
Chapter 3

“You're showing us ant blood?” asked Hawkeye, confused.

“I'm showing you an image of the virus,” replied Ant-Man, pointing to the scan on his handheld device.

“What did this . . .virus do to the ants?” asked Captain America.

“They weren't acting like themselves,” replied Ant-Man. “They weren't moving around.”

“Maybe they're just lazy ants,” Hawkeye said, shrugging.

“No, it was like they were in a trance,” replied Ant-Man. It didn't seem like the Avengers understood how dangerous the virus could be. “In tropical areas, there's a fungal infection that ants can get. This fungus turns them into zombie ants. My worry is that this virus might act like that fungus.”

Hawkeye snorted. “Zombie ants?”

“It's real,” protested Ant-Man. “Look it up.”

“Can this virus spread to humans?” asked Falcon.

“It looks like it,” Ant-Man responded.

Hawkeye sneered. “But you don't know for sure?”

Ant-Man shrugged. “No.”

“This is all very interesting, but I'm going to have to cut it short,” interrupted Iron Man. “I just got a call from Jarvis. A.I.M. is attacking in Battery Park. We have to get down there. . . Avengers, assemble!” he shouted.

The Avengers dashed off, leaving Ant-Man alone. Ant-Man knew that if A.I.M., an organization of evil geniuses, was up to no good, then the Avengers had to respond. But he'd thought they would help him with the virus problem, and they didn't even seem to believe him.

“It's like they weren't even listening,” complained Ant-Man out loud.

“I'll listen.”

Ant-Man turned to see a man in tattered clothes standing nearby. It took a second for Ant-Man to realize it was Dr. Bruce Banner, the world-renowned scientist. Behind him, several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were arriving to clean up the aftermath of the fight.

“Bruce, it's you. I thought you'd still be the. . . other guy,” said Scott, referring to the Incredible Hulk, whom Banner transformed into when he grew angry.

“Sometimes he calms down quickly after a battle, and then . . . I come back,” explained Banner. “But tell me about this insect virus you discovered.”

“I thought it was important, but the other Avengers didn't seem to think it was . . . so maybe it isn't,” said Scott.

“Always trust your instincts, Scott,” said Banner. “Even if others don't believe in you, you should believe in yourself. Especially if those instincts could save lives.”

Scott nodded, understanding. He knew Banner was right. Working by himself, Scott sometimes felt unimportant, but Banner's words gave him a spark of confidence.

“So, what kind of virus is it?” asked Banner.

“Here, see for yourself,” said Scott, handing Banner his device.

“Hmmm. . .You got samples?” asked Banner as he studied the data.

“Sure,” said Scott. “Why?”

“There are a few more tests we should do,” Banner replied. “Come back to my lab.”

Banner's private lab was on board a S.H.I.E.L.D. floating fortress called the Helicarrier. Scott had never been on the giant airship and was excited to be there, but that excitement turned to concern as Banner showed him the new test results.

Banner wasn't an expert on disease, but he knew a lot about blood reactions because of his work in gamma radiation.

“It's just as you suspected. This virus can be caught by humans very easily. A bug bite is all it would take.” said Banner.

“That means any human bit by the ants in central park might start acting like a zombie.” Scott said.

“Great, that's the last thing we need,” said Banner, “a bunch of living undead making their way around Manhattan, like a B-grade horror movie. . . I need to let the others know how serious this is.”

Banner called the communicator in Iron Man's helmet. Every Avenger had one of these “comm units” in or near one of their ears so they could easily coordinate with one another, even from different locations during battle.

“Little busy, Bruce,” Iron Man responded over the sound of laser fire.

“I'm here with Ant-Man,” Banner responded. “That virus of his? It's a big deal.”

“Even if it is, we can't deal with it right now. We're under heavy fire!” Iron Man shouted. “These A.I.M. guys are acting strangely—more viciously than usual! And they just keep coming!”

“Iron Man, this disease could become a massive outbreak unless—” But Banner wasn't able to finish his thought, because he was interrupted by the sound of an explosion.

“Gonna have to call you back,” said Iron Man as he cut communications.

Banner leveled a significant look at Scott.

“Well, for now, we're on our own,” he said.

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