

“You have visitors!” yelled Wong.

Doctor Strange had been reading the Book of the Vishanti for days. It contained powerful spells that Strange could use to defend himself against a variety of attacks, but would it be enough? The same question had been bothering him since the incident with the werelizards: What is happening to magic? For the moment, it would remain unanswered as he attended to some unexpected guests.

“May I present the Scarlet Witch and Iron Fist,” announced Wong, taking an extravagant bow. “Welcome to the Sanctum Sanctorum.”

“I guess we're pretty important, huh?” said Iron Fist.

“Wong is putting on a show for you,” said Strange. Wong had quite a sense of humor. “Daniel Rand, otherwise known as Iron Fist, Zen student of the K'un Lun. It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, good to see you again. What brings you by? I'm very busy.”

“We were just in the neighborhood and wanted to hang out. Let's order pizza!” said Iron Fist, plopping down in a chair and putting up his feet.

The Scarlet Witch smiled. “Your home is truly amazing, Stephen. My powers aren't nearly as developed as yours, but I'd love to spend some time in your library,” she said, gazing at the many marvels that surrounded her. “I envy your commitment.”

“You are an incredible illusionist, Wanda,” complimented Strange. “Focus on your strengths and not your weaknesses. Only then can you grow.”

The arms of Iron Fist's chair reared up and grabbed him by the wrists, causing him to jump. “Whoa!” he exclaimed. “That chair is alive!”

“Indeed it is,” said Doctor Strange. “The Sanctum is filled with many enchanted relics from my adventures across the dimensional planes. And yet even with all of these items, I can't find the answers I currently need.”

Iron Fist picked up a bizarre-looking cylinder and began to play with it as if he were a pirate with a sword.

“What's this do?” he asked. “I bet it's a magic toilet plunger!”

“Put that down. That is the Wand of Watoomb, and it is not a toy,” warned Doctor Strange. “What is the purpose of the visit, Scarlet Witch? I needn't be a magician to sense that you're not here to merely hang out.”

Scarlet Witch was a little embarrassed. She couldn't fool Doctor Strange. “Someone is manipulating mystic forces beyond our control,” she said. “You and I have both sensed it, as has Iron Fist. I know you don't like working with others, but we want to help.”

“I am the Sorcerer Supreme and a master of the mystic arts,” replied Strange. “I don't need help, thank you.”

“That doesn't protect you from everything,” said Iron Fist. “What do you do when a bad guy tries to give you a good old-fashioned punch to the face?”

“Why don't we spar a bit, and I can show you?” Strange offered.

“No way. You'd probably use some magic on me when I wasn't looking,” said Iron Fist.

Doctor Strange's Cloak of Levitation—with its amulet, the Eye of Agamotto—gently removed itself from his body and floated over to the corner, where it hovered patiently. “Now I'm without my magic vestments. Does this put your mind at ease?” he asked.

“That sounds like a challenge to me,” said Scarlet Witch.

Iron Fist looked Doctor Strange square in the eye. They both nodded and the match began. The heroes circled each other patiently, considering exactly how to strike. It had been a while since Strange had sparred with someone other than Wong. It gave him quite a thrill.

“I like the gray streaks in your hair, Steve,” said Iron Fist, smiling. “How old are you again?”

“I'm old enough to know what trash talking sounds like,” Strange countered. “And don't call me Steve.”

The two heroes sparred for quite a while, jabbing, hooking, and avoiding each other with relative ease.

Strange swept the leg of Iron Fist and forced him to the ground.

“Uncle?” asked Strange.

“Uncle!” replied Iron Fist. Strange released him, and Iron Fist rose to his feet. “You're good, Doc. I didn't see that one coming.”

“And I didn't even have to use the Bolts of Balthakk to subdue you,” said Strange with a smile. “Words of advice—both magic and fighting are about misdirection.”

“Pretty wise stuff. Where'd you learn those moves, anyway?” asked Iron Fist.

“Wong isn't just a good cook; he's also a superb hand-to-hand combatant,” offered Strange.

“Ah, so there's a right way and a Wong way?” joked Iron Fist.

Scarlet Witch had a curious look on her face as she glanced around the room at Doctor Strange's enchanted weaponry. “With so many powerful items in one place, how do you keep the Sanctum safe from outside forces?” she asked.

“I've installed numerous magical protections in order to safeguard the Sanctum from extradimensional danger. No one can enter the Sanctum unless given permission by myself or Wong,” said Doctor Strange. “One should be prepared for the unexpected.”

Wong rushed into the room with news. “I hate to interrupt, but vampires are attacking Grand Central Station. I thought you might want to do something about it,” he said. “I also made some tea if anyone is thirsty.”

“Another disturbance I couldn't foresee!” exclaimed Doctor Strange. “I've got to get to Grand Central at once.”

“We'll join you,” offered Scarlet Witch.

“No,” countered Doctor Strange. “That won't be necessary. Stay here. Have a cup of Wong's tea.” Doctor Strange held out his arms, welcoming the Cloak of Levitation and Eye of Agamotto back onto his body. “It's time for me to get to work.”

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