


370 在对一个问句的某部分进行强调时可用强调疑问句。

Who is it that teaches you to smoke?(通常说Who teaches you to smoke?)

What is it that you are doing?(通常说What are you doing?)

Which is it that you want?

Where was it that he learned to curse?

When was it that I ever said so?

How was it that he learned the secret?

Why is it that you should abandon her?


371 在表示不耐烦情绪时,what等后面可加ever或其他东西,下列句子越往下表示的情绪越强烈。

Whoever (或 Who ever )said so?(这是谁说的?)∙

Whatever (or What ever )did you say?(你 到底 说的是什么?)

What on earth (or in the creation,in the world,under the sun )did you say?(你 到底说了些 什么?)

Which in the name of reason (or fortune,common sense )do you decide to choose?(你 究竟 打算选哪一个?)

What in heaven's name (or in the name of wonder,in thunder )have you done?(你 究竟干了些 什么?)

What earthly thing are you doing now?(你这会儿 到底 在干什么?)

Where the devil (or the dickens,the deuce )is he going?( 他想到 哪里去了?)

When the hell will you pay me?(你 到底什么时 候还我钱?)

Why the blazes are you so late?(你 怎么来 得这么晚?)

What the plague (or the mischief )are you talking about?(你在 说些什 么屁话?)

What a plague is he doing?( 他到底 在干什么?)



372 有些问句只是对别人说话的反应,并不要求回答,也让人无法回答。

Who can fly in the air?(=Nobody can fly in the air.)(谁能飞呀?)

Who cares?(=Nobody cares.)(谁管啦?)

What else would you say?(=You will say nothing else.)(你还能说些什么呀?)

What subject does he understand?(=He does not understand any subject.)(他懂什么?)

What subject does he not understand?(=He understands every subject.)(他什么不懂?)

Why do you do this?(=You should not do this.)(你怎能这样干?)

Why don't you do this?(=You should do this.)(那你怎么不干?)

Where didn't I see her smile?(=I did see her smile everywhere.)(她在哪儿不笑?)

How can I do it?(=I can never do it.)(我哪干得了?)

Will he surrender?(=He will not surrender.)(他会投降?)

Can the blind see?(=The blind cannot see.)(盲人还能看东西?)

Shall I forget it?(=I shall not forget it.)(这事我会忘吗?)

Must I kowtow to him?(=I need not.)(我还得给他磕头?)


373 有些问句中可插入exactly,precisely之类副词,要求确切回答。

Exactly what do you want?What exactly do you want to say?

Precisely where are you going?Where precisely has he seen it?

Just how do you get it?

Just which did he like best?

Just who has come?


374 有些问句中可插入do you think,do you guess之类插入语,这时后面部分要用陈述句语序。

What do you think we should(不要说should we)do?(=What,in your opinion,should we do?)

Where did they tell you he was going?

Which do you guess is the better?

How do you say we can settle the problem?

When we should build a schoolhouse, did they suggest


375 有时一个问句中有两个疑问点,须用两个疑问词。

What book was written by what author in prison?

Who abandoned whom after they got married?

How many people eat how much rice every year?

Where did they buy it from whom ?( Where did they buy it and from whom ?更好)


376 当对方说一句话,某一部分没听清楚,要求把这部分重说一遍时,可把疑问词放在后面。


377 当对方说一句话,需了解更多情况时,有时可用省略疑问句,把对方话中已用的词省略掉。

这类问句常由“疑问词+介词”构成。 +PkNW2OdvPfFbgonzUztSoF1PUgblFplT9JfrA3hPEWHwWaGrGpI3OdGvsZdzsdn
