
Shared Understandings on “Eco-civilization and Antipoverty”(2016)

We,delegates from government agencies,international institutions,universities and research institutes,and social organizations,have gathered at the Eco-civilization and Anti-poverty Forum for the Eco Forum Global Annual Conference Guiyang 2016,consulting on eco-civilization development and poverty governance as well as global cooperation for poverty reduction.Through our efforts,we have reached understandings as follows:

I.More initiatives for green development and poverty reduction

1.Poverty alleviation should be guided by five notions,that is,innovation,coordination,green,openness and sharing.Innovation is the first drive for economic and social development.Coordination is the inherent need for sustainable healthy economic and social development.Green is a prerequisite for the continuous development of the Chinese nation.Sharing is a necessary result of building a comprehensive well-off society.Efforts should be made in innovating poverty alleviation methods,realizing the coordinated economic and social development and the harmony between man and nature,sticking to an open notion of poverty fight,winning a complete campaign against poverty,building a comprehensive well-off society,and promoting shared prosperity.

2.Green development should be adopted as a fundamental notion for eco-protection based poverty alleviation.A sound ecology means a prosperous civilization; a failing ecology means a declining civilization.The notion must be planted in the public’s mind that green mountains and waters mean gold and silver moun-tains,that the protection of eco-environment is that of productivity,and that the improvement of eco-environment is that of productivity development.In a word,ecology and development must be coordinated and harmonized.

3.Poverty alleviation is crucial to the development of a well-off society,thehappiness of the public,the stability of politics,the peace of society,and the international image of China.Accurate poverty alleviation aims at promoting the sharing of achievements by all the people,realizing shared prosperity,and displaying the advantages of Chinese socialism.

II.More efforts to encourage the government to shoulder responsibilities and improve the social policy system

1.The coordination and cooperation between the government and society is necessary and significant,which serves as an important content of global justice.Also,the coordinated efforts of the government,market and society are an important precondition for the realization of the ultimate goal of poverty reduction.

2.The improvement of social policy system is a guarantee for effective anti-poverty action.Support to the vulnerable groups in terms of social security,including education,medical care,housing,employment and development opportunities,is critical to accurate poverty reduction and alleviation.

3.The policies of poverty reduction should be connected with mobilizing social dynamics and promoting the growth of social capabilities.The sustainability of poverty reduction effectiveness lies in that of the poor people’s development capability development.Hence,support to the poor groups in the fields of market access,technology,information,and culture and environment is significant.It should be noted that governance,economy,society,culture and environment are integrated into a whole for sustainable poverty reduction.

III.More endeavor to promote global anti-poverty exchange and cooperation and realize the coordinated poverty alleviation goals

1.Global poverty reduction cooperation and coordination is an important action for human justice and common development.Yet,attention should be paid to avoiding discursive hegemony,respecting the assisted countries and nations in sovereignty,avoiding the addition of political conditions and cultural social reform actions,and establishing an equal basis of common action for cooperation.

2.In global anti-poverty coordination and cooperation emphasis must be laid on respecting and learning different cultural backgrounds,development models,and social systems so that an equal inclusive global mechanism for common action can be formulated.

3.Assistance,bilateral and multilateral cooperation,and intergovernmental participation are important components of global anti-poverty action.An open system of knowledge and experience should be set up,respecting various mechanisms and social systems adopted world-wide,emphasizing the pluralistic sharing of experience in anti-poverty action.

IV.More work to facilitate the combination of poverty reduction and community governance for the sake of sustainability

1.Community is an important poverty reduction organization.Based on benign community governance,public affairs management,economic development,environmental protection,cultural inheritance,and service sustainability are the fundamental contents of poverty reduction action.Also,the development of a more valuable and meaningful life is an important goal for community poverty reduction action.

2.The benign governance of poverty alleviation action is conducive to poverty reduction effectiveness.A mechanism of equal participation and coordinated action for the government,commercial agencies,social organizations,communities and individuals,more transparent poverty alleviation process,more scientific decision-making,and more inclusive,participatory poverty alleviation supervision and effectiveness evaluation should be our pursuits. RMTzfuWsrn7yfQkM9pElGdbvEkrw7dNmoCB6nw1QfTiUCJCSzGt7+y73LdtYEXP9
