
Chapter 2

It was easy for Ant-Man to find the Avengers. All he had to do was follow the sound of explosions and look for plumes of smoke. The heroes were clearly in the middle of a big battle.

“That way, Euclid!” Ant-Man shouted to the giant flying ant he was riding.

Not only did Ant-Man have the ability to shrink himself to the size of an ant; he also had the power to enlarge ants to human scale. Whenever he needed to get across the city quickly, he used a pheromone scent to summon Euclid, his favorite ant friend, and hitch a ride.

“The Avengers are fighting the Maggia,” Ant-Man said as Euclid landed on the wall of a building that looked down on the block where the entire Avengers team was engaged in combat with the criminals.

The Maggia, a criminal organization under the control of the evil Count Nefaria, had been caught red-handed breaking into a S.H.I.E.L.D. warehouse that held experimental weapons, but it looked like the fight was almost over. The Hulk was holding down four Maggia soldiers, Thor had knocked out several others, and an energy cage built by Falcon held most of the rest.

“Face it, Count,” shouted Captain America to Nefaria, “this little heist attempt has failed!”

“The Maggia never give up!” yelled back Nefaria as he used a laser rifle to blow a hole through the warehouse wall and dash inside.

“Oh, no!” shouted Iron Man, who knew what kind of weapons were stored in that warehouse. “Grab him before he can get the—”

BOOM! It was too late! A giant robot, piloted by Count Nefaria, burst through the warehouse wall, firing a barrage of missiles at the Avengers!

“Thanks to this S.H.I.E.L.D. robotic mecharmor, nothing can stop me now!” Count Nefaria Shouted.

Seeing all this, Ant-Man knew he needed to help. “Get me down there, Euclid,” he said, and Euclid took off toward the battle scene. As Nefaria's missiles blasted Hawkeye and Cap, Hulk leapt to his feet. “HULK SMASH!” he shouted as he charged like a steam train at the giant robot.

“I don't think so!” shouted Nefaria, using the robot's claws to bat Hulk away. Hulk went sailing through the air!

Hawkeye shot explosive arrows, and Thor aimed bolts of lightning at the robot, but it still kept coming, knocking back Cap and Black Widow!

“How do we stop it?” Hawkeye shouted to Iron Man.

“I'm not sure,” Iron Man replied. “It's based on my own designs, and I'm a pretty great designer! Maybe it doesn't have any weaknesses.”

At that moment, Nefaria reached out with the robot's arms and plucked Falcon out of the sky, then slammed him to the ground!

The robot raised its giant foot, about to CRUSH HIM!

“Say good-bye to falcon!” Nefaria said.

“No, say hello to Ant-Man!” Ant-Man replied as he grew larger from out of nowhere. He was right behind the count, inside the robot's cockpit!

“What? Who?” asked a confused Nefaria as Ant-Man's fist knocked him back into the robot's controls.

Falcon and the other Avengers peered through the robot's cockpit window, shocked to see Ant-Man inside. They had no idea that Ant-Man, shrunk down to a tiny size, had been able to slip into the robot's armor through an exhaust vent. Climbing along the robot's cables, he'd made his way into the cockpit, where he grew to normal size and attacked!

After knocking Count Nefaria out, Ant-Man shut the robot down and opened the cockpit. Then he threw the villain to the ground at the Avengers' feet.

“Thanks,” said Falcon as Ant-Man climbed down from the robot.

“Good work, soldier,” Cap said, patting Ant-Man on the back.

“So they do have a weakness,” observed Iron Man as he examined the unpowered robot's exhaust vent. “I'll have to work on the design more.”

“If your design was any better, I don't know if we would have survived,” Black Widow told Iron Man.

Hawkeye walked up to Ant-Man. “Thanks for the assist and everything, bug-boy, but what are you doing here?”

“Right! I can't believe I forgot. I have vital information!” Ant-Man said urgently, taking out a high-tech device.

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