



Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.

Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.

Now, listen to the passage.

What Are Dreams for?

One theory is that we dream to release the deep, secret desires. / We do not express these desires in real life because of the rules of polite society. /

Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems / that we can’t solve in real life. / We go to sleep with a problem and wake up with the solution. / This may be a way to use our dreams rather than a purpose of dreaming. / If you believe that your dreams are important, / then analyzing them may help you to focus on the problem / and help you tofin the solution./

The modern image is that dreams are the brain’s way / of cleaning up the computer’s hard disk. / Dreams organize the events of the day into folders / and delete what is not needed. / But we all know that very little of what we dream / is concerned with what happen to us that day./



2. 易拼错的单词、词组(格外注意大小写、连字符、复数形式等):“desires”、“release”、“analyzing”和“brain’s way”。

3.易听错点:“polite society”、“wake up”、“folders”、“delete”和“hard disk”。

4. 注意固定用法:“rather than”:而不是;宁可……也不愿。“be concernedwith”:与……有关系;有牵连。



Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.

M: Hello, Helen. Merry Christmas!

W: Merry Christmas, Rob. You always get so excited on Christmas Day.

M: Come in. Come in.

W: Thank you. Wow!

M: So, what do you think?

W: That’s amazing, so many decorations, and what a beautiful Christmas tree. You must have spent ages doing this. It’s beautiful.

M: I like to do Christmas with all the trimmings.

W: All the trimmings? I don’t understand.

M: All the trimmings. It means all the extra things that traditionally come with something to make it more special.

W: I see. Like all these decorations.

M: Yes. [1] In my family, we’ve always had Christmas with all the trimmings. So we have the Christmas tree, decorations, gifts, Christmas songs, silly Christmas games, and most importantly, Christmas lunch. Come this way!

W: A turkey for lunch?

M: No, that’s a roast turkey with all the trimmings. [2] Not only is it a turkey, but we’re eating it with all the things you traditionally eat with Christmas roast turkey, cranberry sauce, roast potatoes, gravy, stuffing carrots…

W: I think I understand what “all the trimmings” means now.

M: It’s an expression usually used with food, especially at Christmas, and for the big roast dinners we like to eat. I adore Sunday lunch with all the trimmings. [2] Roast meat, along with lots of vegetables and sauces, and other traditional accompaniments.

W: Hmm…

M: Anyway, enough talk, [3] let’s eat.

W: [3] Delicious! Thank you for inviting me.

M: Well, cheers to that and Merry Christmas with all the trimmings.

W: Merry Christmas.


1. A.【解析】细节题。 对话中,Bob提到:“In my family, we’ve always had Christmas with all the trimmings. So we have the Christmas tree, decorations, gifts,Christmas songs, silly Christmas games, and most importantly, Christmas lunch.”(在我家,我们总是布满装饰过圣诞。所以我们会有圣诞树、小饰品、礼物、圣诞歌、幼稚的圣诞游戏,还有最重要的圣诞午餐。)选项A中的“presents”(礼物)与“gifts”同义。故选A。

2. B.【解析】细节题。 Bob介绍他们在圣诞午餐时不仅仅吃火鸡,还会“eating it with all the things you traditionally eat with Christmas roast turkey, cranberry sauce,roast potatoes, gravy, stuffing carrots…”(吃所有的传统圣诞烤火鸡配菜,比如红莓酱、烤土豆、肉汤、火鸡填料、胡萝卜……),后来又提到了圣诞午餐会吃“roast meat, along with lots of vegetables and sauces, and other traditional accompaniments”(烤肉,配着许多蔬菜、酱料和其他传统配菜)。故选B。

3. C.【解析】推断题。 在对话结束部分,Bob说“let’s eat”(开始吃吧),Helen评价食物很美味,并感谢Bob的邀请。由此可知,Helen拜访Bob家是因为Bob邀请她来吃午餐。故选C。

Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.

M: Hello, International Students’ Club. Can I help you?

W: Oh, hello. [4] I saw your advertisement in the Students’ Union today. And I thought I’d phone to fin out a bit more.

M: Yes, certainly. Well, [5] we’re sort of social and cultural activity club for people from different countries. It’s quite a new club. We have about 18 members at the moment. But we are growing all the time.

W: Right, that sounds interesting. I’m Australian actually, and I came here about a month ago. So I’m looking for ways to meet new people. Hmm… what kind of activities do you organize?

M: Well, we have a range. Cultural, sports, social, and language activities.

W: Could you tell me something about the language activities?

M: Yes, every day except Thursday, we have a language evening, where people can come and practice their languages. You know, over a drink or a bite to eat. We have different languages on different evenings. Monday, Spanish; Tuesday, Italian;[6] Wednesday, German and Friday French. On Thursday we usually arrange a meal in the restaurant for anyone who wants to come.

W: Wow, that sounds great. I really need to practice my French and German.

M: OK. Well, [7] if you can just give me your name and address, I’ll send you the form and some more details.

W: Thank you! That’s great. My name is…


4. A.【解析】细节题。 对话开头女士交代了打电话来的目的:“…fin out a bit more”(了解更多的信息)。故选A。

5. D.【解析】细节题。 本题询问“club”的细节信息。男士介绍道:“…socialand cultural activity club for people from different countries… a new club…18 members at the moment…growing all the time.”(……社会与文化活动俱乐部,接收来自不同国家的人……俱乐部新成立……目前只有18个会员……一直在发展壮大。)故选D。

6. A.【解析】细节题。 由男士的介绍信息可知德语是在星期三晚上。故选A。

7. C.【解析】细节题。 在对话末尾处,男士说道:“if you can just give me your name and address, I’ll send you the form and some more details”(如果您能给我您的名字和地址,我会给您发表格和更多的细节信息)。故选C。

Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.

M: So, [10] you have been in graduate recruitment for five years.

W: Yes.

M: OK. Can I ask you a few questions about your work in graduate recruitment?

W: Sure.

M: What do you fin difficul about the job?

W: [8] One problem is I don’t have a background in IT , and sometimes I get askeddifficul technical questions during interviews, which I just can’t answer. That can be a bit embarrassing.

M: So how do you deal with it?

W: I find honesty is the best policy. I just tell them it’s not my area. And promise tocontact one of our people from that fiel and E-mail them back.

M: And are they happy with that?

W: [10] Yes, it usually works.

M: OK. [10] I see you have a lot of job fair experience. How useful do you think they are?

W: Yes. [9] Attending job fairs at universities is important part of my job. I think they’re really useful for making contact with careers development staff, and prospective candidates. It can be pretty tiring though , and it means you are out of offic a lot in the autumn and the spring. So we try to share the work between the three of us.

M: That’s fine Now I’d like to know whether you’ve ever worked independently.


8. C.【解析】细节题。 女士说困难在于:“…I don’t have a background in IT…”(……我没有IT方面的专业背景……)故选C。

9. A.【解析】细节题。 由“job fairs”(招聘会)定位到:“Attending job fairs at universities is important part of my job… they’re really useful… It can be pretty tiring though…”(参加高校招聘会是我工作中很重要的一部分……他们真的很有用……但这也很累人。)故选A。

10. D.【解析】推断题。 对话中男士先后提过:“you have been in graduaterecruitment for five years… I see you have a lot of job fair experience”(你在毕业生招聘岗位上干了5年了。我看你有很多招聘会的经验。)女士在介绍自己如何处理工作中的问题时也说她的方法很管用;由此可知,女士在她的工作领域中经验丰富。故选D。


Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.

Now the weather forecast. It’s a mixed picture over the next few days. Today, very wet and windy in northern Europe. You can see from the satellite picture that the highest temperatures, as they so often are, are in [11] the southern parts of Europe, where is also quite dry , particularly over the eastern parts of the Mediterranean. The forecast suggeststhat it’s going to be quite cold over northwestern parts of Europe for the rest of the day,even some snow on the Scandinavian Mountains. So that’s today’s weather, with showery conditions in many parts of northern Europe, but the best of the sunshine in the south and throughout the Mediterranean, and [12] pretty good but cool in the eastern part of Europe too.

Now let’s look at tomorrow’s weather chart, [13] very much the same in the south , except that the rain is starting to push down into the northern parts of the Mediterranean there. Elsewhere, staying fin in Eastern Europe, and fin in central and eastern parts of the Mediterranean as well, but still wet and windy in many northwestern parts of Europe,including southern parts of Scandinavia and a bit cool too.


11. D.【解析】细节题。 在今天的天气预报中,欧洲南部气温最高,同时天气也相当干燥。故选D。

12. C.【解析】细节题。 文中说道:“…pretty good but cool in the eastern part of Europe…”(……欧洲东部天气相当好,也很凉爽……)故选C。

13. A.【解析】细节题。 关于明天的天气变化,文中提到:“…the rain is starting to push down into the northern parts of the Mediterranean there”(……雨开始向地中海北部地区推移。)由此可知,明天地中海北部地区会变天,迎来降雨。故选A。

Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage,you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.

Once upon a time, societies were organized around religion, farming, trade or industry. In many parts of the world today, this is still true. But something else is becoming more important—the exchange of information, and [14] the technology that we use to do this—24-hour news, E-commerce, mobile phones, global positioning systems. All these are making the world smaller and faster. The growth in telecommunications is giving more and more people access to the science that will help their country to develop or to acquire the medical knowledge that can figh disease. But how can everybody in the world share the recent technological advances? [15] Millions of people can’t read these words, because they don’t have access to a computer. They don’t understand English, either. They don’t even have a telephone. They’re more worried about how far they will have to walk today to get clean water, or if they can feed themselves and their families. For most people on this planet, information is not a priority. The United Nations is now trying to make the information society a reality for more of the developing world.[16] Ten years from now, the plan is that everybody in the world will have a radio or a television, and 15% of the world’s population would have access to the Internet, from schools and universities, health centers and hospitals, libraries and museums. This will improve medical care and education, science and agriculture, business opportunities and employment.


14. D.【解析】推断题。 关于科技带给人类的好处,文中提到:“…24-hour news, E-commerce, mobile phones, global positioning systems…making the world smaller and faster. The growth in telecommunications is giving more and more people access tothe science that will help their country to develop or to acquire the medical knowledge that can figh disease.”(24小时新闻、电子商务、移动电话、全球定位系统……让世界变得更小、更快。远程交流的发展让更多的人接触到科学,这些科学将能帮助他们的国家发展并获得能抵抗疾病的医学知识。)由此可知,科技能够带给人们更多有用的信息从而改善人们的生活。故选D。

15. B.【解析】推断题。 本题询问不是每个人都有机会享有科技进步的原因,文中提到:“Millions of people can’t read these words, because they don’t have access to a computer. They don’t understand English, either. They don’t even have a telephone.They’re more worried about how far they will have to walk today to get clean water, or if they can feed themselves and their families.”(数百万人因没有电脑而读不到这些。他们也不懂英语。他们甚至没有电话。他们更担心今天要走多远才能取到干净的水,或者他们和他们的家人是否能吃得饱。)由此可知,作者认为主要原因是贫穷,而选项A、C、D都只是一个方面。故选B。

16. B.【解析】细节题。 短文末尾处提到了联合国从现在到未来十年内的计划,包括:“…everybody in the world will have a radio or a television, and 15% of the world’s population would have access to the Internet…improve medical care and education,science and agriculture, business opportunities and employment.”(……世界上每个人都将有一台收音机或电视,世界上15%的人都能上网……改善医疗服务、教育、科技、农业、商机和就业。)故选B。

17. D.【解析】主旨题。 短文首先介绍了信息科技进步给人类带来的好处,接着说由于贫穷,很多人都享受不到这些福利,最后谈到了联合国未来十年计划。由此可知,该短文主题是要建立一个信息化社会。故选D。

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.

People worldwide celebrate New Year in different ways. In Latin America, people express their hopes through the color of their underwear. [18] If you wore yellow, that supposedly enhances your chances for abundance and earning more money. If it was red, then you’ll more likely find love in the New Year. And if you are wearing white underpants, preferably new and clean, then peace will be your top priority for the coming year. In the Philippians, people eat round fruits to bring good fortune, while they are noisily banging together, parts and pants. However, some new year’s traditions have nothing to do with luck. [19] In Denmark, people throw their old dishes at the doors of their friends’ homes each New Year’s eve. Thus, a front door step covered with broken plates suggests that the person inside has a lot of friends. Still, for all those who take part in grand New Year’s events, there are many more who make their own traditions. [20]It may be a small gathering of family and friends, watching New York’s Time Square Ball drop on TV, or loudly running through the neighborhood. Some may simply go to sleep early, so they can be energized for an early New Year’s Day hike—perhaps while wearing underwear that suits their mood, and wishes for the New Year.


18. D.【解析】细节题。 根据题干可定位到:“If you wore yellow, that supposedly enhances your chances for abundance and earning more money.”(如果你穿黄色,据称那可以增加多赚钱和变富裕的机会。)故选D。

19. A.【解析】细节题。 根据题干可定位到:“In Denmark, people throw their old dishes at the doors of their friends’ homes each New Year’s eve. Thus, a front door step covered with broken plates suggests that the person inside has a lot of friends.”(在丹麦,人们在除夕夜把旧餐具扔到朋友家门口。因此,一个铺满盘子碎片的门口意味着住在里面的人有许多朋友。)故选A。

20. C.【解析】细节题。 关于人们自己的新年传统,文中提到:“…a smallgathering of family and friends, watching New York’s Time Square Ball-drop on TV, or loudly running through the neighborhood.”(……一次小型家人、朋友聚会,在电视上观看纽约时代广场的水晶球下降,或者是欢呼着跑过社区。)故选C。


Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item,you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.

Digital textbooks are transforming the way many students learn. [21] All the Fairfax County Public Schools have begun using online course material for their middle- and high-school students. This school year, the schools shifted from hard cover to electronic textbooks for social studies in its middle and high schools. The switch came after digital books were used in 15 schools last year. “Our students come to us technologically ready to use resources from a variety of different places,” says Assistant Superintendent Peter Noonan. “The world is changing constantly. The online textbooks can change right alongwith the events that are happening.” There’s a significan financia benefi as well. [22] “Usually it is between $50 and $70 to buy a textbook for each student,” Noonan says, “which adds up to roughly $8 million for all of our students. We actually have purchased all of the online textbooks for our students for just under $6 million.”



constantly adv. 不断地;时常地

roughly adv. 概略地

shift v. 变化;移动

switch n. 开关;转换

transform v. 改变;转换


add up to 总计达


21. D.【解析】细节题。 根据题干“the schools in Fairfax County”定位到:“All the Fairfax County Public Schools have begun using online course material…shifted from hard cover to electronic textbooks for social studies…”(Fairfax县的所有公立学校都已开始使用网络课程教材……社会学科的教材从硬皮书转向了电子教材……)故选D。

22. B.【解析】推断题。 本题考查数字信息,需要进行计算。 “…textbook…which adds up to roughly $8 million…all of the online textbooks… for just under $6 million.”(……纸质课本加起来大概花费八百万美元……所有的电子教材花了不到六百万……)故选B。

Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item,you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.

A man was arrested on suspicion of attempting to carry explosives through a security checkpoint at an airport, authorities said. [23] Trey Scott Atwater was taken into custody Saturday morning after Transportation Security Administration agents spotted what they described as a suspicious item. The item was in his carry-on during X-ray screening at a security checkpoint at the airport, an FBI spokesman said in a statement.

[24] Neither the FBI nor the TSA identified the explosives , though an airport spokeswoman said the items were “wrapped in military grade wrapping” and are in the possession of the police.

[24] At no time was there any danger to the people at the airport. The airport terminal was temporarily evacuated while authorities “conducted a sweep, and deemed all clear,” said a city spokeswoman. Atwater has been arrested on a federal count of attempting to get on an aircraft with an explosive.



custody n. 拘留;监护

deem v. 认为

evacuate v. 疏散;撤退


on suspicion of 有嫌疑


23. A.【解析】细节题。 新闻导语后就提到:“…Transportation Security Administration agents spotted what they described as a suspicious item.”(美国交通安全管理局的工作人员发现了他们所称的可疑物品。)故选A。

24. D.【解析】细节题。 新闻中提到:“Neither the FBI nor the TSA identifie the explosives…At no time was there any danger to the people at the Airport. The airport terminal was temporarily evacuated while authorities “conducted a sweep, and deemed all clear”…”(FBI和TSA都没有确定这是何种爆炸物……机场的人们没有危险,机场候机楼被暂时清空,官方进行了清查,并断定危险已解除……)故选D。

Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item,you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.

In Dakar, psychiatric patients attend regular art therapy classes to help treat mentaldisorders. The therapy can be a useful technique to complement traditional forms of psychotherapy. Psychiatrists in the Senegalese capital’s main hospital see it as an essential part of the healing process. Art as psychotherapy is still relatively new in Senegal.[25] Doctor Tabauro Schiele, the hospital’s chief psychiatrist, uses art therapy, medication and classical forms of psychotherapy in her practice, treating everything from chronic depression to alcohol abuse and schizophrenia. [26] At first the project started as a way to keep patients busy in the afternoon rather than have them sitting around smoking. It soon became clear that art was creating a communication bridge between patient and doctor.“More and more now,” she says, “art workshops have become essential therapy so much that she cannot imagine this psychiatric unit without them.”



chronic adj. 慢性的

psychiatric adj. 神经病学的

psychotherapy n. 心理疗法

schizophrenia n. 精神分裂症

therapy n. 疗法


25. B.【解析】细节题。 新闻中提到医生用艺术疗法治疗“…chronic depression…alcohol abuse and schizophrenia”(慢性抑郁、酒精滥用和精神分裂症)。故选B。

26. C.【解析】 细节题。 引用艺术疗法,起初的目的是“…to keep patients busy in the afternoon rather than have them sitting around smoking”(让病人在下午的时候保持忙碌状态,而不是让他们坐在一起抽烟)。故选C。

Questions 27 and 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item,you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now, listen to the news.

The Federal Aviation Administration, or FAA, the government agency that regulates civil aviation in the United States, announced new rules this month to combat pilot fatigue. [27] The new guidelines, which will go into effect in two years, call for reducing the number of pilots’ on-duty hours and giving them a ten-hour rest period between shifts so that they can get at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.

The new rules apply to only pilots of passenger airlines. FAA determined that includingpilots who fl cargo planes, a large segment of the aviation industry, would add too much to the cost of implementing the changes. [28] But the Independent Pilots Association has file a law suit asking the government to set one level of safety for all pilots.



aviation n. 航空;飞行术

combat v. 战斗

fatigue n. 疲劳;疲乏

implement v. 执行;贯彻

uninterrupted adj. 不间断的


fil a law suit 起诉


27. C.【解析】主旨题。 新闻中,在介绍新规时,用一个目的状语从句引出了新规颁布的目的:“…so that they can get at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep”(这样他们就能得到至少八小时的无间断睡眠时间)。故选C。

28. B.【解析】细节题。 新闻末尾处提到:“the Independent Pilots Associationhas file a law suit asking the government to set one level of safety for all pilots.”(独立飞行协会提起上诉要求政府为所有的飞行员设立同样的安全等级政策。)由此可知,新规未能包括所有的飞行员。故选B。

Question 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now, listen to the news.

[29] The world would need to double food production within the next three decades in order to feed a rapidly growing and increasingly affluen population, which is projected to grow from seven billion today to nine billion. A United Nations report says reachingthat goal will require major increases in intensive, high-efficienc livestock operations for both meat and dairy production.

The report also says that intensive livestock operations can impose serious ecological risks, and that’s why environmental critics are calling instead for reductions in global livestock production and urging people to consume less, not more, meat in their diets.Feeding today’s population is a challenge for an already-stressed environment. [30] The challenge is how to ensure food without increasing animal numbers and having an impact on our lands and our resource basis.

More than half of the agricultural land in the world is used to raise and feed livestock.Those farm animals are also responsible for 18% of the green house gases released into the atmosphere every year. [30] Experts agree that the next few decades will present a puzzle: how to feed nine billion people without wrecking the planet in the process.



affluen adj. 富裕的;丰富的

impose v. 施加影响

puzzle n. 谜;困惑

wreck v. 失事;破坏


29. C.【解析】细节题。 新闻导语部分交代了加大畜牧生产必要性的原因:“The world would need to double food production within the next three decades…”(在未来三十年中世界食品生产需要翻一倍……)故选C。

30. A.【解析】细节题。 新闻中提到:“The challenge is how to ensure food without increasing animal numbers and having an impact on our lands and our resource basis…a puzzle: how to feed nine billion people without wrecking the planet in the process”(挑战在于如何在保证食品供应的情况下,既不增加牲畜数量,也不对土地和资源基础产生影响。这个难题是如何喂饱九十亿人口,并在此过程中不破坏地球环境。)故选A。








31. D.【解析】情态动词与虚拟语气。 “can”表示客观可能性,允许;“may”表可能性,某事可能发生;“could”作为“can”的过去时,表过去存在的可能性,在表虚拟时,译为“可能会”、“也许会”;“would”作为“will”的过去时,表过去的习惯动作或状态,或者表过去时间的意志、意愿、决心、允诺,在表虚拟时译为“就会”。此处的“without it”提示了后文应使用虚拟语气,意为没有了税收,就不会有钱支付给那些保护我们的士兵和警察。故选D。

32. A.【解析】副词用法辨析。 “Nor”常用于“neither…nor…”或“not…nor…”的结构中,表“也不”;“neither”表两者或两类之一的否定。故选A。

33. C.【解析】动词词组辨析。 “look into”:窥视;调查;研究;查阅。“look over”:检查;巡视;忽略。“look after”:照顾;照料;关心;寻找。“look through”:浏览;温习;看穿。故选C。

34. B.【解析】固定搭配辨析。 “in accordance with”:依照;与……一致。“by means of”:用;依靠;凭借。“with reference to”:关于;根据。“on account of”:由于;因为;为了……的缘故。故选B。

35. D.【解析】固定搭配辨析。 “as well as”:也;和……一样好。“as good as”:和……几乎一样;几乎等同于……。“as such as”:没有这样的结构。“as much as”:几乎,差不多,和……一样多。此处比较我们需要某些事物的程度与我们需要居住之地和需要食物的程度是一样的。故选D。

36. C.【解析】逻辑关系判断。 上半句意为每个人都知道税收很有必要,下半句意为不同的人对于税收应被如何安排持有不同的看法。显然上、下句为转折关系。故选C。

37. B.【解析】上、下文判断。 第二段在文中起承上启下的作用。由后文可知,人们是对如何征税及税收应被如何安排有不同的看法。故选B。

38. A.【解析】上、下文判断。 根据下文的“income tax”可知,这里是说对个人直接进行征税。故选A。

39. C.【解析】上、下文判断。 根据上、下文可知,本句意为大多数国家存在着对个人直接征税的情况,也就是个人所得税。故选C。

40. B.【解析】名词词义辨析。 “form”:形式;形状;样式。“way”:方式;方法。“measure”:手段;措施。“method”:方法;办法。文中表示税收征收的方式。故选B。

41. D.【解析】形容词词义辨析。 本处句意为随着纳税人收入的增加,税收比例也有所加大。故选D。

42. C.【解析】动词用法辨析。 “grow up”:成长;长大。“increase (up) to”:增加到。“go up”:增长;上升。“lift up”:举起;升起;抬起来。故选C。

43. A.【解析】逻辑关系判断。 根据上、下文,前后两段分别在说直接征税和间接征税,构成转折对比关系。故选A。

44. D.【解析】副词词义辨析。 “periodically”:定期地;周期性地;偶尔;间歇。本句意为:“会直接征税的国家几乎也总会有间接征税。”故选D。

45. B.【解析】定语从句。 此空考查定语从句关系代词的用法。先行词为“the men and women”,且在从句中充当主语。故选B。

46. B.【解析】名词词义辨析。 此处句意为:“以支付更高价的形式。”故选B。

47. C.【解析】上、下文判断。 此处在讲某些国家征税的其他方式,与上文是并列关系,且空前后都有逗号,可直接排除选项B、D;选项A“either”做副词时,用于否定句中;选项C“too”做副词,前后可用逗号隔开,表示“也”。故选C。

48. D.【解析】上、下文判断。 此处意思是:如果绝大多数必需品都被征税了,那会收集到很大一笔钱。故选D。

49. B.【解析】介词词义辨析。 “alike”: adj. 相似的;相同的 adv. 以同样的方式;类似于。“like”: adj. 同样的;相似的 prep. 像;如同。“as”: prep. 如同;当做;以……的身份 adv. 同样地;和……一样的。“for”: prep. 为了;因为;给。此处属于举例子,表“像,比如”。故选B。

50. B.【解析】上、下文判断。 此处意思是:如果只有像珠宝和皮草大衣这样的非必需品被征税,那么征收到的钱更少,但这样的税收更公平,因为富人在为此买单。故选B。


51. C.【译文】 面对董事会,他没有否认自己违背协议的行为。

【解析】动名词复合结构。 动名词复合结构主要有两种:1)名词所有格/物主代词+动名词,如:Mary’s going there;your being ill;2)名词通格/人称代词宾格+动名词,如:if you don’t mind me saying so…故选C。

52. D.【译文】 新春从国外回来了,变成了另外一个人。斜体部分在句中做什么成分?

【解析】句子成分。 “A different man”是补充说明主语“Xinchun”的,应该是主语补足语;若做同位语,其应放在主语的后面,并用逗号与主语隔开。故选D。

53. B.【译文】 下列哪一个是复合词?

【解析】复合词。 复合词是由两个或更多的词合成一个词的现象,选项中只有“deadline”符合;选项A、C、D中三个词的构词方式都是在词根的基础上加词缀。故选B。

54. A.【译文】 下列哪个句子使用了虚拟语气?

【解析】虚拟语气。 选项A中,“insist”表示“坚持要求,坚决主张”,后面接的从句要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词要用“should+动词原形”的形式。故选A。

55. C.【译文】 下列哪个限定词不能既修饰复数,又修饰不可数名词?

【解析】名词可数性。 “Many”只能修饰可数名词。故选C。

56. B.【译文】 下列哪句中的斜体部分表示对比?

【解析】“ and”的意义。 选项A中“and”意为“然后;接着”,表示动作的接连发生。选项B中“and”意为“而”,表示对比。选项C中“and”意为“结果是;那么”,表结果。选项D中“and”用于插入语,引导出评语。故选B。

57. D.【译文】 下列哪个词不能被用做名词替代词?

【解析】名词替代词。 本题可采用排除法。“Much”、“neither”和“one”均可用做名词替代词,例:“I don’t have much to say”;“They both smiled; neither seemed to continue to cry”;“My bike is too old. I want to buy a new one”。“Quarter”只有在分数结构中,才能被用做名词替代词,单独使用不行,例:“I dropped a quarter into the slot of the pay phone”。故选D。

58. C.【译文】 下列哪句肯定不表示将来时?

【解析】将来时态。 “Be to do”、“be doing”、“is going to”均可表示“将要做某事,打算做某事”,用于将来时态;选项C中的“will”是情态动词,表推测。故选C。

59. A.【译文】 下列哪个句子有语法错误?

【解析】主谓一致。 选项A、C中的主语“politics”(政治学)、“mumps”(流行性腮腺炎)均是形复意单,也就是说形式上是复数,但在意义上表示的是单数,这种情况下,谓语应用单数形式;选项B中的主语为表距离的名词词组,谓语应用单数形式;选项D中的“furniture”(家具)为不可数名词,谓语也应用单数形式。故选A。

60. A.【译文】 下列哪组短语表示主谓关系?

【解析】“ of”的用法。 选项A:“of”后的名词是前面动作名词的逻辑主语;选项B:“of”前后两个名词构成同位语;选项C:“of”后的名词是前面动作名词的逻辑宾语;选项D:“of”表所属。故选A。

61. B.【译文】 下列哪句中的斜体部分是同位语?

【解析】不定式用法。 选项A、C、D中的不定式均做句子宾语的后置定语,与其构成一种动宾关系;选项B中的“urge”是个抽象名词,后面跟的不定式用来使其内容具体化,作同位语;故选B。

62. D.【译文】 下列哪句不是祈使句?

【解析】祈使句。 选项A:祈使句,表请求;选项B:祈使句,表命令;选项C:祈使句,表建议;选项D:陈述句,表期望、愿望。故选D。

63. A.【译文】 明天如果要下雨,比赛就会被延期。

【解析】虚拟语气。 由“tomorrow”可以看出这句话是对未来的虚拟,故选A。

64. B.【译文】 下列哪句表达了一个事实?

【解析】“ must”的用法。 选项A、D中“must”表肯定推测;选项B中“must”表强调,说明了一个客观事实;选项C中“must”意为“一定要”,表意愿。故选B。

65. A.【译文】下列哪个不是动态动词?

【解析】动态动词。 动态动词表示瞬间的某一动作;而状态动词表示在一段时间内维持某一状态。故选A。

66. C.【译文】 适应学校生活这件事比学生料想的要容易些。

【解析】动词词义辨析。 “adhere to”:坚持;依附。“adopt”:采取,采纳;做不及物动词时,不与“to”搭配。“adjust to”:调整;适应。“acquaint”: vt. 使熟悉;使适应。故选C。

67. A.【译文】 他受够了这些日复一日的 无聊 常规,他想停止这些工作。画线部分的意思是什么?

【解析】形容词词义辨析。 “dreary”:沉闷的;枯燥的。“dull”:无趣的;无聊的;呆滞的。“tiring”:累人的。故选A。

68. B.【译文】 在昨晚的聚会上,Larry说了一些 我觉得超出我理解范围的 东西。画线部分的意思是什么?

【解析】介词词义。 “beyond”:超出(理解或信任的范围);超出(能力所及)。故选B。

69. D.【译文】 夫妻俩修整了一下他们的老房子,把它卖了一个好价钱。

【解析】固定词组辨析。 “do for”:为……效劳;做……。“do in”:使精疲力竭;杀死。“do with”:利用,处理;忍受;与……相处。“do up”:整理;刷新;修缮。故选D。

70. A.【译文】 Sally为这个项目付出了很多,但她从未接受过任何对她个人的赞扬。

【解析】名词词义辨析。 “credit”:赊购;赞扬(for)。“attention”:关注(to)。“focus”:注意;重点(on)。“award”:奖励;奖品。故选A。

71. C.【译文】 小孩儿点了点头, 显然 是很满意他妈妈的许诺。画线部分的意思是什么?

【解析】副词词义辨析。 “apparently”:显然地;似乎;表面上。“as far as one can see”:根据某人的判断;就某人所判断的。故选C。

72. C.【译文】 如今大家都很接受运动能塑造人的品格这个观点。

【解析】名词词义辨析。 “issue”:问题;期号;发行物。“argument”:论据;论点;论证;争论。“point”:观点;要点;得分。故选C。

73. D.【译文】 办公室里人人都知道Melinda在她的工作上花了 很多 心思。画线部分的意思是什么?

【解析】形容词词义辨析。 “infinit”:无限的,无穷的;无数的;极大的。“limited”:有限的。“unnecessary”:不必要的;多余的。“overdue”:过期的;迟到的。故选D。

74. A.【译文】 这项新措施能 在意外发生时 减小重伤的几率。画线部分的意思是什么?

【解析】固定搭配。 “in the event of…”:如果……发生;万一;倘若。故选A。

75. C.【译文】 传统上,当地的产婆会负责接生所有婴儿。

【解析】动词词义辨析。 “produce a baby”:生孩子;“deliver a baby”:接生。故选C。

76. C.【译文】 不允许把食物和饮料带进 房间 内。画线部分的意思是什么?

【解析】名词词义辨析。 “on the premises”:(尤指酒店)店内,屋内,建筑物内。“proposition”:命题;建议;主张。故选C。

77. A.【译文】 法院不会接受他的上诉,除非他能提供决定性证据。

【解析】形容词词义辨析。 “conclusive”:决定性的;最后的;确实的;确定性的。“definit”:一定的;确切的。“eventual”:最后的;终于的。“concluding”:结束的;最后的。故选A。

78. D.【译文】 他一开门,一阵冷风就吹遍了整个房子。

【解析】固定搭配辨析。 “a flo of(+液体或液体类似物)”:源源不断的;“a movement of”:……的动作。“a rush of(+抽象名词,如:joy/ sympathy/emotion)”:一股;一阵阵。“a blast of(+wind/ x -rays/cold air/light)”:一阵。故选D。

79. B.【译文】 在会上,她真的想说点儿什么,但最后还是克制住了。

【解析】动词词义辨析。 “prevent…from…”:阻止;制止;妨碍。“refrain…from…”:节制;克制;避免。“limit…to…”:限制;限定。“restrict…to…(=limit…to…)”:限制;约束;限定。故选B。

80. A.【译文】 夫妻俩告诉装潢师他们想把卧室粉刷得 亮丽 一点。画线部分的意思是什么?

【解析】副词词义辨析。 “gaily”:欢乐地;亮丽地。“brightly”:明亮地;鲜艳地。“light-heartedly”:放宽心态地;轻描淡写地。“cheerfully”:高高兴兴地。“lightly”:轻轻地;轻松地;容易地。故选A。










The art of public speaking began in ancient Greece over 2,000 years ago. Now,twitter, instant messenger, E-mail, blogs and chat forums offer rival approaches to communication—but none can replace the role of a great speech.

The spoken word can handle various vital functions: persuading or inspiring,informing, paying tribute, entertaining, or simply introducing someone or something or accepting something.

Over the past year, the human voice has helped guide us over the ups and downs of what was certainly a stormy time.

Persuasion is used in dealing with or reconciling different points of view. When the leaders met in Copenhagen in December 2009, [82]persuasive words from activistsencouraged them to commit themselves to firme action.

Inspirational speeches confront the emotions. They focus on topics and matters that are close to people’s hearts. [82] During wars, generals used inspiring speeches to prepare the troops for battle.

A speech that conveys knowledge and enhances understanding can inform us. The information must be clear, accurate, and expressed in a meaningful and interesting way.When the H1N1 pandemic(流行病)was announced, the idea of “swine flu(猪流感) scared many people. [82] Informative speeches from World Health Organization official helped people to keep their panic under control so they could take sensible precautions.

[82] Sad events are never easy to deal with but a speech that pays tribute to the loss of a loved one and gives praise for their contribution can be comforting. Madonna’s speech about Michael Jackson, after his death, highlighted the fact that he will continue to live on through his music.

It’s not only in world forums where public speaking plays an important role. It can also be surprisingly helpful in the course of our own lives.

[83] If you’re taking part in a debate you need to persuade the listeners of the soundness of your argument. In sports, athletes know the importance of a pep talk(鼓舞士气的讲话)before a match to inspire teammates. [83] You yourself may be asked to do a presentation at college or work to inform the others about an area of vital importance.

On a more personal level, a friend may be upset and need comforting. [83] Or you might be asked to introduce a speaker at a family event or to speak at a wedding, where your language will be needed to move people or make them laugh.

[84] Great speaking ability is not something we’re born with. Even Barack Obama works hard to perfect every speech. For a brilliant speech, there are rules that you can put to good use. To learn those rules you have to practice and learn from some outstanding speeches in the past.


awesome adj. 了不起的,令人敬畏的

commit v. 犯罪;把……交托给;使承担义务

highlight vt. 突出;强调

pandemic n. 流行病

panic n. 恐慌;惊慌

precaution n. 警惕;预防措施

reconcile vt. 使一致;使和解;调停


commit oneself to… 致力于;使自己承担

give praise for 赞扬;表扬

in the course of 在……过程中;在……期间

pay tribute to 向……致敬;称赞;歌颂

pep talk 鼓舞士气的讲话

put…to good use 好好利用……

ups and downs 沉浮;兴衰;高低


81. C.【解析】细节题。 本题考查文章整体内容。篇首提出公共演讲的不可替代性,之后从两大角度,即官方正式场合和私人生活,来例证公共演讲在人类交流、交际中的重要性。选项A、B、D均太片面。故选C。

82. A.【解析】细节题。 本题可通过选项定位法来解答。选项A定位到第四段,文中只提及公共演讲中的劝说性言辞能促使国家元首们做出实际行动,并未说到行之有效的解决办法;选项B、C、D都是原文的同义转换。故选A。

83. C.【解析】细节题。 本题可通过选项定位法来解答,只有选项C在文中未被提及。故选C。

84. D.【解析】细节题。 根据“great speaking ability”定位到最后一段,文中说到优秀的演讲能力并不是与生俱来的,就连奥巴马也要花很大的力气去精练。利用一些技巧和方法可以促成一次精彩的演讲,但学习这些方法和技巧需要反复练习,也需要去学习以前的一些优秀演讲。故选D。

85. B.【解析】主旨题。 本文主要讲了公共演讲在公共场合和私人生活中的多种使用情况和作用。故选B。


Sad events are never easy to deal with but a speech that pays tribute to the loss of a loved one and gives praise for their contribution can be comforting.此句为并列复合句。以“but”转折,连接两个句子。后一句的主干部分为“a speech can be comforting”。“That”引导定语从句,修饰“speech”;“and”并列连接“that”从句中的两个谓语部分。句子意为:“处理悲伤的事件向来不易,但如果一个演讲能向失去的挚爱致敬且讴歌他们所做出的贡献,这能让人得到慰藉。”








Every business needs two things, says Skullcandy CEO Rick Alden: inspiration and desperation. In 2001, Alden had both. He’d sold two snowboarding businesses, and he was desperately bored. But he had an idea: He wanted to make a new kind of headphone.

[86] “I kept seeing people missing their cell phone calls because they were listening to music,” he explains. Then I’m in a chairlift(索道), I’ve got my headphones on, and I realize my phone is ringing. As 1 take my gloves off and reach for my phone, I think,[86] “It can’t be that tough to make headphones with two plugs, one for music and one for your cell phone.” Alden described what he wanted to a designer, perfected a prototype,and outsourced(外包)manufacturing overseas.

[87] Alden then started designing headphones into helmets, backpacks—anywhere that would make it easy to listen to music while snowboarding. “Selling into board and skate shops wasn’t a big research effort,” he explains. “Those were the only guys I knew!”

Alden didn’t want to be a manufacturer. And by outsourcing, he’d hoped he could get the business off the ground without debt. But he was wrong. [88] So he asked his wife, “Can I put a mortgage(抵押贷款) on the house? She said, ‘What is the worst thing that can happen? We lose the house, we sell our cars, and we start all over again.’ I definitel married the right woman!”

For the next two years, Alden juggled mortgage payments and payments to his manufacturers. [88] “Factories won’t ship your product till they get paid,” he says. “But it takes four or five months to get a mortgage company so upset that they knock on your door. So we paid the factory first.

Gradually, non-snowboarders began to notice the colorful headphones. In 2006, the company started selling them in 1,400 FYE (For Your Entertainment) stores. “We knew that nine out of ten people walking into that store would be learning about Skullcandyfor the firs time. Why would they look at brands they knew and take home a new brand instead? [89] We had agreed to buy back anything we didn’t sell, but we were dealing with huge numbers. It’d kill us to take back all the products.”

Alden’s fears faded as Skullcandy became the No. 1 headphone seller in those stores and tripled its revenue to $120 million in one year. [90] His key insight was that headphones weren’t gadgets; they were a fashion accessory. “In the beginning,” he says,“that little white wire that said you had an iPod—that was cool. But now wearing the white bud means you’re just like everyone else. Headphones occupy this critical piece of cranial real estate and are highly visible.”

Today, Skullcandy is America’s second-largest headphone supplier, after Sony. With 79 employees, the company is bigger than Alden ever imagined.


86. D.【解析】细节题。 文中第一段末句讲到Alden想做一种新型双耳式耳机,第二段就讲到了这个想法的由来。是因为他看见听歌的人常常会听不到电话来电,所以他想做一种耳机,既能听歌,又能听到电话来电,只有选项D最符合。故选D。

87. A.【解析】细节题。 文章第三段提到:“Alden started designing headphones into helmets, backpacks—anywhere that would make it easy to listen to music while snowboarding.”(Alden开始把耳机设计进头盔、双肩背包等各种能在滑雪时使听歌变得更容易的地方。)故选A。

88. C.【解析】细节题。 根据题干定位到第四段和第五段,文中提到Alden通过抵押房子来借钱维持公司运作,而工厂在没收到钱之前是不会发货的。故选C。

89. B.【解析】细节题。 根据“FYE stories”定位到第六段,Alden的新型耳机在FYE开卖后,他也知道绝大多数人不会买一个未知新品牌的商品,所以同意“buy back anything we didn’t sell”(把任何卖不出去的商品都买回来)。故选B。

90. C.【解析】推断题。 文中最后一段提到:“His key insight was that headphones weren’t gadgets; they were a fashion accessory.”(他非常关键地洞察到了耳机不是可有可无的小配件,他们是一种时尚配饰。)故选C。


accessory n. 配件;附件

chairlift n. 索道

gadget n. 小配件;小器具

helmet n. 钢盔;头盔

juggle v. 歪曲;欺骗;玩杂耍

mortgage n. 抵押贷款

outsource v. 外包

plug n. 塞子;插头;栓

prototype n. 原型;标准;模范

revenue n. 收入;收益

snowboard n. 滑雪板

triple v. 使成三倍


get sth. off the ground 使……开始;(使得)开始有进展

start all over again 从头再来


But it takes four or five months to get a mortgage company so upset that they knock on your door.此句为复合句。“so…that…”:如此……以至于……;引导结果状语从句。句子意为:“但是当抵押贷款公司沮丧得要找上门来的时候,四五个月都已经过去了。”







I was standing in my kitchen wondering what to have for lunch when my friend Taj called.

“Sit down,” she said.

I thought she was going to tell me she had just gotten the haircut from hell. I laughed and said, “It can’t be that bad.”

But it was. [91] Before the phone call, I had 30 years of retirement saving in a “safe” fund with a brilliant financia guru(金融大亨). When I put down the phone, my savings were gone. [92] I felt as if I had died and, for some unknown reason, was still breathing.

Since Bernie Madoff’s arrest on charges of running a $65 million Ponzi scheme, I’ve read many articles about how we investors should have known what was going on. I wish I could say I had reservations about Madoff before “the Call”, but I did not.

On New Year’s Eve, three weeks after we lost our savings, six of us Madoff people gathered at Taj’s house for dinner. As we were sitting around the table, someone asked, “If you could have your money back right now, but it would mean giving up what you have learned by losing it, would you take the money or would you take what losing the money has given you?”

My husband was still in financia shock. He said, “I just want the money back.” I wasn’t certain where I stood. I knew that losing our money had cracked me wide open. I’d been walking around like what the Buddhists call a hungry ghost: always focused on the bite that was yet to come, not the one in my mouth. [93] No matter how much I ate or had or experienced, it didn’t satisfy me, because I wasn’t really taking it in, wasn’t absorbing it. Now I was forced to pay attention. [94] Still, I couldn’t honestly say that if someone had offered me the money back, I would turn it down.

But the other four all said that what they were seeing about themselves was incalculable, and they didn’t think it would have become apparent without the ground offinancia stability being ripped out from underneath them.

[94] My friend Michael said, “I’d started to get complacent. It’s as if the muscles of my heart started to atrophy (萎缩). Now they’re awake, alive—and I don’t want to go back.”

[94] These weren’t just empty words. Michael and his wife needed to take in boarders to meet their expenses. Taj was so broke that she was moving into someone’s garage apartment in three weeks. Three friends had declared bankruptcy and weren’t sure where or how they were going to live.


91. B.【解析】细节题。 文中第四段提到:“Before the phone call, I had 30 years of retirement saving in a ‘safe’fund with a brilliant financia guru. When I put down the phone, my savings were gone.”(在打电话之前,我把三十年的退休积蓄都放在了一个杰出金融大亨的“安全”基金里。挂了电话后,我的积蓄全没了。)故选B。

92. D.【解析】推断题。 在作者知道养老金没了后,她提到:“I felt as if I had died and, for some unknown reason, was still breathing.”(我感觉我就像已经死去一般,但是不知道什么原因,我还在呼吸着。)只有选项D“desperate”(绝望的)最符合作者的心情。故选D。

93. D.【解析】推断题。 本题基于对文章第七段的理解,作者提到:“No matter how much I ate or had or experienced, it didn’t satisfy me, because I wasn’t really taking it in, wasn’t absorbing it. Now I was forced to pay attention.”(无论我吃多少,拥有多少,经历多少,我都得不到满足,因为我没有真正理解吸收。现在我被迫去注意。)由此可知,作者被迫去注意的应该是过往的经验教训。故选D。

94. A.【解析】推断题。 本文涉及作者和她朋友之间的比较,可以定位到第七、八、九、十段。作者承认:“Still, I couldn’t honestly say that if someone had offered me the money back, I would turn it down.”(我仍然不能诚实地说如果有人把钱还给我,我会拒绝。)说明作者还是会选择金钱而不是这次的经验教训;而她朋友的反应则是:“I’d started to get complacent. It’s as if the muscles of my heart started to atrophy.Now they’re awake, alive—and I don’t want to go back.”(我开始有些洋洋自得。就像我的心肌本来已经开始衰竭。现在他们又活过来了,还充满了活力。所以我不想回到过去。)由此可以看出,作者的朋友在面对这次的损失时,更加重视和珍惜这次教训;从第十段也可以看出,虽然作者没有把她家的经济境况和朋友比,但朋友的经济境况很不好。故选A。

95. C.【解析】主旨题。 本题考查对全文的理解。通过描写作者本人和她朋友们对养老金投资亏损的不同反应,作者想表达的思想是:失败后学到懂得的经验教训要比失去的那些钱更为重要。故选C。


atrophy vi. 萎缩;虚脱

boarder n. 寄膳宿者;寄生虫

guru n. 领袖;专家

incalculable adj. 无数的;不可估量的

scheme n. 计划;组合;体制;诡计

underneath adj. 下面的;底层的 perp. 在……下面;在……支配下;在……形式下


arrest sb. on charges of… 以……罪名逮捕某人

have reservations about 对……持保留态度

rip out 扯掉;狠狠地发出

take in 接受;理解;欺骗

turn down 减小;调低;拒绝


I felt as if I had died and, for some unknown reason, was still breathing.此句为复合句。“as if”后使用了虚拟语气,“had died”表示与过去相反,“was breathing”表示与现在相反。“and”表对比。句子意为:“我感觉我就像已经死去一般,但是不知道什么原因,我还在呼吸着。”

But the other four all said that what they were seeing about themselves was incalculable, and they didn’t think it would have become apparent without the ground offinancia stability being ripped out from underneath them.此句为复合句。“said”后的“that”引导了两个宾语从句,以“and”连接。第一个宾语从句是以“what”引导的主语从句做主语;第二个宾语从句中有一个介词“without”引导的复合结构。句子意为:“但是其他四个人都说,他们所看到的自己是无法预测的。他们认为如果不是一下子失去经济上的稳定,他们不会如此清楚地认识自己。”








In the 19th century, there used to be a model of how to be a good person. There areall these torrents of passion flowin through you. Your job, as captain of your soul, is to erect dams to keep these passions in check. Your job is to just say no to laziness, lust,greed, drug use and the other sins.

[96] These days that model is out of fashion. You usually can’t change your behaviour by simply resolving to do something. Knowing what to do is not the same as being able to do it. Your willpower is not like a dam that can block the torrent of selfindulgence. It’s more like a muscle, which tires easily. Moreover, you’re a social being. If everybody around you is overeating, you’ll probably do so, too.

[97] The 19th-century character model was based on an understanding of free will. Today, we know that free will is bounded. People can change their lives, but ordering change is not simple because many things, even within ourselves, are beyond our direct control.

Much of our behaviour, for example, is guided by unconscious habits.[98] Researchers at Duke University calculated that more than 40 percent of the actions we take are governed by habit, not actual decisions. Researchers have also come to understand the structure of habits—cue, routine, reward.

You can change your own personal habits. If you leave running shorts on the floo at night, that’ll be a cue to go running in the morning. Don’t try to ignore your afternoon snack craving. Every time you feel the cue for a snack, insert another routine. Take a walk.

Their research thus implies a different character model, which is supposed to manipulate the neural(神经系统的)networks inside.

To be an effective person, under this model, you are supposed to coolly examine your own unconscious habits, and the habits of those under your care. [99] You are supposed to devise strategies to alter the cues and routines. Every relationship becomes slightly manipulative, including your relationship with yourself. You’re trying to arouse certain responses by implanting certain cues.

This is a bit disturbing, because the important habitual neural networks are not formed by mere routine, nor can they be reversed by clever cues. [100] They are burned in by emotion and strengthened by strong yearnings, like the yearnings for admiration and righteousness.

If you think you can change your life in a clever way, the way an advertiser can get you to buy an air freshener, you’re probably wrong. As the Victorians understood, [100]if you want to change your life, don’t just look for a clever cue. Commit to some larger global belief.


96. D.【解析】推断题。 文章前三段涉及19世纪人物模型榜样和现代社会的不同。第二段说道:“These days that model is out of fashion. You usually can’t change your behaviour by simply resolving to do something.”(对于现代来说,这样的模型已经过时。因为通常你不能简单地通过下决心去做某事来改变你的行为。)由此可以看出,19世纪和现在的区别在于决心对于一个人物模型的作用。故选D。

97. A.【解析】推断题。 文章第三段提到19世纪的人物模型榜样是基于对自由意志的理解,但如今自由意志是被局限了的,人们能改变他们的生活,但作出改变并不容易,因为很多事情,甚至是我们自身,都不在我们的直接控制范围内。故选A。

98. A.【解析】细节题。 根据题干定位到第四段:“Researchers at Duke University calculated that more than 40 percent of the actions we take are governed by habit, not actual decisions.”(杜克大学的研究员统计出,我们40%的行为都是受习惯而不是我们实际的决定控制。)故选A。

99. B.【解析】细节题。 结合文章第五、六段可知,杜克大学研究出来的新人物模型认为,通过操纵内在神经系统而产生的心理暗示能够改变人的行为。故选B。

100. A.【解析】推断题。 文章第八、九段说到了想要改变行为,光靠一些聪明的暗示是不够的,还需要你全身心的投入,投入你的情感和信仰。故选A。


bounded adj. 有界限的

craving n. 渴望;热望

cue n. 提示;暗示;线索

dam n. 水坝;障碍

devise v. 设计;想出;发明

disturbing adj. 令人不安的;烦扰的

insert v. 插入;嵌入

manipulate v. 操作;操纵

resolve v. 决定要做(to do)

reverse v. 颠倒;倒转

righteousness n. 正义;正直;公正

self-indulgence n. 放纵;任性

willpower n. 意志力;毅力

yearning n. 渴望;向往;怀念


burn in 留下不可磨灭的印象

keep…in check 不断检查;遏制


This is a bit disturbing, because the important habitual neural networks are not formed by mere routine, nor can they be reversed by clever cues.此句为复合句。“Because”引导两个原因状语从句,后半句中“nor”为否定副词,提到句首,句子要倒装。句子意为:“这有点儿烦人,因为那些重要的习惯性神经网络不经由日常习惯形成,他们也不能被这些聪明的暗示给颠覆。”




1. 本年作文贴近生活。题目要求考生谈谈对于使用优惠劵及以团购方式出游或外出就餐的看法,属于对比选择型题目。根据要求,考生应从学生的角度就此种消费方式是否明智展开论断。考生不可采取中立的观点,文章的立场必须要明确。需要注意的是:本年写作并没有给定作文题目,考生应根据自己所持观点拟订题目。

2. 对于议论文,在构思方面,我们通常采用总——分——总的思路:





Be a Smart Consumer

It’s human nature to weigh gains and losses . Everyone loves to pay less and gain more. ① It so happens that , in order to cut corners , most of us students collect and keep all kinds of coupons and look for group-buy deals. But ②smart as it may appear, I am highly suspicious of this habit and practice. Statistics show that by so doing, rather than reduce our costs, we may tend to spend on spurs and buy a lot of things we may not use and end up in being broke.

Looking for something cheap or shopping for things on a sale, of course, is not the best way to be a smart consumer. Just as an old Chinese saying put it, “Sellers are always smarter than buyers.” Coupons are sometimes an entrenching trap set by businesses and shop holders to capture more victims. First, coupons are some petty tricks on consumers,like specifying the validation date and quorum specification. They are always tricky.For example, salon coupons stipulate that they are valid only within the month. But how many of us need to have haircut twice within a month? They turn out to be useless in due time. Best buys are also sweet slogans. Some best buys are not at all best or even good! Some bastard businesses deliberately raised the price considerably before giving you 50% off. But 50% of what? They might not have thought about it. Another disaster is that we are so likely to buy things only because of the alluring price but seldom think of whether we need them or not.

“Acting on spurs is a big evil.” Some businesses and companies are so good at activating your dormant potentials for spending unreasonably . Here, the warning is “Put the money in the purse” and “watch it” or “on second thought” might be of great help for you at this time.


1. 作者采用人以群分法开篇,首先提出了一个普遍的社会现象:越来越多的学生选择使用优惠券。然后笔锋一转,运用转折法巧妙地阐述了自己的观点:优惠券是弊大于利的。在主体段中,作者引用中国的一句谚语承接前文的主题句,对使用优惠劵以及团购方式消费的不利因素进行了分析,层层深入,逻辑性强,表达得体。末段用引语法结尾,引出作者想要提出的建议。

2. 本文句式种类丰富,长短句结合,说理性强。一些固定特殊句型,让步状语从句,复合句和并列句的叠加,很容易让作文出彩,非常值得大家借鉴。比如,①处使用固定句型“It so happens that”,意为“巧合的是,偶然,恰巧”;②处“smart as it may appear”为“as”引导的让步状语从句,句中做表语的形容词提到句首,句子语序要倒装。

3. 本文中的遣词用语非常地道,比如“weigh gains and losses”,“cut corners”,“entrenching”,“specify”和“stipulate”等。其次,文章多次用到引语法,这样不仅能增加说理的可信度,同时也能体现作者的文化内涵。因此,考生在平时学习备考中,有必要积累一些名人名言、熟语谚语等。




A. 致歉行为:写信人没有在寝室等高中同学。

B. 致歉原因:由于要修改论文。

C. 请求原谅:请同学谅解。

D. 弥补承诺:写信人告诉同学在哪里可以找到自己,详细写清自己所在的具体位置。


April 20, 2013
Dear Mathew,

I am terribly sorry to have missed you at the dorm. Minutes ago, Prof. DavidHume phoned me urgently and asked me to go to his offic to talk about my term paper for revision. You know how nervous I have been on his Psychology course. So I went immediately. Fortunately, it won’t take long, about 20 minutes or so. So I think we can meet at Kozy Korner and have a nice talk over a cup of coffee. See you.

Li Ming T6NyGiMBXG3C4KICplzdx2yVUSbc/wMjQej3oV7D7iEEgynQARHPoZWCT0JBBuZz
