

379 1.疑问词可以用来引出多种名词从句。

What he is doing (名词从句作主语)is a mystery.

I know where he has been (作动词的宾语).

My question is who will marry a poor man like me (补语从句).

He told me which subject he likes best (作双宾动词的直接宾语).

He is doubtful how the work can be finished this week .(作“be+形容词”结构的宾语,这种结构相当于一个及物动词)

I am not sure who will take over a task that willplease veryfew people

Their success depends upon whatpolicy they are going to adopt and how they execute it .(作介词的宾语)

A problem arose as to who would succeed to the estate if their father,who was seriously ill,should die.

Just imagine what a pretty girl this country girl could be (感叹从句)if she were properly dressed.

He asked who the boy was .(动词was通常都放在主语boy的后面)

He asked who was the boy that spoke with Mary across the street.(如果主语及修饰语加起来太长,was可以放在主语前面)

380 2.疑问词还可用来引出一个强调式疑问句(可参阅370节):

My question is who it is that will marry a poor man like me.(用it is that这种结构可对疑问词who加以强调)

We inquire when it is that we all shall have enough to eat,and when it is that we all can live together peacefully.

He told me one day which subject it is that he likes best,and which sub - ject it is that he hates most.

That depends on what policy it is that he adopts.

381 3.疑问词还可用来引出一个带插入语的疑问句(这类句子带有鄙夷情绪)。

He has earned I do not know how much money.(正常结构为I don't know how much money he has earned.)

He waited for her I do not know how long.

She is going nobody knows where .(正常结构为Nobody knows where she is going.)

He will return God knows when

He is always busy with the devil knows what

He has Heaven knows how many wives.

382 4.也可用在有两个疑问词的名词从句中。

I don't care who is married to whom

I don't know who is who ,and what is what

It does not matter which belongs to which

Nobody cares who has earned how much.

383 5.如果从句中主语跟有may,must,ought to或can这类情态动词,这类从句常可变为“疑问词+不定式”结构。

What we ought to do (=What to do)is a problem.

He knew where he might live more peacefully (=where to live more peacefully).

Which course one must take (=which course to take)is obvious.

He taught me how one could be strong (=how to be strong).


He told me how his brotherfell in love with Mary

I do not know what trick he is playing upon me


He is not sure which bus to take (=which bus he must take).

He worried about how to live on (=how he could live on).

I do not know what to say (=what I should say). lO3FNNBcexIpW8M2jcq+0OxnVwQJHiTMxtVfGGOdDZqLa6TctcFbsmOuRQdsIusk
