
一、 MECE原则

MECE ,全称为“Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive”(独立不重叠,穷尽不遗漏),可以简单概括为“不重不漏”。

先说 ME (独立不重叠),是指写文章的时候,我们选择的信息应该是同一个层面上的,且它们之间相互不包含。这是非常基本的要求,与之前提到的“文章要简洁”也有着密切的关系。如果没有做到ME,就是没有做到信息层面的简洁。这意味着我们写分论点的时候,分论点与分论点之间要相互独立,不能一大一小地相互包含。如果发现自己写的第一个分论点和第二个分论点的分界不清不楚,两个段落的内容有交叉,就是没有做到ME,几个分论点的论证角度之间有重叠。





CE (穷尽不遗漏)是指写文章的时候,我们必须把某个层面所包含的方方面面都讨论完,力求做到全面完整。例如,当我们在跟别人讨论问题时,很喜欢通过这样一句话来反驳对方:“我承认你所说的,但你是不是漏了方面A或者方面B呢?”也就是说,论证时如不能做到全面,就会产生明显的漏洞,就会留下靶子让别人打了。



Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Negative effect one is addiction, not habi

A. first fact related to addictio

B. second fact related to addiction

Ⅲ. Negative effect two is long-term health consequence

A. lung diseases

B. heart diseases

Ⅳ. Negative effect three is the cost to taxpayer

A. how much

B. why is this bad

Ⅴ. Conclusion

Express Yourself , Section 1, Chapter 2

这是针对“青少年吸烟”这一话题而列的提纲。第一段是“introduction”,给出明确的观点及其他具有介绍和引入性质的内容;第二段说青少年吸烟的危害之一是“会上瘾”,接着后面给出两个事实来进一步论证;第三段说危害之二是“长期来看,势必会影响身体健康”,然后具体讲一下肺部和心脏疾病;第四段说危害之三就是“ 会花费大量纳税人的钱 ”;第五段总结。大家认为这个提纲怎样?

的确,在考场上能在短时间内列出这样一个看似逻辑清楚、内容丰富的提纲已是不易,但是当各位接触并了解MECE原则之后,就应该用更严格的眼光来审视这个提纲,于是你会发现它一塌糊涂。因为它不符合MECE 原则,首先它没有做到ME,因为第一点和第二点所选择的信息不在同一个层面上;其次它也没做到CE,提纲中列举的三点涵盖的信息并不全面。


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Negative effect one is individual physical proble

A. lung diseases

B. heart diseases

Ⅲ. Negative effect two is individual mental proble

A. addiction

B. mental decline

Ⅳ. Negative effect three is causing damage to the societ the cost to taxpayers

Ⅴ. Conclusion










我之所以会那么说,是想引起大家足够的重视,注意讨论 之前先对讨论层面进行限定,并对材料进行分类,这样无论怎 样刁钻的题目,也逃不出我们的手掌心了。


It is the reality in society that it is becoming tougher for graduate students to find decent jobs. Therefore, preparations before their graduation are gaining significant attention. I maintain that preparations should be offered by colleges and universities before their students graduate because of the following three benefits for both sides.

First of all, universities are able to contact a variety of companies all over the country they are located in, or even big international firms, to hold an intern fair on campus so that students have more opportunities to choose. However,ordinary students without outstanding family background and social relations can hardly acquire this kind of chance by themselves, to meet so many companies at the same time and communicate directly with the employers. For example, the yearly internship fair is one of the most important events in United Universities. Almost all the junior students place great emphasis on it. According to the data from a career service center, the fair is really useful for students to find a good internship. If students have an outstanding performance during the intern, they are likely to be hired by the company when they obtain their degree. In this way, students can enjoy an advantage in their potential careers with their universities’ help.

In addition, universities should offer preparations since they have the responsibility to encourage students to practice rather than just learn and remember knowledge mechanically from textbooks. These career preparations are beneficial for students to accumulate work experiences and improve the ability of operational skills. For instance, according to the research from government, compared with students without preparations, the students who receive preparations before graduation have more practical abilities, which lead to a larger possibility to find a job in the competitive market. Those students can enjoy that advantage because they know more about the society than others. Apparently, the preparations provided by universities are necessary to students.

Furthermore, from the perspective of universities, if more students can get their jobs due to the preparations, this also contributes to the improvement of the image and reputation of the university in the society. Reputation, admit it or not,is always tightly linked with a university because it attracts more excellent students. For example, students always choose a university with good education system with an extensive platform, where it offers more opportunities. And preparations are regarded as a vital factor. Peking University has a superb reputation in China very much owing to its attention to students’ future. The instructions offered by Peking University appeal to students and parents. So, universities need to organize preparations.



To sum up, I agree with the statement that colleges and universities need to offer help to students prior to their graduation. Under the competitive circumstance in the jobmarket, universities can help students to acquire good jobs and improve their abilities. Meanwhile, career preparations are highly contributive to universities themselves.


这是一篇学生习作,讨论的话题是“Colleges and universities should offer preparations for students before they graduat”(大学应该在学生毕业前为他们提供一些准备工作)。文章提纲提炼如下:

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Universities are capable enough to offer preparations for students

Ⅲ. Universities have the responsibility to offer preparations for students

Ⅳ. By offering their students preparations and helping them to find a good job, the university will gain reputation at the same time

Ⅴ. Conclusion






One of the reasons I say this is that, even though in the past being able to handwrite or type out a good business letter for mailing was important, the actual volume of business writing is vastly more than in the past as businesses, suppliers,advertising and marketing agencies and customers exchange billions of emails and text messages. Clear, logical, correct,concise and succinct written communication is much more important because we must be able to say more with fewer words and we must do it much more often! The person who cannot write clearly and succinctly will not be successful no more than a person could in the past. Writing is still a basic requirement for success.



As for reading, if, as indicated above, more is being written then, of course, it is essential that we be able to read it more efficiently if we are to be successful There is much more to be read in modern times because, for instance, with the long distance communication that comes with globalization and doing business electronically in distant places, we do not have the simple local face-to-face verbal communication of past generations.

Now, huge number of contracts, proposals, studies, reports are sent via email which must be read quickly and correctly in order to make decisions and do business at any level.


In the US, for example, students have much less homework and they spend their free time playing sports,participating in clubs, volunteering, and even having part-time jobs. From these activities, they learn many important life skills,such as teamwork, leadership, creative thinking, managing money, and being independent. They also get to experience fun,which is important because “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. When they graduate from university, they are well-prepared for life. Chinese students, on the other hand,often find it difficult to adapt to the sudden chan.

However, the problem is not just the amount of daily homework; another issue is the inflexibility of daily homework.

Since the homework must be completed on a certain day, students are not able to organize their own schedules. From my point of view, homework should be set weekly and students should be given the freedom to plan their timetable. This will teach them responsibility and they will learn how to manage their time efficiently, which is a vital skill for any job. In summary, I believ that assigning daily homework prevents students from becoming mature and responsible.



PASSAGE EXCERPT: “From north to south in the Yucatan Peninsula, where the Maya lived, rainfall ranges from 18 to 100 inches (457 to 2,540 millimeters) per year, and the soils become thicker, so that the southern peninsula was agriculturally more productive and supported denser populations. But rainfall in the Maya homeland is unpredictably variable between years; some recent years have had three or four times more rain than other years. As a result,modern farmers attempting to grow corn in the ancient Maya homelands have faced frequent crop failures, especially in the north. The ancient Maya were presumably more experienced and did better, but nevertheless they too must have faced risks of crop failures from droughts and hurricanes.

Although southern Maya areas received more rainfall than northern areas, problems of water were paradoxically more severe in the wet south. While that made things hard for ancient Maya living in the south, it has also made things hard for modern archaeologists who have difficulty understandin why ancient droughts caused bigger problems in the wet south than in the dry north. The likely explanation is that an area of underground freshwater underlies the Yucatan Peninsula,but surface elevation increases from north to south, so that as one moves south the land surface lies increasingly higher above the water table. In the northern peninsula the elevation is sufficiently low that the ancient Maya were able to reach th water table at deep sinkholes called cenotes, or at deep caves.In low-elevation north coastal areas without sinkholes, the Maya would have been able to get down to the water table by digging wells up to 75 feet (22 meters) deep. But much of the south lies too high above the water table for cenotes or wells to reach down to it. Making matters worse, most of the Yucatan Peninsula consists of karst, a porous sponge-like limestone terrain where rain runs straight into the ground and where little or no surface water remains available.”



TPO-14: Maya Water Problems


MECE原则强调了论证的逻辑性,实际上逻辑错误也是一个需要规避的问题,但托福写作对这一点的要求并不是很严格,感兴趣的考生可以阅读《GRE百日百句百题——写作题库全解析》前面的理论部分。 gIbXuX6/37XyXyHU1TEa/DWOrSxjrwQuPN2e6KDKFWuzFRNXfu+uvSgmuY32wQX4
