
Chapter 2

At the royal palace, the Avengers made themselves comfortable in Black Panther's personal quarters. The modern space was filled with ancient relics from Wakanda's past. A portrait of his father when he was the reigning Black Panther hung in the middle of the room. Black Panther treasured it above all else. War Machine removed his helmet and strolled through the room, looking at each piece of history.

“Nice place you've got here,” he said. “Need a roommate?”

“You're always welcome to visit,” Black Panther said, grinning under his mask. “It's not often that I receive guests.”

Captain Marvel had grown tired of pleasantries. “Let's get down to business, Panther,” she said. “Last night, a guy dressed like you robbed a top secret S.H.I.E.L.D. black site. We know you didn't do it, but Nick Fury still wants us to bring you in for questioning.”

“I don't understand,” Black Panther said. “I've been in Wakanda for over a week now since our last mission. Fury knows this. S.H.I.E.L.D. should be able to solve this mystery easily and without my involvement.”

“There's a guy out there committing crimes dressed exactly like you,” War Machine offered. “Aren't you at least worried?”

Black Panther was annoyed. “Villains are invading my country. The people of Wakanda feel threatened, and I haven't been here to protect them. That worries me more than anything else right now.”

Captain America took a deep breath, and he explained the situation as he saw it. “I understand your predicament, T'Challa. I truly do. But believe me when I tell you—S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't asking. This is not a request.”

“Then it's an order?” Black Panther replied. “What if I choose not to come with you?”

“We answer to S.H.I.E.L.D. That's the way it is. You signed up for stuff like this when you joined the Avengers!” Captain Marvel said, her temper flaring. “There are no free rides. Even for kings.”

Black Panther wanted to honor his commitment to the his people. There was a commitment to defend Avengers, but he'd also made a serious choice before him, and he wasn't sure what to do.

Before he could answer, Ramonda, the Queen Mother, walked into the room. She smiled. “No one told me we had guests. I would've had the chef prepare a snack for everyone.”

Noting that they were in the presence of royalty, Captain America, War Machine, and Captain Marvel bowed.

But Ramonda wouldn't have such a thing. “Rise. Please. This tradition has always made me uncomfortable,” she explained. Ramonda embraced the Avengers, giving them each a warm and sturdy hug. “What brings you to Wakanda? Taking my son away on a new adventure?”

“Someone has taken my identity and used it to commit a crime. My colleagues are here to bring me in for questioning,” Black Panther said. The room fell silent.

“May I have a moment alone with my stepson, please?” Ramonda asked.

“Of course,” said Captain America.

The Avengers respectfully stepped out of the room.

“It's good to have you home,” Ramonda said.

“It's good to be home,” said Black Panther. “I'm pulled in many directions these days, as you well know.”

“T'Challa, do me a favor and remove your mask,” Ramonda said. “I want to see your face when I'm speaking to you.”

The Black Panther's uniform was made of a bulletproof Vibranium weave that protected him from harm. It did not, however, prevent him from facing reality. He removed his mask and smiled at his stepmother.

Ramonda put her hand to T'Challa's cheek and grinned. “My proud son. The king,” she said. “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”

“How many times must I hear that tired old phrase?” T'Challa asked. He turned to look at a Wakandan artifact on display. “There's unrest at the Great Mound,” he said. “The White Gorilla Cultists have reared their ugly unrest at the Great Mound,” he said. “The White Gorilla Cultists have reared their ugly heads yet again.”

“Do you have any leads?” Ramonda asked.

“No,” T'Challa answered. “It's infuriating.”

“Utilize all your resources. There are answers to your questions,” Ramonda said. “In the meantime, know that Wakanda is forever grateful for your protection.”

T'Challa shook his head. “You don't understand. The people think I'm abandoning them,” he said. “They think my duties as an Avenger come before their needs. I wonder if they're right.”

“You've helped the Avengers fight madmen that would destroy the entire planet, Wakanda included,” said Ramonda. “Surely the people understand that.”

“It's not enough for them,” said T'Challa. “The people speak only of my failures.”

“And what of your achievements?” Ramonda said. “Remember the good that you're doing.”

Stepmother and stepson gazed out across the vastness of their kingdom and were met with a feeling of calmness as they recalled fond times from the past.

“Your father would have been so proud of you. This is not an easy job. Your father knew that more than anyone,” said Ramonda. She rested her head on T'Challa's shoulder.

T'Challa knew what he had to do. “I'll accompany the Avengers to the S.H.I.E.LD. Helicarrier and return as quickly as possible,” he said. There was a renewed firmness in his voice. “Then I will get to the bottom of these attacks and stop them once and for all. I owe Wakanda everything I have,” he said. “I won't let my people down.”

“Is everything okay?” Shuri, T'Challa's sister, rushed into the room. “I was combat training when the cultists attacked. I came as soon as I heard. Also—is that a Quinjet parked outside?”

Despite her role as princess of Wakanda, Shuri was unconcerned with the flourishes of her royal stature. She preferred the heat of battle and had been training for it since she was a little girl.

“Shuri, my dear, your brother's friends are here,” Ramonda said. “How was your training session?”

“Learned a few new moves. You can tell the Avengers I'm ready if ever they need me, brother.” Shuri grinned.

Shuri's playful suggestion gave T'Challa an idea. When she wasn't busy with her studies, Shuri developed her skills as a fighter by watching the Dora Milaje, Wakanda's royal guard. “Shuri, listen closely. I must leave Wakanda again. I need you to lead in my stead,” he said.

Shuri's eyes widened at the prospect.

“You'll have the Dora Milaje at your disposal. Should the White Gorilla Cult attack again, I need you to rally your forces. Can you do that for me?” T'Challa asked.

“T'Challa, I don't . . .” Shuri stuttered. “You're the chosen one. You're the Black Panther, not me. I'm just a girl who dreams of being a hero.”

“You are yourself,” T'Challa said. “That's all I need you need to be.”

Shuri looked at Ramonda for approval. “Is that all right, Mother?” she asked.

“Always,” Ramonda said. “You both fill my heart with pride.”

T'Challa hugged his sister tight. “Stay vigilant. Be prepared. Wakanda is counting on you,” he said. “Oh, and make sure you leave your communicator on in case I need to reach you.”

Shuri couldn't believe her luck. She worked hard to suppress an excited giggle. “I won't let you down,” she said.

There was a light Tap! Tap! Tap! on the door. Captain Marvel poked her head into the room to check in. “What's the verdict?” she asked T'Challa. “Are you ready to do this?”

“To be clear—you've asked me to join you to prove myself innocent of a crime I plainly did not commit,” T'Challa said. “I was under the impression that membership in the Avengers afforded me a level of respect. Now my loyalties are questioned. Tell me, Captain America, what would you do?”

Captain America chose his words carefully. “I get it, T'Challa. I honestly do. S.H.I.E.L.D. can be frustrating. Their actions don't always sit well with me. I respect you and your royal stature. Your unwavering heroism is the reason I'm proud to call you my teammate. We need that heroism to help find this imposter and stop him. Once this is all said and done, the Avengers will help you take down the cultists for good. You have my word.”

T'Challa admired Captain America's leadership during their time on the battlefield, but they were in Wakanda now. The king made sure he remembered that. “I follow no one blindly, Captain. And you didn't answer my question.”

“We've got your back,” Captain Marvel said. “Don't worry.”

T'Challa sighed. There was only one solution to this problem. “I shall join the Avengers in clearing my name and return to Wakanda at once,” he said, putting his mask on again.

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