


363 Who可用作主语、补语、宾语。

Who (作主语)is(or are)wise? Who care(or cares)?

Who (作补语)are they? Who is he?(=What is his name?)

Who (=Which)is right,you or I?

Who (作动词宾语,比用whom时更多)do you see? Who are you teach-ing?

Who (作介词宾语,比用whom时更多)is this letter from? Who must she speak to?


To whom (不用To who)must she speak?

“I saw Aria.”“You saw whom (不用who)?”

I could speak to whom .(放在句末为了加强语气)

Whose (为所有格,作形容词,作定语)book is this? Whose book are you reading?

Whose (作所有格的独立形式,作代词,作补语)is this? Whose are those houses?

Whose (作主语)are(or is)lost? Whose is red?

Whose (作宾语)are you using? Whose will you borrow?


364 What可用作主语(这时作单数看待)、补语、宾语、介词宾语或定语。

What (作主语)astonished you? What has(不用have)happened?

What (作补语)is the difference? What is this man?(=What is hisjob and character?)

What (作动词宾语)do you want?

I know what (=I have an idea).

I will tell you what (=something).

He keeps dogs,cats,birds and what not(or and what all,and what have you)(=and the like).

He knows what is what (=what is good,useful or important).

What (作介词宾语)are you looking at ?(也可说 At what are you loo - king? 但较文气)

What can I depend on ?(或说 On what can I depend ?)

What do you follow mefor ?[或说 For what (=Why)do you follow me ?](这类介词可放在句末,也可放在句首)

I must give the boy what - for (=punishment).

What's new?(打招呼用语)

At what time (or In what respect,By what means,In what circumstances )did you defeat him?(作定语,这类介词只能放在句首,不能放在句末,不可说What time did you defeat him at?)

What is an elephant like?(问是什么样子)

“Roy Chen divorced Joy Lee.”“ What ?”(=Say it again,这时说Pardon?更好些)

What (=Which)subject in your school do you like best?


365 Which可用作主语、宾语、介词宾语或定语。

Which (of these)(作主语)interests you?(What of all interests you?)(which指有限数量的东西中的一个,what却不受限制)

Which (作动词宾语)do you want? Which (of these)do you like best?

Which (作介词宾语)are you looking at Which can we do without

Which (作定语)sister is the more intelligent?


366 Where只能用作地点副词,表示“到哪里”或“在哪里”。

Where (=To what place)is he going,running,driving?

Where (=At what place)is he staying,learning,playing?

“Why don't you go?”“Go where ?”


367 When可用作时间副词,表示“什么时候”。

When can I see you again?

When will he begin the work?

When did you arrive?

When will he go again?


368 How为方式副词,表示“如何”“怎样”。

How can I do it?

How (=In what way)will you settle the problem?

How do you make it?

How do you call it?(=What do you call it?)

How about the game?(引起话题)

How (or What about (=What would you say to)a cup of tea?

How do you like (or feel about )this war film?

How's life(or everything,it going,Auntie)? How.re things?(问候语)

How do you do?”—“ How do you do?”(初次见面时套语,英国说法)

How's your new car?(=How do you like it?)

What's your new car like ?(Please describe it.)

How come (=Why is it that)everybody looks at you?

Everything has changed. How so?

How is it that you still remember her?


369 What可用作副词,表示“到什么程度”。

What (=How much)(as intensive adverb)do I care even though I am poor?

What does this small thing matter?—It matters much.

What matters this small thing?

What does it signify whether he is rich or poor?—It signifies little. nhcaUJ7ODa5p0aartH1WIsprNLXUdMVzhZaLQptmADJ5UslbMHd+jO/AdDfRxXbR
