
Chapter 3

Iron Man landed at the bottom of the metallic cylinder and found an opening that led to a hallway of corrugated metal. Dim yellow lights dotted either side of the hallway.

“J.A.R.V.I.S., those things back there. Any idea what they were?” said Tony as he entered the below-freezing hallway.

“Scanning database. Result: negative. It must be something we haven't encountered yet,” replied J.A.R.V.I.S.

“It must be,” said Tony, sighing heavily as he continued down the hallway. He reached a door with a sign above it that read Van Wall Research Center. Curious, he entered, using his helmet's visual scanners to assess the large room. Heavy machinery lined the walls, and a bank of computers that rivaled anything on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier stood in the middle. The scanners revealed energy wavelengths that were familiar to him.

As Tony walked toward the computers, J.A.R.V.I.S. blared in his ears: “Life-form detected.”

Whirling around, Tony zeroed in on a metal storage unit in a far corner. He was getting a little tired of this game of hide-and-seek.

“Whoever's in that cabinet can come on out,” called Tony. “It'll save us both some time.”

The cabinet door whipped open, and out staggered a frumpy middle-aged man.

“Iron Man!” he said, running toward the armored Avenger.

Iron Man steadied the man, bracing his shoulders with both hands. Tony decided to slide his metal visor back, revealing his face. “Take it easy, Dr. . . Blair,” said Tony as he read the badge on the man's lab coat. “Where are the missing scientists? Where—”

Blair grabbed Iron Man's wrist, tugging him in the opposite direction. “I'm the only one! We need to leave, now!”

“You're safe, Dr. Blair,” said Tony, trying his best to sound reassuring. “I need some answers. Where is everyone? What were you working on?”

The doctor wrung his hands nervously, sweating profusely. “Our—our research . . .” he stammered. “The Cosmic Bridge Generator—”

“A portal,” interrupted Tony, “to another, unseen dimension. A way of harnessing extraterrestrial power sources for the benefit of everyone on Earth.”

Blair nodded. “The first test knocked out our communications. We spent days trying to get them up and running. That's when Black Widow and Falcon arrived. Without warning, they attacked us!”

J.A.R.V.I.S. suddenly spoke in Tony's ear. “I am detecting a rise in Dr. Blair's blood pressure and heart rate.”

He's lying, thought Tony. Why would Black Widow and Falcon respond to the distress call only to turn around and attack a bunch of scientists? Something is not right. . . .

Suddenly, a blast of energy hit Tony squarely in the chest plate, knocking him off balance. A glance at the doorway revealed the source of the attack—Black Widow. It must have been Tony's imagination, but she seemed so angry her eyes glowed red! Swooping in above her came Falcon.

“Black Widow! Falcon!” Tony faced his teammates. “Coulson's been looking everywhere for you two. What is going on here?

“Ease up, it's me!”

Without a word, Widow fired more bursts from the Widow's Bite gauntlets she wore on her wrists. Intense electric bolts attacked Tony's armor. Various internal alarms sounded, and Tony glanced at his helmet's heads-up display. “Power cell A compromised?”

“That can't be good,” said Tony as he crouched in a defensive posture.

“I just had this suit polished!” Tony shouted at Black Widow. His faceplate slid into place, forming the visage of Iron Man. Black Widow said nothing, keeping her glare and her gauntlets trained on him. Falcon's shadow circled them.

“I thought we were fighting on the same team, or am I wrong about that?” Iron Man said, trying to reason with them. But he was met with only an eerie silence and red eyes. Those piercing red eyes. It's like they're not themselves! Black Widow and Falcon would never attack a friend like this. What happened? Or . . . what happened to them?

“Get behind me, Doc!” shouted Iron Man.

The room seemed to spin as Black Widow and Falcon circled Iron Man and Dr. Blair. Tony took a big gulp. “It's nothing Iron Man can't handle.” Me and my big mouth.

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