



1 Acids and bases are substances that form compounds and solutions with an electrical charge. When acids dissolve in water, they donate additional hydrogen ions to the solution. An acid, therefore, is a substance that increases the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution. A base, on the other hand, reduces the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution.

2 The strength of acids and bases is measured by using a numeric scale known as pH,a measurement that represents the number of hydrogen ions in a solution. pH is measured with a pH meter or with paper strips that have color indicators. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14, with the midpoint at 7. A neutral solution, such as pure water, has a pH of 7.0. A pH value of less than 7.0 denotes an acidic solution, and a value above 7.0 denotes a basic, or alkaline, solution. The pH of a solution declines as the concentration of hydrogen ions increases: the lower the number, the more acidic the solution. For example,a solution with a pH of 4.5 is far more acidic than one with a pH of 6.0. The pH for bases, or alkalis, is above 7.0: the higher the number, the greater the basicity or alkalinity.A pH of 8.5 is more alkaline than a pH of 7.5.

3 The internal pH of most living cells is close to 7.0. Most biological fluids measure within the pH range of 6.0 to 8.0. There are a few exceptions, however, including the strongly acidic digestive juice of the human stomach, which has a pH of about 2.0. The chemical processes of living cells are very sensitive to the concentrations of hydrogen ions. Biological fluids resist changes to their pH when acids or bases are introduced because of the presence of buffers, substances that minimize changes in the concentrations of these ions. Buffers in human blood, for example, normally maintain the blood pH very close to 7.4 because a person cannot survive very long if the blood pH drops to 7.0 or rises to 7.8.

4 Acids and bases are used in food preparation and in industrial processes. They can be very dangerous, causing burns and other injuries to people and animals, as well as damage to the environment, so they must be used properly and handled with care. Acids are very important substances. They cause lemons to taste sour, they digest food in the stomach, and they dissolve rock to make fertilizer. They also dissolve tooth enamel to form cavities. Vinegar is a weak acid, a dilute solution of acetic acid used in food preservation. Lemon juice (citric acid) is added to foods and beverages to give them a sour flavor. Other acids have agricultural uses, such as hydrochloric acid—also known as muriatic acid—which is used as a fertilizer for acid–loving plants. Bases, or alkalis,have a bitter taste and a slippery feel. Most hand soaps and commercial products for unclogging drains are highly basic. Household ammonia and lye are bases. Slaked lime(calcium hydroxide) is a base that is used in cements and paints.

5 Most plants and animals have preferred pH ranges, where they attain their best growth and health. Acid materials can be made less acidic by adding basic materials to them. In the pH management of soil, compounds that are basic—like slaked lime or crushed limestone—are added to the soil to raise its pH. Limestone has a pH of about 8.2, which will lower the acidity of acid soil.

Question Type 1–Click on One Answer


pH值通过测量溶液中氢离子的浓度(the concentration of hydrogen ions)来显示酸碱强度。因此,考生需点击第三个选项前的椭圆。


Question Type 2–Add a Sentence



Acids and bases are substances that form compounds and solutions with an electrical charge. The solutions they form are sometimes known as electrolytes. When acids dissolve in water, they donate additional hydrogen ions to the solution. An acid, therefore, is a substance that increases the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution. A base, on the other hand, reduces the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution.


Question Type 3–Drag Answer Choices



The strength of acids and bases is measured by the pH scale.

Most biological fluids, plants, and animals have a preferred range on the pH scale.

Acids and bases are used in food preparation, industrial processes, and soil management.







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