以惠特拉姆为代表的有识人士顺应了历史发展潮流,与历史上形成的根深蒂固的白人至上的种族歧视心理、思想与政策进行了长时期的斗争,推动了“白澳政策”的废除和对亚洲移民政策的调整。尽管惠特拉姆的前任孟席斯政府与霍尔特政府也曾在20世纪60年代中期悄悄地改变了移民政策并接受少量亚非移民入澳,但许多意义深远的重大调整都是在惠特拉姆执政时期完成的。从1972年公开接受并资助非欧移民入境到1973年废止“白澳政策”,直至1975年10月通过澳大利亚历史上第一个反种族歧视法并建立相应的机构,充分显示了惠特拉姆及其政府的决心与信念,正如他在回忆录中所说:“我的政府决定澳大利亚应当成为世界上消除种族主义的主要国家。”反种族主义写进法律的主要目的是使“澳大利亚成为真正的多元文化国家”。在这个国家里,土著人和来自世界各地的移民都会发现这是“一个光荣的地方。” [47]
[1] 关于早期澳亚交往,参见P.S.贝尔伍:《太平洋的早期居民》,《科学》1981年第3期;石林秀三:《波利尼西亚人的来源问题》,《世界民族探险旅行志》,1977年第1卷,第147页,张小华:《中国与大洋洲、美洲古代交往的探讨》,《中央民族学院学报》1984年第7期;卫聚贤:《中国人发现澳洲》,香港,1960;C.P.菲茨杰拉尔德:《是中国人发现了澳洲吗?》,《中外关系史译丛》第1辑,上海:上海译文出版社,1984;Russel Word, Australian since the Coming of Man, Sydney:St Martin's Press,1989;张秋生:《澳大利亚华侨华人史》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1998。
[2] Manning Clark, A Short History of Australia, American New Library Press,1980,p.186.
[3] Letter From Sydney,Postscript, p.202.See Myra Willard, History of the White Australia Policy to 1920 ,Melbourne:Melbourne University Press,1974,p.2.
[4] Sydney Morning Herald, 19 April,1834.
[5] E.M.Andrews, Australia and China:The Ambiguous Relationship, Melbourne:Melbourne Press,1985,p.46.
[6] Sing-wu Wang, The Organization of Chinese Emigration 1848-1888, Chinese Materials Center,Inc.,San Francisco,1978,pp.260-261.
[7] G.White,Peter Young, Australia's Relations with Asia, Sydney:MG Row-Hill Book Company,1988,p.15.
[8] Myra Willard, History of White Australia Policy to 1920 ,Melbourne:Melbourne University Press,1974,p.19.
[9] Manning Clark, A Short History of Australia, p.131.
[10] A.T.Yarwood,M.J.Knowling, Race Relations in Australia, Melbourne:Melbourne University Press,1982,p.169.
[11] Manning Clark, A Short History of Australia, pp.184-185.
[12] Manning Clark, A Short History of Australia, p.185.
[13] N.Meaney, The Search for Security in the Pacific 1901-1914, Sydney:Sydney University Press,1976,p.31.
[14] C.F.Yong, The New Gold Mountain:The Chinese in Australia ,1901-1921,Richmond:Raphael Arts Pty.Ltd.,1977,p.22.
[15] Manning Clark, A Short History of Australia, p.198.
[16] Australian Archives, CP253 03/977.
[17] Myra Willard, History of the White Australia Policy to 1920, p.125.
[18] Myra Willard, History of the White Australia Policy to 1920 ,p.127.
[19] A.T.Yarwood, Asian Migration to Australia:The Background to Exclusion,1896-1923 ,Melbourne:Melbourne University Press,1964,p.4.
[20] Rolls Eric,Citizens: The Epic Story of China's Centuries Old Relationship with Australia, Queensland:Queensland University Press,1996,p.599.
[21] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975 ,Melbourne:Australia Penguin Books Ltd.,1985,p.485.
[22] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, Melbourne:Australia Penguin Books Ltd.,1985,p.485.
[23] W.J.Hudson, Australia in World Affairs 1971-1975, Sydney:Allen & Unwin and Australian Institute of International Affairs,1980,p.98.
[24] W.J.Hudson, Australia in World Affairs 1971-1975 ,p.98.
[25] W.J.Hudson, Australia in World Affairs 1971-1975 ,p.99.
[26] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975 ,p.487.
[27] Greg Sheridan, Living with Dragons:Australia Confronts its Asian Destine, Sydney:Allen & Unwin,1995,p.96.
[28] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975 ,p.487.
[29] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975 ,p.488.
[30] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, p.488.
[31] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, p.489.
[31] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, pp.489-490.
[33] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, p.490.
[34] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, p.491.
[35] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, p.492.
[36] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, pp.492-493.
[37] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, p.493.
[38] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, p.494.
[39] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, p.496.
[40] Australia Bureau of Census and Statistics, Official Yearbook, No.50,1966,p.220.
[41] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, p.498.
[42] Russal Ward, The History of Australia:The Twentieth Century 1901-1975, London:Heinemann Educational Publishers,1978,p.400.
[43] Yearbook Australia 1977-1978, pp.161-162.
[44] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, pp.500-501.
[45] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, p.500.
[46] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, p.505.
[47] Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government,1972-1975, pp.505-506.