33 名词在句子中起重要作用,了解它的作用对掌握句子至关重要。它在句子中有15种作用,如作主语、宾语、表语等。它是句子中最为重要的词。它可以用作:
Mother went to the market. John has called on me.A big ship is coming here.Some goods will arrive tomorrow.
He has a dog .John may help Mary .John can cross this dangerous river .She should do the job for you.
3.间接宾语(Indirect Object)和直接宾语(Direct Object)。
She gave John a fan.The teacher told children stories.He bought his brother apples.She cooked her husband a big fish.
双宾动词(Dative Verb)后有两个宾语,即指人的间接宾语,如John,children,以及指物的直接宾语,如fan,stories。
4.主语的补语(Subjective Complement)。
Miss Lee is a nurse .Mary has become a teacher .Lee remains a bachelor .
The ruins have been a palace .
表示主语是谁或成为什么。主语和补语通常指同一个人或同一样东西。句子的动词多为系动词(Link Verbs)。补语多放在系动词后面。
5. 宾语的补语(Objective Complement)。
I consider the world a school .They elected my uncle president .I found Lee a coward .I will keep the matter a secret .
6. 第1类用法中动词后没有宾语或补语,这种动词称为不及物动词(Intransitive Verbs)。第2类用法中的动词有宾语,这种动词称为及物动词(Transitive Verbs)。第3类用法中动词有两个宾语,这种动词称为双宾动词(Dative Verbs)。第4类用法中,动词后有一个补语,这种动词称为系动词(Linking Verbs或Link-verbs)。第5类用法中宾语后还有一个补语,这种动词称为宾补动词(Factitive Verbs)。这些名称有助于说明动词的性质及所要求的结构,值得注意。
7. 介词的宾语(Prepositional Object)。
He went to school .John spoke for his boss .On Sunday he told me the news.In a word ,he has done his best.
8. 状语(Adverbial)。
The cannon roared(at)each minute .He will come(on)next week .He has walked(for)five miles .It is(for)six inches long.
用来修饰动词或形容词,表示长度、时间等,在多数情况下前面还有修饰语,如(each)minute,(next)week。有时也可单独用作状语,如:It lasted hours .He'll be back Monday .
这种名词通常表示时间(长度)、距离、重量、价格等。由于看起来有些像宾语,有人也称它为状宾语(Adverbial Objective)。
9. 呼语(Vocative)。
John ,come here.Come here, John .You may, John ,come here any time.O Sea ,stop roaring!Shall I die or live,my Lord ?
10. 感叹语(Exclamation)。
Poor John !He failed again.He failed again,poor John ! Fire !Be quick! Mother !There she comes!
My friend John is a strange man.This is Mr.Lee, headmaster of A.B.High School.He bought many things: books,stamps and pictures .He does not like that city—the den of all evils.
表示前面的名词或代词究竟指什么,或对前面的名词或代词作补充说明,如上面的John,headmaster,books,stamps and pictures以及den都分别对friend,Mr.Lee,things,city作进一步说明。
12. 定语(Attributive)。
They live in a country house.They are at the harvest festival.He often visits a night -club.He held an oil lamp.I know a silver smith.He read a news paper.
This is John's car.He is the headmaster's secretary.The dog's leg is wounded.He is a fortune's favourite.
They thought Tom's going there a mistake.He suggested my son's going abroad. Mary's getting married will be announced next week.
John being ill,his brother went in his place.The sun having set,we went home.She sat there,her head bent low.He came into the room,his face covered with sweat.
For Lee to learn English is necessary.They stood aside for the boss to enter.Is there anything for the clerk to do?This is not a book for chil - dren to read.
17. 最后 3 类有共同之处。动名词、分词和不定式不是谓语,本来不应有主语,但从意义上说,它们所表示的动作也有执行者,因此可以有逻辑上的主语(Logical Subject),也有人称其为意义上的主语(Sense Subject)。