01 /i/ 音近IPA音标 /i:/
s ea l [sil] n. 海豹
s ea [si] n. 海洋
m ea n [min] v. 意欲
m ea t [mit] n. 肉
p ea ce [pis] n. 和平
s ea t [sit] n. 座位
n ee d [nid] v. 需要
ind ee d [ɪn`did] adv. 确实
sp ee ch [spitʃ] v. 说话
Do you see the green leaves of each tree in the field?
Do you agree, if you are free, to come to tea with me by the sea?
02 /i/ 音近IPA音标 /i/
p i g [pɪg] n. 猪
b i t [bɪt] n. 一点点
s i t [sɪt] v. 坐
f i t [fɪt] v. 安装
p i ck [pɪk] v. 挑选
h i t [hɪt] v. 打
s i lly [`sɪlɪ] adj. 愚蠢的
m i lk [mɪlk] n. 牛奶
pr e tty [`prɪtɪ] adj. 漂亮的
I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
Bill was beating a big beast with his big fist, and his big fist was badly bitten by the big beast.
03 /ɑ/ 音近IPA音标 /ɑ:/
sh a rk [ʃɑrk] n. 鲨鱼
c a r [kɑr] n. 汽车
f a r [fɑr] adj. 远的
m a rk [mɑrk] n. 标志
a rm [ɑrm] n. 手臂
d a rk [dɑrk] adj. 黑暗的
c a rd [kɑrd] n. 卡片
b a r [bɑr] n. 酒吧
c al m [kɑm] adj. 镇静的
A large army marched past the farmyard.
Can you drive the large car to that far bar?
04 /ʌ/ 音近IPA音标 /ʌ/
m o nkey [`mʌŋkɪ] n. 猴子
c o me [kʌm] v. 来
n u t [nʌt] n. 坚果
l u ck [lʌk] n. 运气
n o thing [`nʌθɪŋ] pron. 没什么
fl oo d [flʌd] n. 洪水
h o ney [`hʌnɪ] n. 蜂蜜
f u nny [`fʌnɪ] adj. 有趣的
c ou ntry [`kʌntrɪ] n. 国家
If you're keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, buy a cunning stunning stunt kite.
Ducks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into the dark.
05 /ɔ/ 音近IPA音标 /ɔ:/
h o rse [hɔrs] n. 马
p o rk [pɔrk] n. 猪肉
c o rner [`kɔrnɚ] n. 角落
st o rm [stɔrm] n. 暴风雨
m o re [mɔr] adj. 更多的
t al k [tɔk] v. 谈话
c al l [kɔl] v. 呼叫
w al k [wɔk] v. 走
m al l [mɔl] n. 购物中心
You cross a cross across a cross, or stick a cross across a cross.
Paul called from the hall that he had slipped on the floor and couldn't get to the door.
06 /ɑ/ 音近IPA音标 /ɒ/
d o lphin [`dɑlfin] n. 海豚
fr o g [frɑg] n. 青蛙
t o p [tɑp] n. 顶部
r o b [rɑb] v. 抢劫
p o p [pɑp] adj. 流行的
h o t [hɑt] adj. 热的
j o b [dʒɑb] n. 工作
w a nt [wɑnt] v. 想要
wh a t [wɑt] pron. 什么
Tom's got a lot of dots on his pocket. If he wants to wash off the dots, he will use a pot of hot water.
When a doctor doctors another doctor, does he doctor the doctored doctor the way the doctored doctor wants to be doctored or does he doctor the doctored doctor the way the doctoring doctor wants to doctor the doctor?
07 /u/ 音近IPA音标 /ʊ/
w o lf [wulf] n. 狼
f u ll [ful] adj. 满的
b u ll [bul] n. 公牛
p u sh [puʃ] v. 推
l oo k [luk] v. 看
w oo d [wud] n. 木头
b oo k [buk] n. 书
g oo d [gud] adj. 好的
w oul d [wud] modal verb. 要,愿
How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
Underwood would read book if Underwood knew where his book was. Underwood's book was in Durwood's woods. Underwood went into Durwood's woods and got his book.
08 /u/ 音近IPA音标 /u:/
g oo se [gus] n. 鹅
f oo d [fud] n. 食物
m oo d [mud] n. 心情
c oo l [kul] adj. 凉爽的
m o ve [muv] v. 移动
m o vie [`muvɪ] n. 电影
tr u th [truθ] n. 事实
fr ui t [frut] n. 水果
bl ue [blu] n. 蓝色
A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"
How many cuckoos could a good cook cook if a cook good could cook cuckoos?
09 /ə/ 音近IPA音标 /ə/
pand a [`pændə] n. 大熊猫
a go [`əgo] adv. 以前
a bout [ə`baut] prep. 关于
happ e n [`hæpən] v. 发生
a bove [ə`bʌv] prep. 在……上方
c o llect [kə`lεkt] v. 收集
a bility [ə`bɪlətɪ] n. 能力
s u ggest [səg`dʒεst] v. 建议
s u rprise [sə`praɪz] n. 惊奇
An elevator on Everest is an everest elevator.
I correctly recollect Rebecca MacGregor's reckoning.
10 /ɝ/ 音近IPA音标 /ɜ:/
b i rd [bɝd] n. 鸟
g i rl [gɝl] n. 女孩
sh i rt [ʃɝt] n. 衬衫
h u rt [hɝt] v. 受伤
b u rn [bɝn] v. 燃烧
w o rld [wɝld] n. 世界
w o rk [wɝk] n. 工作
ea rly [`ɝrlɪ] adj. 早的
ea rth [ɝθ] n. 地球
The nurse in skirt washed thirty dirty skirts.
When the murmur and chirp of the early bird is first heard by the earthworm, it squirms in the earth nervously.
11 /ε/ 音近IPA音标 /e/
h e n [hεn] n. 母鸡
p e n [pεn] n. 钢笔
b e d [bεd] n. 床
r e st [rεst] n. 休息
t e ll [tεl] v. 告诉
g e t [gεt] v. 得到
h ea d [hεd] n. 头
fr ie nd [frεnd] n. 朋友
m a ny [`mεnɪ] pron. 许多
Ted sent Fred ten hens yesterday, so Fred's fresh bread is ready already.
Eddie's enemies envied Eddie's energy, but Eddie never envied his enemies' energy.
12 /æ/ 音近IPA音标 /æ/
r a bbit [`ræbɪt] n. 兔子
c a t [kæt] n. 猫
b a g [bæg] n. 包
b a d [bæd] adj. 坏的
m a d [mæd] adj. 疯的
gl a d [glæd] adj. 高兴的
b a ck [bæk] n. 后部
a ct [ækt] n. 行动
f a ct [fækt] n. 事实
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
A fat man sat on a black cat and the black cat was squashed flat, for the man was mad.
13 /aɪ/ 音近IPA音标 /aɪ/
l i on [`laɪən] n. 狮子
n i ce [naɪs] adj. 好的
t i ger [`taɪgɚ] n. 老虎
l ie [laɪ] v. 躺
l igh t [laɪt] n. 光
n igh t [naɪt] n. 晚上
dr y [draɪ] adj. 干的
g ui de [gaɪd] n. 导游
wh i te [waɪt] adj. 白色的
I like to ride my light white bike, and fly a white light kite with my wife.
There is no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight for a bright night light is just like a slight light.
14 /e/ 音近IPA音标 /eɪ/
sn ai l [snel] n. 蜗牛
s a fe [sef] adj. 安全的
b a ke [bek] v. 烤
sn a ke [snek] n. 蛇
l a zy [`lezɪ] adj. 懒惰的
gr ey [gre] n. 灰色
w ai t [wet] v. 等待
w ei ght [wet] n. 重量
pl ay [ple] v. 玩耍
Haste makes waste.
The rain in Spain is mainly on the plain.
15 /ɔI/ 音近IPA音标 /ɔI/
oy ster [`ɔɪstɚ] n. 牡蛎,蚝
oi l [ɔɪl] n. 油
v oi ce [vɔɪs] n. 声音
c oi n [kɔɪn] n. 硬币
n oi se [nɔɪz] n. 噪声
b oi l [bɔɪl] v. 沸腾
b oy [bɔɪ] n. 男孩
s oy [sɔɪ] n. 酱油
j oy [dʒɔɪ] n. 欢乐
A spoiled boy destroyed a toy for joy.
The spoiled boy lost his toy and made a lot of noise.
16 /ɪr/ 音近IPA音标 /ɪə/
d eer [dɪr] n. 鹿
n ea r [nɪr] adj. 近的
f ear [fɪr] n. 害怕
ear [ɪr] n. 耳朵
d ear [dɪr] adj. 亲爱的
y ear [jɪr] n. 年
h ear [hɪr] v. 听见
h ere [hɪr] adv. 这里
b eer [bɪr] n. 啤酒
Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear.
I shed tears for he shears my dear toy deer's ear.
17 /εr/ 音近IPA音标 /eə/
b ear [bεr] n. 熊
w ear [wεr] v. 穿
p ear [pεr] n. 梨
sh are [ʃεr] v. 分享
h are [hεr] n. 野兔
air [εr] n. 空气
h air [hεr] n. 毛发
f air [fεr] adj. 公平的
th ere [ðεr] adv. 在那里
The man with fair hair dare not repair their chair there because there is a bear there.
Beware! That's a bear lair. I would not go in there on a dare. In there is where a bear scared Pierre.
18 /ur/ 音近IPA音标 /ʊə/
t ou rist [`turɪst] n. 旅行者
ass ure [ə`ʃur] v. 保证
s ure ly [`ʃurlɪ] adv. 确实地
ins ure [ɪn`ʃur] v. 确保
l ure [lur] v. 诱惑
t our [tur] n. 旅行
det our [`ditur] v. 绕道
p oor [pur] adj. 贫穷的
m oor [mur] n. 沼泽
The tourist toured the moor in February.
He lured the poor to lure the poorer.
19 /o/ 音近IPA音标 /əʊ/
g oa t [got] n. 山羊
h o pe [hop] n. 希望
n o se [noz] n. 鼻子
c o ld [kold] adj. 冷的
h o ld [hold] v. 握着
kn ow [no] v. 知道
sn ow [sno] n. 雪
c oa t [kot] n. 外套
r oa d [rod] n. 路
The oboe and cello sat alone, echoing tone for tone.
I don't know why Joan showed a yellow coat to the goat in the snow.
20 /au/ 音近IPA音标 /aʊ/
m ou se [maus] n. 老鼠
sh ou t [ʃɑut] v. 喊叫
hou r [aur] n. 小时
h ou se [haus] n. 房屋
l ou d [laud] adj. 大声的
ou t [aut] adv. 在外面
s ou nd [saund] n. 声音
c ow [kau] n. 奶牛
cr ow d [kraud] n. 人群
The sow, the mouse and the cow sounded a rousing song.
Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds.
01 /p/
p anda [`pændə] n. 熊猫
cu p [kʌp] n. 杯子
s p end [spεnd] v. 花费
p ay [pe] v. 支付
p ocket [`pɑkɪt] n. 口袋
p ut [put] v. 放
p ie [paɪ] n. 馅饼
p resent [`prεznt] adj. 在场的
ra p [ræp] v. 叩击
A pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
02 /b/
b utterfly [`bʌtərflaɪ] n. 蝴蝶
b uy [baɪ] v. 买
b at [bæt] n. 球棒
b ath [bæθ] n. 沐浴
b et [bεt] v. 打赌
b each [bitʃ] n. 海滩
b us [bʌs] n. 公共汽车
b oat [bot] n. 小船
b ig [bɪg] adj. 大的
Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.
Badmin was able to beat Bill at billiards, but Bill always beat Badmin badly at badminton.
03 /t/
t urkey [`tɝkɪ] n. 火鸡
t all [tɔl] adj. 高的
t able [`tebl] n. 桌子
t ie [taɪ] v. 系
wa t er [`wɔtɚ] n. 水
t ell [tεl] v. 告诉
t oy [tɔɪ] n. 玩具
t ime [taɪm] n. 时间
li tt le [`lɪtl] adj. 小的
Two ticket takers took a taxi.
Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said the butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.
04 /d/
d uck [dʌk] n. 鸭子
to d ay [tə`de] n. 今天
d ate [det] n. 日期
d ance [dæns] n. 舞蹈
un d er [`ʌndɚ] adv. 在下面
d ark [dɑrk] adj. 黑暗的
re d [rεd] adj. 红的
mu dd y [`mʌdɪ] adj. 泥泞的
d eep [dip] adj. 深的
The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly into the deep ditch.
Debbie did not destroy Darrell's dishes. Darrell destroyed Debbie's dishes.
05 /k/
k angaroo [ˌkæŋgə`ru] n. 袋鼠
k ey [ki] n. 钥匙
k iss [kɪs] v. 吻
c ry [kraɪ] vi. 哭
o cc ur [ə`kɝ] vi. 发生
si ck [sɪk] adj. 病的
lu ck [lʌk] n. 运气
ch emistry [`kεmɪstrɪ] n. 化学
li qu or [`lɪkɚ] n. 酒
Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke.
Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook, if a good cook could cook good cookies.
06 /g/ 音近IPA音标 /g/
ea g le [`igl] n. 鹰
g irl [gɝl] n. 女孩
g uest [gεst] n. 客人
g ive [gɪv] v. 给
g ame [gem] n. 游戏
g o [go] v. 去
g et [gεt] v. 得到
e gg [εg] n. 蛋
be gg ar [`bεgɚ] n. 乞丐
A good beginning makes a good ending.
A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!
07 /f/
f rog [frɑg] n. 青蛙
f ly [flaɪ] v. 飞
f ox [fɑks] n. 狐狸
f eel [fil] v. 感觉
f it [fɪt] v. 适合
cli ff [klɪf] n. 悬崖
o ff er [`ɔfɚ] v. 给予
ph oto [`foto] n. 照片
enou gh [ɪ`nʌf] adj. 足够的
Fifty-five firefighters fried fifty-five French fries.
A Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing net.
08 /v/
do ve [dʌv] n. 和平鸽
v iew [vju] n. 风景
v ase [ves] n. 花瓶
v alley [`vælɪ] n. 山谷
v illage [`vɪlɪdʒ] n. 村庄
fi ve [faɪv] num. 五
mo ve [muv] v. 移动
ca ve [kev] n. 洞穴
bra ve [brev] adj. 勇敢的
There are rare visitors visiting the village.
The crow flew over the river with a lump of raw liver.
09 /s/
s pider [`spaɪdɚ] n. 蜘蛛
te s t [tεst] n. 实验
thi s [ðɪs] pron. 这
bo ss [bɔs] n. 老板
c ity [`sɪtɪ] n. 城市
s urfa ce [`sɝfɪs] n. 表面
fa ce [fes] n. 脸
can ce l [`kænsl] v. 取消
mu sc le [`mʌsl] n. 肌肉
Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream.
Mr. See owned a saw and Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw before Soar saw See.
10 /z/
z ebra [`zibrə] n. 斑马
z ip [zɪp] n. 拉链
z oo [zu] n. 动物园
ga ze [gez] vi. 凝视
noi se [nɔɪz] n. 噪声
sei ze [siz] v. 抓住
ea s y [`izɪ] adj. 容易的
plea se [pliz] v. 请
becau se [bɪ`kɔz] conj. 因为
I am amazed it is a craze these days to dance to Jazz music.
Moses supposes his toes are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously. For Moses, he knows his toes aren't roses, as Moses supposes his toes to be.
11 /θ/
pan th er [`pænθɚ] n. 黑豹
th ink [θɪŋk] v. 想
th umb [θʌm] n. 拇指
th ick [θɪk] adj. 厚的
ma th [mæθ] n. 数学
brea th [brεθ] n. 呼吸
heal th [hεlθ] n. 健康
mon th [mʌnθ] n. 月
wor th [wɝθ] n. 价值
Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.
I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.
12 /ð/
bro th er [`brʌðɚ] n. 兄弟
mo th er [`mʌðɚ] n. 妈妈
th en [ðεn] adv. 那时
th ere [ðεr] adv. 在那里
wea th er [`weðɚ] n. 天气
th us [ðʌs] adv. 因此
clo the [klɔð] v. 穿衣
lea th er [`leðɚ] n. 皮革
ba the [beð] v. 洗澡
Thank the other three brothers of their father's mother's brother's side.
Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not, whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot, we'll weather the weather whether we like it or not.
13 /ʃ/
fi sh [fɪʃ] n. 鱼
sh op [ʃɑp] n. 商店
sh rink [ʃrɪŋk] v. 收缩
sh ake [ʃek] v. 摇摆
sh oe [ʃu] n. 鞋
sh ell [ʃεl] n. 壳
wa sh [wɑʃ] v. 洗
a sh [æʃ] n. 灰
ma ch ine [mə`ʃin] n. 机器
An English fisherman wishes to get a foolish fish for a cold dish.
She sells seashells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.
14 /ʒ/
televi s ion [`tεləˌvɪʒən] n. 电视
mea s ure [`mεʒɚ] v. 测量
vi s ion [`vɪʒən] n. 视力
u s ual [`juʒuəl] adj. 平常的
lei s ure [`liʒɚ] n. 闲暇
deci s ion [dɪ`sɪʒən] n. 决定
ca s ual [`kæʒuəl] adj. 随便的
gara ge [gə`rɑʒ] n. 车库
massa ge [mə`sɑʒ] n. 按摩
Casual clothes are provisional for leisurely trips across Asia.
George placed his broken television in the garage. In his garage there have been three broken televisions.
15 /tʃ/
ch ick [tʃɪk] n. 小鸡
ch eap [tʃip] adj. 便宜的
ch ange [tʃendʒ] v. 改变
ch at [tʃæt] v. 闲谈
ch air [tʃεr] n. 椅子
fu t ure [`fjutʃɚ] n. 将来
ch op [tʃɑp] v. 砍
na t ure [`netʃɚ] n. 自然
ki tch en [`kɪtʃɪn] n. 厨房
The chief chief chewed the cheap cheese.
There is a kitten in the kitchen. In the kitchen I fry the chicken. A fly flies into the kitchen while I fry the chicken.
16 /dʒ/
pi g eon [`pɪdʒən] n. 鸽子
j eep [dʒip] n. 吉普车
j azz [dʒæz] n. 爵士乐
j oin [dʒɔɪn] v. 参加
j acket [`dʒækɪt] n. 夹克
j oke [dʒok] n. 玩笑
bu dg et [`bʌdʒɪt] n. 预算
oran ge [`ɔrɪndʒ] n. 橘子
stran ge [strendʒ] adj. 奇怪的
Jenny and Jimmy went to Jamaica and Germany in January, but Joan and John went to Jordan and Japan in June and July.
Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?
17 /m/
ca m el [`kæml] n. 骆驼
m outh [mauθ] n. 嘴
m atter [`mætɚ] n. 事情
s m all [smɔl] adj. 小的
m ate [met] n. 同伴
m aybe [`mebɪ] adv. 也许
m ake [mek] v. 做
m uch [mʌtʃ] adj. 许多的
su mm er [`sʌmɚ] n. 夏天
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
Brahms is the name of a 19th century German composer.
18 /n/
a n t [ænt] n. 蚂蚁
n umber [`nʌmbɚ] n. 数字
hu n t [hʌnt] v. 打猎
n ice [naɪs] adj. 好的
ru n [rʌn] v. 跑
kn ight [naɪt] n. 骑士
kn ow [no] v. 知道
pe nn y [`pεnɪ] n. 便士
ma nn er [`mænɚ] n. 方式
Nina never knew her new neighbor Nero knew her.
You know I know that you know. I know that you know that I know.
19 /ŋ/
pe n guin [`pεŋgwɪn] n. 企鹅
pi n k [pɪŋk] n. 粉色
li n k [lɪŋk] n. 联系
ki ng [kɪŋ] n. 国王
si ng [sɪŋ] v. 唱歌
thi ng [θɪŋ] n. 东西
spri ng [sprɪŋ] n. 春天
ri ng [rɪŋ] n. 环
ba ng [bæŋ] v. 猛击
The spring brings many charming things.
He thanked the king for the things the king had done for him.
20 /h/
h edgehog [`hεdʒˌhɑg] n. 刺猬
h ome [hom] n. 家
h ouse [haus] n. 房子
h eel [hil] n. 脚后跟
h at [hæt] n. 帽子
h ero [`hɪro] n. 英雄
h ill [hɪl] n. 山
h ate [het] v. 讨厌
wh o [hu] pron. 谁
The hunter and his huge horse hide behind the house.
A hard-hearted hunter hunted a hard-hunted hare.
21 /r/
sh r imp [ʃrɪmp] n. 虾
r ain [ren] n. 雨
r ice [raɪs] n. 米
r hythm [`rɪðəm] n. 节奏
r ose [roz] n. 玫瑰
r iver [`rɪvɚ] n. 河
r isk [rɪsk] n. 风险
e rr or [`εrə] n. 错误
wr ong [rɔŋ] adj. 错误的
Harris rarely reads literary reviews.
Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon read the remarks.
22 /l/
l adybird [`ledɪˌbɝd] n. 瓢虫
be ll [bεl] n. 铃
ye ll ow [`jεlo] n. 黄色
l aw [lɔ] n. 法律
l ong [lɔŋ] adj. 长的
l ine [laɪn] n. 线
g l ue [glu] n. 胶水
l ove [lʌv] n. 爱
l isten [`lɪsn] v. 听
A little pill may well cure a great ill.
There are few leaves left on the low willow.
23 /w/
s w an [swɑn] n. 天鹅
w indow [`wɪndo] n. 窗户
w ave [wev] n. 波浪
w ind [wɪnd] n. 风
w et [wεt] adj. 湿的
w it [wɪt] n. 机智
w aste [west] v. 浪费
wh ale [wel] n. 鲸
wh ite [waɪt] adj. 白色的
A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake.
If two witches watched two watches, which witch would watch which watch? Which wristwatch is a Swiss wristwatch?
24 /j/
y ak [jæk] n. 牦牛
y et [jεt] adv. 还
y ell [jεl] v. 叫喊
y oung [jʌŋ] adj. 年轻的
y ield [jild] v. 产生
y ard [jɑrd] n. 院子
y earn [jɝn] v. 渴望
y oga [`jogə] n. 瑜伽
y esterday [`jεstɚdɪ] adv. 昨天
The yellow bird has yelled for many years in the yard of Yale.
Yesterday a young woman yelled at her young boyfriend that she hadn't done yogic exercises yet.
25 /tr/
os tr ich [`ɔstrɪtʃ] n. 鸵鸟
tr ee [tri] n. 树
tr ain [tren] n. 火车
tr ue [tru] adj. 真实的
tr ip [trɪp] n. 旅行
tr y [traɪ] v. 尝试
tr ade [tred] n. 经商
tr eat [trit] v. 对待
tr ust [trʌst] v. 信任
Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you!
The fact is true but you don't trust me. It's really a tragedy strategy.
26 /dr/
dr agonfly [`drægənˌflaɪ] n. 蜻蜓
dr ess [drεs] n. 衣服
dr ink [drɪŋk] v. 喝
dr ive [draɪv] v. 开车
dr y [draɪ] adj. 干燥的
dr eam [drim] n. 梦想
dr op [drɑp] v. 滴下
dr ug [drʌg] n. 药品
dr aw [drɔ] v. 画
The drummer drummed and he dreamed to be a great drummer.
A drunken driver drove the dray, and dropped into a drenched muddy pond.
27 /ts/
ca ts [kæts] n. 猫
studen ts [`studnts] n. 学生
coa ts [kots] n. 外套
ge ts [gεts] v. 得到
sea ts [sits] n. 座位
plan ts [plænts] n. 植物
da tes [dets] n. 日期
ha ts [hæts] n. 帽子
frui ts [fruts] n. 水果
The cats and rats sitting in the room, all they do is sits and shifts, all they do is sits and shifts.
Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fist against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
28 /dz/
frien ds [frεndz] n. 朋友
be ds [bεdz] n. 床
see ds [sidz] n. 种子
roa ds [rodz] n. 道路
san ds [sændz] n. 沙滩
han ds [hændz] n. 手
hea ds [hεdz] n. 头
car ds [kɑrdz] n. 卡片
co des [kodz] n. 密码
He puts his hands into the beds to look for the cards and codes.
My friends put the seeds in the sands and hope the seeds grow buds.