


清政府对此议持谨慎态度,原因在于恐事情泄露后与俄德法反目以及对“狡诈”英人的不信任,总理衙门更希望与列强同取“共保东方大局”之策,以成“不联之联”。然而,随着事态的发展,清政府也曾就中英联盟之事试探窦纳乐。1898年春,最后一笔甲午战争赔款即将偿还,日本应按约撤离威海卫,但日本欲久占、德国欲占,甚至美国欲占威海卫的消息已散布广泛。 在这种情况下,两害相权取其轻,“以威海租英,借以牵制俄德”,同时满足英人在此次危机中“必有所图”之欲并使日本撤离威海卫,似乎是一石三鸟之计。不排除在这种思维下,清政府中有人向赫德提出让予威海卫之说,以换取英人在其他方面的让步,这是一种被迫让予。赫德因此成为中英两国的中间人,将“中国政府愿意提供威海卫”告知窦纳乐,然后由窦转告英政府。


而从张之洞等人的联英之议中可以看出,清政府早在德占胶州之时就意识到了英国必有所图。当1898年春日军撤离威海卫前后传言遍布时,英国已经有了让威海予英的心理准备,甚至是心理预期。因此,在面对窦纳乐的谈判时,清政府官员并未表现出激动或惊讶的神态。而这种心理准备,通过事后总理衙门就英租威海卫一事的奏折也能看出。奏折中称英国“以租威为抵制,尚属实情,并非无端图占”,“与中国管辖之权,尚无大损”,并称中国海军可用威海卫、英人帮助训练海军等。 这似乎是为英国辩解,又似为己开脱,但更像是一种“合则两利”的表态。

[1] Tel.Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury (separate and secret),25 Feb.1898, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.41.

[2] R.Stanley McCordock, British Far Eastern Policy,1894-1900. New York:Columbia University Press,1931,p.241.

[3] Ronaldshay, The Life of Lord Curzon. London:Ernest Benn Ltd.,1928,p.277.

[4] Ronaldshay, The Life of Lord Curzon, pp.278-279.

[5] I.H.Nish,“The Royal Navy and the Taking of WeihaiWei,1898-1905,” Mariner's Mirror ,54 (1968),p.43.

[6] E-Tu.Zen.Sun,“The Lease of WeihaiWei,” Pacific Historical Review ,19 (1950),pp.277-83.

[7] I.H.Nish,“The Royal Navy and the Taking of WeihaiWei,1898-1905,” Mariner's Mirror ,54 (1968),pp.39-54.

[8] Pamela Attwell, British Mandarins and Chinese Reformers:The British Administration of WeihaiWei (1898-1930) and the Territory's Return to Chinese Rule ,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1985.

[9] C.B.Davis and R.J.Gowen,“The British at WeihaiWei:A Case Study in the Irrationality of Empire,” The Historian ,113 (2000),pp.87-104.

[10] T.G.Otte,“‘Wee-ah-wee’?:Britain at WeihaiWei,1898-1930,” in G.Kennedy,ed., British Naval Strategy East of Suez,1900-2000:Influences and Actions, pp.4-34.

[11] T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.104.

[12] Tel.MacDonald to Salisbury,25 Feb.1898, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.41.

[13] T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.110.

[14] Tel.Salisbury to MacDonald,25 Feb.1898, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.41.

[15] The Marquess of Salisbury to Sir C.MacDonald, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.54.

[16] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,28 Mar.1898,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 .vol.1,p.29.

[17] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.107.

[18] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,pp.106-107.

[19] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.107.

[20] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.107.

[21] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.107.

[22] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.107.

[23] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,pp.107-108.

[24] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,March 28,1898,G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.29.

[25] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.108.

[26] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.108.

[27] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.108.

[28] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.108.

[29] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.108.

[30] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.109.

[31] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.109.

[32] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.109.

[33] Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,6 April 1898, China.No.1 (1899).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.110. Vld0gqUq2xDL77a+/fYS2Y6PMmXWwoc497V3uzvAMW68cwmHbbUUF3dage/eZLT6
