


41 人称代词有3种人称和2个数。I用来代表说话的人,可说是第一人称;you表示谈话的对象,可说是第二人称;he,she,it表示所谈的人或物,为第三人称。I,you(你),he,she,it为单数。we,you(你们),they为复数。

42 每个人称代词,不管是单数还是复数,都有5种形式:


I saw her. She saw me. It astonished them.


She saw me .I saw her .They looked at it


This is my house.Mary brought her umbrella.The dog wagged its tail.


This is my own (=my,and not any other's)house.

Mary brought her own umbrella.

(4) 如果所有格(物主)代词所修饰的名词刚刚提到过,可以用其绝对形式(mine,hers,its等),“以避免重复前面的名词,它的意思等于物主代词+前面刚提过的名词”。

That is Mary's house ,and this is mine (=my house).

I left my umbrella at home,but Mary brought hers (=her umbrella)with her.


I hate myself .She looks at herself in the mirror.

The matter speaks for itself


I myself (=I,and nobody else)will do it.Mary herself made the dress.Confucius himself (=Even Confucius)was not without faults.I have never seen my father himself

43 下面表格列出了人称代词的3种人称、2个数、4个性及5种形式:


44 下面各节将讨论人称代词的某些特别用法。



(1) We (指一般人,也包括讲话的人)do not see our own faults.

(2) You (=one,指一般人)cannot do two things at a time.

You must(or should,ought to)keep quiet in such a place.(可和must等词连用,也指一般人,但欠客气)

You all (or people,folks,fellers,guys,men )(指大家)will be invited.

(3) He who or He that (=Any person who)works hard will succeed.(较文气的用法)

She who or She that marries a fortune marries misery.(较文气的用法)

Those who or Those that (=People who)know foreign languages have a better chance.

注意:这些代词也可指某些特定的人,如 Those who attended the party said it was successful.

(4) They (=People,可译为“人们”,不包括讲话的人及听话的人)say,“Time is money.”

They speak French in Switzerland.(在瑞士,人们讲法语。这样说可避免用被动结构French is spoken in Switzerland.)

We were not able to cross the bridge,for they (=some people)were repairing it.



(1) You and I have done our best.(你我已经尽力了。这里our包括了对方)

He and I have done our best.

You and he have done your best.(your中也包含他在内)

(2) You,she,and I (you在前,I放在最后)…

You,Mr.Lee and I

Either he or I

Neither you nor he

We,you,and they (we在前,they在后)…

We,you and Mr.Lee

Both we and you

Either we or they

Neither you nor they

(3) I and you will be punished.(在指不利的事情时,I可放前面)

He or you are responsible.

(4) He and his wife had a good time.(但需说:Ladies and gentlemen,have a good time!)


45 下面句子表明了物主代词的各种不同意思。

a.(1)He looked at his watch (=the watch owned or used by him).(表示所有关系,即属于他)


I read his novel (=the novel he bought or wrote).

How about your plan (=the plan you made)?

The book has lost its cover (=the cover as a part of it).

I do not doubt his honesty (=the honesty as one of his qualities).

(2)I read his statement (what he stated).(用在一个表示动作的名词前,说明是谁的动作)

He waited for my arrival .(I arrived.)

We must work hard until our death .(We die.)

(3)He hastened to my assistance .(I was assisted.)(用在表示动作的名词前,表示动作的对象)

She wished to see him before his execution .(He was executed.)

The house was on fire just after its completion .(It was completed.)

His destruction (or His murder,His appointment )is something one can expect.(He is destroyed,is murdered,etc.)

(4)The army lost its commander (=the man that commanded it).(用在以-er和-or结尾的名词前,表示“干某事的人”)

He spoke to his visitor (=the man who visited him), his teacher (=the man who taught him), my electors (=the men who elected me).

(5)Have you ever seen his portrait (or image,statue,likeness,picture )(=the portrait representing him,or the portrait made by him,etc.)?(用在表示图画、塑像等的名词前,表示“画的是谁”等,也可指“谁的作品”)

(6) Her loss is a pity.(She lost something,or she is lost.)(用在某些表动作的名词前,可有主动被动两种意义即、,“丢失某物”或“被丢失”)

His love is unselfish.(He loves someone,or is loved by someone.)

His training is strict.(He trains others,or is trained.)

His treatment is unjust.(He treats others,or is treated.)

(7) Your interpretation of it is correct.(You interpret it.)(在表示动作的名词后若跟有of引起的短语,则表示主动关系)

His treatment of others is unjust.(He treats others.)

Her love of mice is unusual.(She loves mice.)

(8)Where are your heroes now?(这里your带有鄙视的味道,即“你所谓的”)

I hate your politicians

For quarrelling, your women are without equal.

(9)He raised his (not the )hands.(用在表示身体部位等的名词前。这种情况译为汉语时,代词常不译出)

She rubbed her (not the )eyes.(她揉了揉眼睛。)

They held their breath.(他们屏住呼吸。)

He talked in his sleep.(他说梦话。)

John found his way to his hotel.(约翰找到了回旅馆的路。)

He took off his hat.(他把帽子摘下。)

The room had its window broken.(房间的窗户破了。)



The leg must be cut off,”said the doctor.

Thefather is too busy and the son is fooling around.


The bird spread the (or its wings

The (or Their )fur may be brown or white.


He struck me on the shoulder .(不要说my shoulder)

He caught John by the collar .(不要说his collar)

You wounded Mary in the arm

He led the cow by the horn

Death stared him in theface

He looked me straight between the eyes

He kissed her on theforehead


Don't drag the desk by its legs


He is armed to the (不要说his) teeth

He t urned the cold shoulder to (=neglected)me.(Cf.He turned his back on me, a deafear to me.)

He talked himself red in theface

He is down in the mouth (=sad,dejected).

This advertisement strikes the eye (=is attractive).

He got it (or caught it )(=received drubbing)in the neck.

I know where the shoe pinches (=where the trouble is).

We attacked the enemy in the rear (=from the back).

She gave her baby th e breast (=fed him with milk from the teat).

I have said the last word

He gave the lastfinish to the work.

I showed him the door (=required him to leave because he was unwel-come).



I felt at my ease

I lost my patience

He took his leave

He is always behind his time (=late).


He kept (=looked after) house

He kept (=was confined to) the house

I shall live here for life (=for ever).

I shall remember him for my life (which he has saved).

It is worth your while (=financially profitable).

It is worth while (=beneficial in a general sense).


This is a picture of my drawing (=drawn by me).

I have seen a house of his building (=built by him).

I will treat you to fish of my own cooking (=cooked by myself).


Some (or Most,All,None of us have done their (when the speaker is not included)best, our (when the speaker is included)best.

Some (or Most,All,None of you have done their (or your )best.

Each one (or Everyone,Somebody,Nobody )has done his (or his or her,their )best.(最好说All of them,Some of them,None of them have done their best.)

f. My !(=My God!)What do I see?

g.在某些习惯用法中,of me,of him这类结构比物主代词更常用。

She will be the death of me (而不是be my death)(=kill me).

This business may be the ruin of him (而不是be his ruin)(=ruin him).

I can't for the life of me (also can'tfor my life )(=can never)understand a woman.但是:I ran for my life.

I can'tfor the soul of me (=I can never)do anything.

I hate the sight of her (=to see her).但是:She lost her sight (=her power of seeing).

I can see every part of him,every inch of him,the whole of him

I've never seen the like of it (=anything so strange).

I've never seen the like of him

The situation is, on theface of it )(=as it appears),very peaceful.

Under cover of it (of the plot),he can cheat many people.

At the end of it (of the party),we left for home.

In spite of him we continued our journey.

Instead of her ,John came.(She did not come.)但是:John works in her stead (=for her in some position).

We looked infront of us

Someone stood at the back of (=behind)him.但是:Someone stood athis back (=supported him).

The secondplay of his (如后面有定语从句,这样说比His second play要好一点)that was presented met with success.

3.One's own的用法

46 One's own有许多用法,如:


Attend to your own (=your,but not any other's)business.

I gave him my own share.

Is this car yours?It is mine.It is my own (car).

She wants to do it in her own way(or manner,fashion).


He has a car (or a store,a servant of his own .(比his own car,store,or servant强调意味更浓)

The village has a school of its own

He spends plenty of money not of his own

This small book is a world of his own


He can't write his own name.

His own mother cannot recognize him.He has changed a lot.

He never cares about his own (=even his)sons.


For my own part ,I can't say anything.

He did it of his own accord (or of his ownfree will )(=voluntarily).

He tried to keep his own counsel (=keep reticent不谈自己的想法).


47 物主代词绝对形式的用法可以从下面例句中看出:

a.This is my book;it is mine (=my book).Those are your books;they are yours (=your books). Mine is red and yours are blue.

The victory is ours

b. Mine is a red book.(=My book is a red one.)

Theirs is an old system.(=Their system is an old one.)

Yours is a happy family.

c.I have received yours (=your letter)of June 20.

I hope you and yours (=your family and friends)are all well.

Neither I nor mine can go.

Yours (=Your duty)is to obey.或It is yours to obey.

Yours (=Your right)is to get the money back.或It is yours to get the money back.

He doesn't know the difference between mine and thine (=the laws of property).

d. Yours truly(or faithfully,devotedly,cordially,ever,affectionately,re-spectfully);(Very or Most)truly(or faithfully,etc.).(用在书信末尾的套语)

e.Your and my book.(=Yours and my book.)(=Your book and mine .)(第三种说法最好)

His and my interest.(=His interest and mine .)(后面的说法较好)

Yours and your uncle's opinion.(=Your opinion and your uncle's .)(后面的说法较好)

She studied at his and my school (=one school).

She studied at his school and mine (=two schools).

f.I saw afriend of yours (不能说 a yourfriend your afriend ).


Look at those children of yours (不能说those your children或your those children).

This heart of mine will love you always.

Have you read any books of mine

This is no business of yours.What business is it, of yours

g.I will invite threefriends of mine .(I have only three friends,or more than three.)

I will invite three of my friends .(I have more than three friends.)

h. What of yours will you give him?I will give him nothing (or none,all,everything,anything,something of mine

i.This is money (物质名词) of mine .These are books (可数名词复数形式) of mine .( of mine my 强调意味更浓一些)

j. The books of mine (若跟有定语从句,这种说法比my books好)which you borrowed are by Dickens.

The house of hers which you rent is too old.

k.This is a picture of her (=她的画像), a picture of hers (=属她所有的图片), her picture (=a picture of her or of hers).

l.I want to see myfriend (对方知道的某个特定的朋友), myfriends (特定的一些朋友).

I want to see afriend of mine (你不知道的某一个朋友), somefriends of mine (你不知道的某些朋友).

m.lady mine=my lady,husband mine=my husband,fair Helen mine=my fair Helen,mine ear=my ear,thine eyes=your eyes,mine host=my host(是一些比较文气的说法)


48 a.在下面这类句子中,在较文气的语言中用主格,在口语中用宾格。

It is he (or him ).The victims are we (or us ).That can'tbe she (or her ).

It seems to be he (or him ).

He is better than she (or her ).

It was I (or me )who broke the window?

Nobody but (or except him (古语:he)came.

The thief is thought(or supposed)to be he (or him ).

I was many times taken to be he (or him ).

Happiness is not for such as I (or me ).

They saw the same thing as we (or us ).

Nobody thinks of the murderer being he (or him ).

The murderer being he (or him ),the police should arrest him.(但是: He being the murderer,the police should arrest him .)

No one, other than he (or him ),saw the accident.

He should take the responsibility rather than I (or me ).

We shall talk it over, we (or u s)two.


Between you and me I ),John is not trustworthy.

Let you and me I )do something.

This is not the place for you or me I )to work.



(1)I thought(or supposed)the winner to be him .(作宾语的补语)(但:I thought or supposed that the winner was he .)

Let us be them that suffer.

He looks upon me as(being) him

I remember the man as(being) him whom I met years ago.

He imagined the thief to be me .He imagined me to be the thief.

They thought these Japanese to be us Koreans.(但:These Japanese were thought to be we Koreans.)

(2)Speak to John, him that is your only friend.(同位语)

Do you know Lee, him of the club?

Let's you and me wait here.

Let us go, you and me

(3)“You stole it.”“ Me ?”

What could I do? Me ,a helpless woman!

“Do you love her?”“ Me love her!?”

Dear me !Merry me !Woe is me !Gracious me !Ah me

(4)It is her that I saw.(通常在作补语时,用什么格取决于句子的主语,但在这里受后面从句的影响,her作及物动词saw的宾语,因而用宾格)

It is him that I have offended.

It was them that I must deal with.

It is him that I spoke to.


He that loves me,I love him .(通常说法:I love him who loves me.)

He who has the courage,let him do it.(通常说法:Let him do it who has the courage.)

She ,who has encouraged me,I will try to help her


People such as he should be happy.(但:People like him should be happy.)

Nobody talks as he does.(但:Nobody talks like him.)

Everyone except him was punished.(但:Everyone was punished,but not he.)


49 a.当某人或某物既是动作的执行者又是动作的承受者时,可用自身代词作宾语,表示动作的承受者。这样用时,这种代词也称为反身代词(Reflexive Pronouns)。动作的执行者可以由主语或宾语表示。


He (performer)praised himself (the receiver).(这里自身代词用作动词的宾语)

Mary devotes herself to music.

John gave himself a punishment.

They think themselves clever.

She looked at herself .(动作承受者的自身代词在这里作介词的宾语)

You can see for yourself

The children take care of themselves

The murderer became afraid of himself


Simplicity is in itself (=independently)a form of beauty.

It will grow of itself (=naturally).

He apologized of himself (=voluntarily).

They did the exercise by themselves (=without aid).

The machine works by itself (=automatically).


He is not himself (=well,or his usual self).

You don't look yourself

India is herself


I advise him (执行者)to defend himself (不能说him).(动作的承受者为不定式to defend的宾语)(但是I asked him to defend me .中不用myself)

You cannot ask a person to criticize himself

I found John thinking himself (作现在分词的宾语)important.

I heard her reproaching herself

I prevented my son from indulging himself (作动名词indulging的宾语)in wine.

The doctor brought Jim to himself (作介词to的宾语).


I advised our (执行者)defending ourselves (作动名词defending的宾语).

I heard of John's poisoning himself

(4)动作的执行者由one's或for one表示。

Sacrificing oneself (作动名词sacrificing的宾语)is a noble action.(在sacrificing前one's省略掉)

It is hard to know oneself (作不定式to know的宾语).(在to know 前for one省略掉)

50 b.自身代词还可在口语中用来代替普通的人称代词(如I,me,she,her等),使意思更加清楚。

My sister and myself (=I)did not go.(构成并列主语)

Neither myself (=I)nor my husband has been invited.

Myself and wife have both been invited.

Yourself and your associates should be here by ten.

He is as old as myself (=I).(用在表示比较的从句中)

He is older than myself (=I).

Why did he not ask yourself (=you)?(作宾语)

The thief was himself (=him).(作补语)

I do it for yourselves (=plural you ).(作介词的宾语)

This is for self (=myself)and friend (=my friend).

Nobody but myself (=me)saw the robbery.

Men like ourselves (=us)must work hard.

Who suffers most? Himself .(用在省略句中)

Myself will go.(这类句子很少见,甚至是错误的,自身代词一般不能作主语,应当说:I myself will go.)

51 c.如果用在介词短语中表示位置,可以用me,him,her等,而不宜用自身代词。

I look above me (不是myself).

Let me have good men about me (不是myself).

I talked about myself .(这时介词短语不是说明位置)

We have good friends among us

He drew me after him

He closed the door after him

He stretched his hands before him

She brought her child with her

He kept a dog with him

They divided the property among them

He pulled the desk toward him

The book has pictures in it

This village has several roads to it

52 d.自身代词还可用来对前面的名词或代词加以强调。省掉它,全句的意思不受太大的影响,这是和反身代词不同的地方。这样用时也可称其为强调代词(Emphasizing Pronouns)。


John himself (=and nobody else)designed the house.

John himself (=without help)did the exercise.

The writer himself (=Even the writer)does not understand what he writes.

Even the mother herself (or The very mother herself )cannot recog-nize him.

I don't like philosophy myself .(=Personally或So far as I am con-cerned,I don't like philosophy.)


John himself ,but not his wife,will come.(这里强调主语John)

She loves John himself ,not his wealth.(这里强调用作宾语的John)

It is time for poor John himself to learn cooking.(这里强调作介词宾语的John)

The thief is John himself .(这里强调用作补语的John)


John himself has told Mary.

John has himself told Mary.

John has told Mary himself


John has told Mary herself


She loves him himself ,not his wealth.(少见)

That depends on her herself .(少见)

The thieves are not we,but they themselves .(少见)


She loves him.或She loves himself


53 It有许多不同的用法,主要有下面几种情况。


(1)He bought a book and gave it to me.(代表前面的中性名词,这类情况最多)

(2)He has a baby ,he loves it (or him or her ).(It可以代表baby)

He has got a pig ,he has kept it five months.(It可代表动物)

Providence It is always hidden.(It可以指“上苍”)(但God要用He和Him代表:All comes from God and must go back to Him again.)

Nothing (或 Everything )is lost,is it ?(或isn't it )?

(3)He tried to get up ,but found it impossible.(指句子前面某部分表示的意思)

He learns music ,and it will take him many years.

I must say something ,but it is impossible.

(4) He arrived yesterday ,but nobody knows it .(代表前面整个句子,但在这种情况下用that更好一些)

John hates children ,and it is strange.

That she knows him and they have been schoolmates,it is a fact.

(5)He is an idiot ,and he looks it (or that )(=an idiot).(It用在系动词look后面时,可指前面出现的一个名词或形容词)

They are strong and should be it (=strong).

54 b.指句子后部的东西。



(1) It was shocking,that accident .(代表名词)

It is a vicious animal,that dog of yours.(代表名词)

(2) It seems impolite to talk loud .(代表不定式短语)

It takes about four years to understand grammar .(代表不定式短语)

A bloodier crime than this (长宾语提前) it 's hard to imagine.(代表不定式短语)

(3) It is wonderful, swimming in summer .(代表动名词)(较少见)

(4) It astonished her that you should suddenly disappear .(代表名词性从句)

It puzzles me why you did not let me know .(代表名词性从句)


(5)I suppose it wrong to tell lies .(代表后面的不定式短语)

(6)He thinks it foolish to learn music .(代表后面的不定式短语)

I think it impossible that he should ill - treat her .(代表后面的名词从句)

I suppose it mysterious how he got rich .(代表后面的名词从句)

It is…that…结构用来对句子的某部分加以强调。

(7) It is he that has brought me up with a true love.(通常说He brought me up with a true love.如对这个句子的主语he加以强调,可用上面这种结构)

It is me that he has brought up with a true love.(对原句的宾语me 加以强调)

It is with a true love that he has brought me up.(对原句的介词短语加以强调)

It was after my parents died that he brought me up with a true love.(原句为He brought me up with a true love after my parents died.上面结构是对原句的状语从句加以强调)


It is ten days since I arrived.

It was ten days ago that (or when )I arrived.

It was in China where (or that )we met.

55 c.泛用的情况。


(a) It was fine(cold,cloudy,rained,frozen,snowed,threatened to rain,was blowing hard,lightened and thundered).

(b) It was ten o.clock(still early,getting dark,time to go,Sunday,spring morning,too long,three years now,long long ago).

(c) It is too(or so)far(two miles away,within 300 meters of the bridge,far far away,a long way).



He footed it through the muddy road[ hiked it,ran it,walked it to the town; lorded it over them, duked it,bossed it roughed it,pigged it fought it out,battled it,had it out with Mary; took it out of (or on )John, gave it hot to her;will catch it,had it in the face; brazened it out,braved it out chanced it ].

Go it !”cheered the audience.You are coming (or going it (too)strong.Don't draw it strong, draw it mild.

He had it his own way, would have it that I was wrong.As(ill)luck would have it ,her brother died.As he put it .“No money,no talk.” Take it easy.As I take it ,he knows nothing.

Hang it all! Deuce take it Damn it Dash it Bother it


He had a hard time of it ,made ajolly life of it ,had the best(the worst) of it .He made a revenge of it .What a dinner I have of it !He made a bolt for it ,had to run for it .Though he had done noth-ing,he was in for it .He was hard put to it


It is well with her .(比较:She is well.)

It is all over(or up) with us

It is always so with children .(比较:Children are always like that.)

It fared well with me

How is it with yourfamily

It seems to be the case with women


(a)“Who is it ?”“ It is me.”“ It cannot be John.”“Is this Mr.Hun-tington?”“ It is.”(It用来表示一个身份尚不明确的人,译为汉语时常不译出,如上面句子可译为:“是谁?”“是我。”“不可能是约翰。”“是亨廷顿先生吗?”“是的。”)

(b)What a pretty girl it is!(多漂亮的姑娘呀!)(用在感叹句中,表示亲密)

What an ass it is!(真是个大笨蛋!)(用在感叹句中,表示鄙视)

(c) It says in the Bible(or the newspapers)that…(说The Bible says…更好)

(d)He is really“ it ”(=a stupid fellow,or an important person).

She is really“ it ”(=a sexy girl).

That is it (=something I want to know).

That is about it (=nearly the case).That must be it

56 d.省略的情况。



I don't know what it is,but I'll find out

“Who has come?”“I don't know .”

“How is it done?”“They will show .”

I say .I can't say

I will try .I will not give up

“I don't understand .”“I will explain !”

I don't hear .I don't notice

You can ask him.

I can't tell

Iforget .I don't remember ,because I don't mind

You will see .Nobody can deny

I cannot refuse ,I must accept


(It)Seems easy.

(It)Sounds funny.

(It)Doesn't matter.(It)Looks like we are okay,but…

(It is)My mistake.(It is常被省略)

(It is)Very kind of you to see me.


57 名词有时也可用来代表第一、第二或第三人称的代词,来表示某些特定的意义。为了同样的目的也可用特别的代词代表普通的代词。


(1) The present writer is glad to say he happened to have brought his cam-era with him when the accident took place.(=I am glad to say I hap-pened to have brought my camera with me when the accident took place.)(这里用the present writer代替I,使报道显得更客观,仿佛是第三者所见。这时全文要自始至终从第三者的角度叙述,要用he,his等代词代替I,my等代词)

(2)The undersigned is aforty - year - old Chinese .(用在署名的文件中)

(3) Your humble or obedient servant (为信末套语,在英国用得较多)

(4) One (or A man,A body,An individual,A woman,A girl,A person )is not so foolish as to do that.(用这些代词代表I,显得更客观,动词很少用过去时态,意思接近“谁也不会这样干”)

(5)What can afellow (or a chap,the old boy,the old man,this baby,yours truly,yours respectfully )do?(玩笑语)

Tell a body (=me).

(6) Caesar is listening.(高傲的说法)

Let him come and see Dr.Lee

Why don't you let your uncle know?(对晚辈说)

(7)They ignored present company (=us,who are here now).


(8) We (国王在公告中对自己的称呼)are satisfied with their services.It seems to us he has done his best.

We have read it ourself (不是ourselves).

(9) We (指编者或作者)have tried to express the public opinion.(社论中用we)


Let us (=me)have a look.Where could we (=I)get it?

58 b.有些名词或名词短语可用来代替第二人称的you。

(1) Your Majesty (or Your Highness,Your Excellency,Your Worship

Your Reverence )is(不是are)so kind.(表示尊敬)

(2)I shall never forget what Dr.Lee has done for me.(表示尊敬)

(3)What is my darling doing? My dear girl is getting tired,isn't she ?(亲昵的说法)

(4)What is the woman doing? The woman must be crazy.(鄙夷的说法)

(5) My dearfriend (or Uncle,Youfool ),I don't understand you.(用作呼语)

(6) My dearfriend (or My good man )is mistaken.(表示亲密或讥讽)

(7) Someone call(不是calls)a taxi. One stay(不是stays)here.(命令)


(8)Poor girl!What is it crying for?(大人对孩子的亲密说法)

(9)How are we today? We are leaving,aren't we?(父母对孩子的说法)

(10)What is he (or she )doing now?(表示亲切)

59 c.有些名词或名词短语可用来代替第三人称的代词,表示特殊的意义。

(1) His (or Her Majesty (=The king,The queen)will approve it.

His Royal Highness (=The Prince)will consider the matter.

His Excellency (=The Ambassador,The Governor)has started for France.

(2) Thefool must be crazy. The beast will answer for it.(辱骂语)

(3)May He (=God)be with you.

May She (=the Virgin Mary)be with us.

(4) He (=what he writes)is much read today.

Few read her (=what she writes)in these years.

(5) Our hero decided to try. Our young John became angry.(这样说以引起读者的兴趣或注意)



60 在口语中有时会把一个似乎多余的代词,用在另一名词的前面或后面。




Charles Darwin (名词), he is a scientist.(正常说法是:Charles Dar-win is a scientist.)

Vicious circle ,what does it mean?(正常的说法是:What does“vicious circle”mean?)

Some of us,we had to wait many years.

We 'll have us a real fine trip.

To work until midnight (不定式短语), it would certainly dishearten him .

That you should suddenly disappear (名词从句), it worried her.


(a) Charles Darwin (名词),I have often heard about him .(正常说法是:I have often heard about Charles Darwin.)

The man (名词,后面跟一个定语从句) who writes this book ,I know him very well.(正常说法是:I know very well the man who writes this book.)

These scientists in charge of the work ,I find them very young men.

(b) To do the same thing every day (不定式短语),he finds it un-bearable.

(c) He (主格代词,后面跟一个定语从句) that loves me ,I love him .(正常说法是:I love him who loves me.)

He who has the courage ,let him do it.

She,who has helped me ,I will try to help her

(d) Whoever (关系副词) I love,him I love truly.(这是极为文气的说法,注意多余代词的位置,正常说法是:I love truly whoeverI love.)

Whoever you trust,him you should beware of.

What he has won,that he will keep.

Whoever did that,them I shall reward.

Whatever is said in the Bible,that I believe.


He is a great scientist, Charles Darwin .(正常说法是:Charles Darwin is a great scientist.)

It is a wonderful invention, the electric lamp

She talked to us, the head nurse

She is no stranger to us,not your aunt

需要注意的是 ,在It is easy to learn English.It is natural that they got married.以及其他类似的句子中,it是必要的、不可省略的,而不是多余的。


On his birthday(状语), John (主语)invited friends to dine.(=On John's…,he invited…)

As no one looks after her (宾语), Ida ran wild.

When he was a child(状语从句), Lincoln (主语)studied hard.(=When Lincoln…,he studied…)

As none loved him (宾语),the boy became hardhearted.(=As none loved the boy,he became hardhearted.) vMKdI4VOcnNZ3hGrdAZwgUrsyvK3QHlhfzLTTCDEO77//r36FVhEIneHTxqadk7a
