





有学者指出,英国租占威海卫是“非理性”举动。 [63] 笔者在本章开头已经提出,英国政府的远东政策是否切合竞争时代来临这一现实才是正确的评判标准,并不能将评价标准仍停留在垄断时代。如开普林所说,“俄国貌似正变得日渐强大,我们必须在抵抗和使国家蒙羞之间做出选择”。 [64] 租占威海卫,与阻止俄国租占旅顺之举相比,似乎是选择了“蒙羞”,但显然是更理性的选择。也有学者称英国租占威海卫是为了“声望”和“面子”,“它维护了英国作为一流强国的声望”。 [65] 其实,英国无法阻止俄国占领旅顺口这一事实,早已意味着英国“面子”和“声望”的丧失。英国占领威海卫是在表明一种政治态度,这一态度是给国内民众、中国政府和列强看的,对不同对象有不同的意义。

或许,至此可以回答租占威海卫对英国政府尤其是对英国外交到底有什么意义?对英国政府而言,这是对民众的交代,缓和了紧张的舆论氛围,给予了民众以“领土慰藉”,所以占领威海卫是政治上的胜利。在外交层面上,它更多地体现出象征意义:这一行动向列强和清政府表明,英国不会将中国北方拱手相让;它制约了德国在山东扩张的野心,否则的话,山东可能会完全落入德国之手,成为一大块殖民地;它赢得了清政府的信任;它更向各国宣告大英帝国仍是世界一流强国。所以,无论从内政还是外交层面来看,租占威海卫都是出于政治目的的考量, 而非军事或经济利益。





[1] History of The Times ,3,London,1947,p.204.

[2] 尼什讨论了“海军部在租占威海卫问题中的角色”,他将英国租占威海卫放在20世纪初英国海军部在远东战略和政策的角度进行研究,认为“占领威海卫的决定是一个政治决定,而不是海军圈的决定”。I.H.Nish,“The Royal Navy and the Taking of WeihaiWei,1898-1905,” Mariner's Mirror ,54 (1968),pp.39-54.

[3] 两人将威海卫作为维多利亚时代后期大英帝国非理性政策的个案进行了讨论。该文认为1898年英国决策者无明确理由占领威海卫、其后30年拒绝归还是一种非理性的举动,以此为例表明帝国非理性现象在20世纪早期的英国政府内部非常流行,这种非理性动机成为大多数帝国确立其政治经济政策的刺激力量。C.B.Davis and R.J.Gowen,“The British at WeihaiWei:A Case Study in the Irrationality of Empire,” The Historian ,113 (2000),pp.87-104.

[4] 该文将威海卫放在英国政策与列强关系这一背景下进行研究。作者认为英国占领期间威海卫一直处于“被忽视的身份”,并因“战略过于孤立”导致发展受限,“威海卫突出了英国的无能”,威海卫的发展表明了“英国在远东战略上和体系上的限制”。作者将“这一租借地放在20世纪初英国在远东的战略和政策下”进行研究,并认识到“占领威海卫证明了地方危机和作为帝国扩张机制之一的大国外交之间的相互作用”。T.G.Otte,“‘Wee-ah-wee’?:Britain at WeihaiWei,1898-1930,” in G.Kennedy,ed., British Naval Strategy East of Suez,1900-2000:Influences and Actions, pp.4-34.

[5] 奥托该书以1894~1905年的“中国问题”为背景,探讨列强在中国问题上的竞争以及英国的孤立政策,作者重视的是中国问题对国际政治,尤其是对英国外交政策的重要意义。在第三章(“地图慰藉”:列强和中国问题,1895~1898)中,他详细论述了英租威海卫作为英国远东“地图慰藉”这一政策出台的始末,他认为“德国和俄国掠取中国北方的胶州和旅顺两个海军基地,增强了英国政府的脆弱感”,他强调了内阁中的分歧,并“揭示了首相兼外交部长索尔兹伯里侯爵的努力:与俄国谈判达成一个影响深远的英俄同盟方案。当这一尝试失败后,英国寻求了一种与德俄两国占领海军基地对应的方法——占领威海卫”。作者关注这一时期大国在华关系的相互影响和制约。T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,pp.74-132.

[6] T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.91.

[7] The Times ,11 Jan.1898.

[8] The Marquess of Salisbury to Sir C.MacDonald,19 Nov.1897, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China .London:Harrison and Sons,1898,pp.1-2.

[9] Tel.Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,22 Nov.1897, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.2.

[10] The Marquess of Salisbury to Sir C.MacDonald,23 Nov.1897, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.2.

[11] Tel.Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,17,18,22,25 & 30 Nov.1897,1 & 6 Dec.1897, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,pp.1-7.

[12] The Marquess of Salisbury to Sir C.MacDonald,8 Dec.1897, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.7.

[13] Gough to Salisbury,1 Dec.1897, China.No.1 (1898),Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.5.

[14] Gough to Salisbury,19 & 20 Nov.1897, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,pp.2-4.

[15] Tel.Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,20 Dec.1897, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.9.

[16] Tel.Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,22 Dec.1897, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,p.9.

[17] Tel.Sir C.MacDonald to the Marquess of Salisbury,22 Dec.1897, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China ,pp.9-10.

[18] 参见杨国伦《英国对华政策(1895~1902)》,第52~53页;T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.102。

[19] Bertie to Salisbury (private),30 Dec.1897,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.95.

[20] Min.Salisbury,on Smith to Bertie,27 Dec.1897,encl.in Bertie to Salisbury (private),28 Dec.1897,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.95.

[21] O'Conor to Sanderson (private),24 Mar.1898,Salisbury MSS,3M/A/129/39.cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,pp.95-96.

[22] Memo.Salisbury,n.d.,encl.in Salisbury to Cross (private),30 Dec.1897;cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.99.

[23] Chamberlain to Salisbury (private),29 Dec.1897,Salisbury MSS,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.100.

[24] A.D.Elliot, The Life of George Joachim Goschen,FirstViscount Goschen,1831-1907 (2 vols.).London:Longmans,Green and Company,1911,pp.209-210.

[25] Memo.Allen,10 Jan.1898,FO 405/76/31,cf.Lord C.Beresford, The Break-Up of China. London and New York:Harper & Brothers,1899,pp.76-77.

[26] Beach to Salisbury,26 Dec.1897,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.102.

[27] Salisbury to Iwan-Muller,31 Aug.1896,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 .New York:Johnson Reprint Corporation,1967,vol.6,app.IV.

[28] T.G.Otte,“A Question of Leadership:Lord Salisbury,the Unionist Cabinet and Foreign Policy Making,1895-1900,” CBH xiv,4 (2000),pp.7-8.

[29] The Times ,18 Jan.1898.

[30] Tel.Salisbury to O'Conor,17 Jan.1898,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.5.

[31] Tel.O'Conor to Salisbury,and despatch,20 Jan.1898,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley.eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,pp.6-7.

[32] Tel.O'Conor to Salisbury,23 Jan.1898, British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.8.对此,奥托的研究指出:“维特似乎欢迎在相互承认排他性势力范围的基础上达成协议,这一势力范围将有助于德国的安全”。这显然对英国不怎么有利。参见T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.107.

[33] Tel.Salisbury to O'Conor,25 Jan.1898,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.9.

[34] Lady V.Hicks Beach, Life of Sir Michael Hicks Beach,Earl St.Aldwyn (2 vols.) .London:Macmillan,1932,pp.58-59.

[35] Salisbury to Hicks Beach,29 Jan.1898,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.108.

[36] Tels.O'Conor to Salisbury,3 & 5 Feb.1898,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,pp.11-13.

[37] Tel.Salisbury to O'Conor,8 Feb.1898,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.14.

[38] Tel.O'Conor to Salisbury,19 Feb.1898,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.18.

[39] Quotes from O'Conor to Salisbury,3 Mar.1898,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.22.

[40] T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.104.

[41] Chamberlain to Balfou,3 Feb.1898,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.108.

[42] Tel.O'Conor to Salisbury,19 Feb.1898,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.18.

[43] Curzon to Spring-Rice,20 Feb.1898,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.113.

[44] T.G.Otte,“‘Wee-ah-wee’?:Britain at WeihaiWei,1898-1930,” in G.Kennedy,ed., British Naval Strategy East of Suez,1900-2000:Influences and Actions, pp.7-8.

[45] Sir Howard Vincent letter to The Times (31 Mar.1898);cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.126.

[46] H.W.Wilson,“Front-Bench Invertebrates,” National Review ,31 (Apr.1898),pp.300-301.

[47] Telegram MacDonald to Salisbury,25 Feb.1898,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.25.

[48] Telegram Salisbury to MacDonald,25 Feb.1898,in G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.25.

[49] Min.Balfour,14 Mar.1898,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.115.

[50] Memo.Curzon,“Memorandum on the Advantages of a British Lease of WeihaiWei,” 14 Mar.1898,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,pp.115-116.

[51] Memo.Curzon,14 Mar.1898,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.126.

[52] Memo.Bertie,14 Mar.1898,G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.17.

[53] Tel.Balfour to MacDonald,19 Mar.1898,G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.21.

[54] Tel.Balfour to MacDonald,19 Mar.1898,G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.21.

[55] Balfour to Goschen (private),26 Feb.1898,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.123.

[56] T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,pp.119-123.

[57] Memo.Chaplin,19 Aug.1898,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.122.

[58] T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.117.

[59] Curzon to Salisbury,11 Apr.1898,cf.T.G.Otte,“A Question of Leadership:Lord Salisbury,the Unionist Cabinet and Foreign Policy Making,1895-1900,” Contemporary British History ,14 (2000),pp.10-13.

[60] T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.126.

[61] Min.Salisbury,22 Mar.1898,G.P.Gooch and H.W.V.Temperley,eds., British Documents on the Origins of the War,1898-1914 ,vol.1,p.22.

[62] The Marquess of Salisbury to Sir C.MacDonald, China.No.1 (1898).Correspondence respecting the affairs of China, p.54.

[63] C.B.Davis and R.J.Gowen,“The British at WeihaiWei:A Case Study in the Irrationality of Empire,” The Historian ,113 (2000),pp.87-104.

[64] Memo.Chaplin,19 Aug.1898,cf.T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.122.

[65] T.G.Otte, The China Question:Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation,1894-1905 ,p.131. KizwYcCDvhbRyt23IMqkrgS/hH8l35RX0c4+z9jyAqVpTkoZe+FPANnsx43UQsy8

