



180 “What is this (指近处的东西)?”“ It's an apple.”(在回答时不要再重复this)

“What is that (指远处的东西)?”“ It (不要说 That )is a pear.”(对比)

“What are these (this的复数形式)?”“ They (不要说 These )are horses.”

“What are those (that的复数形式)?”“ They are donkeys.”

“What is this ,and what is that ?”“ This is an apple and that is a pear.”(对比)

181 A beggar came,and he (不能说this或that)asked for money.


This is Mr.Tanaka. This is Mr.Sasaki.(介绍见面)

Hello,is that Jane?(英国说法)Hello,is this Jane?(美国说法)(电话用语)

Stop crying and that (or there is a good boy

Those who (为he who或one who的复数形式)come are my friends.

Those (=The people)there(or coming here)are Jews.

(He is)Handsome boy, that !(为了强调而重复)

182 This和that可以指具体的东西。

He gave me one dollar,and this (more emphatic than it )was all he had.

183 This和that也可表示抽象的东西。

He talked of freedom,justice and all that


I like a man(or men) like this (or that ), such a man(or men) as this (or that ).

184 This和that还可和某些介词连用,表示特定的意思。

At this (=Seeing or hearing this),he became angry.

With this (=So saying),he left.

Upon this (=And then),he shook his head.

After this (=After this incident,this time),he became more careful.

Since that (=Since that time),I have never met any friend.

185 This和that偶有下面用法:

Get out of this (=this place).(少见)

He must have arrived by this (=this time).(少见)

186 This和that也可表示某些事物。

He knows this,that and the other (matter).

Some believe in this ,some believe in that

I don't say anything against Mr.This or Mrs.That

These came for paper, those for pens, others for ink.

187 This和that也可指前面刚提到的东西。

He has good intention,but that (指前句表示的内容)is not enough.

I will learn music,I know this (=learning music)is not easy.

188 This和that有时和and连用。

You must do it, and that (=and you must do it)immediately(or at once).

He decides to be a doctor and that (=and he decides to be a doctor)after he gets married.

He has many good dogs and these (=and he has)very small ones.

He is a doctor and a well-known one at that (而且又是一个有名的医生).

He has a car, and a very large car at that

He knows nothing except music, and very little at that

People were killed and thousands of them at that

189 That可以代表前面所提的东西,而this代表即将谈的东西。

To be or not to be, that is a question.(that指to be or not to be)

“You can depend on me.” That was what he said.

This is a question:to go or to stay?(this指to go or to stay)

What I can say is this :you can depend on me.

Coffee,cigars and liquor: these are my friends.

190 在某些词组中,that比this用得多。

That is because you don't know yourself.

That is why you failed. That is how I made it. So (or And that's that

That's all.That will do.That's a good boy.What of that

That is to say ). For all that.And that.And all that

191 That和those还有下面这些特殊用法:

He has that (=He has something)in his character which puzzles me.(书面语)

There was that (=There was something)in his way of speaking.

He saw that (=something)in her face which made him afraid.

There is that (=There is someone)who knows the secret.(少见)

There were those (=people)who said“no”.(这样用时较多)

He knew those who were opposed to him.

192 This有时用来表示“后者”,that表示“前者”。

The gun is more important than the pen. This (=The latter,The pen)can-

not do without that (=the former,the gun).

English and Chinese are our school subjects. This seems harder than that

We study English,Chinese,geography,history and mathematics. This last (=or This latter )is the hardest.

193 That和those若跟有介词短语,可用来代表前面提的东西,以避免重复,等于“the+前面那个名词”。

The novel by Dickens is better than that (=the novel) by Wells .(that代表“the+noun”)

The novels by Dickens are better than those by Wells

The door of his house is like that of a church.

The ears of a rabbit are longer than those of a cat.

This house is larger than that of my younger brother.

The greatest tragedy is that (=the tragedy) of a miser.

John's name is below those of Mary and James.


This house is larger than that (=the one在口语中用得更多一些) stand - ing on the other side,located on the corner.(that+分词)

This road is the same as those (用the ones更好)leading to the Capital.

This house is better than that (用the one更好) I saw yesterday .(that+从句)

194 That有时用来代表前面提到的动作。

“Did he learn music?…”“Yes,he did sometimes.”or“Yes,he did that sometimes.”(that代表learn music)

“Will his mother punish him?”“She won't.”or“ That she won't .”(that代替punish him)

“He will punish them.”“ That he will (=So he will=He will).”

He has eaten it, that he has

195 That有时用来代替前面的补语,比so更为确定。

He is my friend, that (=my friend)he is.

Dishonest?Yes,he is that (=dishonest).

He is a fool.He looks that .I find him that ,and everybody calls him that

John is selfish,cunning and cruel,buthis brother is not all that .You know he cannot be that


196 这几个指示词都可用作形容词,修饰后面的名词。

Thesefour pretty gold rings are hers.(this,these,that,those通常放在其他形容词前面)

This Shakespeare's last work is called“The Tempest”.

Thatfiftieth year of service was truly long.

197 有时和very连用,表示强调。

You shall be punished this very hour.(比this hour的强调意味更浓)

That very accident cost him his life.

This very house is what I have been looking for.

They were ready to kill him,but he decided to see those very people.

198 有时和there,here一起用,there,here要放在名词后面。

Do you see that man there (不要说that there man).

This lady here (不要说this here lady)is pretty.

199 This和that可以同时用,中间用and或or连接,表示随随便便,东一下,西一下。

Don't run this way and that way .(不要瞎跑。)

He falls in love with this girl and that .(一会儿爱上这个,一会儿爱上那个。)

He falls in love with this or that girl

The child broke this thing or that .(一会儿打破这,一会儿打破那。)

This,that,or the other (or another )(=Some or other)reader will agree with the author of this book.(总有读者赞同。)


Many guests came: this one alone, that one with his wife, and another one with three or four friends.

200 有时表示数量。

He needs a million dollars to do it,but half this money (=half a million dollars)is enough for me.

Some rooms have sixty students in them;others have halfthat number (=thirty).

It is three feet,but twice this length (=six feet)would be better.

201 有时表示“我(们)的”。

This (=My,Our)city has eight high schools in it.(本市)

This country has to import a lot of rice.(本国)

These eyes have seen it.

Reply as soon as you receive this letter.

The principal of this school is sixty years old.

202 有时表示某种情绪。

Forget that matter.(鄙视)

Look at that son of yours.(兴趣)

Don't mention those days again.(遗憾)

O those eyes!O that silvery voice!(赞美)

Who is this Lilian Wang?(看不起)

I am sick of these artists.(鄙视)

203 用在时间词组中,表示特定的意义。

Be gone this minute (=at once).

He has won for this once (=at least on this occasion).

They must have arrived by this time

You shouldn't say such foolish things at these late years (or at your great age ).

204 可以和month一起用。

I am(or was)busy this month (or these months ), in the present month (or in the present months ), in the month (or in the months ).

I was(or shall be)busy that month (or those months ).

205 可以和hour和day连用。

We have been miserable to this hour (or day,year ),and from this hour forward )we shall be happy.

I shall see you one of these days

206 可以和week,day等词连用,表示“……以后(前)的……”。

I left Hong Kong this day week (or month,year )(=this day last week,etc.).(英国用法)

I shall leave Hong Kong this day week (or month,year )(=this day next week,etc.).(英国用法)

I saw her this time twelve - month (or three years ).

I shall see her this day next month

207 注意下面两个句子的差别:

I did not see him this morning (or this spring ).(说话时已不是早晨或春天)

I have not seen him this morning (or this spring ).(说话时仍是早晨或春天)

208 注意下面句子中this,these的用法:

I haven't seen her( for this long time .(好久没见到她。)

I haven't seen her this halfyear .(半年没见到她了。)

I haven't seen her( for thisfive months .(有5个月没见到她了。)

I haven't seen her thesefive months past (or back,since ).

I shan't see her this halfyear .(会有半年见不到她了。)

I shan't see her thesefive months .(会有5个月见不到她了。)

I shan't see her( for thesefive months to come


I haven't seen her for the last two days

I shan't see her for the nextfive months

209 下面句子也值得注意:

I have read it this week (or month,year ).(这周、这个月、今年等所表示的时间未结束,但已读完)

I shall read it this week (or month,year ).(时间已开始,但未读)

I am reading it this week .(这个礼拜读它。)

210 This和that可以和much连用,表示“这么多而已”“那么多而已”。

I know(or want,will say,admit,have) this much (or that much ).(只知,只要……这一些而已)

That much I know.

This much is true.

He is right in that much

This much (=that he…years)is certain that he has lived in India five years.

211 下面句子是不规范的,虽然有人这样说:

Them (=Those)boys won't agree.

One of them (=those)houses is on fire.


212 My boy is not this (=so)tall.

It is about this large.

I have never been this sick.

He cannot earn that (=so)much.

Is he all that silly?

How could he finish it that fast?

Do you think that (=so)?



213 One只能用作可数名词,可用来表示一个人、一棵树、一盏灯等,不能指水、空气、勇气等。

214 One可泛指“一个人”。

One (=A person)must obey one's (美国用法his)parents.

One always thinks oneself (美国用法himself)wise.

比较: Everyone thinks himself wise(不可说oneself wise). No - one thinks himself foolish(不可说oneself foolish).


He is one (=a person) true to everybody

One in a good humour pleases people about him.

You cannot dissuade one charmed by a woman

He is not one to tell lies

One who loves others loves himself.


He lay there like one dead (or mad,possessed ).


He is one (=a rare sort of man).


215 有时one可用来代表刚刚提到的一种人,或这种人中的一个。

If there is any saint,I have seen one (=a saint).

Your brother is not a miser,but you are one (=a miser).


There are houses for sale,and you can buy one (=one house,not hou-ses).

You have no dictionary?I can lend you one


If there are any saints,I have seen some (=some saints).(泛指的one的复数形式为some)

There are houses for sale,and you can buy some

216 和其他指示词不同,one和ones前面可加形容词,这时one(s)可称为替代词(Prop-Word)。这样用时,可读作[ən]和[ənz]。

A good book is different from a bad one (=a bad book).

An honest businessman fares better than a cunning one (=a cunning busi-nessman).

Honest businessmen fare better than cunning ones .(作替代词时不用some,而用ones表示复数)


Here are apples.You can take a ripe one (or some ripe ones ).


Is this an apple?I have never seen such a one (or so large a one ).

We should adopt a wise policy instead of afoolish policy .(普通说法)

We should adopt a wise policy instead of afoolish one .(口语中用法)

We should adopt a wise instead of afoolish policy .(书面语用法)

I prefer red roses to white (书面语)或to white ones (口语体).

He has good books and bad ones )或 a good book )and a bad book

Wooden houses are not so strong as stone ones .(one也用在作定语的名词后面)

My house is afour - story one

She is a pretty girl,and a country one

I like all novels,especially nineteen - century ones


I drink red wine and white wine ).(不能说white one)

He calls on me in fair weather or foul weather ).(不能说foul one)

You can judge his public conduct by his private conduct ).

I like black tea and green


Your little ones (=children).My dear one (=darling).

The Holy One (=God). The Evil One (=The Devil).

217 One前面可加形容词,却不能加名词所有格或某些指示词。下面的说法都是错误的。

my friend's one,my(own)one,either one,neither one;both ones,all ones,five ones

但可说:my friend's,or my friend's large one;mine,or my own,or my(own) large one;either,or either large one,either long one,either wounded one

也可说:each(one),another(one),any(one),the third(one),which(one or ones),whatever(one or ones),this(one),that(one),these(ones),those(ones)

218 和其他指示词一样,one和ones也可跟各种定语。

A good book is one (=a book) for the benefit of its readers one written in blood and tears,one which pleases and teaches ).

After the death of his servant,he employed one (=a servant) skillful in cooking,recommended by Lee

His faults are mainly ones (=faults) of negligence

These five years are ones (=years) of political unrest

219 One前可加the,表示一个特定的人或东西(即“那一个……”)。

I have five brothers. The one (=The brother) in China is the eldest.

“Which car do you like best?”“ The one on the left side .”“ The one lying by the tree .”“ The one you see .”

I drew my chair to the one (=the chair) in which my uncle was sitting

My house is near to the one belonging to Major Wang

Of all jobs,I like the ones (=the jobs) donefor the benefit of children

Good students are always the ones (=the students) working hard

注:the one和the ones是口语中的用法,在书面语中可用that和those代替。

220 在用one作主语时,要注意动词用哪种形式。

One of the greatest rivers in the world is (不是are)the Yangtze.

He is one of the best engineers that are (不是is)working in this factory.

He is one of the best engineers,who is (不是are)expert in building bridg-es.(who前有逗号,这时指的是one而不是engineers)

They are some of (不能说ones of)the best engineers I know.

They are among (=some of)the best engineers I know.

221 由one构成的代词都是单数。


222 One常可与一名词连用,表示时间,这时常不加介词。

I saw him one morning (or afternoon,evening ).(但I saw him on a spring morning,on a July evening.)

I saw him one day

I shall see him some (or one day


I was introduced to one Doctor Johnson

I met one Mr.Lee (or a Mr.Lee )(=a certain person).


223 Other可有几种形式:

Another (单数形容词)student is coming.

Another (单数代词)is coming.

Other (复数形容词)students are coming.

Others (复数代词)are coming.


224 Another是单数形式,表示“另一个”或“再一个”。

To talk is one thing,to practise is another (=a different thing).

I want another (=one more).

He is a fool,and you are another (=also a fool).

225 Another可表示“第一个”,others表示“另一些(另外几个)”。

One of his seven brothers is in Hong Kong,and another (=a second)is in Singapore.(未提其他兄弟)

One of his seven brothers is in Hong Kong,and others (=two to five)are in Singapore.

Some men say this, others (or some )say that. Still others say something else.

One man says this, another says that,and what do many others say?


I have four dogs.( The One is white,and the others (=three)are black.(All the rest are black.)

We have English and mathematics. The one (=The former=English)seems easier than the other (=the latter=mathematics).

I have two cats. One is large,and the other (不能说another)is small.

One of my brothers is in Hongkong,and the others (=all the rest)are in Singapore.

Some (or Four )of the students are diligent,and the others are lazy.(只有两类学生)


He has four children: One is blind, another (or a second )is deaf, a third is lame, thefourth is dumb.

226 Or other常可和另一代词或名词一起用,有多种意思。

Somebody or other (=This,that or another man)must do it.(总要有人干,不管是谁。)

Some one of us or other will do it.(我们中总会有人干的。)

You must do something or other (=at least one thing,no matter what it is).(你总得有点行动。)

He does some evil or other .(他干过这样那样的坏事。)

We shall die some time or other,some day or other (=sooner or later迟早), somewhere or other .(在某个地方死掉)

You must finish the work somehow or other .(以某种方式干完)

Even if you have done nothing wrong,you will be punished for one or other (of the)reasons.(总会有理由受惩罚)

The staff members may leave the office by one or other (of the)doors.(随便从哪个门离开)

The two students sang one after the other (=alternately).

227 One after another可以表示“轮番”或“一个接一个地”。

When a man walks,he moves his arms to and fro,and lifts one leg after the other

The ships passed one after another (=One ship passed after another).

Her four sons were killed in war one after another

228 Each other表示“相互”。

The boy and the girl loved each other .(=He loved her and she loved him.)

The five brothers fight one another (or each other ).

229 Other than常可用在否定句中,表示“除了……不……”。

He can do no other (thing)(=do no otherwise)than laugh.(=He cannot but laugh.)

Don't give him other than what he wants.(=Don't give him things that he doesn't want.)

He could not be other than a tyrant.(=He must be one.)

It is something other than genuine(=not genuine).

I cannot speak to him other (or otherwise than angrily.[比较:Nobody says she is otherwise than (=not)pretty.]


230 和every连用,表示“每……一次”。

We have grammar every other day(=every second day).

Women sat on every other chair.

Every other tree was cut down.

Use another pen( rather than this.(=Use another,but don't use this.)

231 Than也可和other一起用,表示“只……不……”。

He uses no otherpens (or no pens other than this.(=He uses only this.)

Come in other months( rather than in February.(但:Come in any month except in February.)

He went to other places (or places other than the pub.


232 Else从不用作代词,只作副词,意思是“还有……(其他)……”,这时不再用other。


What else (不能说 Other what )do you want?

Who else has seen it?

Which else do you like?

When else (=At what other time)can you accompany me?

How else (=In what other way)can you help me?


Someone else (=some other person)has seen it.

He saw something else (=Some other thing)than what she showed him.

He has to make a living somewhere else (=in some other place).

He saw nobody else (=no other person)and nothing else (=no other thing)than an old man and his hut.

Everybody else spoke ill of him,but he cared about his profit and ig-nored everything else

He hates anybody else and anything else .He loves money alone.

There is little else to enjoy, not much else to see.There are only a few monkeys in this park.



233 Some表示“某个(些)”或“一些”。

He needs some (=I don't know exactly what) book .(单数普通名词)

He needs some (=I don't know how many) books .(复数普通名词)

He needs some (=I don't know how much) money .(物质名词)

He needs some (=I don't know what degree of) help .(抽象名词)


He needs no book(no books,no money,no help).

He does not need any book(any books,any money,any help).

234 一个名词如果表示任何数量的东西,或不考虑数量,前面可以不加some。I like apples and tea (=any apples and any tea).

Apples (or Tea )are(or is)an important product.


Please give me some tea.

The water contains some salt.

He has some money.

I have bought(or brought) some apples home.

I met some friends on the street.

He knows some businessmen.

I saw some cities of this country.


There is water in this well.

There are apples in the tree.

但:There is some water in the glass.(少量的)

Some apples were placed on the table.


He bought tea,milk ,and coffee

I drink tea ,I don't drink coffee

但:I should like to drink some tea

Would you like to have some milk


This is milk

They became students

但:There is some milk .(作主语)

There are some students

Some students are coming.


I read novelsfor amusement

I gave her chocolate in order to please her

但:I am reading some novels

I gave her some chocolate

235 可和复数名词一起用,表示“某些”。

Some men are honest; some malicious; some prudent.

Some men are honest; others are not.

236 Some可以表示“相当数量或程度的”。

I have waited for some (=a long)time.

He has some (=not a few)dollars in his pocket.

He did it with some (=great)difficulty.

He is some (=a wonderful)scholar.

That is some (=an important)case.

That seems to be some war.

There is something (worthy of notice)in his remark.

Is he(a) somebody (=a person worthy of notice)?No,he is(a) nobody (=a man unworthy of notice).

He is something in our city.

I have a something (=a small gift)for you.

237 Some也可表示“一定程度的”。

He is something (or somewhat of a doctor .(=He has some ability as a doctor.)

It is something (or somewhat ofa salvation (or a blessing with me .(=It is,in some degree,a salvation or a blessing with me.)

I think him something of an engineer

He has gone through something of a crisis

比较:He is nothing of (=not) a doctor ,but much of (=quite) a quack

238 Some可以和time(s)构成合成词,或一起使用,意思各有不同。

How often does he go to the movies?”“He goes sometimes (有时),about twice a month.”

When did he go?”“He went sometime (=at some time)last month,and will go again sometime soon.”

How long did he watch the movies?”“He watched the movies(for) some time ,less than an hour,and then left the house.”

239 Something,somebody可表示某个说不出确切名字的东西或人。

Mr.Something will come.(I forget his name.)

You ask John something to come?

You can eat bananas,pineapples,cakes,bread, or something like that )(=or something which I don't know exactly).(诸如此类的东西)

I met John,Wang and somebody .(和一些别人)


He is selfish,cunning and something .(等等)


I put the umbrella in the corner or somewhere .(或是什么别的地方)


He quarrelled with his brother or something like that )(=or did something of the same sort).


240 在用作代词时,可以说省略了一个名词(以避免重复)。

“Would you have any milk?”“I would like to have some (=some milk).”

There are many streets in this city,but some (=some streets)are narrow and dirty.


241 Some可用作副词,表示“大约”“左右”。

It is somefive o.clock(about five o.clock).

He comes some once a week(about once a week).

He has some (=about) fifteen children.

He is some (=somewhat) better now.

He has some hundred (=about one hundred)books.

He has some hundreds of (=two,or three,or four,…hundred)books.

He has walked some mile (=about one mile).(作形容词)

He has come some halfa dozen times.

I slept some (=a little)last night.(美国用法)

242 Something也可用作副词,表示“在某种程度上”。

He is something (=somewhat)dreadful.

This is something easier than that.

It something astonished me.

He stood something behind me.

He is something taller than you.

He died something less than a week ago.

243 试比较下列句子:

“Do you want a dog ?”“I want one (泛指,单数).”“But I do not want any (泛指,单数,否定).”

“Do you want any dogs ?”“I want some (泛指,复数).”“But I do not want any (泛指,复数,否定).”

“Do you want that dog (or his dog )?”“I want it (特指,单数).”“But I don't want it .”

“Do you want those dogs (or his dogs )?”“I want them (特指,复数).”

“But I don't want them .”

Do you love a dog (or dogs )?I love it (or them )(=any dog,all dogs)(泛指).(不说one或ones)

I have no dictionary,and I should like to buy one ,because it (作主语)is useful to me.

I have no dictionaries,and I should like to buy some ,because they (作主语)are useful to me.

Here are some apples.You can take a ripe one (单数,前面有形容词),but

there are not many ripe ones (复数,前面有形容词)to choose.



244 Each表示两个或更多人或东西中的一个,逐一加以考虑。

He spoke to all the students .(集体)

He spoke to every student (所有同学毫无例外,比all意思更强).

He spoke to each student .(逐一地)

245 Each可指两者中的一个或更多中的一个。

Each (or Either )(不能说Every one)of his hands held a book.(He held two books.)

Each (or Every )(不能说Either)student was doing his exercise.(There were more than two students.)

246 下面5句话意思基本上相同:

Each student must have a text-book.

Each of the students must have a text-book.

The students must each (of them )have text-books.

The students each must have text-books.

Wang,Chen,Lee and Lu must each have text-books.

247 Each可指每个人或东西各自的情况。

The apples cost twenty cents each .(=The apples each cost twenty cents.)

The twenty robbers had each a gun.

The students came with each a book in their hands.

248 Each可以用来指宾语,也可用来指主语。

We gave the beggars two dollars each (=for each beggar).(Every beggar got two dollars.)

We each (=Each of us)gave the beggars two dollars.(Each of us gave two.)

249 如果各自有不同情况,则不能用each,而须用respective(ly)。

John and David paid respective sums of$250 and$300.

John and David live respectively in A Street and B Street.(John lives in A Street,and David in B).

250 Each other还可用作宾语或用于所有格,但不能用作主语。

They(Two or more persons)loved each other (or one another ).

They stared at each other (宾语).

They respect each other's (所有格)fathers.

They clasped each other's hands.

They know each other's thought.

We know what each other (主语)likes.(错误)


Each of us knows what the other s )like(s).(正确)

Each (or They each )loved the other .(=They loved each other .)

Each stared at the other .(=They stared at each other .)

Each respects the other's father.(=They respect each other's fathers.)

The sisters should each of them love the other



251 Any可用来修饰任何类的名词,表示“任何……”。

I don't want any friend, any friends, any money, any assistance.

252 在肯定句中,any表示的意思很强烈,即“不管哪个”。

Any child could do that.

Any thing may be said among friends.

Control your temper at any cost.

You can read any book you like.


You can study any subject whatever

Any man alive is better than this rascal.

I can meet any circumstances, however difficult.

He loves her more than any girl on earth

Any mortal man may make a mistake.

Any slightest trouble will make me sleepless.

Any monarch, however great,will die.

Any thing, however trivial,is useful.

Any person, however evil,can be a good man.

253 Any有时表示“极大”“极好”“极坏”之类的意思。

There is any amount of rice in Thailand.

There came any number of children.

There is any liquor in this restaurant.

You can find any scholar in this city.

There was any gangster in the teahouse.

254 Any常常可用来强调一个否定词或一个否定概念。

255 Any常常用在一般疑问句(即可以用yes,no回答的疑问句)中,加在名词前作为问句的重心。

256 Any还常常用在条件从句或短语中。

If you want any novels,I will lend you some.

Take this gun with you in case any accident should happen.

No man who (=if he)has any ability will be discouraged.

I should be glad to see (=if I could see) any old friend.

257 还有一些词意思几乎和any相同,但带有感情色彩。

258 一般问句中,有时也可用some,这时有较肯定的意义。

Will you have any coffee?(一般情况下,问是否要咖啡)

Will you have some coffee?(希望你喝点咖啡)

Would you do any thing for me?(不知你是否愿意)

Would you do some thing for me?(希望你会帮忙)

259 在否定句中使用any要小心,不要在否定词前用。


260 Any用作代词时,等于把后面的名词省略。

He has lots of cars and servants,but I have not any (=any cars and serv-ants).

I can see many,many stars,but can you see any (=any stars)?

He will spend all his money,if he has any

Mistakes in grammar are unavoidable,but few of my students commit any


261 Any可以用作副词,表示程度,可用在否定句、一般问句、条件句或一些其他情况。

If I were to wait any longer,I should be late.(条件句)

He is anything between 20 and 30.(大致在20—30岁之间)



262 No可以修饰各种类型的名词。

He has no (=not any)wife, no friends, no money, no hope.

263 当主语为两个由no修饰的名词时,动词用单数形式。

No TV and no radio is (不是are)necessary for me.(但:A TV and a ra-dio are necessary.)

No boy and no girl is admitted.

264 No和not都可构成否定句,但意思有些差别。

There is no person, not a (较强调)person, not a single (最强调)person in the house.

No (or Not a,Not a single )customer came.

I have no (or not a,not a single )house in this area.

Not a drop of rain has fallen.(“ Not a +可数名词+ of +不可数名词”是表示比较强调的形式)

Not a morsel of food has he eaten.

He does not know a word of English.

I have not got a wink of sleep.

265 在简短回答中,no比not any更好一些。

Where is he going? Nowhere .(比not anywhere更好)

What did he say? Nothing .(比not anything更好)

Who knows it? Nobody

Which of the two is right? Neither

How many(or much)do you want? None

266 No也可用在某些类型的句子中,有比较强调的意义。

There is no comparison between the two.(=It is impossible to make any comparison between the two.)

There is no arguing with him.(=It is impossible to argue with him.)

There is no denying that the earth is round.

No talking in class.(=One should not talk in class.)

No smoking here.

No chance(or No way, No dice, No deal).(=Impossible.)

No admittance except on business.

No dogs(or No children)are allowed.

267 可以和or一起用,表示“不管……还是……”。

Success or no success(=whether I shall succeed or not),I will try.

Rain or no rain(=whether it rains or not),come tomorrow.

Be ready,rumour or no rumour(=whether it is a rumour or not).

King or no king(=whether he is a king or not),he must give us freedom.

上面的no success也可改为not,no rain也可改为none。


268 No可用在简短回答中。

Do you see it? No (=I don't see it).

Don't you see it? No (=I don't see it).

Don't you see it? Yes (=I see it).

Hasn't he come? No (=He hasn't come).

Hasn't he come? Yes (=He has come).

May I smoke? Yes (=You may).

Would you mind my smoking? No (=I wouldn't mind=You may smoke).

269 No也常常用在比较级前。

He is no richer than (=as poor as)me.

比较:He is not richer than me.(Both are rich.)

He has no more than (=as little as)five dollars.

He owes me no less than (=as much as)a thousand dollars.

He is no better a scholar than a schoolboy(=as ignorant as a schoolboy).

She sings no better than (=as poorly as)a crow.

He is no less attacked by his friends than by his enemies.

No fewer than a hundred persons were present.

He can no more drive a car than I can fly.(=He cannot drive a car just as I cannot fly.)

I can do no less (or no more than (=cannot but)laugh.

270 No可以和more连用,意思接近neither(也不)。

Nobody can do it, no more can I(不是 I can ).(=I can do it no more than anybody.=Nobody can do it,neither can I.)

He did not tremble, no more did I.(=I trembled no more than he.)

John is not silly, no more is Mary.

271 No otherwise也是一个短语,表示“只是”“不会其他”。

He is no otherwise afraid than (=only afraid)of his lessons.

He does no otherwise than (=nothing but)eat and sleep.

He will become a beggar,and no otherwise (=definitely).

272 Whether…or no和whether or not意思差不多,多用在名词从句中。

I do not know whether he is well again or no (or or not ).

I will inquire whether he will come or no

I do not know whether or no (or not )he is well again.

I will inquire whether or no he will come.

It is a question of whether he likes it or no

Whether or no (or not )he will agree is unknown.

You should not be angry whether you are right or no (or or not ).(Wheth-er…or no在这里引出的是一个表示让步的状语从句)

You should not be angry whether or no (or not )you are right.

273 Nothing可以用作副词,表示“一点也不”“绝不”。

I care(or think) nothing (or little )about it.

He is nothing discouraged.

This helps us nothing (=never helps us,concerns us nothing).

This is nothing less than (=equal to)robbery.

It is nothing easier.

This is nothing like )(=not at all)so easy as that.

比较:Nobody else is anything like )(=in any way)so honest as he.

Nothing much has been said.

Nothing very much has happened.

He is nothing better than before.


274 Not可和谓语动词连用,表示否定,前面须有can,may,must,shall,will,do这类助动词。

He cannot come.He will not understand.You should not tell a lie.You must not do that.

They not know.John not saw it.(错误)

They do not know.John did not see it.(正确)

I know not .Fear not .(陈旧说法)

275 在表示对比时,有些部分中的not前可以不带助动词。

He is attacked not only from outside, but also from inside.


He came not to borrow.(修饰to borrow)

比较:He did not come to borrow.(not修饰整个谓语)

We gathered not to discuss money matter.

He decided not to say anything.

not后面跟有a,the least,the slightest等词时,无须加助动词。

He lost not a moment.

He said(or answered) not a word.

Not a rat stirred.

He took not the least notice of your remarks.

He paid not the slightest attention to her.

He had not the smallest doubt.

I uttered not a single syllable.

He paused not once for breath.

The incident mattered not a bit

He hesitated not a moment (=never hesitated).

There is not a hint (or glimmer of hope, not a suggestion (or suspicion of wind, not aflicker of courage, not an ounce of justice.

276 Not和have,will等助动词可以构成两种否定结构,有时意思不尽相同。She has n't done it.(=I deny that she has done it.)

She's not done it.(=I assert that she has not done it.)

He wo n't be happy.(=I deny that he will be happy.)

He'll not be happy.(=I assert that he will not be happy.)

277 Not可在反意问句中构成附加问句(Tag Question),前面部分为肯定句时,后面才可用否定的附加问句。

You understand, don't you?(助动词+not+代词)

比较:You don't understand, do you ?[前面为否定句时,后面为“助动词+代词”(肯定的附加问句)]。

Mary will come, won't she ?(前面为肯定句,后面为“助动词+not+代词”,这时表示她可能会来)

比较:Mary won't come, will she ?(前面为否定句,后面为“助动词+代词”,表示她可能不来)

John can see it, can't he

比较:John can hardly see it, can he

278 有时可用not引起短语,代表整个句子。

“Is he angry?”“ Not at all (=He is not at all angry).”

“What is the girl like?”“ Not pretty .”

“Is he happy?”“ Not exactly (or Not really ).”

“Has he arrived?”“ Probably not (=He has probably not arrived).”

“Has Lee made any mistake?”“ Certainly not .”

比较:“Is he angry?”“ No .”( No 也可起同样作用,可以单独使用,not却不能单独使用)

279 有时not可代表一个否定的名词从句。

“Is he ill?”“I suppose not (=that he is not ill).”

“Can he come tomorrow?”“I think not (=that he cannot come tomor-row).”

I hope not .I should imagine not .I am afraid not .It seems not

比较:“Is he ill?”“I suppose so (=that he is ill).”

“Can he come tomorrow?”“I think so (=that he can come tomor-row).”

280 在否定回答中,not有时放在主语前面。

“Are you angry with him?”“ Not I .”(=I am not angry with him.)

“Will it rain?”“ Not it .”

“I think you can do it.”“ Not we (or us ).”

“Do you love her?”“ Not I (or me ).”(口语中多用us或me)

281 否定句有时为了强调加以重复,可把not放在主语前面,把其他部分省略。 He will never resign, not he

John can't marry a widow, not he

282 在重复的否定句中,not后面可跟副词、状语短语或从句。

He will not come, not tomorrow

He will never give up gambling, not until his death (or not until he dies ).

He did not work, not in the afternoon (or not when hefelt tired ).

He hardly works, neither at night nor in the daytime

283 Not that…but that…可用来引起两个并列的句子,表示“不是……而是……”。

Not that (=It is not true that)he wants to help me, but that (=but it is true that)he needs my help.

Not that I intended to kill anyone, but that I must defend myself.

284 Not还可构成一些表示强调的否定短语。


285 有些not引出的短语有肯定的意思。

He is not a little (=very much)surprised.

He has not afew (=many)houses.

He has done it not without (=with)reason.

Not infrequently (=Very often)did he quarrel with her.

Not once or twice (=Many times)has he made mistakes.

The trip takes nowhere near (or nothing like )(=much less than)ten days.

Is it worth anything like (=as much as)14 dollars?

286 一个否定句,由于说话人重读的不同,有时可有不同的意思。

M.ry didn't study English with Professor White.(Somebody else did,but not Mary.)

Mary didn't stúdy English with Professor White.(She merely talked about it,but didn't study it.)

Mary didn't studyÉnglish with Professor White.(She studied French,but not English.)

ary didn't study English with Professor Whi′M te.(She did study English,but with another professor.)

287 Not在句中的位置有时比较灵活,在带有宾语从句之类结构的从句中,not可放在前面,也可放在后面。

I do not think(or say)that he is right.(否定意义较缓和,用得比较多)

I think(or say)that he is not right.(否定意义更强些)

It did not seem that he knew Japanese.(使用更普遍些)

It seemed he did not know Japanese.

He does not seem to know it.(比He seems not to know it.用得多些)


He did not happen to see John.

He did not come to see me.

I do n't believe (or suppose,reckon )he can get over the difficulty.I do n't expect (or imagine )that he can live again.

但应说:I hope he will not get ill again.

288 No和not都可构成否定句,但有时两者意义不尽相同。

He is not a scholar(or genius,millionaire).(He may be an ordinary man.)

He is no scholar(or genius,millionaire).(=He is illiterate,dull or poor.)(名词前加no有时表示相反的意义)

He is not a match for you.

He is no match for you.(=He is certainly not a match for you.比上句强调意味更浓一些)

This is no time for quarrelling.

This is no place for girls.

It is no joke,no trifle (=very serious).

I like a man of no common (=a very peculiar)type,a politician of no little (=very much)humour.


To my no little astonishment,he suddenly died.

To the no small delight of my brother,I won the game.

I know no few politicians.

I am no little pleased.

It added no little (=much)to his pride.

He talked no little

He is no little of a diplomat.

No few (=Many)of them were puzzled.

No few friends speak ill of him.


289 None可用来代替各类名词。

Something is better than none (=nothing).

We seek peace but find none (=no peace).

Have you any money?No,I have none (=no money).

Have you any dictionaries?I have none (=no dictionaries).

None (指人)came yesterday.

None (指事物)can be done.

No one (仅仅指人)said that.

290 有时有下面用法:

Gold and silver I have none .(=I have no gold and silver.)(较文气说法)

Friends I have none in the city.

Coffee? There is none left.

Friends there are none to help me.

Inn for travellers there is none

291 None常可和of短语连用,在句中起多种作用。

None (作主语)of us understand his purpose.

I see none (作及物动词的宾语)of them.

Speak to none (作介词的宾语)of the girls.

Is she a nurse?She is none (作补语)of those things.

292 None可以和but或other than连用。

None but (=No one except)a genius can write it.

I have spoken to none but (=nobody except)you.

The murderer is none other than (=none but)John.

293 None of和复数可数名词一起作主语时,动词可用复数形式或单数形式。 None of our friends are(or is)in Hong Kong.(但不可说All of our friends are not in Hong Kong.)

None of them are(or is)honest.(不可说All of them are not honest.)

294 也可用none of短语表示强调。


295 “none+the+比较级+for或because”可表示“并不因此就……一些”。He is none the happierfor his wealth.(=He is still unhappy in spite of his wealth.)

He is none the happier because he is wealthy.(比较:He is still unhappy,although he is wealthy.)

The book is none the more interestingfor its illustrations.

She looks none the less pretty (=none the homelier) because of her simple dress.

比较:He is all the happierfor his wealth.(=He is happier because of his wealth.)

He is all the happier because he is wealthy.(=He is happier because he is wealthy.)

We passed our holiday none too (=not very) gaily (=very unhappily).

296 None可以和too或so一起用,表示not very。

They love each other none too well

It is none too easy (=very difficult).

She is none so (=not very) pretty

He is none so kind

297 None偶尔用来修饰动词,但很少见。

I slept none (=never slept)last night.

We have stopped none (=have never stopped).


298 “一个否定句+and+否定谓语”可表示“只要……就……”。

One can not see her and not love her.(=One can't but love her when one sees her.)

You must not be employed here and do no thing.(=You must do something when you are employed here.)

No body will read it and not be moved.(=Everybody will be moved when he reads it.)


Can you do it and not be criticized?(=Can you notbe criticized when you do it?)

Can anybody see her and not be charmed?(=Can't anybody be charmed when he sees her?)

299 “否定主语+谓语+but+谓语”可用来表示“不……而是……”或“只有……才……”。

Nobody may enter but must (=but one must)stay outside.(在but后面的从句中,在语法上nobody是主语,在概念上one是主语)

None of them may criticize their government, but must (=but they must)keep silent.

No rule can make one wise, but should (=but it should)be wisely observed.

Neither stayed at home, but (=but either)fooled around.

Few were shocked at the news, but (=but many)remained indifferent.

300 在口语中有时有人对句子进行重复否定,这是不规范的,实际上句子只有一个否定的意思。

No body never went there.(=Nobody went there.)

I can't do no thing.(=I can do nothing.)

He never spoke with no foreigner.(=He never spoke with any foreigner.)

There was no man,no horse,no tree, no nothing

No body hardly (=Almost nobody)knows it.

It don't do you no good.But don't you worry none (=Don't worry).


I wonder whether I shouldn't (=should)take a chance.

I shouldn't be surprised if he didn't tell(=told)you a lie.

I doubt whether he can't (=can)pay the debt.

301 对问题如何进行肯定或否定的回答是一个有意思的问题,特别是当里面包含any,either,ever,at all,yet,far,long,many,much这类词时。这类词通常用在否定、疑问及条件(从)句中,很少用在肯定句中,这时就要用其他词代替它们。



302 Such可用来修饰各类名词,表示“这样的”。

I do not want such a book( such books, such coffee, such assistance).

I like this book (=this one book), this dog (=this one dog).

I like such a book (=any book like this), such a dog (=any dog like this).

303 Such前面可用其他指示词或数词,但不可用“指示词+of”或“数词+of”这类结构,不能说some of such books,all of such people。

I want some such books.

There is no such book.(不能说none of such books,但可说There isn't such a book.有人说There is no such a book.但这是不规范的)

All such books should be burned up.

Have you ever met any such man?(不可说any such a man)

Every such person is good for the community.

I need three such novels.

Few (or Many such dogs are on sale.

304 Such可用在感叹句中。

They have had such a good time (=so good a time)!(=What a good time they have had!)

I have such a difficultjob (=so difficult a job)!

You are such afool !(=What a fool you are!)

It is suchfun Such excitement

I saw such a big tiger Such big tigers

I saw so big a tiger

305 Such常可和as引起的形容词从句一道用来修饰一个名词,这时as起一个关系词的作用,接近who,that等。如果不用as,就不宜用such。

Avoid such people as are selfish.(但Avoid those people who are selfish.)

Read such books as you can understand easily.(但Read those books which you can understand easily.)

Such a time as we had will be no more.

I have to maintain my family with such (=such little)wages as I get.


I cannot find a book such as I want.

He is not a man such as I admire.


Come at such hours as (=when)you are free.

He treated me in such ways as (=as)he treated a dog.

306 Such有时用在后面分句中,对前面分句加以解释,说明原因,两个分句间用逗号隔开,后面分句强调意味比较浓。

He spent all his money,he is such a fool.

The bus arrived before dawn,it had run at such a speed.

Even the dog gasped,we had such bad weather.


He spent all his money,he is so foolish.

The bus arrived before dawn,it had run so fast.

Even the dog gasped,the weather was so bad.


The bus had run at such a speed that it arrived before dawn.

We had such bad weather that even the dog gasped.

He is such a fool that he spent all his money.


He is so foolish that he spent all his money.

The bus had run so fast that

The weather was so bad that

307 Such as有时可跟名词,表示“(像)……这样的”。

Avoid people such as John and Dick.

Read books such as War and Peace

A time such as this comes only once.


Such (=Such poor)things as bananas and sweet potatoes were his daily food.

Such men as Napoleon and Bismarck are rare.


Such men as they (口语中可用them)are rare.

I like people such as them (or they ).

Such as和like的意思相近,但as是连词,like是介词。

Men (不要说The men,Such men) like Napoleon and Bismarck are rare.

Such a man as Napoleon is rare.

A man like him (不要说he)is rare.(但可说Such a man as he)

Men (不要说The men) such as Napoleon(or he)are rare.

A man such as (=Such a man as)Napoleon is rare.

308 Such…as还可引起一个表示程度的状语从句,表示“那样……以至于……”。I am not such a fool as to believe that .(=I am not such a fool that Ibelieve that.)

This dog is such a vicious beast as to frighten every visitor

309 Such有时可修饰一个名词,来避免说出到底是谁,是什么,可译为“某某……”。

What if such a man doesn't live in such a place?

Such and such (形容词)a plan should be followed for such and such reasons.(and也可用or代替)

He told me about such a one (or Mr.such - a - one ).(代词)

I told Mr. so - and - so (人名)to come to House No. so - and - so (数目),and in case so - and - so (=事件)(代词)happened,he should act so - and - so (or thus and thus )(副词).

It costs me so - and - so

He came in the year so - and - so

Look at so - and - so (or what-do-you-call-him,what's-his-name).


310 Such可以用作补语,表示“如此”“这样”。

Such is the fact.(情况就是这样。)(在This is the fact.中this是主语)

Such is my belief.

Such were my friends. Such they were.

Such is life.


I have five dogs and I will send you such (=such dogs)as you like best.

He may think ill of me,but such (a thing)is not my consideration.

Such (people) as (=Those who)respect others will be respected.But I can't find such (people)here.

Such as have a lot of money have a lot of friends.

If you are a good cook,show yourself such (=one).

If you need assistants,you can have such (=some).

He is not a doctor,but he may think himself such

He wants a laboratory,and makes his small room such

311 在和such连用时,as可引起一个定语从句,修饰代词such。

His eloquence is such (=such eloquence) as everyone admires.

The height of the mountain is such (=such height) as makes one dizzy.


His ability is such as to astonish you.(=His ability is such ability as aston-ishes you.)

Your problem is not such as to cause despair.(=Your problem is not such a problem as may cause despair.)

His manner is such as to attract girls.

The use of a bicycle is not such as to replace a motorcar.


He is not such a selfish man as to betray his friends.

It is such an effective method as to increase the production.

312 Such有时和that引出的从句连用,表示程度(that从句为表程度的状语从句)。

313 Such as it is(was)也可引出一个状语从句。

My knowledge, such as it is (=though it is poor),has taken me many years to obtain.

I inherited this house, such as it was ,from my grandfather.

This man, such as he is ,is trustworthy.

314 Such as可用来引出名词,表示“例如”。

I have some English books, such as Vanity Fair .(不要说such as Vanity Fair ,etc.,即在such as后不要用etc.或……)

也可用于and(or)some such…,表示“诸如此类的……”。

I have Vanity Fair and suchlike (or and some such )books.(在口语中也可说and such…)

把所有内容都列举出时不要用such as,而要用其他方式。

He knows four languages, that is (or viz .,:, i.e ., namely )(不要说such as),Chinese,Japanese,German and English.

315 I am your friend and as such (=as your friend)I must advise you.

Most witty men think themselves agreeable as such (=as witty men).

The school has ceased to be as such

A gentleman wants to be treated as such (=as a gentleman).

A name, as such (=in itself),means nothing.

I do not oppose the plan as such

I.The same

1.The same作形容词的用法。

316 The same表示“同一个”“一样”。

317 Quite,much等词可以减弱the same的意思。

They are quite (or much,just )(=almost)the same.

318 That(this)same可用来表示鄙视。

I dislike that same John.(我讨厌约翰那个家伙。)

What is the use of this same tool?(这玩意儿有什么用?)

319 The same常可与as引出的从句一起用,表示“和……同(一)样的”。I live in the same house as he(lives in).

She got the same salary as a man(got).

This house is the same as yours(is).

He gave the same love to his daughter as (he gave love)to his sons.

The same opportunity awaits you as (it awaits)anybody else.

He gave the same answer as (he gave)before.

The same有时和that或where引出的从句一起用,表示“同一个”。

I live in the very same house that he lives in.

I live in the very same house where he lives.

I live in the (or this,that )( very same house where he lives.

320 The same还可和with引出的短语一起用,意思和the same…as差不多。I live in the same house as he.

I live in the same house with him.

This is the same watch as I lost.

This is the same watch with the one I lost.

He died at the same age as John.

He died at the same age with John.

2.The same作代词的用法。

321 The same可用作代词,表示“同样的事情(话)”等。

Everybody would say the same ,and do the same

322 The same在商业或法律用语中还可代表前面刚提到的东西。

I bought a used car and sold( the same (=it)the following day.

We checked the report and found same (=it)correct.

Though our customers are different in taste,we try to satisfy same (=them).

323 在口语中the same可代表对方问句中的东西。

“Are you Dr.A?”“ The same (=I am Dr.A).”

“A happy New Year!”“( The Same to you!”

“I worry about AIDS.”“ Same here (=Me too).”

3.The same 作副词的用法。

324 The same也可用作副词,表示“同样(地)”。

Things go on just the same (=in the same way).

I like pretty things the same as anybody else.

Everyone feels the same ,thinks the same ,acts the same

325 All the same表示“尽管……仍然”。

She is not pretty,but I love her all the same (=nevertheless).

He is a nice fellow. All the same (=In spite of all that),I cannot employ him.

I am still alive. All the same ,this accident has cost me dear.

326 Same as和just as意思差不多,表示“正像”。

He has to work same as (=just as)everyone else.(口语中用法)

I will do same as I am told.


327 Every只能用作形容词,表示“每一个”。

Every man has his weak side.

Everyone must work. Everyone is respected in this country.

328 注意every和any的差别。

Though he knows everything ,he cannot teach you everything (or all things )he knows;but he can teach you anything (one out of many,no matter which)you suggest.

329 Every可和of you(us,them)一起用作同位语。

We must study science, every one of us (=all without exception).

They will be punished, every one of them

These rotten apples must be thrown away, every one of them

Be brave, every one of you

330 Every有时可和any,each,all等结合使用,表示特别强调。

I wish to read any and every good book.

I wish to visit each and every good place.

The library is open every day and all day .(every day和all day意思不同)

I have brought my books,my paper,my pens, and my everything

331 And everything可表示“……等一切”。

We wore new shoes,new socks,new trousers, and new everything

She is so young,so pretty,so rich,so clever, and so everything

He is selfish,cunning,cruel and everything (or and all those things,and many other things ).

332 “every+可数名词+of”也是比较有强调意味的说法。

I have read every word (不要说all the words) of your letter.(=I have read your letter very carefully.)

Children enjoy every minute (不要说all the minutes) of New Year's Day.(=Children enjoy New Year's Day very much.)

He makes the best use of every single cent of his savings.

Every drop of his blood boiled.

Every grain of rice is the sweat of peasants.

333 Every可用在抽象名词前,表示“极大的”这类意思。

I have every reason to say that.

I wish you every success

Every prospect of victory is in sight.

He will give me every possible,imaginable assistance (or chance,con - venience ).

There is every hope (or possibility )of winning.

I have every confidence in him.

334 Every可和另一些词连用,表示“每(隔)……”。

He came every third day (or every three days ,or once in every three days ).

He came every sixth week (or every six weeks ).

He came every other day (or every second day,on alternate days ).

Our bus passed a small town almost every three miles

Two apples in (or out of every ten were rotten.

Five students out of every hundred were the best.

We stopped between each two miles and the other ), between each ten minutes and the other ),to take a rest.



335 All可作形容词,修饰各类名词,表示“所有的”或“整个”。

All (=The whole number of)insects are clever.

All (=The whole extent of)the city is crowded.

All (=All the members of)the family are in tears.

All (=The whole quantity of)the milk was spilt.

All the hard work is mine.

All (=Every part of)Africa(=The whole of Africa)is to be developed.

All (=Every)kind(or manner)of people lived here.

336 All可用在某些指示词、数词和代词前面。

All such boys should be spanked.

All you people are idiots.

Allfive (children)ran away.

All of the school is quiet.

All of those (or these )students come from Iran.

All of his life was spent in the city.

All the angles of a triangle(taken together)are 180 degrees.

All the angles of a triangle are less than 180 degrees.(=Each angle is.)

All this (or All that )is madness.

All our children过去可能表示“我们大家的孩子”,现在表示“我们所有的孩子”。

337 Of(out of)all…可用来表示惊奇或厌恶,可以译为“在这么多……中偏偏(最)”。

They chose John of (or out of all the members .(Though they might choose any other better member,they chose John particularly.)

The accident happened on New Year's Day of all days (or of all others ).(The accident,though it might happen on any other day of the year,did happen on New Year's Day.)

This shop of all shops (=Only this shop)sold coffins.

Did you, of all things in the world ),love a playboy?

It is, of all things ,my aversion.

He, of all persons ,did such a silly thing.

I feared his temper of all things (=particularly).

He bought this silly book of all others

This(particular)day of all days (or all others )is his birthday.

This is something of all others to be condemned.

338 All有时可以和一个抽象名词一起用,表示“极大的”这类意思(可参阅333节)。

She appeared in all her (=her greatest possible) splendour

The flowers are blooming in all their beauty

The storm came in all itsfury

He spoke with all (=the utmost possible) humility

He sent it with all speed

He will take all care of you.

339 All可以和复数可数名词一起用,表示“一切的”“所有的”。

We watched all his movements

All his wishes (possible,imaginable,conceivable)will be satisfied.

All my efforts came to nothing.

All his remarks are worth listening to.


It is beyond all (=any) doubt,all controversy,all question

It is contrary to all rule,all precedent

He hates all criticism ,denies all error ,renounces all connection ,refuses all praise


I'll do it at all hours ,in all weathers ,and at all costs


For all that (or For all the world,For all their opposition )(=In spite of all that),he went on with his plan.

With all his wealth ,he cannot escape death.

340 All可构成一些成语,表示“聚精会神地……”等。

She is all eyes and all ears

She is all attention,all astonishment,all heart .(=She is very attentive,very astonished,very earnest.)

341 All有时表示“唯一的”“仅仅是”等。

That is all the (=the only)property I have.

All the news I learn is this.

All the dictionaries this shop sells are Webster's.

Life is not all (=mere)pleasure.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

342 All可以和表示时间的名词连用,表示“整个……”,这时介词in,on,at常常不用。

He studied all day,all night

He studied all the spring,all the week

He studied all the day long,all the year round

I worked all night long


343 All用来代表人,这时为复数代词,表示“所有的人”。

All have come.

All must die.

Good luck to all

All present are villagers.


All is silent.

All is lost. All is well. All is ready.

All was confusion.

He has seen all (=the whole thing,everything).

You must give up all you have got.

Is that all ?(=Is there anything else?)

That is all .(=There is no more.)

You have a little headache, that is all (=no other problem).

I don't like woman, that's all (=don't ask me why).

Music is my all (=all I have or value).

He is ready to sacrifice his all,his little all,that all

When all is done (=After all),he remained a fool.

When all is said ,we have done something.

All said and done (=After all),money is money.

344 All可用在人称代词后作同位语,表示“……全”“一切……”“所有的人”等。

We all can help you.

They all saw it.

It all means nothing.

This all (or All this )is true.

They will all come.

It is all false.

It is all nonsense.

I saw it all

I know them all

He gave books,paper,and pencils to us all

They were very merry all .(较少见)

比较: Gentlemen all My happy children all !(仅作呼语)


They like all us country girls (or all us seven ).

All we Japanese students are interested in it.

345 All有时和and连用,表示“和……一切”“等等这类东西”。

He loved his sons,daughters,servants and all (=and every person or thing connected).(参阅331节)

He interferes in this and that and all

He sold his house,furniture, and all

He studied chemistry,botany,geology and all that (=and everything like that).

346 Of all常可和一个最高级词连用,表示“在所有……中最……”。

It is the largest of all

Wang is the best student of all

of all有时相当于状语,表示“最……”。

He loves her most of all (=above all,more than anybody else).

He likes wine least of all .(最不喜欢)

He came first of all .(最先)

He knows me best of all .(最)

After all可作状语,表示“毕竟”“到底”这类意思。

After all (=After all is said and done),it does not matter much.

After all ,we are mere mortals.

At all可用在否定句、疑问句及条件从句中加强语气。

I do not know it at all (=in the least).(一点也不知道)

Do you know it at all (=in any way)?(真知道吗?)

If you know it at all ,keep it a secret.(如果真的知道……)

All in all可表示“一切的一切”“所有问题”等。

She is all in all (=everything,the most important thing,the dearest thing)to him.

Love is the all in all of my life.

Take it all in all (=When everything is considered),education is very im-portant.

Once for all表示“一次就完”“一劳永逸”等。

Take the money oncefor all (=once for all times).

Speak to him oncefor all

In all表示“总共”。

The school has five hundred students in all (=all told).

For good and all表示“长久地(离开)”。

I shall leave Hong Kong for good and all (=permanently).

347 All还可构成某些合成词。

God is the All - Creator,All - Giver,All - Maker,All - Seer

He is all - seeing,all - knowing


348 副词all可以修饰形容词、副词或介词,不能修饰动词,表示“全都”“完全”等。

“all the+比较级”用来加强语气,表示“更加……”。

She looked all the prettier for her pretty dress.

He ran all thefaster because he had been trained.

349 All but可用来修饰谓语等,表示“差点……”“几乎”。

He all but (=almost) fail

He all but died

He is all but drowned

He is all but certain of her death.

He has studied agriculture all but 30 years.

350 All还可和形容词一起构成合成词。

The King was supposed to be all - powerful,all - wise,all - venerable

This love is all - important,all - embracing


351 Both可作形容词,也可用作代词,表示“两个……都”。

I like all his relatives;I like both his parents.

Our head has ears on both sides,or an ear on each side.

352 下面9个句子意思都差不多:

Both sons study law.

Both the sons study law.

Both his sons study law.

Both these (or those sons study law.

Both of the sons study law.

Both of them study law.

His sons will both study law.

His sons both study law.

They both study law.

Both our children现在的意思是“我们的两个孩子”,而过去可以表示“我们两个人的孩子”。

353 Both…and…可说是一个并列连词,连接两个平行或同等的东西,表示“……和……全”或“既……又”等。

Both the cat and the dog ran away.(名词+and+名词)

Both his hands and his feet were tied up.

She is both rich and intelligent.(形容词+and+形容词)

She both listened and wrote.(动词+and+动词)

Both boys,( and )girls,( and ),men and women are invited.


The cat and the dog both ran away.(少见)

The book was written in Chinese and English both


354 Either可用作形容词或代词,作用和any差不多,但指“两者中的一个”。Here are three(or more)dictionaries.You can choose any (=one out of three or more).

Here are two dictionaries.You can choose either (one or the other).

355 Either可用在肯定句、疑问句、否定句及条件从句中。

356 Either还可表示“两(边)”“两(头)”等。

A soldier stood on either (=one AND the other,each)side of the door.(Two soldiers stood at the door.)

At either end of the desk is a drawer.(The desk has two drawers,one drawer at each end.)

His hands rested on either side of her shoulders.

357 Either…or也是并列连词,可连接两个平行的东西,表示“既可……又可……”这类意思。

You may take either this or that.(可参阅353节)(连接两个代词)

You may use either your right hand or your left hand.(连接两个名词)

You can write either in English or in Chinese.(连接两个介词短语)

One must be either diligent or clever.(连接两个形容词)


You may take either food,( or )clothes, or money.

358 Either…or还可表示“要么……要么”这类意思。

Either you or he is wrong.(用Either you are wrong,or he is.更好)

Either he or you are wrong.

Either you or I am wrong.

359 Either还可用作副词,表示“也不”。

I do not like it,and he does not either .(不能用also)

I do not like this or that( either ).

He is not clever or handsome( either ).

John or Henry( either )has done it.


360 Neither和none用法相似,是either的否定形式,只用来指两个人或物中的一个,可用作形容词或代词,表示“(两者中)谁也不”或“(两者中)哪个也不”。

Neither subject is easy.(不可说Either subject is not…)

361 Neither…nor也是并列连词,连接两个平行的人或东西,表示“既不……又不”或“既不……也不”。

He spoke neither to John nor to Mary.


Neither you, nor he, nor I am wrong.( Neither you are wrong, nor he, nor I.更好一些)

He is neither rich,( nor )wise,( nor )handsome,( nor )healthy.

He can neither read nor (不可说or)write.

He cannot either read or (不可用nor)write.

He can not read, nor write.(注意要加逗号)


She will not do it, neither (用nor更好)will he.(不可说He will not do it too.)

He is not wrong, neither are you.

If you don't smoke, neither do I. TtNmVKx7sklXxu4vqtHiNB3jAiyfMoYPebiMMbNjbB9cIs4/QF8DsrqrJJuR4wHZ
