
Chapter 2

The rest of the day passed by in a blur. Kamala couldn't stop thinking about the big Biology test.

Nakia's been studying for a week already. Kamala absentmindedly passed the basketball to someone on the other team in gym class.

“Hey!” one of Kamala's teammates yelled, but Kamala barely heard him. She was too wrapped up in her worries. I should have been studying, too. But when? I've been out late fighting crime every night for the last two weeks.

“You're the worst, Khan,” her teammate told Kamala.

Kamala ignored him, but the boy continued, still annoyed.

“You're a total—OOMPH!”

He was cut off by the basketball bouncing off his head.

Kamala rolled her eyes. I have to get a grip. There are just too many things to keep track of!

As Kamala shrugged on her jacket at the end of the school day, she made a decision. There would be no crime-fighting tonight. Nothing was going to distract her from studying.

Kamala texted Nakia as she walked home from school.

“Pardon me,” a deep voice boomed. Kamala looked up. The largest homeless person she had ever seen was standing in front of her. His tattered hat hid his hair and his long, stained coat hid the rest of him, but there was still something kind of familiar about him.

“Sorry. I don't have any change.” She kept walking. The man walked with her.

“I do not seek money,” he said in that booming voice. “I seek you. You must come with me, Ms. Marvel.”

Kamala stopped short. He knew who she was, and he was obviously looking for trouble. This wasn't good.

“I must, huh?” Kamala said, her hands on her hips, glaring up at the guy.

Whoever this guy was, he could get lost. Kamala was going to study tonight, not get into a fight with yet another weirdo.

“Do you not wish to protect yourself?” the man asked.

Was he threatening her? He was! How dare he? All the stresses of the day suddenly piled up on her.

It just wasn't fair.

“Okay,” Kamala said furiously. “That's it. Let's go.” This guy was going to get it.

“Excellent,” the man said cheerfully. “I shall lead the way!” He started walking away, clearly expecting her to follow him.

“No, I shall,” Kamala said, and walked into an empty alley. She didn't want people to see ordinary teenager Kamala Khan kicking this giant guy's butt. But she didn't have time to change out of her normal clothes. Luckily, the alley was deserted.

“What a fine alleyway,” the man remarked pleasantly as he followed her, looking around. “But I fail to—OOMPH!” He grunted in surprise as Kamala punched him in the stomach.

Kamala's knuckles throbbed painfully. Hitting this guy was like punching a brick wall.

“Okay,” Kamala said, trying to shake out her hand without looking like a big dork. Luckily, her accelerated healing meant that her hand would be fine in no time.

Kamala kicked and punched, using every bit of training she had. She embiggened to the size of a car. She shrank down to the size of a cat. She was a flurry of motion, her fists flying. But soon she started to feel pretty foolish, because the big guy didn't seem to feel her blows at all. In fact, he wasn't even fighting back.

He was just standing there, saying things like “Wait!” and “Perhaps I could have been clearer.”

“You were plenty clear when you threatened me!” Kamala snapped, doing her best to give the guy a black eye. But he ducked under her fist, and she knocked off his hat instead. Kamala grabbed him by the front of his coat to swing him around, but the threadbare fabric tore right down the back seam. The man's hat and coat hit the ground.

Kamala gasped and stepped back. Standing in front of her, was The Mighty Thor!

It was really Thor. Not a villain. But then why had he threatened her?

Thinking back on what he actually said, Kamala realized suddenly that he had been warning her.

This is the worst, she thought. I just tried to beat up Thor. I just tried to beat up an Avenger!

“Forgive me if I was unclear,” Thor said. “Perhaps I should introduce myself.”

“I know who you are. I have, like, four action figures of you in my room,” Kamala blurted out.

Way to go, Kamala. Real cool.

She made a fist and tapped it against her forehead. A little too hard. Then she gave an awkward smile. “Ah-ha-ha. I mean... um. Never mind.”

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