
Group 1

melodic [mɪ‘lɑdɪk] adj. 有旋律的;音调优美的——melody [‘melədɪ] n. 旋律;歌曲;曲调;美妙的音乐

It has achieved onrushing omnipresence in our world: millions of hours of its history are available on disc; rivers of digital melody flow on the Internet; MP3 players with forty thousand songs can be tucked in a backpocket or a purse.——SAT 2013年10月北美版,Section 8

它以汹涌之势席卷了我们的世界:数百万小时的历史可以在唱片上听到;数字 旋律 的河流在网上流淌;存储着四万首歌曲的MP3播放器(小到)可以塞进后袋或钱包里。



-ic, -tic*形容词后缀,如“apocalyptic”(启示录的)( SAT OG Test 5, Second Edition,Section 7

modest [‘mɑdɪst] adj. 谦虚的;谦逊的;端庄的;适度的;中等的;不太大的;不大多的

When Shigeru Miyamoto was a child, he didn’t really have any toys, so he made his own,out of wood and string. He put on performances with homemade puppets and made cartoon flip-books. He pretended that there were magical realms hidden behind the sliding shoji screens in his family’s little house. There was no television. His parents were of modest means but hardly poor.——SAT 2014年5月,Section 5

当宫本茂还是个孩子的时候,他没有任何玩具,于是他便用木头和线自己做。他用自己做的木偶进行表演,并制作了卡通连环画。他假装在他家的滑动屏风后面藏着一个魔法王国。屋里没有电视,他的父母虽收入 不多 ,但是也不算贫穷。


mod=manner,如“mode”(方式)( SAT 2012年10月, Section 8

ess, est=be, 如“disinterested”(公正的)(SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 9)

accomplished [ə‘kɑmplɪʃt] adj. 熟练的;精通的;有造诣的;有技能的;完成了的;实现了的——accomplish [ə‘kɑmplɪʃ] v. 达到;完成;实现;成功做到

They were acutely aware of the continuing nature of their experiment in self-government,and they expected future generations to accomplish as much as they had.——SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 9

他们敏锐地意识到了在自我管理方面的尝试的持续性,并且希望后人能和他们 取得 一样大的 成就


ac-=ad-=to,如“achieve”(实现)( SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 9

com-=together,如“companionship”(陪伴)( SAT 2011年5月亚洲版,Section 3

pli, ply=fill; full,如“supply”(提供)( SAT 2012年10月,Section 5

-(i)sh*动词后缀,如“lavish”(滥用)( SAT 2013年1月,Section 5

-ed*形容词后缀,如“scorched”(烧焦的)( SAT 2007年1月,Section 3

dismissive [dɪs‘mɪsɪv] adj. 轻视的;傲慢的;解雇的;驳回的——dismiss [dɪs‘mɪs ] v. 解散;解雇;开除;让……离开;免……的职;不予理会(考虑);忽视;不屑;驳回

We both knew that the story of Black women was a remarkable one. We also knew that a great many people, over the centuries and even over the last few decades, have not wanted it told. Some have dismissed it, saying it wasn’t worth telling.——SAT OG Test 9, Second Edition, Section 6

我们都知道,黑人女性的故事引人注目。我们同时也知道,几个世纪以来,甚至几十年以来,许多人都不希望这些历史被透露。有的人 忽视 它,称其不值一提。


dis-=away,如“disfigure”(使……变丑)( SAT 2013年1月,Section 5

miss=send,如“missionary”(传教的)( SAT 2014年1月,Section 2

-ive*形容词后缀,如“impressive”(令人印象深刻的)( SAT OG Test 10, Second Edition, Section 4


Saul Williams has won critical acclaim as a musician, poet, and actor, demonstrating that he is both versatile and_____.

A. melodic

B. modest

C. accomplished

D. dismissive

E. overcommitted

——SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 8

acerbic [ə‘sɜ:bɪk] adj. 尖刻的;刻薄的

Although it is natural to take umbrage at acerbic remarks, Latoya always went to great pains to act as though she was not affronted when people harshly criticized her.——SAT 2013年1月,Section 2

尽管在面对一些 尖酸刻薄的 评价时,生气是件很自然的事,但是拉托亚在人们严厉批评她时,总会煞费苦心地假装没有被冒犯。


acu, acerb=sour, sharp, 如“acutely”(敏感地)( SAT 2011年5月北美版, Section 9)-ic*形容词后缀,表示“与……有关的”“……的”,如“gigantic”(巨大的)(SAT 2013年5 月亚洲版,Section 5

barbed [bɑ:bd] adj. 有刺的;讽刺的;有倒钩的;(话语等)尖刻的,尖锐的



-ed*形容词后缀,如“borrowed”(借来的)( SAT 2010年5月,Section 4

discreet [dɪ‘skri:t] adj. 谨慎的;小心的


dis-=apart,如“distressed”(忧虑的)( SAT 2009年10月,Section 2

cret, creet=separate,如“secretary”(秘书)( SAT 2009年10月,Section 2

droll [drəʊl] adj. 滑稽的;诙谐的;好笑的;逗趣古怪的

The candidate responded to the monotony of campaigning by being droll , relieving the tedium with her wry sense of humor.——SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 2

候选人对竞选的单调乏味回之以 玩笑 ,用她那略带讽刺的幽默感来缓解沉闷。

affront [ə‘frʌnt] v. 冒犯;面对;公开侮辱


af-=ad-=to,如“affirmation”(肯定)( SAT 2010年5月,Section 4

front=forehead,如“frontier”(边疆)( SAT 2011年5月亚洲版,Section 6

unaffected [ˌʌnə‘fektɪd] adj. 不受影响的;自然的;不矫揉造作的


un-=not,如“unreliable”(不可靠的)( SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 3

af-=ad-=to,如“affirm”(断定)( SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 8

fect=make,如“affection”(感情)( SAT OG Test 8, Second Edition, Section 8

-ed*形容词后缀,如“indentured”(受契约束缚的)( SAT OG Test 7, Second Edition,Section 2

intimidated [ɪn‘tɪmɪdeɪtɪd] adj. 害怕的;受到惊吓的

Fretfully, she would wander around the house, bored, but afraid to interrupt; she was like an intimidated child.——SAT 2005年3月,Section 2

她在房子周围焦急地徘徊,无聊至极,但却不敢打扰;她就像一个 受到惊吓的 孩子。


in-=make,如“impair”(损害)( SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 8

tim=fear,如“timorous”(胆小的)( SAT 2008年1月,Section 5

-id*形容词后缀,如“acid”(酸的)( SAT 2007年1月,Section 3

-at(e)*动词后缀,如“reverberate”(使反响)( SAT 2013年1月,Section 2

-ed*形容词后缀,如“alleged”(所谓的)( SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 8


Although it is natural to take umbrage at_____remarks, Latoya always went to great pains to act as though she was not_____when people harshly criticized her.

A. acerbic... affronted

B. barbed... unaffected

C. discreet... flustered

D. droll... intimidated

E. churlish... mollified

——SAT 2013年1月,Section 2

fluent [‘flu:ənt] adj. 流畅的;流利的;易于流动的;顺畅的——fluency [‘flu:ənsɪ] n. 流畅;流利

But some people who gain fluency in expressing multiple aspects of self may find it harder to develop authentic selves.——SAT 2011年5月亚洲版,Section 3

但是某些能 流利地 展示自己多面性的人可能会觉得做真实的自己更困难。


flu=flow,如“flush”(奔涌)( SAT 2013年5月北美版,Section 2

-ent*形容词后缀,如“current”(现在的)( SAT 2006年1月,Section 7

daunting [‘dɔ:ntɪŋ] adj. 使人畏缩的;使人气馁的;令人却步的

The task of tailoring a life to fit a neat and cohesive narrative is a daunting one: an awkward and sometimes uncomfortable process of wading barefoot into the still and often murky waters of someone else’s life, interrogating her choices, speculating about her motives,mapping her movements, and weighing her every word.——SAT 2011年10月,Section 8

将生活剪裁成一个简洁、联系紧密的故事是一项 令人生畏 的任务:一个尴尬的、有时令人不舒服的过程,要赤脚踏入他人平静有时又混乱的生活、质问她的选择、推测她的动机、映射她的动作并且权衡她说的每个字。



-ing*形容词后缀,把动词变为形容词的形式,如“edifying”(有教化意味的)( SAT 2009 10月,Section 2

adroit [ə‘drɔɪt] adj. 敏捷的;灵巧的;熟练的

Because Russell was such a memorable and adroit public speaker, many people mistook his ability to talk about a wide range of topics for genuine erudition.——SAT 2012年1月,Section 8

因为罗素是著名的 才思敏捷的 公众演讲家,许多人将他可以谈论多种领域的话题的能力误以为是真正的博学。

animosity [ˌænɪ‘mɑsətɪ] n. 憎恶;恶意;仇恨;敌视;敌意

Maybe it’s the American obsession with race that makes it so difficult for us as a nation to get rid of our fear that difference implies, even guarantees, animosity and opposition.——SAT OG Test 9, Second Edition, Section 6

也许是美国人对种族的痴迷,使得我们作为一个整体民族却难以摆脱对差异的恐惧,因为恐惧暗含着,甚至必然导致 敌视 和对立。


anim=mind,如“equanimity”(平静)( SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 8

-ity*抽象名词后缀,如“ethnicity”(种族特点)( SAT 2008年1月,Section 5

evasiveness [ɪ‘veɪsɪvnəs] n. 逃避,推诿;模棱两可——evasive [ɪ‘veɪsɪv] adj. 逃避的;托辞的;推托的;回避的;含糊其词的

This was the source of endless fascination to me, because it meant that even with this primitive device one could listen to the world. At first I couldn’t understand how it worked.Why was reception so much better at night? Why was it so infuriatingly variable? I asked my father, who looked evasive and said it had something to do with “”the whachamacallit sphere(he always called complicated things the whachamacallit), but this gave me enough of a steer to go to the local library and start digging.——SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 5

这对我有着无穷无尽的吸引力,因为这意味着,即便是简单粗糙的设备,人们也可以通过它聆听世界。一开始我不理解它的工作原理。为什么它在晚上的接收能力这么好?为什么它的变化如此令人生气?我问父亲,他似乎也是 含糊其词 ,说这跟“那东西”没有关系(他总是把某些复杂的东西称为“那东西”),但这却给了我足够的建议去当地的图书馆里挖掘答案。


e-=ex-=out,如“expedition”(远征)( SAT 2009年1月,Section 7

vas, vade=go,如“pervade”(遍布;弥漫)( SAT 2008年1月,Section 2

-ive*形容词后缀,如“recessive”(隐性的)( SAT 2006年5月,Section 7

-ness*名词后缀,能将形容词变成抽象名词,如“faddishness”(风行一时)( SAT 2012 10月,Section 3

diffidence [‘dɪfɪdəns] n . 无自信;羞怯;胆怯;内向;谦虚——diffident [‘dɪfɪdənt] adj. 羞怯的;缺乏自信的;谦虚谨慎的

Though Judd is typically diffident and reserved in social gatherings, at last night’s reception he spoke and acted with uncharacteristic aplomb.——SAT 2013年10月北美版,Section 3虽然一般来说贾德在社交场合中表现得非常 羞怯 和内敛,但是在昨天晚上的招待会上他的言行举止透着不同寻常的沉着镇定。


dif-=dis-=apart,如“differ”(使相异)( SAT OG Test 10, Second Edition, Section 9

fid=trust,如“confident”(自信的)( SAT 2014年1月, Section 8

-ence*抽象名词后缀,如“ambivalence”(矛盾情绪)( SAT 2012年10月, Section 8

erudition [ˌerJ‘dɪʃn] n. 博学;学识

The intellectual heroes of the United States have tended to be inventors like Thomas Edison and Benjamin Franklin, practical individuals whose contributions arose largely through direct interaction with the “real world”. Common sense over abstract learning, hands-on experience over erudition : this has long been an unspoken national creed.——SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 9

美国的知识分子往往是像托马斯·爱迪生和本杰明·富兰克林这样的发明家,这些人注重实际,他们的贡献大部分来自与“真实世界”的直接互动。常识凌驾于抽象学习,亲身实践凌驾于 渊博学识 :这一直是一个不言而喻的国家信条。


e-=ex-=out,如“exceedingly”(非常)( SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 2

rudi=crude,如“”rudimentary(初级的)( SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 3

-tion*抽象名词后缀,表示“行为”“过程”,如“”reaction(反应)( SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 3


Because Russell was such a memorable and_____public speaker, many people mistook his ability to talk about a wide range of topics for genuine_____.

A. enervating... inquisitiveness

B. charismatic... animosity

C. fluent... evasiveness

D. daunting... diffidence

E. adroit... erudition

——SAT 2012年1月,Section 8 A9f6Fl858x7j4IJDYSj2ytuDHKzdsMT0YCpGXRMs2YEtqdUm+l1BGn9TE/fyWxvp
