





[1] Sir W.Lawson and F.C.Gould, Cartons in Rhyme and Line. London:T.Fisher Unwin,1905,p.62.

[2] “Letter from the Bishop,” North China and Shantung Mission Quarterly Paper:Land of Sinim ,Vol.6,No.2,21 April,1898,p.26.

[3] Alice Blanche Balfour diary,30 Apr.1898,Whittinghame Muniment Mss,National Archives of Scotland,GD 433/2/224,cf.T.G.Otte,“‘Wee-ah-wee’?:Britain at WeihaiWei,1898-1930,” in G.Kennedy,ed., British Naval Strategy East of Suez,1900-2000:Influences and Actions, p.4.

[4] Satow letters 6/10,James Bruce to Satow,2 March 1900.cf.I.H.Nish:“The Royal Navy and The Taking of WeihaiWei,1898-1905,” Mariner's Mirror ,54(1968),p.47.

[5] MILES,“Wei-Hai-Wei,” The Times, 5 Apr.1898,p.14.

[6] MILES,“Wei-Hai-Wei,” The Times, 13 Apr.1898,p.6.

[7] MILES,“The China Blue-Book,” The Times, 20 Mar.1899,p.4.

[8] “Political Notes,” The Times ,5 Apr.1898,p.12.

[9] I.H.Nish,“The Royal Navy and The Taking of WeihaiWei,1898-1905,” Mariner's Mirror ,54(1968),pp.39-54.

[10] F.O.China 1358,Admiralty-Foreign Office,2 April,cf.I.H.Nish,“The Royal Navy and The Taking of WeihaiWei,1898-1905,” Mariner's Mirror, 54(1968),p.47.

[11] E.H.Seymour, My Naval Career and Travels. London:E.P.Dutton,1911,pp.324,365。注:菲茨杰拉德和西摩尔是最早到达威海卫的英国海军高级将领,英人以两人的姓名分别命名威海卫境内的两条重要山脉。

[12] Parliamentary Debates,4th series,Vol.56 (1898) .London:Economic Printing and Publishing Co.Ltd.,pp.1559-1579,1582-1584.

[13] NAVALIS,“Wei-Hai-Wei,” The Times ,20 June 1898,p.9.

[14] “The Future of Wei-Hai-Wei,” The Times ,29 Nov.1898,p.6.

[15] R.S.Yorke,“Wei-Hai-Wei,Our Latest Leasehold Possession,” Fortnightly Review ,64 (1898),pp.36-43.

[16] MILES,“England And Russia In China,” The Times ,26 Aug.1898,p.9.

[17] “Election Intelligence,” The Times, 16 Sep.1898,p.5.

[18] T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.130.

[19] Salisbury to Chamberlain (private),30 Dec.1897,Chamberlain Mss.,cf.T.G.Otte,“‘Wee-ah-wee’?:Britain at WeihaiWei,1898-1930,” in G.Kennedy,ed., British Naval Strategy East of Suez,1900-2000:Influences and Actions, pp.4-34.

[20] Tel.Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury (separate and secret),25 Feb.1898, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.41.

[21] I.H.Nish,“The Royal Navy and The Taking of WeihaiWei,1898-1905,” Mariner's Mirror ,54(1968),pp.47-48.

[22] Note Lascelles to Bülow,20 Apr.1898,G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.33.

[23] T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,pp.129-130.

[24] T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.131.

[25] “It is perhaps unnecessary to inquire too,” The Times ,9 Apr.1898,p.7.

[26] “The Far East,” The Times ,11 Apr.1898,p.4.

[27] “The Far East,” The Times ,11 Apr.1898,p.4.

[28] “The Powers and China,” The Times ,5 Apr.1898,p.7.

[29] “The Far East,” The Times ,30 Apr.1898,p.7.

[30] Satow to Salisbury,30 Dec.1897,Salisbury MSS,3M/A/126/34,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.100.

[31] “Index,” The Times ,7 Apr.1898,p.1.

[32] “The Far East,” The Times ,11 Apr.1898,p.4.

[33] “The Far East,” The Times ,2 May 1898,p.7. QE473L1dS8EnejUqDGymZu/OSb2G9OjuhMhogkHsVsq9wBiGMU8LJDrbAlEUkZL7
