

75 限定性形容词,或称限定词(Determinatives),对它所修饰的名词(主体词)起某种限定的作用,即决定在三种情况中属于哪一种:(a)可数名词———单数,(b)可数名词———复数,(c)不可数名词。换句话说,它必须与主体词在是否可数,以及是单数还是复数上一致。某一特定的限定词,其主体词只能是单数可数名词,如 this book ;另一限定词只能和一个复数可数名词一起用,如 these books ;再一种限定词只能用来修饰不可数名词,如 much ink ;第四种情况是限定词可以和任何名词连用,如 some book some books some ink

76 有些词组起着限定词的作用,如a number of,lots of,a great deal of,它们和单一的形容词作用一样。例如在a number of students中,a number of 修饰名词(主体词)students,意思接近some。如果机械地把number看作主体词,把of students看作定语,就会理解错误。

77 1.单数可数限定词或限定词型的短语(简称SCD)a,one,each,every,either,neither,such a,many a,another,a certain,a single,half a都只能用在单数可数名词(简称SCN)前面。简言之, SCD用在SCN前面。[S=singular,C=countable,D=determinative,N=noun]

78 2.单数可数限定词(简称SCD)、不可数限定词(简称UD)或起同样作用的短语,如this,that,a kind(or sort,type,class,form,make,style,brand,breed,species)of可用在单数可数名词(SCN)或不可数名词(UN)前面。简言之, SCD,UD用在SCN,UN前面。[U=uncountable]

79 3.通用限定词(简称GD)或类似短语the,some,any,no,what,his(or John's,etc.),the same,the very,all the,part(or half,most)of the,many kinds(or sorts,types,etc.)of等,可用在任何名词的单数或复数(简称为GN)前面。简言之, GD用在GN前面。[G=general]

80 4.不可数限定词(简称UD)或类似短语much,little,a little,not a little,a good(or great)deal of,a large(or small)amount of,a bit of,a touch of,a trace of等,可用在不可数名词(简称UN)前面。简言之, UD用在UN前面。[P=plural]

He has a little money and a little humour.

We need a good deal of ammunition and a good deal of encouragement.

He has a large amount of property but a small amount of joy of life.

There is a touch of salt and sarcasm in his writing.


A large quantity of beer is produced.

We consume great quantities of food every year.


There is a shade of meaning in it.

He has a spice of humour and malice.

There is an element of risk in this enterprise.

I find a streak (or tinge,flavour,hint,suggestion of truthin his remarks.

We must be armed with a great measure (or a high degree of courage.

81 5.复数可数限定词(简称PCD)或类似短语few,a few,not a few,only few,but few,several,a couple(of),various,divers,sundry,an assortment of;two(or three,etc.),all,certain,other,those,these,both,many,numerous,frequent,a great many,a good many,a number of,great numbers of,most,the majority of,the generality of;dozens(or hundreds,thousands,tens of thousand)of等,只能用在复数可数名词(简称PCN)前面。简言之, PCD用在PCN前面。[P=plural]

82 6.复数可数限定词(PCD)或不可数限定词(UD)及其类似短语such,enough,a lot of,lots of,plenty(of),a variety of,(an)abundance of等,只能用在复数可数名词(PCN)或不可数名词(UN)前面。简言之, PCD,UD用在PCN,UN前面。


an infinity of oranges(of sunshine)

a world of trees(of trouble)

a wealth of illustrations(of experience)

a sight of people(of money)

a wilderness of roofs(of furniture)

an ocean of faces(of yellow sand)

a minimum of words used to create a maximum of effect

oceans of coconuts(of money)

tons of books(of money)

83 7.反过来说,单数可数名词前面 只能 用77—79节所列限定词。

84 8.单数可数名词前 不可 用80—82节中所列限定词。

85 在限定性形容词和它的主体词之间可以插入一个描绘性形容词,这不影响上述规律。 JbXmDcBkrPIhcSWXOJcPa+1b/0yk020VF7WREPMStJF6fk2R1d3zJjp4STcw/DbO
