


61 形容词有5种用法,10个位置。


I like good students

He lives in an old house

62 2.在某些特殊的组合中,形容词可放在主体词的后面。

He is the Consul General (or Notary Public ).He showed his letters patent in the court martial as proofpositive .(法律语言,多从法语中借用)

It is the greatestbookimaginable (or the largesthospital available ).He is the richest man alive .(形容词最高级+名词+形容词)

He came on Monday last ,and will come again on Monday next.Customs here are similar to customs there .The part inside has much to do with the part above .(名词+作定语用的表示位置的副词)

He has nothing pleasant to say to you.He wants everything good.Some - thing terrible will happen. Anybody present knows him to be a liar.(合成代词+形容词)

I like any boy both honest and intelligent .We arrived at a place dirty,gloomy and desolate .(名词+形容词)

John is the only boy dear to his mother (or a servantfaithful to his mas - ter,a businessman greedyfor money ).(名词+形容词+介词+名词)

He was Alexander the Great (or Richard the Lion - Hearted ).(专有名词+the+形容词)

Marriage is a matter hard to handle .I know of a man ready to help us .Is this the time suitable to say anything ?(名词+形容词+不定式)

He drove along a path two meters wide .He lives in a house eight stories high .A boy aboutfive years old is playing in the garden.(名词+数词+名词+形容词)

He is a boy taller than you (or as tall as you ).(“名词+形容词比较级+than+名词”或“名词+as+形容词+as+名词”)

There slept a man with his eyes open .Look at the dog with its ears erect .(名词+with+名词+形容词)


63 3.和名词一样,形容词也可用在系动词后作补语(表语),修饰主语或说明主语的情况。

You are hungry .John is honest .Father seems sad .Mary looks old .I feel tired .Lee remains ill .She is growing fat


Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay.

Happy is he who is satisfied with what he has.


How old is he?(疑问句)

How strong is his country?

Howfunny he is!(而不是is he?)(感叹句)

How rich this country is!

64 4.和名词一样,形容词也可用在宾补动词后作宾语的补语,对宾语加以修饰或说明。

They make me angry .I thought it easy .He likes his coffee hot .They left their son ignorant .They called his works great .Mother keeps the floor clean .They find John honest


Mother keeps clean the floor,the furniture and everything.

He set free all the prisoners in the village.

He left vacant all the rooms of his hotel.


65 5.有些形容词常和别的词结合,对主语进行解释,它和主语之间常用逗号隔开(这时它带有状语的作用,用来说明为什么有这种情况)。

Sad and tired ,John wandered about.(=John was sad and tired,and thus he wandered about.)

Young,rich and pretty ,Mary has many boy friends.(=Mary is young,rich and pretty,and so she has many boy friends.)

Angry with me,he complained all day.

Ashamed of his uncle,John refused to mention him.

Unable to reply,she pretended not to hear me.

Ready to fight them,he stood unmoved.

Three hundred miles long ,the road is the longest one in this country.(=The road is three hundred miles long,and it is the longest one in this country.)

Ninety years old ,grandma is still healthy.(=Grandma is ninety years old,yet she is still healthy.)

Penniless (used singly),he sold his watch.

66 6.解释性的形容词也可放在主语后面,这时强调性较弱,它前后都有逗号把它和句子的其他部分隔开。

John, sad and tired ,wandered about.

Mary, young,rich ,and pretty ,has many boy friends.

The road, three hundred miles long ,is the longest in the country.

67 7.这种形容词放在句末时强调性最强,这时句子的谓语大多为不及物动词,表示一个动作。如果句子短,前面可以不加逗号。

John wandered about sad and tired .(=John wandered about,and was sad and tired.)

He approached, careless of danger.

He struggled and struggled, unable to get up.

John fell down unconscious

He sat there silent and sad

68 8.解释性形容词一般对主语进行解释,偶尔也用来说明宾语。

He placed me, dirty and damp ,beside the king.

They took John,half dead ,to the hospital.


69 9.形容词可用在句首,起独立成分的作用,和句子的其他任何词都没有联系,只对整个句子做某种说明。多和其他词结合使用,较少单独使用。

First ,we need money; second ,we need courage.

True ,he has married twice.

He has no job. Worse ,he is ill.

Sad to say,I cannot trust a woman any more.

Needless to say,he is the worst man in this city.

Curious to relate,she loves a poor man like me.

Contrary to the popular opinion,a very strong man often dies young.

Most wonderful of all,he began to repent.

Most important of all,one should know oneself.

Best of all,he is extremely patient.


70 10.形容词有时用作感叹语,表示一时的情绪。

Stupid !He must be crazy.

Very good !Do it again.

Right !So what is wrong?


Shocking !I have never seen such a thing.

How dangerous


71 有些形容词只能用作表语,不能在名词前作定语,这类形容词可称为表语形容词,如ill,well,content,unable,sorry,glad,mindful,exempt,bound(for),bent(on),afraid,ashamed,asleep,awake,away,aware,alike,alive,alert,averse,agape,astir,ablame,afloat,afire(还有其他以a-开始的词)。


He is alone

I saw him alone

The old man, alone on the island,looked like a beast.

Alone on the island,the old man looked like a beast.

He wandered about sad and alone


He is an alone man .(应用lonely或lonesome)

The alone woman has lived here many years.(lonely)


What a sorry (可悲的)situation!

This is a glad (令人高兴的)day for us.

72 有些形容词只能用作定语,不能用作表语,如left,right,inner,outer,up-per,hinder,utter,former,elder,eldest,major,minor,latter,lesser,wooden,earthen,woolen,brazen,golden,ashen,leaden,flaxen。


His future looks golden .(正确)

His face is ashen .(正确) VzrEAtPtcBKEnXAV5/dAlxPZGMX+asqTx/mr526eNFg2uQfx0eV78NIXxHwmokhX
