




Ⅰ. Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked with A, B, C, and D, and write the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points in total, 1 point for each item)

1. Ronaldo plays like a runaway truck, and the soccer’s Michael Jordan slamming though the Italian defense makes his adopted country know to beware.

A.rupturing  B.roasting  C. rushing  D. languishing

2. Dick loves making plans, but unfortunately they never seem to succeed .

A.come off  B.come up  C. come in  D. come out

3. The male species complain about the vociferous nature of women.

A.clamorous  B.tacit  C. tender  D. sentimental

4. I hope this contribution will obviate any need for further collections of funds.

A.get rid of  B.get across  C. get over  D. get away

5. Such habits as smoking, watching TV excessively are undoubtedly harmful to your health.

A.perplexing  B.detrimental  C. adjustable  D. correlated

6. Inhibited people are reserved about expressing anger.

A.reticent  B.fulsome  C. devoid  D. loquacious

7. In the eighteen century, propitious social conditions created a large potential audience for the printed word.

A.changing  B.encouraging  C. favorable  D. prosperous

8. Senior citizens are advised to go in for some creative activities to keep themselves mentally young.

A. search for   B. invest in   C. engage in   D. work out

9. The new income law which was passed in the congress was denounced in the newspaper.

A.perplexed  B.criticized  C. postulated  D. segmented

10. Political cartoons often convey messages by mocking a particular type of personality or institution.

A.entertaining  B.ignoring  C. drawing  D. ridiculing

11. Mr. Johnson was pleased because he was recently_____ Minister for Agriculture.

A.admitted  B.appointed  C. assumed  D. determined

12. Among the first to come and live in North America_____, who later prospered mainly in New England.

A.had been Dutch settlers B.Dutch settlers were there

C.were Dutch settlers D.Dutch settlers had been there

13. While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very_____.

A.trigger  B.meager  C. vigor  D. linger

14. Some polls show that roughly two-thirds of the general public believe that elderly Americans are by social isolation and loneliness.

A.reproached  B.favored  C. plagued  D. reprehended

15. There’s talk of the Government_____ a new tax relief scheme for families with more than three children.

A.bringing off  B.bringing in  C. bringing up  D. bringing on

16. According to the Geneva_____ no prisoners of war shall be subject to abuse.

A.Customs  B.Congresses  C. Conventions  D. Routines

17. A casual, relaxed person may be described as being_____.

A.free and easy  B.meek and mild  C. slow but sure  D. bright and breezy

18. The woman_____ the washing machine to see what the problem was, but couldn’t put it back together again.

A.dismantled  B.dispensed  C. dissolved  D. dissipated

19. The feeling of_____ that followed her victory was cut short by her father’s sudden death.

A.initiation  B.intricacy  C. interrogation  D. intoxication

20. Sheila, would you kindly_____ Mary? She has a hospital appointment at ten o’clock tomorrow morning.

A.stand up to  B.sit in on  C. stand in for  D. stand up for

Ⅱ. Error Spotting

Directions: Among the four parts marked A, B, C and D, there is one that is grammatically incorrect. Please find out the incorrect one and write the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points in total, 1 point for each item)

1. To understand (A) the width and depth (B) which science can be applied to the material and spiritual problems (C) that confront individuals and nations (D) requires an understanding of what science really is.

2. (A) As president from May 1994 until June 1999, Mandela (B) presided the transition (C) from minority rule (D) and apartheid , winning international respect for his advocacy of national and international reconciliation.

3. The police (A) accused him of setting fire t the building but he denied (B) to have been in the area (C) on the (D) night of the fire.

4. This means that no sooner (A) he has got used to one routine than he (B) has to change to another, (C) so that much of his time is (D) spent neither working nor sleeping very efficiently.

5. (A) At the time the United States split off from Britain, there were (B) proposals that independence  should be linguistically accepted (C) with the use of a different language from (D) that of Britain.

6. In the postwar period, Americans quickly brought down the age (A) at marriage for both men and women and brought the birth rate (B) to a twentieth century (C) height after more than a hundred years of steady decline, (D) producing the “baby boom”.

7. It may be (A) that when his life at last comes to an end he (B) will leave (C) no more trace of his sojourn on earth than a stone (D) throwing to a river leaves on the surface of the water.

8. Investigations are held to gather information on (A) the need for future legislation, to test the effectiveness of laws already (B) passed to inquire into the qualifications and performance of member and officials of the other branches, an (C) in rare occasions , to (D) lay the groundwork for impeachment proceedings.

9. A business firm chooses the price that maximizes(A) its net revenues , (B) irrespective of fluctuations i income; and increasingly the outlook of universities in the United States (C) becomes indistinguishable (D) from those of business firms.

10. Each of us shares with the community (A) in which we live (B) a store of words and meanings as well  as (C) agreeing conventions as to the ways in which words (D) should be arranged to convey a particular message.

11. We may say that the cries of pain (A) or chortles of amusement are largely reflex actions, instinctiv (B) to a large extent , whereas (C) language proper does not consist of signs but of (D) these that have to be learnt and that are wholly conventional.

12. (B) A lingua franca refers to a language which is widely (B) adopted for communication between two speakers whose native languages are different (C) from each other and where one or both speakers (D) are using it as a second language.

13. Television is one of the means (A) by which these feelings are created and conveyed―and perhaps never before (B) it has served so much to connect different (C) peoples and nations (D) as in the recent events in Europe.

14. It has become (A) a platitude that one may go (B) almost anywhere (C) with no other linguistic equipment than English and (D) get away almost as well as in New York.

15. (A) So far as we can tell, all human languages are (B) equally complete and perfect as instruments of communication: that is, every language appears to be (C) as well equipped as any other to say the things (D) their speakers want to say.

16. (A) The Eskimos can (B) speak about snow with (C) further more precision and subtlety than we can in English,but this is not because the Eskimo language is (D) inherently more precise and subtle than English.

17. It is now universally proposed that children (A) be encouraged to do (B) as much as they can for themselves in order to develop their brains and muscles. But (C) a few people today seem to (D) have time to allow the  elderly the same means of keeping their minds and muscles active.

18. The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise market-oriented economy (A) in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced (B) by spending their money in the marketplace (C) for goods and services that they (D) want most .

19. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been steadily increasing, and if (A) it is doubled , which (B) could well happen if we (C) end up by burning all our coal, the average global temperature would increase (D) by some three degrees centigrade .

20. When American pedagogues (A) speak of the virtues of English they almost always (B) begin by hymning its enormous vocabulary. Which is at least (C) as twice larger as that (D) of any other language .

Ⅲ. Cloze

Directions: Fill in each blank with one most appropriate word. (20 points in total, 1 point for each item)

Sub-Saharan Africa has always been the center of the AIDS epidemic. In Botswana, 1 aggressive prevention campaigns, one out of every four adults is infected with HIV. Professor Marianna Baum based her latest research 2 .

Baum recruited almost 900 newly 3 adults who had not yet received the anti-AIDS drugs that target the virus. These adults were then divided into groups that 4 received different combinations of vitamins B, C and E, the mineral selenium 5 a placebo.

Most patients with HIV become 6 in these vitamins, which help boost immunity. Baum said she initially thought the multivitamins alone or selenium alone would be 7 in strengthening the immune system, but found 8 to be incorrect.

“We were surprised to find that 9 the combination was effective.” said Baum.

Research shows that when people with HIV receive anti-retroviral drugs shortly after infection,they can remain healthy and are 10 likely to pass the virus to their 11 partners. For many countries, 12 , the cost of these anti-AIDS drugs is still prohibitive.

Baum said the vitamin and mineral combination therapy should help low 13 countries better control the virus.

“A simple multivitamin 14 with selenium provided early in HIV disease can 15 slow the HIV disease progression and it is safe. It is low cost and it should be provided very early in HIV infection.”said Baum.

Baum said the supplements are not meant to 16 anti-retroviral therapy, but can help those who cannot obtain the drugs.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a world renowned expert on AIDS, disagrees.

“I haven’t read the paper, but 17 taken care of HIV-infected individuals for three decades, I would 18 that vitamins are going to have a major effect on suppressing the virus.” said Fauci.

Fauci said vitamin and mineral supplements may make a patient generally 19 ,but the only thing that truly 20 to suppress HIV is anti-retroviral therapy.

Ⅳ. Writing

Part One

Directions: Please write a letter of no less than 120 words to your local newspaper to complain about the inconvenience a construction project has brought to your neighborhood. Do not release your real name and address. (20 points in total)

Part Two

Directions: Please write an argumentative essay of no less than 200 words on the following topic. (30 points in total).

Should China Postpone the Retirement Age?

Ⅴ. Cultural Background

Part One

Directions: Choose the best one from the four choices A, B, C and D to finish each statement. Write the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET (20 points in total, 1 point for each item)

1. British recorded history begins with_____.

A.the Roman invasion B.the Norman Conquest

C.Viking and Danish invasions D.the arrival and settlement of Celts

2. The ultimate court of appeal in civil cases throughout the United Kingdom is_____.

A.the Court of Appeal B.the Court of Cession

C.the High Court D.the House of Lords

3. The Celts’ religion was_____.

A.Teutonic religion  B.Buddhism  C. Druidism  D. Christianity

4. The American Civil war broke out in and ended in_____.

A.1850~1863  B.1861~1865  C. 1846~1848  D. 1861~1863

5. For nearly thirty years, ElizabethⅠsuccessfully played off against each other the two great Catholic powers of her time,_____.

A.Spain and France  B.Spain and Germany  C. Italy and Germany  D. Spain and Italy

6. The English Renaissance was largely_____.

A.literary  B.religious  C. artistic  D. ideological

7. Christopher Columbus discovered the New World in_____.

A.1492  B.1607  C. 1620  D. 1629

8. Wales is in the_____ of Great Britain.

A.east  B.north  C. west  D. south

9. In the UK, the members of the House of Commons are elected for a maximum of_____ years.

A. fiv   B. four  C. two   D. three

10. The longest war that the United States has fought is_____.

A.the War of Independence B.the Vietnam War

C.the Gulf War D.the Korean War

11. Elections for the House of Representatives in America are held every_____ years.

A.two  B.four  C. three  D. fiv

12. The Irish staple food is_____.

A.corn  B.rice  C. potatoes  D. wheat

13. New England refers to the six states of the_____.

A.midwest  B.northeast  C. southwest  D. west

14. The British Isles are made up of_____ large islands and hundreds of small ones.

A.three  B.four  C. two  D. fiv

15. Two States that are not in the mainland of America are_____ and_____.

A.Florida—Hawaii  B.Alaska—Florida  C. Hawaii—Alaska  D. Rhode Island—Alaska

16. Abraham Lincoln belonged to_____.

A.the Democratic Party B.the Federalist Party

C.the Whig Party D.the Republican Party

17. HenryⅡwas the first king of_____.

A.Windsor  B.Tudor  C. Plantagenet  D. Stuart

18. The Pilgrims built a colony named_____ after they arrived in America.

A.Jamestown  B.Boston  C. Plymouth  D. New York

19. The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in America is the_____.

A.Hispanics  B.Asian Americans  C. WASPs  D. Blacks

20. The most important function of the American Congress is to_____.

A. appoint official  B. make investigations

C.pass laws  D. carry out executive orders

Part Two

Directions: Explain the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points in total, 5 points for each item)

1. Alfred the Great

2. The Electoral College

3. Checks and Balances

4. Medicaid


Ⅰ. Vocabulary and structure (20 points)

1. C. 词汇题。Ronaldo比赛时像落跑的卡车一样,而那迈克尔·乔丹式的一球冲破了意大利的防守,这让他的合约国警惕起来。slam猛击;A. 破裂;B. 烘烤;C. 猛冲;D. 凋萎

2. A. 词汇短语题。Dick喜欢做计划,可惜都不能按计划行事(实现计划)。succeed成功;A.come off成功; B.come up 发生,提出; C. come in 流行; D. come out结果

3. A. 词汇题。男性抱怨女性的吵闹。vociferous喧嚷的;A. clamorous吵闹的(clamor喧闹,叫嚷);B. tacit缄默的;C. tender温柔的;D. sentimental多愁善感的

4. A. 词汇短语题。我希望此次捐献能免除日后的资金募集。obviate消除;A. 免除;B.通过,被理解;C. 克服;D. 逃脱

5. B. 词汇题。过度吸烟、看电视这样的习惯无疑对健康有害。A.复杂的;B.有害的;C.可调节的;D. 相关的

6. A. 词汇题。羞赧的人不会大动肝火。reserved缄默的,有所保留的;A. 保留的,沉默的;B. 过度的,令人生厌的;C. 缺乏的;D. 多话的

7. C. 词汇题。18世纪,有利的社会环境为印刷行业带来了大量潜在读者。

8. C. 词汇短语题。人们建议老年人参与一些富创造性的活动,以保持年轻的心态。go in for投入;A. 搜找;B. 投资;C. 参加;D. 解决

9. B. 词汇题。国会新通过的收入法遭到媒体的批判。denounce谴责;A. 使复杂,使困惑;B. 批判;C. 假定,要求;D. 分割

10. D. 词汇题。政治漫画常通过戏谑某人或者组织来传递信息。mocking嘲弄;A. 娱乐;B.忽略;C. 描绘;D. 嘲笑

11. B. 约翰逊先生很高兴,因为他刚任职卫生部长。A. 承认,被接受admitted to;B. 任命;C. 假定;D. 决定

12. C. 荷兰人是第一批来北美定居的人,后来主要在新英格兰地区繁衍生息。among引导的状语从句置于句首,主谓倒装。

13. B. 尽管他付出了巨大努力,结果却是微乎其微。A. 引发;扳机;B. 贫乏的,瘦的;C. 活力;D. 逗留

14. C. 民意调查显示,约三分之二的大众认为,美国的老年人已陷入社会孤立和孤独。A. 责备;B. 偏爱;C. be plagued by 受……折磨;D. 指责

15. C. 有人说,政府将出台新的减税计划,为抚养三个孩子的家庭减税。A. bring off完成;B. bring in引进;C. bring up提出;D. bring on导致

16. C. 按照日内瓦惯例,对战犯不得滥刑。A. 风俗;B. 国会;C. 惯例;D. 常规。注:constitution宪法;charter 宪章

17. A. 形容一个随意而悠闲的人,可以用慢而稳。A. 无拘无束,马虎;B. 温和;C. 慢却有把握成功;D. 活泼愉快

18. A. 这女人把洗衣机拆开,看毛病出在哪,却无法组装起来了。A. 拆卸(mantle覆盖);B. 分配 dispensable可有可无的,indispensable必不可少的;C. 溶解;D. 浪费,驱散。put back together应与前半句句意相反,为拆解。

19. D. 胜利后的陶醉感不久就被父亲的突然去世冲掉了。A. 启蒙,传授(initiate创始);B. 错综复杂;C. 询问;D. 陶醉。选项均以in-开头,具有迷惑性,但词义相差甚远。

20. C. 希拉,你能行行好,替一下玛丽吗?她明早十点要去看医生。A. 勇敢面对;B. 旁听;C. 顶替;D. 支持

Ⅱ. Error spotting (20 points)

1. B. which→to which. To understand... requires...是主句,understand的宾语从句中,to the width and depth是固定搭配

2. B. presided后加over,固定搭配,主持,担任

3. C. to have been→having been 固定搭配deny doing

4. A. he has→has he 倒装no sooner... than...

5. C. with→by 通过,相当于by using

6. A. at→of 结婚年龄

7. D. throwing→thrown 被动,用过去分词

8. A. on→to 固定搭配to the need

9. D. those→that 指代outlook

10. C. agreeing→agreed 过去分词作形容词,指一致同意的

11. D. these→those 引出下文用those,总结前文用these

12. C. each other→one another

13. B. it has→has it 倒装never before置于句首

14. D. away→by 固定搭配,过活

15. D. their→its 指every language

16. C. further→far 固定搭配,far more

17. C. a few→few 否定意义

18. C. for→on 固定搭配 spend money on sth.

19. D. degrees centigrade→degree centigrades, three degree可视为形容词

20. C. 改为twice as large as

Ⅲ. Cloze (20 points)

1. despite 此处填介词,尽管

2. there “此处”,指以上事实

3. affected 受染

4. randomly 随机

5. or 表选择

6. deficient缺乏这些维生素

7. effective 根据下文可知,此人原以为单一维生素疗效好,其实不然

8. that 指前句话

9.  only 只有组合起来才有效果

10. less 与healthy相应,不易传播病毒

11. sex 由常识,sexual intercourse为艾滋病传播方式之一

12. however 两个逗号之间表转折

13. income 由前段末句知价格昂贵,因此欠发达国家更需帮助

14. supplementation 由下文supplement可推此空

15. actually真实发挥作用

16. replace 后者为传统治疗方式,此处意为不可被新方法取代

17. having 表完成,主动

18. doubt 由文末可知此人观点为维生素对抑制病毒不会起主要作用

19. healthier 当然是更健康

20. works 起作用 sth. works

Ⅳ. Writing (50 points)


Ⅴ. Cultural Background (40 points)

Part One (20 points)


6-10 AACAB

11-15 ACBCC

16-20 DCAAC

Part Two (20 points)

1. Alfred the Great

Alfred the Great (849 – 26 October 899) was King of Wessex from 871 to 899.

Alfred successfully defended his kingdom against the Viking attempt at conquest, and by the time of his death had become the dominant ruler in England. He is the only English monarch to be accorded the epithet “the Great”. Alfred was the first King of the West Saxons to style himself “King of the Anglo-Saxons”. Alfred had a reputation as a learned and merciful man of a gracious and level-headed nature who encouraged education and improved his kingdom’s legal system, military structure and his people’s quality of life.

2. The Electoral College

The United States Electoral College is the institution that officially elects the President and Vice President of the United States every four years. The President and Vice President are not elected directly by the voters. Instead, they are elected by “electors” who are chosen by popular vote on a state-by-state basis. Electors are apportioned to each state and the District of Columbia (also known as Washington,D.C.), but not to territorial possessions of the United States. The number of electors in each state is equal to the number of members of Congress to which the state is entitled, while the Twenty-third Amendment grants the District of Columbia the same number of electors as the least populous state, currently three.In total, there are 538 electors, corresponding to the 435 members of the House of Representatives, 100 senators, and the three additional electors from the District of Columbia.

3. Checks and Balances

Checks and balances refers to three branches system in the Western democratic countries. The process of checks and balances works in a manner similar to this: The executive branch executes the laws and policies of the country. The main task of the legislative branch is to write the laws of the country (legislation). The judiciary’s primary function is to check if the laws passed by the legislative branch are actually being obeyed properly, which hopefully leads to justice. In this way the different powers of government are isolated from each other so that no branch has total power over all the functions of government. An attack on or abuse of power by individuals of a single branch will not lead to tyranny or the fall of the entire government.

4. Medicaid

Medicaid in the United States is a social health care program for families and individuals with low income and limited resources. The Health Insurance Association of America describes Medicaid as a“government insurance program for persons of all ages whose income and resources are insufficient to pay for health care”. Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for people with low income in the United States. It is a means-tested program that is jointly funded by the state and federal governments and managed by the states, with each state currently having broad leeway to determine who is eligible for its implementation of the program. States are not required to participate in the program, although all currently do. Medicaid recipients must be US citizens or legal permanent residents, and may include low-income adults, their children, and people with certain disabilities. Poverty alone does not necessarily qualify someone for Medicaid. AKrv3lydDFAIoDNSAzatFGzBYnT26TZN9U0/RKKYJ0dCB9RBPVP6a5G9waCWRR7I
