








比如, Cambridge IELTS 9 Test 1 READING PASSAGE 1 的标题是William Henry Perkin,这篇文章后面共有13个题目,除了第5题和第8题以外,其余的11个题目中都出现了Perkin这个名字,所以Perkin就不能作为定位答案出处的关键词。

(3)同一篇文章的几个题目中多次重复出现的词。 Cambridge IELTS 9 Test 2 READING PASSAGE 1,该篇文章后面共有13个题目,其中的第6、7、10、11题中都出现了New Zealand一词,说明该词在文章中的很多地方都会出现,所以它就不适合作为定位答案出处的关键词。



(1)专有名词。 是表示特定的某人、地方、机构或事物名称的词,即:人名、动物名、地名、国家名、单位名、书名、学科名等以及带有引号的词或词组。在 Cambridge IELTS 9 的240道阅读题目中,有近40道题目出现了专有名词,如:Michael Faraday,Royal College of Chemistry,August Wilhelm Hofmann,South America,Louis Pasteur,Earth,SETI,NASA,Congress, P. quenstedti and P. talampayensis ,Halley,Le Gentil,Neuroeconomics,Joseph Priestley,Nobel Prizes,Sorbonne,Bronia,Marie and Irene Curie,X-radiography,Paris,‘self-as-subject’,‘self-as-object’,James,Cooley,Lewis and Brooks-Gunn,Mead,Bronson,Western societies,Leyden,National Trust,Eurostar,North America,Vandenbulcke,Lake Geneva,Rossy,Yves Rossy,Eric Scott,Chris Clarke,Patrick Vandenbulcke等。

(2)数字。 包括阿拉伯数字和表示世纪、年份、月份、星期以及时间点等内容的词汇。在 Cambridge IELTS 9 的240道阅读题目中,有13道题目出现了数字,分别是:in 1911,in the 1930s,18th century,20 years’ experience,71 species,Friday,7 days,Monday,between midnight and 10am.,in 1989,over 25,in 1959,May 2008。




那么,如何又快又准地审题呢? 那就是抓住句子的“语法重点”和“逻辑重点” ,并把它们作为定位答案的关键词



Cambridge IELTS 2 Test 1 READING PASSAGE 2,该篇文章的第18题是要求给F段选择一个小标题。具体如下:

我们可以看出,主题句的语法重点是“a charter was developed”,后面的which引导的定语从句修饰主语a charter,所以a charter就是句子的逻辑重点。这样审题后,我们就知道charter是关键词,马上就可以确定vii Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion是答案。

如果未经审题,由于上面的两个选项非常相似,绝大多数考生会立刻选择i,因为i中的Ottawa…Conference和Health Promotion在主题句中原词重现,而且Ottawa Conference位于主题句的句首,考生很容易一眼就看到。但实际上,Conference在原文中只是一个地点状语,既不是主题句的语法重点,也不是主题句的逻辑重点,所以不能作为判断答案的关键词。





下面的文章和题目,主要是为了帮助考生“熟练运用主题句快速定位答案出处”,并“根据关键词准确定位和判断答案”,所以看文章和做题时,请考生根据讲解的思路重点把握 “主题句扫描法”和“关键词对应法”的运用。

【Cambridge IELTS 9 Test 1 READING PASSAGE 1】

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 , which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

William Henry Perkin

The man who invented synthetic dyes


William Henry Perkin was born on March 12, 1838, in London, England. As a boy,Perkin’s curiosity prompted early interests in the arts, sciences, photography, and engineering. But it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet functional, laboratory in his late grandfather’s home that solidified the young man’s enthusiasm for chemistry .

译文: 威廉·亨利·珀金于1838年3月12日出生于英国伦敦。还是个小男孩儿的时候,珀金的好奇心唤起了他对艺术、科学、摄影和工程的最初的兴趣。但偶然的一次机会,他发现了先祖父家中的一间破旧但有多种用途的实验室,这坚定了这个年轻人对化学的热情。

精析: 尾句But所在的句子是主题句。 关键词是:But…stumbling…laboratory…solidified…enthusiasm…chemistry(但是……遇到……实验室……坚定……热情……对化学)。


As a student at the City of London School , Perkin became immersed in the study of chemistry . His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. Those speeches fired the young chemist’s enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of Chemistry, which he succeeded in entering in 1853, at the age of 15.

译文: 作为伦敦城市学校的一名学生,珀金沉浸于化学学习之中。他对该学科的天赋和投入被他的老师托马斯·霍尔察觉了,霍尔鼓励他去听著名的科学家迈克尔·法拉第在皇家学院的一系列讲座。那些讲座更加燃起了这名年轻化学家的激情,于是他后来又去了皇家化学学院听课,并成功地于1853年被该学院录取,那时他年仅15岁。

精析: 首句是主题句。 关键词是:student…City of London School…study… chemistry(学生……伦敦城市学校,学习……化学)。


At the time of Perkin’s enrolment, the Royal College of Chemistry was headed by the noted German chemist August Wilhelm Hofmann. Perkin’s scientific gifts soon caught Hofmann’s attention and, within two years, he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant. Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both fame and fortune .

译文: 珀金被录取时,皇家化学学院由德国著名的化学家奥古斯特·威廉·霍夫曼领导。珀金的科学天赋很快就引起了霍夫曼的注意,并且在不到两年的时间里,他成为霍夫曼最年轻的助理。这之后不久,珀金就做出了能够给他带来名誉和财富的科学突破。

精析: 尾句是主题句。 关键词是:breakthrough…bring…fame…fortune(突破……带来……名誉……财富)。


At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria . The drug is derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, native to South America, and by 1856 demand for the drug was surpassing the available supply. Thus, when Hofmann made some passing comments about the desirability of a synthetic substitute for quinine, it was unsurprising that his star pupil was moved to take up the challenge.

译文: 当时,奎宁是唯一能够治愈疟疾的药物。这种药是从金鸡纳树的树皮中提取的,这种树的原产地在南美洲。到1856年,这种药的需求量超过了可供应量。所以,当霍夫曼偶然提到说需要一种合成物质来代替奎宁时,毫不令人意外的是,他的得意门生承担了这一挑战。

精析: 首句是主题句。 关键词是:quinine…treatment…malaria(奎宁……治疗……疟疾)。


During his vacation in 1856, Perkin spent his time in the laboratory on the top floor of his family’s house. He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product. Despite his best efforts, however, he did not end up with quinine. Instead, he produced a mysterious dark sludge. Luckily, Perkin’s scientific training and nature prompted to investigate the substance further. Incorporating potassium dichromate and alcohol into the aniline at various stages of the experimental process, he finally produced a deep purple solution. And, proving the truth of the famous scientist Louis Pasteur’s words ‘chance favours only the prepared mind’ , Perkin saw the potential of his unexpected find .

译文: 在1856年的假期里,珀金一直待在他们家顶楼的实验室里。他试图从苯胺中提炼出奎宁。苯胺是一种并不昂贵并且容易得到的煤焦油废料。然而,尽管他尽了最大的努力,他最后并没有研制出奎宁。取而代之的是,他生产出了一种神秘的黑色沉淀物。幸运的是,珀金在科研方面的训练有素和本性激发他继续研究这种物质。在实验的不同阶段,将重铬酸钾和酒精加入苯胺中后,他最终制出了一种深紫色的溶液。珀金验证了著名科学家路易斯·巴斯德的那句名言“机会只留给有准备的人”,他意识到了他的意外发现的潜力。

精析: 尾句是主题句。 关键词是:Louis Pasteur’s words ‘chance…prepared mind’…potential…unexpected find(路易斯·巴斯德的名言:“机会……有准备的人”……潜力……发现)。


Historically, textile dyes were made from such natural sources as plants and animal excretions. Some of these, such as, the glandular mucus of snails, were difficult to obtain and outrageously expensive. Indeed, the purple colour extracted from a snail was once so costly that in society at the time only the rich could afford it. Further, natural dyes tended to be muddy in hue and fade quickly. It was against this backdrop that Perkin’s discovery was made.

译文: 过去,纺织染料是从诸如植物和动物的分泌物等自然原料中提取出来的。这其中的某些原料,如蜗牛的腺黏液,很难获取,而且极其昂贵。的确,从蜗牛中提取出来的紫色曾一度过于昂贵,以至于当时只有富人阶层才能买得起。此外,天然染料的色泽暗淡,并且容易褪色。正是在这种背景下,珀金的发现诞生了。

精析: 首句是主题句。 关键词是:Historically, textile dyes…made…natural sources(过去,纺织染料……被制造……从自然原料)。


Perkin quickly grasped that his purple solution could be used to colour fabric, thus making it the world’s first synthetic dye. Realising the importance of this breakthrough,he lost no time in patenting it. But perhaps the most fascinating of all Perkin’s reactions to his find was his nearly instant recognition that the new dye had commercial possibilities .

译文: 珀金很快想到这种紫色的溶液可以被用来给织物染色,从而使之成为世界上的首款合成染料。想到此次突破的重要性,珀金立马就为它申请了专利。但在对这次发现的所有反应中,珀金做出的最让人称道的反应也许是他几乎立马就意识到了这种新的染料具有商业潜力。

精析: 尾句But所在的句子是主题句。 关键词是:But…reactions…recognition…new dye had commercial possibilities(但是……反应……意识到……新的染料具有商业潜力)。


Perkin originally named his dye Tyrian Purple , but it later became commonly known as mauve (from the French for the plant used to make the colour violet). He asked advice of Scottish dye works owner Robert Pullar, who assured him that manufacturing the dye would be well worth it if the colour remained fast (i.e. would not fade) and the cost was relatively low. So, over the fierce objections of his mentor Hofmann, he left college to give birth to the modern chemical industry.

译文: 最开始,珀金把他的染料命名为泰尔紫,但后来大家都称之为苯胺紫(mauve,源自法语中用于制作紫罗兰色的植物的名字)。珀金询问了苏格兰染料工厂主罗伯特·普拉的意见。普拉向他保证,如果该染料颜色稳固(即不容易褪色),那么生产这种染料将带来巨大的收益,而且成本相对低廉。所以,不顾其导师霍夫曼的强烈反对,珀金离开了学院并开创了现代化学工业。

精析: 首句是主题句。关键词是: originally named…Tyrian Purple…later…mauve(最初命名为……泰尔紫……后来……苯胺紫)。


With the help of his father and brother, Perkin set up a factory not far from London. Utilising the cheap and plentiful coal tar that was an almost unlimited byproduct of London’s gas street lighting, the dye works began producing the world’s first synthetically dyed material in 1857. The company received a commercial boost from the Empress Eugenie of France, when she decided the new colour flattered her. Very soon, mauve was the necessary shade for all the fashionable ladies in that country. Not to be outdone, England’s Queen Victoria also appeared in public wearing a mauve gown,thus making it all the rage in England as well. The dye was bold and fast, and the public clamoured for more. Perkin went back to the drawing board.

译文: 在他的父亲和兄弟的帮助下,珀金在伦敦不远处建了一家厂子。使用廉价而充足的煤焦油——这种煤焦油是伦敦煤气路灯所产生的几乎源源不断的副产品,染坊在1857年生产出了世界上的第一批合成染料。当法国的尤金妮娅皇后表示很喜欢这种新的颜色后,工厂因她而取得了商业方面的兴旺。很快,苯胺紫服装成为法国所有时尚女士的必选。英国女王维多利亚也不甘落后,在公共场合穿着一身苯胺紫的礼服,因此,该颜色也在英国流行开来。这种染料醒目而且不容易褪色,所以公众呼吁需要更多(的染料)。珀金又重新绘制蓝图。

精析: 首句是主题句。 关键词是:set up a factory(建了一家工厂)。


Although Perkin’s fame was achieved and fortune was assured by his first discovery, the chemist continued his research. Among other dyes he developed and introduced were aniline red (1859) and aniline black (1863) and, in the late 1860s. Perkin’s green. It is important to note that Perkin’s synthetic dye discoveries had outcomes far beyond the merely decorative. The dyes also became vital to medical research in many ways . For instance , they were used to stain previously invisible microbes and bacteria, allowing researchers to identify such bacilli as tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax. Artificial dyes continue to play a crucial role today. And, in what would have been particularly pleasing to Perkin, their current use is in the search for a vaccine against malaria.

译文: 尽管他的第一项发现已经给珀金带来了名誉并且财富也有所保障,但他依旧潜心研究。由他研发和推出的其他染料还包括苯胺红(1859年)、苯胺黑(1863年)以及19世纪60年代后期研制出的珀金绿。重要的是,珀金在合成染料上的发现,其影响不仅仅局限于装饰领域。染料对医学研究的诸多方面也至关重要。例如,这些染料被用来给从前看不见的微生物和细菌染色,让研究者发现了如肺结核、霍乱和炭疽等杆菌。时至今日,人工合成染料仍发挥着重要的作用。另外,最应该让珀金感到欣慰的是,这些染料目前正被用于疟疾疫苗的研究中。

精析: For instance前面的句子是主题句。 关键词是:dyes…medical research(染料……医学研究)。



Questions 1-7

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1 Michael Faraday was the first person to recognise Perkin’s ability as a student of chemistry.

定位: 题干中表示身份的关键词student就是第二段主题句的关键词,再根据题干中的关键词recognise,ability定位到主题句后面一句话:His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall .

解析: 题干中的关键词recognise,ability分别和定位句中的perceived,talent对应,定位句说的人是Thomas Hall,题目说的人是Michael Faraday,二者不相符,答案就是FALSE。

2 Michael Faraday suggested Perkin should enrol in the Royal College of Chemistry .

定位: 根据题干中的特殊关键词Michael Faraday,Royal College of Chemistry定位到第二段第三行:…a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. Those speeches fired the young chemist’s enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of Chemistry .

解析: 题干中的关键词Michael Faraday,Royal College of Chemistry在定位句中重现,但定位句并没有说珀金去皇家化学学院学习是不是由于法拉第的建议,答案就是NOT GIVEN。

3 Perkin employed August Wilhelm Hofmann as his assistant .

定位: 根据题干中的特殊关键词August Wilhelm Hofmann定位到第三段第三行:…he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant .

解析: 题目和定位句描述的人物关系正好相反,答案就是FALSE。

4 Perkin was still young when he made the discovery that made him rich and famous .

定位: 题干中的关键词discovery…made…rich…famous和第三段主题句中的关键词breakthrough…bring…fame…fortune对应,再根据题干中的关键词young定位到第三段主题句及前面的这句话:…he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant. Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both fame and fortune .

解析: 题干中的young和定位句中的youngest意思一致,答案就是TRUE。

5 The trees from which quinine is derived grow only in South America .

定位: 题干中的关键词quinine在第四段主题句中重现,再根据题干中的特殊关键词South America定位主题句后面一句话:The drug is derived from the bark of the cinchona tree , native to South America

解析: 定位句中的drug指的就是quinine,题目中有only,但从定位句无法判断出这种树是不是只生长在南美洲,答案就是NOT GIVEN。

6 Perkin hoped to manufacture a drug from a coal tar waste product .

定位: 根据题干中的关键词coal tar waste product定位到第五段第二行:He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product .

解析: 题干中的hoped to manufacture…drug和定位句中的attempting to manufacture quinine意思一致,答案就是TRUE。

7 Perkin was inspired by the discoveries of the famous scientist Louis Pasteur .

定位: 题干中的特殊关键词Louis Pasteur在第五段主题句中重现,主题句就是定位句:And, proving the truth of the famous scientist Louis Pasteur’s words ‘chance favours only the prepared mind ’, Perkin saw the potential of his unexpected find .

解析: 题干中的关键词inspired,discoveries在定位句中没有提及,答案就是NOT GIVEN。

Questions 8-13

Answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet.

8 Before Perkin’s discovery, with what group in society was the colour purple associated?

定位: 根据题干中的关键词colour purple定位到第六段第三行:Indeed, the purple colour extracted from a snail was once so costly that in society at the time only the rich could afford it.

解析: 考题问的是what group,定位句说的是only the rich,答案要求不超过2个词,所以是the rich或only rich。

9 What potential did Perkin immediately understand that his new dye had ?

定位: 题干中的关键词new dye had在第七段主题句中重现,主题句就是定位句: But perhaps the most fascinating of all Perkin’s reactions to his find was his nearly instant recognition that the new dye had commercial possibilities .

解析: 定位句中的possibilities和题干中的potential对应,答案就是commercial或commercial possibilities。

10 What was the name finally used to refer to the first colour Perkin invented?

定位: 题干中的关键词name在第八段主题句中重现,主题句就是定位句:Perkin originally named his dye Tyrian Purple, but it later became commonly known as mauve.

解析: 定位句中的later和题干中的finally对应,题目问的是后来使用的名字,答案就是 mauve。

11 What was the name of the person Perkin consulted before setting up his own dye works ?

定位: 题干中的关键词setting up…dye works和第九段主题句中的set up a factory对应,题目问的是before setting up…dye works,初步判断定位句可能出现在第九段之前。再根据题干中的关键词consulted定位到第八段第二行:He asked advice of Scottish dye works owner Robert Pullar, who…

解析: 定位句中的asked advice和题干中的consulted对应,题目问的是人名,答案就是Robert Pullar或Pullar。

12 In what country did Perkin’s newly invented colour first become fashionable ?

定位: 根据题干中的关键词newly invented colour,fashionable定位到第九段第四行:The company received a commercial boost from the Empress Eugenie of France, when she decided the new colour flattered her.

解析: 定位句中的boost,new colour分别和题干中的fashionable,newly invented colour 对应,题目问的是what country,答案就是in France或France。

13 According to the passage, which disease is now being targeted by researchers using synthetic dyes ?

定位: 题干中的关键词disease,dyes和第十段主题句中的medical,dyes对应,初步判断定位句出现在第十段。再根据题干中的关键词targeted定位到第十段尾句:…their current use is in the search for a vaccine against malaria.

解析: 定位句中的against和题干中的targeted对应,题目问的是疾病的名称,答案就是malaria(疟疾)。



其实,1篇800~1 000词的文章,考生真正需要快速阅读的就是各个段落的首句、尾句和其他的一些表示举例、转折以及引用他人观点的句子中的关键词,因此一篇文章的题目做完,总阅读量在300词左右。


在后面的九种题型详解和真题演练部分,我们会继续给考生讲解“主题句扫描法”和“关键词对应法”的运用,以帮助大家能够熟练运用这种方法快速找到答案。 F6h/h6jrWBNea9jceTL8j5P0cuRhCzzytv6o0YA9XM+Yf136BTSmFO/bRbhB8cnW
