没有这个the,意思完全相反。这位粗心的演讲者由于误用了一个the,导致意思大相径庭,背道而驰!显然造成了不好的影响。


附录 What a Difference an“a”Makes

Is Neil Armstrong’s moon landing quote grammatically incorrect?

HOUSTON-HOUSTON’s one small word for astronaut Neil Armstrong,one giant revision for grammar sticklers everywhere.

An Australian computer programmer says he found the missing“a”from Armstrong’s famous first words from the moon in 1969,when the world heard the phrase,“That’s one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind.”

The story was reported in Saturday’s editions of the Houston Chronicle.

Some historians and critics have dogged Armstrong for not saying the more dramatic and grammatically correct“One small step for a man...”in the version he transmitted to NASA’s Mission Control.Without the missing“a”,Armstrong essentially said,“One small step for mankind,one giant leap for mankind.”

The famous astronaut has maintained he intended to say it properly and believes he did.Thanks to some high-tech soundediting software,computer programmer Peter Shann Ford might have proved Armstrong right.

Ford said he downloaded the audio recording of Armstrong’s words from a NASA website and analyzed the statement with software that allows disabled people to communicate through computers using their nerve impulses.

In a graphical representation of the famous phrase,Ford said he found evidence that the missing“a”was spoken and transmitted to NASA.

“I have reviewed the data and Peter Ford’s analysis of it,and I find the technology interesting and useful,”Armstrong said in a statement.“I also find his conclusion persuasive.Persuasive is the appropriate word.” Z5Xfw1bRUdA9jaatOWWslDGArmH5iBPCSI/dEKhC1cCV5wwpouyARJqiJy8bgQ64
